Ok, sorry to start this story over, but I came up with this idea so I had to write it down. I hope you enjoy it! Oh and I don't own Yugioh, so please don't sue me! I'm broke! Anyway, on with the story!

***** Japan, 14 years ago *****

"Please let me see him," a woman said weakly. She lay in a hospital bed, surrounded by various monitors and other machines, and her husband.

"Shhhh," he said, more calmly than he felt, "You're still very weak."

She looked up with her bright violet eyes into his crimson ones and relaxed.

The man smiled at the sound of crying, coming from the new life to this world. Doctors said that he might not survive, being born almost a month too early. They thought their might be something wrong with his lungs. But the steady cries of the newborn proved that he in fact did have strong lungs.

The nurse finished cleaning the baby and laid him in his mother's arms.

The infant ceased his crying to open his eyes and look into his mother's face. Violet met violet as their eyes met and the little one reached up to touch the woman's cheek. It was warm and moist from the tears of joy running down her face.

Feeling new emotion coming from this being, that made the baby feel warm, safe, and content, he soon drifted off into a peaceful sleep. The woman thought she saw something on the boy's forehead, some sort of symbol, but it disappeared and she thought that her eyes were only playing tricks on her.

The nurse gently took the newborn out of the woman's arms and the man covered his wife with a blanket. "Go to sleep now, he will be fine," the man said.

The woman smiled, too exhausted to speak, and also drifted into a peaceful sleep.

The nurse started to walk out of the room towards the waiting friends and family, but then she stopped. "What is the baby's name?" she asked.

"Yugi," the man answered.

***** Ancient Egypt, a millennia ago *****

"Will she be alright?" a man asked the nursemaid.

"Yes my Pharaoh. She just needs rest now."

The Pharaoh looked at his wife feeling helpless. Then he saw her open her violet eyes and whisper, "Can I see him?"

"Yes my lady," the nursemaid answered, putting the crying infant into the queen's arms.

The baby immediately stopped crying and looked at her. "He has your eyes," the queen said to her husband, smiling.

The Pharaoh looked at the now quiet infant and sure enough, the little one had his crimson eyes. Then he saw a mark on the boy's forehead. It was the Eye of the Millennia, the same that was on his own forehead. It soon disappeared, but the Pharaoh knew that it had marked his son as the future Pharaoh of Egypt.

The nursemaid walked up to the three. "You all should get some rest now. It has been a long night."

"Yes," the queen agreed, allowing the nursemaid to take the new prince, who had fallen asleep. The queen, also exhausted, had fallen asleep soon after.

"What is the prince's name?" the nursemaid asked.

"His royal name shall be Prince Yugioh, but his real name is... Yami," the Pharaoh answered.

Yay!!!!!! This chapter is done!!!! Please review and tell me what you think!!! Bye now!