Authors note: Devil May Cry belongs to Capcom and RWBY belongs to Rooster Teeth. This fanfic is used for entertainment purposes. Enjoy!

Chapter 1

Two millenniums ago, there was a war between the humans and the demons. Both sides fought to end one another for dominance of the earth, but the war seemed endless. But somehow, someone from the demon army realized this war was pointless and stood up against the demon army alone.

This demon's name was Sparda. As time passed he defeated the demon army and banished them back to the underworld and sealed them away.

With the earth now ruled under his reign, Sparda kept the harmony between the humans and the demons who escape the underworld. Soon he met a human woman named Eva and together lived in peace.

Suddenly, Sparda mysteriously vanished and appeared to be dead.

Many years later, Twin brothers, Dante and Vergil, sons of Sparda, separated during childhood after their mother's death, both have decided to live their lives differently. Dante lives as a devil hunter, while Vergil searches for power.

Eventually both brothers met again by a man named Arkham, who used the sons of Sparda to summon a large tower called temen-ni-gru and gain their father's power for himself. Later, Arkham was defeated and the power of Sparda was freed. After the battle, Dante and Vergil had their final encounter, and Dante became the victor in the end. Before the battle could end once and for all, Vergil attempted an escape to the underworld. Dante followed his brother and tried to stop him from leaving. But as both brothers were close enough to each other, their amulets merged and a bright light consumed them both.

Now both brothers, Sons of Sparda, arrived in a world that is not theirs. A world where legends and history are lost, and mysterious creatures seek to end this world's people.

Now the fate of Remnant rests on Sparda's legacy.

Location: Patch.

Inside of a large building, a Man with white hair and wearing a large red coat (DMC 4 outfit) was sitting behind a desk relaxing and eating a box of pizza as he jammed to some rock and roll music.

That is until…

*Ring Ring* *Ring Ring*

The man picked up the phone from his desk.


"Devil May Cry."


"Sorry, we closed at nine." replied the man as he hanged up the phone.


"*Sigh* Again, no password. It seems I can't get any real business these days. Might have to close up shop a little early."

*Ring Ring* *Ring Ring*

The man picked up the phone once more.


"Devil May Cry."

"Is this Dante?" said a voice from the phone.

"Who wants to know?"

"Is just that I've heard that he once told me 'devils never cry'. Is that true?"

("The password.") Thought Dante. "Yeah that's right. What of it?"

"It's just that I require his services, and I do hope he's available."

Hearing this caught Dante's attention.

"Well then, you've caught my attention."

"Pleasure to hear from you again Mr. Sparda."

"I go by Redgrave now."

"Ah yes, I have forgot about that...But to me you'll always be Dante Sparda dear old pal."

"Right. Well, let's cut to the chase. What's the job?"

"I'm in a rather...difficult position right now in vale and I need some help."

"That doesn't sound good, and I'm guessing you only get one phone call per day?"

"You could say that...But Let's get serious for the moment. Dante. It's time. The plan is in motion, and you need to be part of this now.

"That right? Well then, I'll be one my way!"

"Excellent! I'll see you soon. Would you like one of my men to pick you up in bullhead?"

"Nah, I think I'll take a walk."

"Right...and think of this as a favor the both of us. You did help us out years ago."

"Damn right. I will be paid for this right?"


"Hahaha! See you soon!"


Hanging up the phone, Dante smiled.

"Heh, it's time eh? Alright then."

Dante stood up from his desk, flung the tails of his coat stylishly, and walked towards a table with a pair of two handguns and a large sword hanging above, including other types of weapons. Equipping them on, and walking towards the door, Dante spoke.

"Not only I get to go to vale, I can also get to meet 'them'. *Sigh* I can't wait to see the looks on their faces, because it's going to be one hell of a party!"

With that, Dante kicks his doors open and revealed a forest surrounding his shop, as well as werewolf like creatures in his way. Seeing this made the man smile as he pulled out his handguns and said.

"Target practice! Right on time!"

The creatures howled as they started to walk closer to their prey.

"Well what are you waiting for? Let's rock!"

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang*

"And that's the match! Team RWBY is victorious!"

"We did iiiiiiit! Ooooh is anyone else starving?" Cheered Ruby as she her team achieved victory from their match against another team.

"I may have worked up an appetite." Replied Blake as suddenly her stomach growled loudly.

"Gee, if only there were somewhere on campus to get food around here. Oh wait! Here we are." said Weiss as it was obvious that were there already.

"Come on, I know just the place." Yang added as lead her team to a food stand.

It's been a few months after team RWBY faced many foes, such as Roman Torchwick, and the White Fang. It's been a heck of a school year for the girls and their friends as it helped them form better bonds with each other and improve their training for the most important event.

The Vytal Festival Tournament.

Team RWBY just finished their match and decided to treat themselves some lunch. Eventually they were joined by team JNPR and discussed about their match coming up. After a weird but normal conversation, Jaune and his team left to attend their upcoming match. As the battle ended, team JNPR were the victors. Later, Team SSSN hand their match and won theirs as well. The tournament ended for the day and everybody headed on home.

As team RWBY were about to leave, Weiss saw a familiar ship flying by in the sky looked in shock and happiness as she managed to say a few words.

"She's here…"

Beacon Academy, Courtyard.

Running after her teammate, Ruby asked Weiss what was going on, and why she ran out in a hurry.

"Weiss, what is the big deal? Who's is it? Who is she?"

She got her answer as the ship from earlier landed and it was revealed that stepping out of it was Winter, Weiss's older sister.

It was an awkward first meeting as Winter showed a lot more maturity and very strict, yet she showed care for her little sister as she asked how she was doing. Letting the sister's spend time together, Ruby left as she tends to her own business.

However, it seemed that their sister time will be shorten as a familiar, yet skilled hunter approaching from behind.

Walking halfway to the entrance, one of atla's robot head was thrown towards their direction.

"Hey, you!"

This caught the attention of the Schnee sisters as their turned around they saw a man wearing a large red coat, shouting to them.

"Yeah, I'm talking to you!"

One the robots began to take action against the man, but was stopped by winter. Weiss then angrily walked to the man and said.

"Excuse me! Do you have any idea who you are talking to?"

"Of course I am," said the man. "but I'm not talking to you."

The man gently pushed aside Weiss and looked her sister and said.


No one spoke as both adults liked at each other as if they knew each other.

"Saw that shiny ship of yours while I was in town, and by the looks of it, you're here too."

"I'm standing right before you idiot." replied Winter.

"So I see." Joked the man.

"And you do realize you just destroyed atlas military property?"

He looked around and saw the destroyed robots near him, the man's shrugged.

"Oops, sorry about that. I kinda mistaken these things as...garbage."

Winter grew angry as this man was pushing it.

"I don't have time for games...Dante."

"Wait, you two know each other?" Interrupted Weiss.

"That's right kid, she and I go way back."

"Dante…" Warned Winter.

"I remember the time she and I use to hang out at this one bar with an old friend of mine, she got so wasted she pole danced amazingly as she sing careless whisper at the same time."



"That's right, you won't even believe how much cash she received all in one night!"

"Winter how could you!" Shouted Weiss.

"Dante...if you don't shut up, I will gladly shut it for you!" Yelled Winter as she drew her weapon that was a rapier.

Hearing their argument drew all the students near by as something was about to happen.

Dante smiled.

"Alright then...bring it!"

In a blink of an eye, Winter jabbed her sword to stab Dante as he dodged the attack and moved side to side as Winter swinged her weapon rapidly around his head. Dante blocked one her attacks with his large sword on his back and pushed her away as he unsheath his weapon and pointed it towards her.

Both took their stance and prepared to attack.

Dante attacked first as Winter blocked it and began to somersault backwards to dodge his strikes until she blocked once more.

The crowd began to cheer as the battle started great.

Within the people, Ruby moved towards the front and found Weiss looking helplessly at the fight.

"Weiss! What's going on?!"

"Some crazy guy started attacking my sister for reasons I don't want to tell!"

"Oh no! Who would do such a th-aaaaaaaat is my dad!"


"Kick her butt dad!"

"Er...S-Show him some respect Winter!"

Back to the fight, both Dante and Winter were trading blows to their attacks as they moved so quickly you had to be quick to keep up or you'll miss a thing!

Raising his sword, Dante yelled a battle cry.


Acting quickly, Winter used a glyph to jump away from the attack as it shattered the ground!

Landing somewhere safe, Winter looked up and saw Dante coming toward her! Jumping once more to gain an edge as she jumped on his sword as Dante gave a another swing, he looked up and saw Winter smiling and kicked him in the face as she jumped again landing on a street light, safely from Dante.

Until a gunshot was heard and a bullet hit below her feet, Winter jumped once more and impaled her sword in a pillar and looked at Dante again holding a pair of handguns and began to shoot her.

Following her as she ran on the pillars, Dante jumped on the other side of the pillars and continued to shoot at Winter with his high powered handguns, Ebony and Ivory. As he fired his guns, a cloud of smoke appeared from Winter's spot as it covered the area. Dante stopped and waited for an attack. Jumping from the smoke was Winter as she drew another sword hidden inside her rapier and began her attack. Dante prepared himself as he sheath his guns and drew his sword again and blocked her attack, with both weapons collided, it caused the pillar they were on to collapsed and both landed back on the courtyard.

With both back on the ground, Dante and Winter once again traded blows as the woman pushed the man away from her as he stabbed his sword into the ground to slow is push.

Winter then stabbed her sword into the ground as blue feathers surrounded her, at the same time, white glowing birds appeared and flew around and headed straight towards Dante!

Acting quickly, Dante drew his guns once more and fired at the oncoming birds stylishly as he spin around to show his skills of weaponry. Having enough of the birds, Dante fired a charge shot, getting of the birds and towards Winter as she quickly dodged the shot.

Seeing this fight dragging too long, Winter Summoned another glyph behind her to end this fight. Thinking the same thing, Dante placed his guns away and raised his arm out as a bright light appeared around his hand, within the light looked like a another sword.

The crowd looked in silence as they wondered what's gonna happen next. They got their answer as Dante made the light disappear, making the people around him disappointed as Winter wonder why did he stop.

Dante then taunted the woman by clapping his hands together acting like he was trying to attract a dog.

Guess who was the dog?


"Come on!"

That was the last straw to embarrass her as Winter dashed to make one final attack to end this now.



Stop her attack just barely an inch to Dante's throat, Winter turned around and saw the last person she wanted to see.

"G-General Ironwood sir!"

"What in the world do you think you're doing?" replied Ironwood as he walked towards the two as an orange haired girl followed him.

"He started the fight sir!"

"That's actually not true, she started it first." replied Dante as he crossed his arms.

"Is that right?" questioned Ironwood as Winter tired to think of an excuse, but couldn't find one as she hanged her head in shame. "I see...and what are YOU doing here Dante?"

"I could ask you the same thing." said Dante with a hint of anger in his voice.

Before Ironwood could speak, he was interrupted.

"Now, now everyone."

All three looked and saw the man himself, Ozpin, calming the situation down with his assistant, Glynda next to him.

"There's a better proper fight just happening around within the colosseum that I assure you that had better seats. And popcorn!"

"Break it up everybody, we'll hang this mess." replied Glynda to break the crowd from the area.

Signaling his group, Ironwood and the others left. Leaving Dante, Ozpin and Glynda behind.

Giving him a chance to relax, Dante let out a sigh as this fight made him hungry. That we until he was nearly tackled down by a girl in red.





"Oh it's so good to see you! Did you miss me? Did you miss me?!"

"...Maybe." Joked Dante as he rubbed his daughter's head as he did really miss her. Boy fatherhood is a real pain in the rear.

Their moment was cut short as Ozpin called out his name.

"Dante! A word please."

"Uh oh. Looks like I'm in trouble." Whispered Dante.

"Well, you did kinda tear up our courtyard." replied Ruby.

"That I did." said Dante as he gave Ruby a quickly hug. "I'll catch up you and Yang soon."

With that, Dante left. Leaving a happy Ruby behind as she hasn't seen her father for quite some time since joining beacon.

Weiss came up to Ruby and said.

"After seeing your father in action, I can see where your recklessness came from."

"Ah you're just mad 'cause he whooped your sister's butt."

"Th-That was a draw at best!"

Ozpin's office, moments later.

Inside the office, Ironwood, and Winter waited for the others to arrive. It didn't take long as Ozpin, Glynda and Dante entered the room from the elevator they took.

As they came in, Winter and Ironwood spoke angrily.

"What were you thinking?! Saying such filth in front of my sister!"

"Come on Winter, it looked liked you had a good time." Dante replied.

"That was years ago!"

"Not only did you destroyed Atlas property, but you interfered with our buiness!" Added Ironwood. "If you were one of my men, I would have you shot on the spot!"

"*Tsk* Of I were one your men, I'd shoot you myself! And seriously? Shoot me in front of kids? You have no respect?"

Ironwood angrily growled as Dante really started to piss him off.

"While I couldn't agree with his behavior," Spoke Glynda. "retaliating like you did certainly did help the situation."


"Enough!" Shouted Ozpin as he took control of this situation. "Dante. What are you doing here?"

"I've heard the festival was in town and I decided to come and have some fun!"

"Fun you say? I hope it does not involve destroying the academy be cause your definition of fun is rather different."

Ironwood spoke to Dante next.

"You've been out of contact for weeks Dante! You just can't go dark! Where have you been?!"

"I'm not one of your goddamn special operatives, Jimmy." Dante replied as he spoke darkly towards Ironwood.

"General." Corrected Winter.

Dante didn't reply back as he looked at Winter with hate in his eyes as they slightly glowed yellow. The woman saw this and started to back away, it was rare to see him angry.

But why toward the General? It seemed something happened between the two men in the past.

Looking back at Ironwood, Dante said.

"As I said, I'm not one of your own. I work on my own. Plus I've been busy with work. And that work involves being a hunter. That also means I have some contacts, and they told me that your enemy is here!"

"We know." Calmly Replied Ozpin.

"Really? Good! That makes things easier."

"How the hell did you know that?!" Yelled Ironwood.

"Sorry Jimmy that's classified."

Ironwood started to get angry even more. How dare Dante tell him his information on knowing the enemy is here is classified!"

"Damn you Dante! You tell me right now who your contact is and where did you get this information!"


"Damn you Dante I will- Wait. Did you just say fine?"



"Don't worry you'll meet her in a minute, I've invited her as she is one of my contacts."

That's strange. Dante was just arguing with Ironwood and refused to talk about his contacts and suddenly agreed to talk. Ozpin really couldn't read Dante at all. He is really a mystery time to time, even though he known him for a long time.

"And who would this contact be?" asked Ozpin.


Exiting from the elevator, was a young woman, sitting in a wheelchair, with a horrible scar on her face. As she entered the room she spoke.

"Did I miss anything?"

"Amber!" Said everyone but Dante and Winter in surprise.

"Hi everybody."

"Amber, what are you doing here? You should be resting!" Said Ozpin.

"I think I've rested enough. But I appreciate your concern."

"Heh, always trying to act strong aren't we?"

"Can't keep a maiden like me down." said Amber with a smile.

"With half of the maidens power actually." Joked Dante.

"Even though I'm in this chair, I can still kick your butt with the power I have left.

"No argument there."

"Anyway, did I miss anything?"

"Just the usual argument, nothing new." Replied Glynda as she was happy to see an old friend.

"I see."

"Were just about to discuss about that who was Dante's contact is and how he knew that enemy is here? And it appears it's you." added Ozpin.

"That's right, I'm one of Dante's contacts who told him that the enemy is here. They are here alright."

"How do you know that?"

"Because the maidens power can feel it."

"What?!" Said everyone, except Dante.

"It's true, it happened a few months ago when my powers felt like it wanted to leave me, I managed to hold it back but it wasn't easy. If I wasn't able to hold it, well, you know what happens."

The maidens power wanted to leave Amber to look for its other half? This is not good.

"Wait." said Ironwood. "If you knew about this information, why didn't you-"

"Contact you?" Interrupted Dante. "Because I told her to."

"You did what?!"

"You heard me. I was there visiting Amber when it happened. If we were to spill it, our enemy probably hidden spies around us to tell them this kind of information. So Amber and I kept it from you for her safety."

Ozpin wasn't pleased to hear this, but was glad to see Dante cared for the girl since she was his first friend she has ever made.

Ironwood however wasn't even happy at all, not being informed of the situation that's happening in front of him. Dante. That bastard. Even though he's not on his side, he would've at least tried to contact him.

Seeing Ironwood angry once more , Dante spoke.

"What's wrong Jimmy? Upset that someone is not feeding you information that could keep you in the loop? Please, like I would ever tell you anything. Not since what happened all those years ago."

Winter, being silent the whole time as she paid attention to what was going on.

("All those years ago? Just what happened?")

Ironwood calmly replied.

"That was years ago. I was just doing my job."

"You could've just waited until we radioed in!"

"And what? Wait for more innocent people to die while you take your time? We were at war!"

"The fight wasn't easy as you think! We had it covered!"

"He was just another casualty of war!"

"He was my brother goddamn it!"

Everyone when silent. Hearing Dante about his brother was a heavy burden on those who took part in the war. But it was true, if Ironwood held back on the attack, his brother would still be here.

Not wanting to have a fight in his office, Ozpin calmly spoke.

"Dante, it would be best if you leave. I'm sure your daughters miss you as they would like you to catch up with you."

"...Yeah, that sounds good. At least I have SOME family left to go back to."

With that, Dante broke eye contact with Ironwood, entered the elevator and left the office. Making the people in the room to relax as all knew Dante is more dangerous than any of them combined. They were glad he was an ally.

"Hard to believe it's been years since Vergil's death." Amber said. "He too was a good friend despite his attitude being strict."

"Indeed." added Ozpin. "If only we had more time, he'd still be here with us."

"Let's not dwell on the past," Said Gylinda. "If we do, it will be a distraction on what's infront of us."

"Yes. All we can do now is move foward, hope for a better future, for all remnant and it's people."

To be continued...

Authors note: What do you guys think? Like it so far? Feedback is greatly appreciated! Let me know what you guys and gals think about it to see if i should continue. If you do, I could make another version of this only with a new character that'll change the whole story! Not an O.C I guarantee that! But who will it be? We'll find out. See ya!