Chapter 1

Jade was walking down the hallway with Beck and Andre before she collided into another person. Luckily for her she kept her balance. However, the same couldn't be said for the other person as they fell to the floor with a nice thud. Jade looked down and saw it was a girl with beautiful brunette hair. Unfortunately she couldn't see the girl's face because it was covered by her hair. She quickly knelt down to the girl's level.

"Oh snap my bad I didn't see you there" Jade said, helping the girl up.

"Oh its cool don't-" the girl began before looking into Jade's eyes. At that moment it was like time had slowed and both girls seemed to be entranced with each other. "Um wow I mean I'm okay" She finished, still fully entranced.

"Magnifico..." Jade muttered in Spanish. She blinked a couple times at what she just said. Did I say that out loud? The other girl raised her eyebrows at her.

"Tu hablas espanol?" She asked in Spanish.

"Sì señorita. But only a little bit" Jade chuckled, causing the other girl to laugh. They stared at each other for a moment before the other girl finally cleared her throat and put a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Well uh I should get going before I'm late" she said with a shy smile.

"Sure" Jade said, still pretty much entranced. The girl held out her hand to Jade, who looked at it, curiously. "I'm Tori" She said.

Jade took her hand. "I'm Jade, pleasure to meet you" They both laughed as Tori turned and bid farewell. Jade watched her walk away before Beck came up and slapped her on the back.

"Don't even think about it, you know it would be too dangerous" Beck said before Andre bumped his shoulder.

"Yeah but...there's something...different about her" Jade said, looking in the direction of Tori's class. Andre chuckled and wrapped his arm around Jade's shoulders. "I wouldn't blame you because she is crazy hot but that can wait until lunch. Do you feel like going to class?" he asked, already knowing her answer.

"Nah I'm good. I feel like releasing some stress" she said, giving him a knowing smirk. Beck put arm around Jade's other shoulder as they walked out the school halls, laughing. The boys ran off toward the parking lot of the school, while Jade turned and looked back at the school, and sighed and turned away, all the while trying to shake a certain beautiful brunette out of her head.