AN: Just... please don't judge me for my weirdness... what happens towards the end of this chapter is something ive been wanting to try writing for a long time... meeh.

"So… what's the baby's name…?" Lavi asked as he sat by Allen's bed a day after Allen had the baby. Right now Tyki was nowhere to be seen since he was busy with royal business even though he had a new child. Well Tyki wasn't even in the kingdom right now so he didn't even know that the baby had been born. But he would soon since he was expected to be back any day.

"Catalina…" Allen said as he looked at the bundle in his arms. His new baby girl was fast asleep gently sucking on the tip of Allen's finger. Catalina looked so much like Tyki, taking after Tyki almost exactly other than her pale skin. But almost every other feature from her hair and eyes to her nose and everything. "That's assuming the king approves of that… I worry he won't be happy that she came out as a girl… usually royalty want male children more than female." Allen said a little concerned for his daughter's future at the palace.

"Well actually in this kingdom even a female can rule. Its pretty….open here…how royalty works since pretty much all the kings have had many lovers. So how it goes for now for the line to the throne after Tyki is Mana, the queen's son Lukas, and then Catalina. And if anything happened to all of Tyki's heirs and himself then it goes to Prince Sheryl and his family." Lavi explained setting Allen at ease about Catalina's future. After a while Lavi left to get Allen something to eat since Allen was bedridden right now to recover and was probably very hungry. When Lavi got back to the room he was little surprised to find Tyki there holding Catalina while Allen sat in the bed watching Tyki carefully. It was always like Allen was scared Tyki would hurt his children or take them away. It could be because Tyki originally tried to take Mana away from Allen when he first discovered Mana. Lavi gave Allen the tray of food but Allen was too busy watching Tyki to really eat.

Relief was evident in Allen's expression when Tyki finally passed Catalina back to him. Once Catalina was back in his arms Allen cradled her against his chest gently as to not hurt her but still held her close. Allen's children were the most precious things in the world to him. Tyki sat on the edge of the bed watching Allen who was gently rocking Catalina to sleep. Allen really did make a good mother. He was so caring and attentive to his children and loved them dearly. Tyki was also curious about the fact that Allen could actually breast feed his children. It wasn't something he ever really saw.

A few days later when Allen walked into his room with Catalina in his arms and Mana waddling behind him, he was surprised to find a mountain of pillows on his bed much like what he had had before but better quality. He looked around a little confused half expecting to find Tyki in the room since he knew that Tyki was the only one who knew he liked pillows to lay on or hide in. But Tyki was nowhere to be seen. After putting his children to bed Allen changed into a nightgown climbing into bed. It actually made him happy to sort of burrow into the pillows with a blanket. Something about the pillows was just so comforting.

At this point Allen was pretty used to waking up in the middle of the night because of either Mana or Catalina…or both. But this time Allen was woken up by someone climbing into bed with him. Of course there was really only one person who would get into bed with him and start groping him. Allen wasn't at all surprised to wake up with Tyki in his bed working to remove his clothing.

"Y-your highness…." Allen pleaded softly as he tried to stop Tyki. He was still a little sore from having Catalina and he really hated the idea of having sex in the same room as his children. Of course Tyki didn't listen and successfully managed to get Allen's nightgown off. Tyki leaned down lightly kissing the scar on Allen's stomach where they had taken both Mana and Catalina out in the past. Allen was pretty well healed at this point but it was still a little tender.

"N-n-no… not there. Please…" Allen pleaded when Tyki moved up to his nipples. He knew that was a very bad idea right now since he was clearly breastfeeding Catalina. Allen tried to push Tyki away but Tyki refused to move away. Tyki gently kept Allen pinned down as he teased one of Allen's nipples. Allen kept begging Tyki to stop but the king didn't even when milk started to leak out. Tyki actually licked up what milk started to escape before he started sucking on Allen's nipple causing Allen to squirm.

"Mm… Do you get like this when you feed Catalina?" Tyki asked after a while.

"N-not exactly… A-and not on purpose…" Allen replied clearly embarrassed and humiliated as tears welled up in his eyes. He knew it wasn't right to get aroused from breastfeeding but it did kind of happen but not to the extent that was going on right now. "N-no please stop…. I-its for Catalina…" Allen said still trying to get Tyki off, it just felt so weird and wrong what Tyki was doing.

"Fine… I'll drink something else…." Tyki said finally pulling away but only to go lower. Allen was very shocked when Tyki started to suck on his already hard member. The albino squirmed around rather uncomfortable with all of this. He was very confused about how he felt right now about what Tyki was doing and how he felt about it all. He was aroused by what Tyki was doing…but he shouldn't be for so many reasons. He shouldn't be aroused from this man's touch…not anymore… and he shouldn't find pleasure in Tyki drinking his freaking breastmilk. And it was very confusing how…. Nice… Tyki was being right now.

"Why are you crying…? I was being nice…" Tyki demanded when he backed off after Allen had climaxed. He didn't understand why Allen was crying when he was trying to be nice. At first Allen was silently crying but he just started sobbing when Tyki kind of snapped at him for crying. Which part of that might be hormones, Allen noticed he was a little weird after he had had Mana and now apparently Catalina too. But also because he was confused and so stressed out and tired.

"I just wanted to sleep… I'm so tired…. And I was actually comfortable and sleeping and then you came in and did all that. I'm very confused… I shouldn't be aroused by you. I hate you. I hate you so much. You have your queen who has given you a child. Why do you need my children?" Allen didn't ask why Tyki needed him…because he knew Tyki didn't. He could get any person he wanted. Most women wouldn't hesitate to be a king's whore and child bearer but that was the last thing Allen wanted. He loved his children, he didn't regret that, but he wanted nothing to do with Tyki anymore. Tyki was just too cruel to Allen now and there was nothing that could change Allen's mind. Tyki just sat there because he had no answers for Allen. He didn't know why he was this way towards Allen and his kids. He can't say its because he is happy to be a father. Yes…he was happy about having children but he wasn't happy about how all of this was going. He wasn't there for his children, he wasn't nice to either the queen or to Allen. He had tried to cheer Allen up with the pillows and stuff…but then he turned right around and ruined it. Since Tyki didn't know what to say he just left Allen to cry alone. Which of course woke his children up so Allen had to calm them down on his own. This was so exhausting.

When Tyki went to check on Allen the next morning he found Allen asleep in the pile of pillows with both of his children with him. Clearly it had been a long night for poor Allen. When Cataline started to squirm showing she was about to wake up Tyki tried to pick her up but Allen got to it first wrapping his arms gently around her pulling his close.

"I wasn't going to steal her… I was going to let you sleep…" Tyki said when he knew Allen was more guarding Catalina than trying to comfort her. Tyki knew that at this point Allen might never trust Tyki with his children.

"You can't help her anyway… she is hungry…" Allen said as he sat up when Catalina started to cry. He knew by the sound of the cry that Catalina was hungry. Before he started to feed Catalina he actually covered himself some with a blanket since he was rather self-conscious around Tyki now when it came to feeding his baby since he had seen how Tyki had been watching him in the past before last night. So he knew Tyki had a thing for watching breastfeeding and everything. Which Tyki couldn't really deny… he didn't know why but he did kind of like it. But oddly enough he liked it more from Allen than from his wife. Tyki did actually have to look away even with Allen being covered, because he still wanted to fuck Allen since last night. But he needed to show restraint if he wanted to win Allen back over.