Yukio woke up with immense pain in his forehead. As he got up, he remembered last night's events and how badly he screwed up.

"Why am I like this? I keep on hurting Rin. She's so precious to me." Yukio murmured, his head in his hands, his thoughts wandering off to when they were small kids.

"Rin!" Yukio laughed."I thought we were on the same team!"

They were throwing water balloons with other kids in the neighbourhood and they teamed up together to no one's surprise.

They'd been inseparable ever since Shiro found them together in their mother's arms.

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean that I can't throw a balloon at you!" She laughed back.

"Then that means I can throw one at you!" Yukio crossed his arms, pouting a bit.

"Well you can if you want. But wouldn't you be hurting your sister?" Rin asked, knowing his protective-brother side would kick in.

"Ugh! Why do you always do this to me?" Yukio huffed.

"Because I can!" She exclaimed then threw another water balloon at him.

"Hey, Rin," Yukio came up the stairs of their shared home, scratching the back of his neck, a nervous tic of his.

"Hey," she said curtly, not looking up from what she was doing. Which was playing with her flames at the moment.

"Listen, I'm sorry. I loose control and I know that I need to stop, but I can't help it. I can't. I try, I really do." Yukio looked down, clearly ashamed of himself.

"I know, Yukio. But, I can't do the same things every time it happens." Rin murmured, embracing her brother, letting him know it would be okay.

"I love you, Rin." Yukio finally said.

"I love you most!" Rin grinned as she ran from him.

"YOU CHEATED!" Yukio screamed as he ran after Rin.

This is just like the old times! He thought.

Ron awoke to see that Hermione wasn't next to him. He scanned the room, his surroundings unknown. And there it was. The pain.

There was a pounding headache and the bright light burned his eyes. But with what he could see, there was a note on the bedside table.

I went to the grocery story so there's a pill and all you need to do is add water to the coffee pot. I love you.


Ron sighed. He screwed up again, therefore angering Hermione. I can't believe that I did it again. I can't be so stupid. I'm risking everything. But I can't stop.

Ron felt tears running down his eyes. His vision blurred and soon Ron's chest was heaving, the only sound of his heavy breathing in the room.

"Ron, are you okay?" Hermione said, popping her head through the door.

"Yeah, I'm okay." he replied, drying his tears quickly so Hermione couldn't see.

"Ron, you're obviously not okay, it's written across your face," Hermione took a seat next to him, shifting the weight on the bed.

"I- I'm so sorry. I just- I can't stop myself," he sighed.

"Ron, you need to get help. I'm telling you and I'm completely serious. I'm not going to pick up after your messes." Hermione said.

"I'll try my best." Ron spoke softly.

"Let's do something today, all of us! Yukio, Rin, you and me! It would be fun!" Hermione tried to lighten the mood.

"Knock, knock mother fuckers," Rin yelled while just waltzing in.

"Rin, that probably wasn't the best idea, just walking in like that," Yukio sighed, out of breath from chasing Rin throughout the house.

"What happened between you two?" Ron smiled, trying to push off the moment between him and Hermione.

"Nothing much. I'm just enforcing rules and such!" Rin grinned.

"Hey, how about we all do something fun? That doesn't involve Rin and me trying to kill you two!" Hermione laughed.

"What about Mepphyland?" Yukio asked, looking at


"Uh," Ron laughed,"What's that?"

"That sounds just a tad odd," Hermione quirked an eyebrow.

"Oh yeah! I remember promising Sheimi that we'd go there together!" Rin pointed out. "But she then moved away."

"Didn't she move in with Bon?" Yukio pondered aloud.

"Yeah, I think so," Rin confirmed.

"Who the fuck is Sheimi?" Ron yelled, tired of hearing about some girl.

"Shut up, Ron. Okay, let's head to this, uh, 'Mepphyland'." Hermione said, her words chosen carefully.

"LET'S GO, BITCHES!" Rin screamed.