I don't own RWBY or Transformers Prime they belong to their respective owners, this fanfic is just for fun. Note *this* means that they are thinking so when you *see it* know that it is in their heads. Also, this takes place many years after Optimus Prime becomes one with the Allspark and no the sequel of Transformers Prime know as Transformers Robots in Disguise the will not be part of it. I'm okay with Robots in Disguise but I'm not a big fan and don't really watch the sequel. Might change my might on the show's sequel if they bring back Miko, Jack, Raf. I mean come on Bumblebee and Raf was very close to one and other! You would think that Bee would go try and find Raf! And why not let the US government know that they are on Earth?! I mean one call to Fowler would be all that is needed or calling Raf, Jack, and Miko! Since at the end of the show, they became government Consultants between humans and the bots! Sorry went overboard there, anyways if the Robots in Disguise did bring up why Bee doesn't call them let me know. But for now, this fic is just RWBY and Transformers Prime. Hope you like it.
"It has been one billion years since you have become one with the Allspark. And in that time both Earth and Cybertron have died out, and all Humans and Cybertronians are dead. Earth died out because MECH came back to life and made a nuclear bomb that they accidentally set off that killed all organic life on the planet. This happened about 45,000 years after your human friends Jack, Miko, and Raf had died from old age. Cybertron got into another war about 1,950,000 years after life on Earth ended and the last bot died about 950,000 years after the new war started up. So with Unicron's soul locked up in what once held the Allspark. As well as life on either planet was gone I felt lost and didn't know what to do for some time. That is until one day I came up with an idea. And with that idea, I took Earth and Cybertron which by using my powers I combined them together to make a new world. Cybertron and Unicron's old spark chamber was now deep into the core of this new would. So deep that there was a 95% chance that no one would ever get that deep. As for the Earth, it became the surface of this new world. This world would become known as Remnant. I then had it were both the humans of Earth and the bots of Cybertron with the exceptions of the Primes would reborn on Remnant as Humans and Faunuss."
The mysterious voice sighed. "And that is where things went downhill. For you see the Humans and Faunus lived their lives like it was Earth. But one day a greedy man named Drake Bloodstrike who was the reincarnation of MECH's original leader Silas. Tricked his kind-hearted archaeological apprentice Sabrina Strength. Who is the reincarnation of Megatron to help him get past that 5% chance of hitting what was left of Cybertron. The two find Unicron's prison container and Drake opened it in hopes of absorbing the powers of Unicron. Which if Drake would of went alone nothing would have happened. But since there was still some traces of Dark Energon in Sabrina's soul from her time of being Megatron. Unicron was able to leave his prison and took over her body. Her ebony hair turned white as well as her skin with red lines. Her blue eye's turned red and the white parts of her eyes became black. Her forehead had a reddish black diamond on it Sabrina died that day and Salem was born. At first, Drake was shocked about what had happened to Sabrina. But then he became jealous of her and tried to kill her. That is when she created her first Grimm made of Dark Energon and had them kill Drake. Soon the world was infested with the Grimm and both humans and Faunuss were on the brink of extinction. And Salem tried to get to my heart once more to kill me."
Another mysterious voice gasped in horror, and the mysterious voice who was telling the story to his guest went on. "I have taken precautions over the years. I've created the silver-eyed warriors, made four relics that are the keys to getting to my heart. I made Alpha Trion the wizard and had four young girls become the season maidens which the four maidens are needed to use the relics. I've turned Energon into what is now known as Dust. And now the world has these guardians known as Huntsman and Huntresses."
The mysterious voice sigh once more. "But that is not enough to stop my brother, and he is starting to win. Which sadly Alpha Trion doesn't see it coming. Which is why I need your help Optimus Prime."
Optimus looked up at the one who spoke to him. "What would you have me do Primus?"
"Unlike Alpha Trion who when his host dies he moves on to a new host. I need you to be reborn as either a Human or a Faunus it doesn't matter nor the gender you take. But if I do this you will not remember about being Optimus Prime for some time so that Salem doesn't hunt you down."
"I understand. But why me? Why not one of your older more wiser Prime's?"
"It is because Megatron was once your mortal enemy and you and your friends stopped him the last time my brother possessed Megatron. Because of this, I see that you are the better choice when it comes to stopping him."
At hearing this Optimus thought about it for a moment before nodding his head. "I will do it, if lives are in danger then I will take on this task."
At hearing this made Primus very happy. "I knew you would. Also, you will need your old team both Cybertronians and Human alike. So when you regain your memories, unlike Alpha Trion. You'll be able to see the past lives of each being you meet, and you'll have the power to give them back their memories."
"I understand."
Just then Optimus was engulfed by light and the last thing he heard was Primus saying. "May your spark be bright and guide you in winning your fight with Salem."
At that moment Ruby Rose woke up. She was in an area that was like the one that Optimus and Primus were in, in that strange dream she just had. The only difference was that this place had a lot of hourglasses floating around, in fact, she was sitting on one. But Ruby began to wonder how she got there. The last thing she remembered was that she said good night to her Uncle Qrow who was still recovering from Tyrian's poison...?! "Uncle Qrow! Jaune! Nora! Ren! Oscar! Where are you guys?! Hello! Is anyone here?! I need help! Where am I?!"
Just then a giant robot came out of nowhere, which this remembered Ruby of the night Beacon had fallen. So she grabbed Crescent Rose which Ruby was glad that she still had with her. But the robot put up its hands as if it was going to surrender to her or something. "Don't be afraid dear child. I mean you no harm, I am in many ways like your deceased friend Penny. Just not made by any organic life-forms but by Primus."
At hearing that Ruby thought of Penny and her guilt of not being able to save her came back in full force. Both her head and weapon went down, which the robot saw this. "Forgive me for bringing up bad memories, in fact, I'm here to help you."
At hearing that Ruby's head went up to look at him. "Help me how and who are you?"
The bot smiled at her. "I'm one of your fellow Primes, Vector Prime."
At hearing that confused her. "Fellow Prime but I thought Primes were all Cybertronian well except for Alpha Trion. But if he is always with the wizard then he is with Oscar. So why am I here and not Oscar?"
At hearing that Vector Prime chuckled and smiled at her. "There is one other Prime, you saw him in that vision you just had."
At hearing that Ruby shrugged. "Well yeah. But what's that got to do with? ...!"
At that moment she put two and two together. "Wait?! Are you saying that I'm Optimus Prime reborn as a human?!"
At hearing that Vector Prime smirked at her. "Yes, yes you are."
Ruby just kept on staring at him and it went on for a while until Vector Prime spoke up. "Now that you are aware of who you are. We must get down to business."
At hearing that got Ruby out of her shock state. "Business? What business?"
"Yes well, let's get right to it then. You see Primus was able to remove the Allspark from the Matrix of Leadership and you may still have it within you but..."
"Wait that thing is still inside me?! Why hasn't any doctors found it when I had my big Signal Academy check up?! I mean they scanned me big time that day!"
"That is because Primus added in a special cloaking on it so that it would keep Unicron aka Salem from knowing that you are Optimus reborn. Even if someone would have cut you up it would stay hidden and stay inside you."
"Okay, that is creepy."
"That may be true, but it has kept you safe all this time. Now as I was saying even though you have the Matrix inside of you, it is not used to being in an organic life-forms so your not in your fullest potential. Which is why I'm here to say that you need Prime training."
Ruby then looked around the place she was in once more and then looked at him. "So you're going to train me here?"
Vector Prime just shook his head. "No, I think the best Prime to teach you is your past life Optimus."
At hearing that shocked her. "How am I going to teach myself?! What you can split us up or something?!"
At hearing that Vector Prime let out a full out laughter. "No, I plan to send you back in time to when you were Optimus on Earth."
Ruby just looked at him for a moment before she let lose her thought on the matter. "What?! Why can't you send me to the day Unicron became Salem?!"
"I can't do that. If I let that happen you wouldn't be reborn and we would still have this talk because it would happen anyways because you didn't stop it."
"Okay...? But even though I don't really remember anything about being Optimus. But I think that the only humans I had contact with that were on my side were Jack, his mom June, Raf, Miko, and Agent Fowler. So if you send me back then to learn from myself then won't we change time as we know it?"
Vector Prime just smirked at her and she didn't like it. "One of my powers is the ability to make beings forget things if I do something in the timestream. So When I send you back to when you went to bed in the Remnant timeframe only you will remember what really happens on Earth. At least until you reawaken the memories of those in your time that was once in Team Prime."
Ruby's mouth was wide open as well as her eyes. She was shocked, no I take that back shock was an understatement there was no word to describe what she felt at that moment. "Really?! Well, don't you think that maybe the Matrix is not working right because you mess with my memories and in turn the Matrix?!"
"Hum...? I never thought of that. But I have had times where I let you all remember and it ended even worse than things are now."
At that moment Ruby gave up on fighting with the older Prime. Even if she was still Optimus she would still be far much younger then Vector so she knew that she wouldn't be able to win this argument. At least not until she got the Matrix fixed. "You promise when you send me back to Remnant's timeframe it will be the very moment I fell asleep, right down to the day, month, year, and time?"
"Yes, I promise. So are you ready to relive your past life?"
She then made sure she had Crescent Rose was now back on her back and looked at him. "I get to keep Crescent Rose with me and when I do return to my real time I get to bring back with me Crescent Rose with any upgrades I put on it during my time in the past and any new weapon I get from the past?"
"Yes, as soon as Oscar see you when you return to your time Ozpin or Alpha Trion will know what is going on and the boy will tell everyone what is going on."
Ruby nodded her head. "Alright, I'm in if this is the only way I can save everyone in my timeframe then I'll do it."
Vector just smiled at her. *Even though you and Optimus are so different now. You both have the strong need to help others no matter what the cost.*
"Very well lets us go then."
and with that, the two were off to a time when Ruby Rose was Optimus Prime.