Gabriel stood in the bunker library, scowling. The reason for his scowl sat at the table four feet from him. Haven was intently typing away at her laptop. And ignoring him. He had stopped in to visit her and she hadn't even acknowledged that he was there. He walked over and leaned on her shoulder. Nothing. He started to play with her hair but she didn't respond.
"Come on, Haven. I came all this way just to see you. The least you could do is talk to me," he said grumpily. She didn't even look up. The archangel was quickly getting tired of her game. He grabbed her out of her chair and threw her over his shoulder.
"Gabriel! Put me down!" Haven squealed.
"So now you're gonna talk to me? A bit late for that, sweet cheeks," he said, grinning. He landed a hard swat to her ass and she let out a squeak. He carried her to her room and tossed her onto her bed. "You know I don't like it when you ignore me." A cherry sucker appeared in his hand.
"I was working," she said with fake innocence. He shook his head as he walked over to her.
"Don't even try," he replied.
"But-" She was cut off as Gabriel put the sucker in her mouth.
"Let's see if you can actually be a good girl and keep that there," he told her. She nodded as she watched him move around her bed. "Now what am I going to do with a bad girl like you who ignores her boyfriend?" Haven blushed but kept sucking on the candy in her mouth. The archangel snapped his fingers Haven was suddenly naked.
"What now?" she asked around the sucker. Gabriel grinned.
"Hands and knees. I think you need a good spanking," he replied. The hunter blushed deeper but happily did as her archangel said. Gabriel let out an impressed whistle at the sight. He ran a hand over one of the soft globes before smacking it hard. Haven moaned around the sucker. The archangel leaned forward to press a kiss to the red mark he'd left behind. He landed a hard slap to the other side and then did the same as before. This process continued for a while until Haven became impatient.
"Gabe, please," she begged, taking the sucker out of her mouth. He kissed her deeply, tasting the cherry on her tongue.
"Put that sucker back where I told you. Lay back and I'll give you what you want," he replied, lust thick in his voice. Haven did as she was told and stared up at her archangel through long lashes. He let out another impressed whistle. "I think you should be the angel, not me."
"Gabe..." the hunter pleaded. Gabriel snapped his fingers again, removing his own clothes. He climbed onto the bed, hovering over his hunter. He leaned down to kiss her as he entered her. Haven moaned into the kiss when he started to move. She had expected him to be rough with her but he was slow and sweet.
"Missed you, baby girl," he mumbled against her lips. She wrapped her arms around him as she began moving with him.
"I missed you, too, Gabe. So much," the hunter moaned. Their climaxes built slowly but they were powerful, causing the hunter and archangel to see white for a moment. Gabriel laid beside her and Haven curled in close to him, her head on his chest. He kissed the top of her head. "You know I only ignored you so this would happen," she laughed, talking the sucker out of her mouth and holding it out to Gabriel. He took the sucker and popped it into his own mouth.
"I know. Such a little tease sometimes, aren't you, sweet cheeks? he chuckled. She hummed in agreement and drifted off to sleep.