Thank you MoreS2SL for orchestrating this amazing opportunity for writers artists to make a difference in the fight against DIPG.

To alliswell21 thank you for coming to my rescue at the 11th hour. I feel honored that you agreed (more like volunteered as a tribute!) to Beta. I greatly appreciate your love, warmth, insight, and humor.

Kleeklutch...thank you for proofreading and for the amazing banner girl you rock!

Diary of Katniss Everdeen, Lonely Spinster

By Mega-AuLover

Note: All Inner Dialogue and Diary Entries are Italicized.

Katniss browsed the gift shop as she waited at the train station. She came to a full stop in front of the cardboard display stand. "Good grief I haven't had a diary since I was a kid."

As a librarian, she knew quality bound books by sight. She picked up the red-orange leather bound volume with the green leaves crawling up the spine, and fell in love. She smiled to herself recalling the dreams she used to write in her journal as a kid. That was before her father died, and she became an adult overnight.

Her fingers ran over the price. $39.95. She grimaced at the sticker and weighed the options. Then her eye caught the caption over the display and read it out loud "Chronicling your Resolutions is the Only Way to Complete Them. Buy a Journal today, and start the journey to change your life!"

She grinned to herself and tucked the journal to her chest. She wanted to make changes in her life. She decided this book would be her conscious, her very own paper and ink Jiminy Cricket! She glanced at the time as she finished her purchase. "Damn! I'm going to miss my train."

She boarded the near full train headed toward the historic District Twelve, all the while, she plotted her first entry into the journal.

Christmas Eve, and Katniss tried to avert her horrified gaze away from her mother and her new husband, as they groped each other under the tree.

At 32, Katniss was still painfully single. She liked it that way- that's what she told everyone- but in reality, she wanted to be in a relationship.

I want to have sex!She'd wrote in her brand new diary, the only thing she trusted enough to confide her secret thoughts too. Growing up Katniss always put herself last; her family came first. Eventually, they didn't need her, and she hid in the quiet solace of the library. Until it struck her, she wanted A MAN! By the time she'd got to that stage, she was fat. The men in her acquaintance wanted skinny little sticks, with no thighs or asses, but they did require boobs, the one thing she didn't have despite her gargantuan size.

She looked down at her large thighs encased in blue pajamas and thought to herself, 'no man wants a fat cow!'

"Oh Bob," Her mother groaned.

Katniss was utterly grossed out. The image before her was enough to make her want to become a nun. She certainly lived the life, unlike her mother.

After being widowed for so long, Katniss' mother, Myrtle, finally met a man who caused her to come out of her shell, and she wasn't shy about it... at all. They were like rabbits, and although Katniss was happy for them, she was a little repulsed to see it unfold before her eyes.

She turned around intending on escaping upstairs before she followed through with the urge to gouge her eyes out, but as she reached the landing, she heard the tree crash.

"Katniss!" Her mother called out.

Katniss turned around plastering on a fake smile, trying her best not to grimace.

Her mother stood up awkwardly, speaking as if she and Bob hadn't knocked down the tree while trying to get it on. She had a shiny, red ornament hanging from her hair. "You should get dressed, we're going over to the Mellark's for breakfast."

"My brother is sparing no expense," Bob said.

Katniss kept smiling, her fingernails dug into the palm of her hand.

"Oh, and wear this." Her mother, thrust a package into her hands.

"What is it?" Katniss was sure she was going to hate it.

"It's the latest fashion!" Her mother replied.

"Great," Katniss grumbled climbing the stairs, while her mother's giggles wafted up after her.