Hey everyone so this is the last chapter, thank you so much for all your reads and reviews it has meant so much to me over the past month and I love you all :3 hope you enjoy this last chapter!
"You know you don't have to go," Soul says giving Maka's wrist a playful tug.
She giggles. "I need to go home for clean clothes if nothing else," she tells him.
"You can wear mine," he grins.
She laughs again. "There's only so long I can wear my boyfriends clothes for, unless you're going to start buying bras as well."
Soul still feels a heat creeping up the back of his neck and he tries not to grin too much at that. It's been a couple of weeks since the two of them started dating but Soul still can't believe how lucky he is that she's with him. He uses the grip on her wrist to pull her down into a gentle, loving kiss.
"Fine," he relents.
"I mean if you really want me to start wearing your clothes you'll have to wear mine in return," she teases as she drapes herself over his lap.
Soul thinks this one over for a moment before flashing her a cheeky grin. "If you've got anything in red, it will really bring out the colour of my eyes."
"You're such a dork," she giggles as she leans forward, wraps her arms around his neck and pulls him into a kiss. He sighs happily into it as his own arms encircle her waist, pulling her close. One of her hands slips under the back of his t-shirt as she takes his bottom lip and drags her teeth over it. He's just slipping his fingers underneath the hem of her shirt, things are starting to get interesting. This is going somewhere and Soul is very happy about where, right up until the point her phone starts to ring.
"Ignore it," Soul mumbles against her lips, clutching her a little tighter. He knows that particular ring-tone and he really doesn't want to have to listen to her having a phone sex conversation while he's there. He's trying not to get jealous but it's still a massive boner killer all the same.
"I can't," Maka says, still kissing him.
"Yeah you can," Soul insists.
"It won't take me long, I promise," she says giving him one more kiss before she gets off his lap and goes to grab her phone. "I'm sorry," she says turning to smile at him, "I thought I told them not to put any calls through to me today.
"It's fine, don't worry about it," Soul says even though it's not fine, not really, but he's not going to stop her from doing her job. Especially not now that the internship is over and the phone sex is her only job for the time being.
She presses the answer button and starts her phone call. "Hey big boy." She sticks her tongue out, pulling a mildly disgusted face at Soul, which pulls a chuckle out of him, before going out into the hallway.
The walls in Soul's flat are a bit on the made of paper side so even though she's out in the hallway he can still hear her. He picks up a book and pretends that he can't. If he ignores it for a while then he can pretend it's not happening. Not the most advisable choice in the world but he'll address that another time. Right now he wants to block out the conversation that seems to be getting louder by the second.
He continues with his book, trying to ignore it, but he can't ignore the sudden hand on his knee that begins to slowly move up his thigh. He looks away from his book to see Maka kneeling between his legs, a playful glint in her eye.
"I'll run my hands up and down your thighs getting closer and closer to your cock every time I do," she tells the person down the phone, her eyes fixed on Soul's. Her hand continues to move as she speaks inching closer and closer to Soul's clothes cock. He swallows and lets out a shaky breath. He can already feel himself stirring in his jeans and every time he prays that she go up just a little bit higher.
That hand, that teasing, wonderful hand finally reaches up to rub his dick through his jeans. He gasps softly, trying not to moan out loud. Gotta keep it together...
"Fuck..." he hisses on an almost silent out-breath and Maka smiles up at him, looking the picture of innocence but knowing exactly what she's doing to him.
"Then I'll slip my hand into your boxers and pull out your dick," she tells the person down the line while mirroring what she says on Soul. His breath catches in his throat and his fingers grip the side of the chair to anchor himself, his book all but forgotten. He mustn't be swept away in it all, not yet, but as Maka works his cock free from the confines of both his jeans and his boxers he almost loses it.
With a shaking hand he manages to prise it off the chair and reaches out to run his fingers through soft, ash-blonde locks. As soon as he starts he realises it's a mistake because feeling her, actually physically touching her while she's teasing him like this is going to be the absolute death of him. Especially as she begins to pump his cock.
"I wanna ride you," she says and she no longer seems to be talking to the client on the other end of the line. She's looking directly at Soul, talking only to him. "Can you feel me wrapped around you?"
Soul nods weakly, eyes closed. If he opens them and looks at her then he's pretty sure he's going to die. Her hand begin to speed up and he's barely even paying attention to what's being said to the person on the other end. As far as he's concerned they are the only two people in the entire world. All he knows is Maka's hand pumping him, pushing him closer and closer to the edge and abject bliss.
Then suddenly the hand is gone.
Opening his eyes Soul looks down to a hazy vision of Maka, still with that playful smirk on her lips.
"Okay," she says, "thanks for calling."
She hangs up the phone and grins up at Soul, sweet and innocent and the complete opposite of the teasing temptress from a second ago.
"Holy shit," he says on an out-breath, trying to regain himself some composure.
"Having fun?" she asks, once again the picture of innocence.
"Oh fuck yes..." he pants.
She pushes herself to her feet and sits herself on his lap again, that little playful smirk still gracing her lips. "Want to have some more?"
"Oh fuck yes," he says again as he slips a hand round the back of her neck and pulls her into a heated kiss.