Chapter 2 TRAILER

SURPRISE! I'm not dead! Sorry my return from the grave is only a teaser, but don't worry. Next time I update, all three stories will be updated. let me know what you think of it so far. All criticism accepted.



(Demon speaking)

How long had he been here, just aimlessly floating through this black void? He tried to look around, but he couldn't tell if he was moving or not, because in every direction he 'Looked' he just saw more darkness. He couldn't even tell if he had a physical form. For all he knew, God could've just wiped him from the plain of existence, and now he was cursed to float here for all eternity.

'Wherever here is.' He thought to himself, right before a deep, booming voice echoed through the void.

(Ah, you're awake.) Issei jumped in surprise, if he could even do that, and frantically scanned the void for the source of the voice.

(There is no need for alarm, Issei Hyoudou. I have a proposition that'll benefit us both.) The voice said calmly.

"I'm...listening." He said cautiously, as his eyes continued the fruitless task of scanning the void

(You might not remember, but a long time ago you asked to seek vengeance against those who had wronged you. The feeling of such intense malice and hatred, radiating from one person, was near euphoric! So I eagerly granted you wish.) The voice groaned in pleasure, as it reminisced on the memory.

" you want me to pay you back?"

(Precisely. You pay me back, and I get you out of here. It's a win-win,) The voice hummed, happy that Issei was so understanding. (And after watching you single handedly slay The Titan, and rip God a new asshole. I'm sure you'll love my little proposition.)

"Alright. What do you want me to do?" The void was suddenly filled with the voice's ominous laughter.

(They are rage...Brutal...Without mercy...But you...Heheheh, you will be worse...Rip and tear! And do not stop, until it is done!) The voice chanted, right before Issei awoke to the deep rumble of explosions, and the blare of alarms. He tried to sit up, but found himself bound to a stone slab, by a pair of rusted shackles, that bit into his wrists. With a loud grunt of effort, Issei ripped his right hand free, and caught the rapidly approaching blur he saw out of the corner of his eye. The pale, skeletal demon, viciously snapped its teeth at Issei's hand, before he smashed its head on the corner of the stone slab, coating it, and his hand, with a fresh coat of warm, sticky blood. He quickly wiped the blood off on the stone slab, and jerked his left hand free with another grunt of effort. After he freed his other hand, he heard the sound of another demon shuffling around the room, and quickly popped himself off the stone slab. The moment, his feet touched the cold, concrete floor, his legs turned to jelly, and he collapsed to his knees. He was about to force himself back up on his feet, when his eyes spotted a strange weapon, at the center of a bloody pentagram. He didn't know how he knew it was weapon, or how to use it, but he scooped it up nonetheless, and he rose to his feet. He pointed the weapon at the nearest demon, and instinctively wrapped his index finger around the trigger, and squeezed. His hand jerked upwards, as a bolt of electric blue light, flew from the front of the weapon, and connected with the demon's head, splashing blood and brain, on the wall behind it, as its head exploded. Issei stared wide eyed at the carnage his new weapon was capable of, and grinned.

"That voice was right," Issei looked over his weapon, and watched in amazement, as the pieces clicked and whirred, as they shifted around. "So far, I am loving this!"