
Chapter One


The rest of the Avatar's lunch came out into the toilet.

Korra wiped her mouth as she washed her face and hands. The signs were obvious in front of her. Feeling groggy and gross in the morning, spending more time in the restroom than she could count. Even craving turtle seal jerky so often was a big sign.

Her hands made way to her stomach.

A life was growing inside of her. She was only still seventeen, unmarried, and had one of the most important titles in the world. If everyone knew, the scandal would be massive.

And it would affect him, too.

The doorbell rang.

Seeing Asami brightened Korra's face. "Asami, hey…!"

"Hey, Korra, thanks for inviting me over for tea."

"After you were in Ba Sing Se to close the platinum deal over there? I missed you like crazy…!"

While catching up, Asami brought up the latest fashions over in Ba Sing Se, while Korra went on about how her Avatar duties and bending training kept her busy.

"Hey, so yeah, Mako told me that the Fire Ferrets disbanded because you left."

Korra stiffened. "Yeah, about that…"

"I always thought you loved being a pro-bending player…" Asami raised a concerned eyebrow. "Is it because you were so busy or is it something else? Did something happen between you and Bolin?"

"No, it's nothing like that," Korra began. "Bolin and I are still good, it's just…"

"Just what, Korra?"

Korra swallowed, and looked at Asami. "Asami… I'm pregnant."

Asami's eyes widen. "P-pregnant, Korra, I… congratulations…!"

The girls went over to hug each other. Fortunately, Asami didn't look down on her for having a child out of wedlock. Korra wondered how Asami would react to the rest of the news.

"If you don't mind me asking…" paused Asami. "Who's the father?"

Korra swallowed again. "Councilman Tarrlok."

Her eyes widen again. "Councilman Tarrlok? How… How did that happen?"

"Ever since the Task Force, we've been seeing each other in secret…" Korra began. "What with how public our lives are, we kept everything on the down low. One thing led to another, and here we are…"

The Avatar placed a hand on the life that was growing inside of her.

"I still find this all surprising," said Asami. "That, and how you and Tarrlok could have even gotten together. This is Tarrlok we're talking about…"

Korra looked at Asami. "He loves me, Asami, he actually does. I know he may seem rough around the edges at first, but it even surprised me, too. Surprised both of us, actually. Once you get to know him, he's not that bad."

All that was heard was the ticking of the clock.

"You know that we're barely even twenty," said Asami.

"I know."

Sixteen was the marrying age in the Water Tribe.

"Are you even ready to be a mom right now? You are the Avatar, right? As you said yourself, you still need to practice airbending."

"Look, i know, alright. Even I thought it was stupid, keeping us a secret. I kept it from Tenzin, and my parents are gonna freak out once I tell them… But if I know one thing, I care about Tarrlok."

"Alright, then… If you say so. But I have to add on one more thing, the Avatar is a public figure. You'll start showing further down the line and people are gonna talk and ask questions, so if you want to make this easier on yourself, I suggest you tell Tarrlok as soon as you can of all people."

Asami did have a point. People were going to start to talk once the baby started to show. Not only was it going to look bad on her, but it was going to also be bad for Tarrlok and his position as Councilman.

But Korra did knew this. She was going to stand beside Tarrlok, no matter what. He told her things that nobody else knew, his childhood, that he was actually a bloodbender… There was nothing Tarrlok could do that could ever change the way she felt about him.

"Of course. I will…"