Chapter 1 - want a change


(Adj) too great to be expressed in words

Lucy sighed sadly as she watched Team Natsu (minus herself plus Lissana) leave for another mission it's been a couple weeks since this had started. Lately they've been asking the blonde celestial mage to stay back as they go one a mission without her.

Lucy frowned, why couldn't she go? What was wrong with all of them, plus Lissana going. Lucy knew Lissana liked Natsu, she clinged to him every chance she got. However, Natsu failed to notice her feelings because that's just who he is. She turned back to her chocolate milkshake sipping it slowly.

'Oh gods if your truly up there, please help. Things haven't been the best of lately. All I wish for is a change in how things are right now.' Lucy said pleading to herself however she thought that was in vain as this was not possible and that perhaps, she needs to make a change herself.

Oh someone heard Lucy all right, and she was going to give her a change, just not a change she expected to happen.

??? POV

"I've looked carefully at all my candidates, I'm certain I want Lucy Heartfilla as one of my leader for when the the times come." A cloaked figured said as they looked at scroll.

"May I ask why that celestial mage? What about that other celestial mage..Yukino?" The other cloaked figure said as they closed their own scroll.

"I sense that if I choose the blonde mage, better results will come from her, she's a determined wizard and under my wings she'll become a fine warrior," the cloaked figure said "do you dare question my judgment?" The other cloaked figure simply shook their head signaling 'no' the cloaked figure smiled under their hood. "I also suggest Rogue Cheney he is also is good, trustworthy when you need him to be." The other cloaked figure raised an invisible eyebrow saying. "What about that blonde man and frog thing that always follows him." The cloaked figure pulled down their hood revealing a woman. "They may come along, if they're loyal to their friend then that may prove us good, light and dark will be amazing to have!" The woman said determination filling her voice. "Also gather Jellal Fernandes for me, he will also be very useful to us, I have a feeling him and Lucy will be a great powerhouse." The cloaked figured nodded, running off to set things up. The woman smiled, her eyes filled with many emotions but mainly determination. "Watch out brother, for I plan on winning this everlasting game..." the woman pulled the cloak back on her head and scurried off to get ready.

Rogue's POV

Rogue sighed as he finally finished his mission for the day, it had been easy without a hitch. He had sadly gone alone as sting had guild master business to take care of and Frosche deciding to hang out with lector. He didn't mind that much, while he missed the missions him and sting went on together he wasn't exactly begging for things to go back the way it was. As he continued to walking he suddenly froze as he heard something calling out to him.

'Rogue..Rogue..' he heard the distant callings of. He had of course wanted to ignore it, but something was compelling him to figure out what it was that was calling him. Using his dragon senses he began to move closer towards where the voice was. Once he began to clearly hear the voice, there he was. As the trees lined up forming some kind of one way path, as the branched and leaves finished off the look forming some kind of tunnel. Rogue mentally face palm. What was he doing here following some voice that could've possibly been his imagination the whole time. 'Well I'm here already might as well check it out.' He thought as he walked down the path towards a light. Once arriving there was ruins, meaning that this was once some type of building. However in the middle where the sun shined something glinted in that spot, catching his attention. He walked up to spot and there on the ground laid a black key that somehow resembled that of a celestial key.

'That's what I came here for? Some key. Wow what a-' as he picked up the key he suddenly felt dizzy as he landed flat on his ass. 'What the hell?...' something felt different, as if he wasn't alone in his thoughts anymore. 'Hmm a smart one indeed, could immediately feel me' said a woman voice. Rogue jumped and looked around curiously "Who's there! Show yourselves!" He shouted getting into a fighting stance. 'Hehe I'm in your head silly we're currently talking in your mind, as soon as you touched my key we were able to talk telepathy.' Rogue listened carefully, nodding his head. 'Alright then I under mostly, what is it that you want for me since it's obvious now that you led me here.' He thought getting straight to the point. 'Straightforward eh? Nice I like that, anyway I can't say much right now since we can do it when I gather everyone, however I need your help. I must say that I need all the help I get for I'm concern if I don't get any it can very well endanger everyone you care about.' She said with a sad tone. 'Why should I believe you I barely know you.' He thought as he sat against the ground, he heard the woman sigh. 'I understand it's far fetch, but you must believe me for now. Please I need your help a lot..' the woman pleaded. Rogue sighed, the woman sounded sincere, well to him at least, and if he was being honest, he was bit interested on what the woman needed help. 'I will assist you for now,' he thought causing the woman to clap cheerfully. 'What is it that you need me to do?..' he asked.

'Listen carefully here goes what I need you to do. I wish for you to hold on to the key for now as it is very important for later, you may go to your guild and gather your blonde hair friend, with his exceed as well as your exceed than proceed to magnolia to retrieve the celestial mage, Lucy Heartfilla.' The woman instructed with detail. Rogue cocked one of his eyebrows. She needed a fairy? 'If you wish for a celestial mage that much why not just my friend in my guild, she is a strong celestial wizard.' He said not knowing if she knew about that. 'I know very well about her,' she said earning a oh from Rogue. 'However, Lucy will provide a great asset and is very important for my plans, so please just bear with me. When you arrive to the Fairy Tail guild you will also run into another partner of yours who will help me, my partner is currently getting him now. May you do this?' She said with a stern voice. Rogue thought for a second, it wasn't going to be that hard to convince Sting if it meant he got fight someone. Which judging by the importance from the woman's voice and her explanation there was going to be some god damn hard fighting. Rogue smirked as he stood up and began to walk out of the ruins. He chuckled slightly to himself. 'Alright' he thought 'I'll go along for now.'