The Magic Within

I don't know why but i can't seem to find any harry potter evil within crossovers. I mean really? It would be just as cool a crossover as bleach and harry potter, or Resident Evil and Harry potter! So i figured i'd make my own! Also I apologize to those waiting for my other stories to update i have been working on updating them but it's hard when your muse is a fickle biatch. So uh, Trigger warnings will include but are not limited to: #gore, #body horror #violence #Implied homosexual relationships, #gayness #oocness, #Possible OOC Ruvik, (I have never worked with someone of his mindset before, it should prove to be fun,) #character bashing (I never liked Doctor Jimenez, and I was honestly glad when he died. He was a dick,) #mention of misuse of medication/treatments, #past torture of mental patients, and or #implied sexual relations (can't write gay smut for the life of me, so y'all will have to make due with implied. Eventually, most definitely not anytime soon.)

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or the Evil Within in any way shape or form, and if i did I most definitely would not be writing stuff here now would I? Anyway, enjoy!

Harry Potter was anything but ordinary, this he would admit was true no matter how much he wished otherwise. However, this amount of weirdness took the cake. And it wasn't even his fault! As he ran from the hostile humanoid creature, dodging it's slick grimy hands and catching up to the other man he was running with, he contemplated how he'd gotten here, and whether or not he'd live to see his eighteenth birthday.

Honestly, it had been any ordinary day, for him. It had been a year since the final battle, where he had finally killed Voldemort once and for all. However, instead of being thanked for his services then told he could do whatever he wanted, he was practically worshiped and people demanded he continue to save their lives as an Auror and marry Ginny. As much as he had liked her during their school years, she was just too much of a sibling to him for him to even contemplate it once he grew out of his childish way of thinking. That and he'd found out he didn't even like girls! That and Ginny telling him she didn't feel anything when they kissed (which he agreed he'd never felt anything other than that Ginny was pretty and her lips were soft) kind of sealed the deal. Now wasn't that a fucking kicker.

However he had refused to follow their wishes, yet they never stopped pushing him. Molly had even gone so far as to attempt to slip him a love potion, even though her Daughter was in a relationship already and happy! So he had moved to America to get out of Britain since he seemed to have no safe space, and everywhere he went he was reminded of all that he had lost. His friends, his home at Hogwarts, even his life temporarily.

Once he had made it to america he had decided to appease his saving people thing without turning to people who would use him as a scapegoat. The American Wizarding Police Force was much more organized and well run than their British counterparts, (no offense to the late Madam Bones,) and they were much less prejudiced and much less likely to even look at him twice aside from thanking him genuinely for defeating Voldemort and keeping him from coming after them next.

He partnered with the Mundane (the american word used for non magicals, which he preferred honestly) police frequently, and certain officers were even allowed to know exactly who they were and what they could do. The entirety of the police force knew the AWPF, but they knew them as the ASSTF, or the American Special Services Task Force. And yes, he knew the word Ass was in the acronym, it made for frequent jokes from members of both magical and mundane forces.

That fateful day, he was on assignment with his partner Josiah Reniato ((Random mundane cop i made up, he won't be important at all,)) when they'd gotten the call to the Beacon Hospital. They'd responded immediately, as did a few other squad cars in the area. The last one to respond had a Detective Castellano riding in it, but then the signal started fritzing, and Harry and his partner had to grip their heads against a sudden loud ringing onslaught. They nearly swerved off the road, but managed to regain control fairly easily once the ringing died down.

Once they reached the hospital they were just in time to go in with the main force. Most of the patients had been slaughtered, blood was everywhere. They all split up, Harry going on his own to investigate a noise down a hallway. He found a living patient, with such pale hair for a second he thought it was his old friend Luna, but then the patient turned around and he found it was a boy.

He'd approached the boy, assuring him that he would be fine, asking him if he knew what happened. The boy just kept muttering the same thing over and over, "Hurt," so he figured it may have something to do with the boy's condition and he was injured. Then before Harry could try to assess what if any injuries the boy had, suddenly his choice of word changed to "coming." Harry had tensed, looking around while making sure he didn't lose sight of the boy. He heard gunshots, then yelling, then silence. He almost went to help, but he couldn't leave the boy and he was too scared to move if Harry pulled him. He sensed something behind him and with reflexes honed from dodging curses from the war he dove to the side, barely avoiding what looked like a syringe, then rolling back into a standing position and pointing his gun at the man before him.

"Who are you?" He had asked.

The man, clad in bloodstained once white pants and a similarly colored hooded cloak, stared at him. He seemed to have severe burns, Harry thought idly they looked a lot like the burn he'd gotten from the dragon back in fourth year, only a hell of a lot worse. The man's grey, practically silver eyes seemed to bore into him, analyzing. Harry kept his gun steady, aware of the boy running away but the man seemed to have no interest other than a passing glance, quickly looking back at Harry.

"You are interesting. Perhaps you shall survive." Before he could ask what the hell that meant the man flickered out of existence, then he felt a pain in his neck and darkness consumed him.

The next thing he knew, he was waking in darkness to a throbbing head. He heard the sounds of wind, and the distant call of a crow. But that wasn't right, he'd been…

The Man! Harry shot up, regretting it instantly when his head gave a vicious throb, his vision blurring. He held his head, waiting for his vision to clear.

Once that happened he looked around, finding himself in a forest. A suspiciously quiet forest. He got up, making sure he had his gun and his wand on him, (and wondering why the man hadn't taken at least the gun from him, he was sure he had saw the gun as it had been pointed at him! Why leave him with it?) He headed into the forest. Soon he came across a shack. There was no door, only a tattered curtain. There was someone inside, judging by the shadow, and it sounded as if they were eating something rather voraciously. Kind of reminded him of the sounds Ron would make when he ate, but then he shook his head. He was about to approach the shack when he heard someone coming closer. Harry had hidden behind a tree, seeing a man. He looked about middle aged, Caucasian, with a slight beard and a badge on his vest declaring himself Detective Castellanos. Harry sighed in relief. Finally a semi familiar person! He didn't know Castellanos very well, in fact had only ever heard of the man after his wife went missing. He did know the man's usual partner, Joseph Oda though. Good guy, with a head on his shoulders and a good sense on people, whether they were good people or bad seeds. Joseph had liked Castellano, so Harry would trust the judgments he had heard until he learned otherwise.

Harry was about to call out to him, when the person inside the hut came out, staggering and bloody, with visible veins on his face and boils, as well as blood all over his face. It was a rather disturbing sight, and apparently Castellanos agreed as he cursed rather viciously and shot at the "man," managing a headshot which caused the, Man(? Creature? Zombie?)'s head to explode. Harry stepped out, hands up.

"Detective?" He had called. The gun had pointed at him, then the man, Castellano, had relaxed.

"You're not, like that one, are you?" He had been naturally suspicious.

Harry gave a dry chuckle. "If I were do you think i'd be capable of cognitive speech?"

"Point." now that the two of them had gotten over that, and the two had introduced themselves, Harry had asked what the detective was planning. He had then been informed of the man's missing companions, the ambulance crash, and the man. Harry then told of his own encounter with the man, and they both agreed on one thing: Something was going on here, and whatever it was it wasn't good.

"I'll help you find your partners, Castellano. It's about all we can do right now, and I'd feel like shit if I just left you here when I have less of an objective than you do." "Please, call me Sebastian."

"Then call me Harry, it's only fair." with that out of the way, they headed off.

Which brings us back to the present. They had encountered a huge group of the creatures, and being chased. They came to a locked gate, Sebastian pointing out the board over the water. Sebastian ran for it first, Harry throwing a Bombarda at the creatures before following. Once back on dry land, they paused to catch their breath, and take stock of what they had learned from the time they had first encountered one of the creatures. For now, they were safe.

Again I apologize to those waiting for my other stories to update, My muse really likes to come and go especially when I reconnect with a fandom or find a new one. So um, before anyone asks, no Sebastian and Harry are NOT going to end up together. I have a different pairing in mind for Harry which I shall keep a surprise. Hopefully. Sebastian may just end up with Joseph or something IDK. :3 I'm trying for a slow burn here, and it's new to me so don't hate on me for a first attempt please. Reviews warm my heart and flames will be used to burn random paper from old high school classwork I never have to look at again. Till next time! Lola~