A/N: Here's the next little chapter of this story! You can expect the next update by...uh...y'know, I'll get back to y'all on that. I have a lot going on right now.

Thanks to NightWarrior410, iColor with Crayons and FoxGirl426 for reviewing. :D


"What am I missing? I feel like I'm missin' something."

Lunch time. Thomas and Jamie sat at their normal table in the middle of the cafeteria. Aaron Burr, another student who seemed to think he was their friend and worthy of sitting at the table where it happens, decided to take up residence there. He was currently reading a book while eating his lunch he'd brought from... wherever he lived. He didn't have many friends, so no one knew.

Thomas, who generally ignored Aaron and his quietness, couldn't help but notice he was wearing a sparkly purple pin like Jamie's . "Hey, Burr."

Aaron looked up, surprised Thomas actually had spoken to him. He had gotten used to being ignored. "What, Thomas?"

"Where'd y'all get those fabulous pins? I asked Jamie, but he gave me the King excuse." Thomas chuckled. That was a running joke at their school.

Aaron looked down and smiled, similar to how Jamie did before. He shut his book, stood up, and walked away, still grinning. He then went to sit down with the Hamilsquad, who received him with suspicion as they glanced at Alex, who simply smiled at Aaron and nodded.

Aaron sat down with them, and John, Alex's boyfriend, crossed his arms as he, Lafayette and Hercules raised their eyebrows at the newcomer they didn't particularly enjoy the company of. As soon as he said something Thomas couldn't hear, they all laughed and then nodded. They leaned in to hear Aaron speak to them further. He wasn't a particularly loud person, what with his 'talk less smile more' mentality he enjoyed flaunting 24/7. They retreated with devious grins on all their faces, the largest on Alex's.

"What are they so smug about?" Thomas wondered aloud.

Jamie just shrugged and went back to eating.

Thomas looked back at the Hamilsquad. They had resumed eating.

"Whacked out juniors." He muttered.

Later, he caught them all wearing pins.

Review if you want, and see you guys next chapter, whenever that is!:)