The train ride was long and Ed found himself nodding off through most of it. al excitedly talked about how pretty he had heard central was and all the sights he wanted to see. When the train pulled into the final stop Al shook Ed awake. Ed groaned as he stretched getting on his feet to reach for his bag on the top storage rack his fingertips just barely reached making Ed stand on the seat to reach he heard Alphonse stifling a laugh and retorted.

"Not one word." As he jumped down and stocked off the train.

As he and al exited the train al asked "who is supposed to be meeting us again?" Ed scanned the busy crowd of people running around

"Hughes said a tall blonde guy named Armstrong he's another state achemist and that I would know him when I saw him. But I don't see anything so far I wonder where he is." Ed continued to walk looking for any indication of the man Hughes had discribed.

"Edward Elric?!? Fullmetal alchemist!!" A booming voice caught Ed and Al's attention the man who owned the voice was nothing like what they were expecting. The man was y'all and blonde but he was the biggest man they had seen he had some kind of twinkle following him. Once he got close to them his alpha smell punched Ed right in the face. Ed has applied a significant amount of Sent block to hide his sweet omega smell hoping not to allow anyone to smell his secret. The alpha man smiled and held his hand to Ed.

"I knew it was you. You look just as Hughes said you would but I didn't expect you to be as short as you are most betas are not so small and fragile looking-" he started to ramble stirring Ed's anger.

"I am not small or fragile looking!! I am a perfectly normal size!" Ed shouted.

"Brother please don't yell." Al soothes him "hi mr Armstrong I'm Alphonse Ed's younger brother." Al shook his hand.

"Right follow me! Sir Alphonse!" Armstrong sparked.

The walk to the dorm was short and Armstrong and al talked the whole way annoying the overly tired Ed. Ed has been feeling a bit off the last few days Ed thought it was a cold coming on but kept pushing it off. he would sleep when he got back from reporting in with this mustang guy.

Armstrong told al that their room had been taken care of and was ready for them to settle in. He guided them to the room on the first floor.

"This is your room. Please feel free to unpack here Al, while I take Edward to see Cornel mustang." Armstrong opened the door showing a small room with a door leading to a small bathroom two beds are stacked against the far wall.

"Thank you mr Armstrong." Al said as he walked in closing the door behind himself.

Ed followed Armstrong silently until he stopped infront of an office.

"Thank you Armstrong. See you around I guess" Ed stook out his had anticipating him to shake his when he suddenly found Armstrong shirtless flexing his muscles rambling about what an honor it had been to make his acquaintance and how his brotherly love was so wonderful. Ed's eyes widened in horror he frantically looked for someone to save him from this mad man. Lucky for him Hawkeye was on her way back to the office.

As Ed saw the blonde woman approach he silently begged her to stop what ever it was that was happening.

"Excuse me Armstrong who is this?" She questioned.

"Oh yes this is Edward Elric he is supposed to report to the cornel." He said respectfully. Hawkeye looked Ed over and decided to take mercy on him. "Okay great I will take him in to see him he is free now." Ed sighed in relief as she guided him in to the large room and introduced him to all of the men working there. The names started to blur together as his head grew foggy this cold was going to kick his butt. Finally she knocked on the door and heard him yell for them to enter.

Until next chapter. I promise they will meet!