I guess I kinda owe everyone this after Power is Red, Heartstrings and Wolf to the Slaughter, don't I? XD

Yes, here we are, the chapter for probably the most popular pairing in the show. I've made it extra longer for the heartbreak I've caused and the amount I intend to cause in the future. As such, please enjoy this for what it's worth.

I've had a reviewer telling me I should probably wait until V5 comes out before writing this, as we'll likely meet Pyrrha's parents during then. I've decided against that, simply because I don't want to wait around for something that might not even happen. As such, I will be using my PIR OC's for this story. If that annoys anyone, then I'm sorry, but that's just how it is.

Finally, son of a gun, we've reached over 300 followers with this? I can't thank you all enough for this, especially with the wonky upload schedule. This all means so much to me, and I thank you all for it. I've read all of the reviews, and I notice most people are saying my Lancaster chapter is probably the weakest.

And I completely agree. Back then, I was a little unsure of what direction I was gonna take this story and tired to limit myself with what I could do. These days I'm a lot more confident with my writing, and as such, I will be re-writing the Lancaster chapter. Not right now, but one day. It'll replace the original, but if anyone still wants the original chapter, PM me and I'll send you it.

Please enjoy:

Chapter 7 - Arkos

Jaune must have misheard her. There was no other explanation for it.

"A-Are you serious?"

She sighed. "Jaune, is it really that hard to believe?"

Was that a joke? Of course it was hard to believe! How had they even started talking about this?

One minute they were having their usual sparring matches, and then he decided to whine about how he couldn't win Weiss over. Pyrrha had advice for practically everything, so he figured she would help him in dealing with the heiress.

But that's not what happened. Instead, she told him to give up on his pursuit for Weiss' affection.

He had been surprised and a little hurt when she said that. She had never discouraged him for following his dreams before. He asked her why, and she said because it was a waste of time. Weiss would probably never return his feelings, and he'd only hurt himself if he kept trying.

That had been really depressing to hear, but didn't stop there. She said that if he stopped following Weiss, he'd have more time to pay attention to the girls who actually were interested in him.

Girls like her, apparently…

"But, I… I don't understand."

"I honestly don't know how I can be anymore clear." She studied the confused boy and sighed again. "Okay, fine. I, Pyrrha Nikos, would like to go out with you, Jaune Arc."

Yeah, that sounded like what she had said before. He was at least ninety percent sure now that this wasn't a hallucination born from exhaustion and teenage angst. Although, that only made the situation even more confusing to comprehend.

"... Why?"

She rolled her eyes. "What are you talking about? What do you mean why?"

"I mean, why would you of all people wanna date me? I mean, come on. Don't you think you're a little out of my league?"

"Isn't that up for me to decide?"

"But your Pyrrha Nikos!" Did he have to be the one to remind her of that? "You're the Champion of Mistral, and probably the strongest student in Beacon-"


"But it's true! People like me don't belong with girls like-"

"Stop it!" she snapped. Her emerald eyes flared with anger. "You're the first person in forever to not put me on a pedestal. Don't you dare start doing it now!"

Jaune backed away in surprise. He had never seen his partner look so angry before. He didn't think it was even in her nature to get cross.

"I'm not trying to," he said slowly. He didn't want to annoy her even more. She was already a one woman army when she was calm. "I'm just putting things into perspective. Why would you want to date someone like me? I do not exaggerate when I say that you can do better."

She groaned and rolled her eyes at him again. "You know what, Jaune? You're right, I probably could do better. I've already got enough admirers as it is, even before coming to Beacon. I'm sure most boys would leap at the chance to date me, and I'm sure some of them are probably stronger and more handsome than you." She shrugged her shoulders. "So what?"

So what? She just listed every reason why she should do better. It was no secret that she was one of the most desired girls in Beacon. Why wouldn't she wanna try aiming higher?

"I just wanna know why," he said. "Of all the guys in Beacon, why me? Why would you pick me over guys like that?"

She laughed bitterly. "You honestly don't know, do you?"

Know what? Damn it, why was she being so mysterious?

She grabbed him by the shoulders and brought him to eye level. "Do you know what I see whenever I see those strong and handsome boys look at me?" Her lips were snarling with every word said. "I see them staring at the Invincible Girl, or the Champion of Mistral. Not Pyrrha Nikos. Never Pyrrha Nikos! I'm a title first and a person second!"

Her grip on his shoulders tightened. Damn, had she always been holding back when they were training?

"Most people look at me with awe, like they can't even approach me," she continued. "Others see me as a tool, a way for them to boost their social status or to make them money. You know, people trying to ride my fame." She was starting to tremble on the spot. "And then there are those who look at me like I'm a piece of meat, something to be drooled and lusted over. It makes me sick!"

She let go of him and walked a small distance away from him, turning her back to him in the process. Her shoulders sagged and she looked down at the ground.

"You're the first person in a long time to look at me and see… well, me," she said softly. "I never have to put on act for you. I can feel totally relaxed and be myself around you." She laughed again, although this time her tone was happier. "Do you have any idea how good that feels?"

"So there you are. That's why I want to date you, Jaune," she said, looking back at him. "Those boys may make me feel special, but you're the only one who makes me feel normal."

Jaune blinked slowly, stunned at his partner's words.

Pyrrha never did talk about her life as celebrity before, not that he ever cared to ask. Was this the reason why? Sheesh, to think he left for Beacon to escape his normal life. She probably would've swapped her life for his in a heartbeat.

But that wasn't what stood out in his head. His partner just confessed her attraction for him…

That was… how was he supposed to respond to that?

They were just friends, weren't they? That's not to say Pyrrha wasn't attractive herself - on the contrary, his partner was gorgeous - but he never really thought about her in that way.

Maybe it was because of his respect for her, or that they were the best of friends, or maybe it was just the fact that she had never gave any clue of her affection for him. Or maybe she had, and he just didn't realise it before, although he would've thought he'd remember his partner flirting with him.

"How long?" he asked.

"How long?"

"How long have you felt this way about me?"

Her face concentrated for a moment. "I guess it started a few weeks after initiation. I had already made plans to partner up with you when we first met, but the more we got to know each other, the more my feelings for you grew."

"It's been that long?" That sounded way too long for what was probably a crush.

"I admit, I'm not the best at revealing these things," she laughed. "Perhaps I should've taken a page out of your book, with how you were with Weiss."

The joke went over his head. His mind was running circles right now.

"So why now? Why are you telling me this now?"

"Because I can't take it anymore," she groaned. "I'm sick of watching you chase after Weiss, when she's clearly not interested in you. It's a wasted effort on your part, and it's frustrating for me to watch. Call me selfish, but I want that kind of attention you give her directed at me. At least I'm actually attracted to you."

There it was again. His partner was attracted to him. No lie, no teasing flirt, she genuinely wanted to be his girlfriend.

"The dance is coming up soon," she continued, "so I figured now would be as good a time as any to tell you how I feel. I was also rather hoping we could go together?"

That sounded like a date if he ever did hear one. The first date he had ever been offered with a girl. He had sometimes imagined how he would act if he ever got asked on one. He thought he'd be buzzing with excitement, being barely able to control his happiness. Especially if it was a girl he knew really well.

But instead he felt strangely… annoyed.

Angry, even.

"I know this is probably a lot to take in," she said sheepishly. "I'll give you some time to think about my offer. I don't need an answer right away, but it'd be nice to-"

"A lot to take in?" His voice was steady, but there was no denying the edge in his tone. "That's the biggest understatement I've heard in a long time."

She cocked her head at his sharpening tone. "Jaune?"

"Come on, Pyrrha, how am I supposed to take this? You mean to seriously tell me that you've been feeling this way about me for all this time? Christ, that speech just now almost made it sound like you were in love with me. How would you react to being told something like this?"

Her eyes narrowed. "Well, not like this for a start," she said sternly. "I understand if this is a shock for you, but it's how I feel. As I said, I'm no good at admitting these things. It was difficult enough doing it now."

"So you thought it be better to just keep quiet? That'd it be easier to make me look like an idiot instead of confessing!?"

Her eyes widened at the accusation. "A-An idiot?"

"Oh, come on, you've seen how I've been acting around Weiss," he snapped. "I've spent nearly everyday trying to win her over. Why didn't you stop me sooner so that you could tell me how you really felt about me?"

She recoiled a little bit. "I thought it'd be wrong for me to get in the way. You clearly felt something for her, so I let you do your thing. I just wanted you to be happy."

"Happy!?" His temper rose at the ludicrous statement. "Pyrrha, you've always been encouraging me to keep trying with her, but I get shot down every time. Don't get me wrong, I'm not blaming you for me getting rejected, but why did you keep supporting me? I never got with Weiss, and you had to hide your feelings. Neither of us are happy!"

"I thought it might work," she stammered. "Who knows, maybe you could've got her to date you? I didn't want to risk crushing your dreams just to be with me."

Now it was his turn to laugh. "You know, Pyrrha, for such a smart girl, you can be incredibly stupid at times. Your 'sacrifice' - if you're even willing to call it that - has just made me look like an idiot for all this time. Nothing I've tried with Weiss works. I look pathetic every time I try flirting with her."

Her emerald eyes sparked with anger again. "You've only got yourself to blame for looking stupid," she snapped. "Anyone with eyes can see that Weiss wants nothing to do with you. I shouldn't have to be the one to tell you that."

"Oh, yeah, sure," he sneered. "Because you're just the queen of all things obvious, aren't you? You haven't given me the slightest hint in the past about how you really felt, and you think you have the right to get annoyed when I try dating someone else? Get real."

"I didn't know how!" she shouted, stamping her foot on the ground. "I've never been in this situation before. I don't know what to do. I don't need you giving me a hard time for being unsure about things!"

"Oh! You think you've got problems!?" he shouted back, his volume matching hers. "How do you think I feel after my best friend and partner drops a bombshell like this on me? Newsflash: I don't know about this, either!"

"Stop yelling at me!"

Stop yelling at ME!"

They both heaved and panted, glaring daggers at one another. This would've been their first official argument ever since becoming partners. That time on the roof when he confessed his secret and insecurities to her felt small compared to this.

This was the first time they were seriously angry at one another.

For a while they didn't say anything, they just continued to glare at each other. The noise of their heavy breathing was the only sound in the air. Both their bodies shook with anger and exhaustion after the little shouting match they had.

Then he felt the corner of his mouth began to twitch. The he saw Pyrrha's do the same.

The dark look in their eyes began to soften. Their twitching became uncontrollable until they just couldn't take it anymore.

They burst out laughing.

Whatever tension was in the air was long gone, as their laughter rang through the air. Jaune even had a few tears in his eyes from laughing so hard. Pyrrha herself looked like she was about to fall over.

This went on for longer than what was probably considered normal, but they still let out the odd chuckle every now and then.

"Ah man, we sound like idiots," Jaune chuckled. He could never stay mad at her forever.

"Well, you are my leader," she giggled. "I'm just following your example."

"Very funny." His laughter died down a little. His partner stared back at him smiling. It was safe to say that they were friends again.

Although, if what Pyrrha said was true…

"So, everything you told me… you were being honest with me, right?"

She rolled her eyes and scoffed, but thankfully it was in a playful manner. "Of course, Jaune, don't be ridiculous."

"Just checking," he laughed, holding his hands up in the air. "Don't want you thinking I still can't take a hint." He lowered his hands and looked into his partner's eyes. They were beautiful, there was no denying it. The way they shone with that alluring shade of green. He felt he could stare at them forever-

He quickly looked down at the ground, blushing from his own thoughts.

That was the first time he ever thought of his partner in such a way. He never had any trouble meeting her eyes before, but her confession had certainly shed a new light on things. Ugh, he was so confused right now!

"Jaune, are you okay?" she asked gently, putting a hand on his shoulder. He stiffened at her touch, but forced his body to relax.

"Yeah, I'm fine," he sighed. "Sorry, I'm just a little confused right now."

"I understand. I guess I did leave things a little too late."

"Too late to worry about that now." He forced himself to meet her gaze. "So… you and I?"

She shrugged slightly. "Do you want to?"

"I mean, yeah, it could be nice. Could be great, even. I gotta be honest though, I am worried. Like, what if it doesn't work out? I don't want this to drive a wedge between us."

Pyrrha bit her lip. To be fair, this was a concern. They already had a perfect friendship and partnership. Being in a relationship could damage it all if it went sourly. Not that he planned to let that happen, but if there was one thing he learned, it was that nothing in life was certain.

"You're right, it is a risk," she agreed. "But I'd still like to give it a go. Even if it doesn't work out, I like to think we're mature enough to not let it drive us apart. Besides, I'm the one who even suggested this, so I'll feel the most responsible if things mess up."

She said that, but knowing his luck, he'd probably be the one to mess things up. It would be a risk dating her...

But goddamn, the rewards! The chance to date his strong, beautiful, caring and supportive partner? It sounded stupid to turn down her offer. This kind of opportunity came only once in a lifetime.

"I'll be honest, I still find it weird that you've chosen me out of everyone else," he chuckled. "But I'm feeling pretty damn lucky that you did."

Pyrrha's eyes lit up in excitement. "Is that a yes!?"

"Guess I'd have to be as dumb as before to say no, don't you think?"

Pyrrha brought her hands to her mouth and squeed. Soon after, she immediately crashed into Jaune and pulled him into in a bone-crushing hug worthy of Nora. Jaune flailed around in her embrace, laughing and choking at the same time.

She quickly pulled away, looking back with a shy blush. "I'm sorry," she squeaked. "Guess I let myself get carried away there."

"It's fine," he wheezed. This was a great opportunity for both of them. They were both new to relationships, so they could work this out together. "What say we let Ren and Nora know about this?"

"Good idea. Let's go."

Neither of them moved an inch. They stood staring at each other awkwardly and fidgeting on the spot. They made brief glances towards the door, but their feet remained planted on the ground.


"So what?"

"So, like, do we start holding hands now or something?"

"I don't know, do we?"

"I don't know."

They would probably be stuck on that stupid roof until tomorrow morning.


Jaune stared up at the towering structure of the stadium. The sounds of the excited crowd murmuring inside could be heard from even where he was standing.

Three months… had it really been three months since that night on the roof?

Time sure flew by, huh?

When he revealed to Ren and Nora that he and Pyrrha were dating, he expected them to be surprised, if only a little bit. They were the ones who ended up surprising him though, with Nora shouting that it was about damn time and Ren agreeing with her.

He got a similar reaction with Team RWBY. He swore that they all said finally at the exact same time, including Weiss, the girl he once sought after.

Was he seriously that oblivious? It wasn't like it was his fault. He had never had a girl crush on him before, how was he supposed to pick up on signs?

Bah, it didn't matter now. All that mattered was that he was dating Pyrrha and he couldn't be happier because of it. Despite the risks, the two had a very stable, happy and healthy relationship, with Pyrrha looking happier than he had ever seen her before.

And today he would be watching her compete in a fighting match.

That was exciting.

Problem was, he would be watching it alongside her parents.

That was… daunting.

Okay, he was sure they were nice people. They had raised Pyrrha, after all. But he was still nervous. He wanted to leave a good impression on them and have them approve of him. The last thing he wanted to do was make a fool of himself.

So he swallowed his nerves and approached the VIP entrance to the coliseum. There was a huge line of people waiting outside the normal entrance, and he would admit, he felt a little smug passing by all of them, especially when they shot him jealous looks.

A guard with a clipboard stood at the entrance to VIP, halting him before he could proceed any further. "Gonna need your name if you wanna get in, son," he said bluntly.

"Jaune Arc. I should be on the list." Pyrrha had invited him to this match weeks in advance, assuring him she'd get him VIP access. Even if things didn't work out, he'd just pay the entry fee. There was no way he was missing this.

"Jaune Arc, Jaune Arc," the guard hummed, looking down his clipboard. "I don't see- oh, hold on,

here you are. Says here you're booked under 'top priority'. Guess it's your lucky day."

Yeah, dating the star of the show was pretty fortunate.

"Just need you to sign your name and your in," the guard said, handing the clipboard to him. Jaune looked at the section where he was listed. Only two other people were named in this section - Baldrick and Andrea Nikos.

Whilst he was signing his name, the guard spoke up again. "These are pretty exclusive seats you're getting, kid," he mused. "You win a competition or something?"

"Not exactly," he chuckled. "I'm Pyrrha Nikos' boyfriend. She's the one who invited me here."

The guard's eyes widened slightly. "Is that so?" His eyes narrowed, examining him for a bit, before chuckling lightly. "No offense, son, but I never would have guessed."

Getting judged by a doorstop. Flattering.

"Anyway, in you go," he said, lowering the thin red barrier blocking the entrance.

Jaune didn't know what to expect when going in. He had never been to something like this before. Lessons with Ms Goodwitch didn't count, because that was just a classroom to him, and he had yet to go inside Amity Colosseum. This would be his first time going to a stadium to watch a tournament match - one that his girlfriend would be fighting in.

The anticipation was killing him.

When he walked inside, he was shocked to see how fancy the place looked. The floor shone from how polished it was, the marble texture making his footsteps to echo slightly as he walked on it. A small waterfall trickled in the distance over the sound of soft music playing in the background.

There was a bar with a TV monitor in a corner of the room. Lots of smart-looking people wearing business suits were crowded around it, clinking glasses and joking together. Some sat in the rich leather chairs that decorated the room, eagerly awaiting the upcoming match.

This place certainly looked VIP. Weiss would approve, at least. He honestly felt out of place in a place like this. The people here looked way too important for him to ever mingle with. He had only shown up in his trademark hoodie and jeans. He looked ridiculous compared to these people.

Nervously, he walked around the room, ignoring the confused stares the business people were sending his way. Thankfully this was just a waiting area, and he wouldn't be here for long. He didn't know how long he could handle the awkwardness.

"You look lost, son."

Jaune turned around, only to have to look up as he tried meeting the eyes of the man behind him. Jaune was a tall person himself, but this guy easily had a good few inches over him. It didn't help that he also very muscular, giving him a very intimidating appearance. That bald head and goatee didn't make him look any more friendlier, either.

"I-I belong here," he stuttered. "I signed my name and everything, I didn't sneak in." He really didn't want to get thrown out over a misunderstanding.

The bald man rolled his eyes at his panicked state. "I'm not a bouncer, kid," he chuckled in his rumbling voice. "And don't worry, I know you're supposed to be here. I'm actually looking for you."

Whilst he was happy to hear that he wasn't getting kicked out, this only sparked new concerns. "You were… looking for me?"

"Sure was. Why wouldn't I wanna meet my daughter's boyfriend?"

Jaune had to take a second to process the information.

He was what? This guy!? This guy was Pyrrha Nikos' father!? Jaune quickly studied his face. There was nothing about this man that gave it away. He didn't even have green eyes. He could understand if he was her uncle or something, but her father? No way!

"What's the matter?" he smirked. "Can't see the family resemblance?"

Oh crap, he probably looked stupid right now. "I-I'm sorry, sir," he stuttered. "I didn't mean to be rude, I just-"

"Calm down," he laughed, ruffling his hair. "I get that all the time. Hell, I actually kinda enjoy seeing people's reactions these days. Just be grateful Pyrrha gets her looks from her mother's side of the family."

Okay, crisis averted. Now all he had to do was impress him.

"Anyway, come on, let me get you a drink." He gestured to the bar. "You might feel more relaxed after one."

"Um, yeah, sure," he said nervously, still not over his slip-up and surprise. They pushed past the business people - the bald man's appearance making them step aside - and ordered their drinks. Jaune ordered a soda, whilst the man ordered something a little stronger.

They then sat down on one of the leather chairs near the end of the room, away from the rest of the crowd. Jaune forced himself to not start squirming in his chair. He didn't want to look any more of a nervous wreck as what he probably already was.

"My name's Baldrick, by the way," the man said, sipping his drink. "Baldrick Nikos, though I suppose you already guessed the last bit."

"Nice to meet you, si-Baldrick!" Jaune said, quickly correcting himself. "I'm Jaune."

"Believe me, I know," he smirked. "My daughter won't shut up about you. I hear your name more times on a daily basis than I do my own."

Jaune blushed. Apparently, Pyrrha did like to boast about how good a boyfriend he was behind his back to her friends. Poor Nora was apparently sick to death of it, as well as Weiss and Yang. If Ruby and Blake we're getting tired of it, they hadn't expressed it yet.

"Well, I'm happy to hear that I make her feel that way," he smiled. "She means the world to me, your daughter."

"You and me both, son," Baldrick said, taking another sip of his drink. "I must say, I've never seen her act this way around anyone before. As sad as it is, making friends - let alone boyfriends - has always been hard for her, and I don't mean because she's a mean person."

"I understand," Jaune nodded. "She told me once what her fame had done to her. How she could hardly make any real friendships due to her status as a celebrity. I'm honoured that she considers Team JNPR her family away from family."

"Yes, she's definitely been happier than ever, especially with you dating her," he mused, swirling his drink in his hand. His eyes narrowed slightly and his lips stretched into a thin frown. "How did you first meet her, anyway?"

Jaune took a moment to think about the question. "Well, I suppose the first time was in the locker room before initiation. As funny as it sounds, I didn't even know who she was back then-"

"Yes, she mentioned that," Baldrick quickly cut in.

Jaune faltered slightly at the interruption, but quickly recovered. "After that, we first became partners during initiation." Jaune laughed at the memory. "She ended up saving my life by spearing me to a tree. It was only after a while did I discover that she was actively trying to make me her partner."

"So she approached you first, is what your saying?"

"In initiation? Yeah."

"Hmm, she never told us that." Baldrick looked to be deep in thought, staring at the contents of his drink for a while, before looking back up at Jaune again. "And you say you had no idea who she was until being told."

"I know it sounds hard to believe, but yeah."

"You're right, it does sound hard to believe." It was probably just nerves, but Jaune could've sworn he felt the tension in the air get a little bit thicker from Baldrick's tone. "You know, Jaune, it's okay to admit that you knew her beforehand. You're already dating her, after all."

"What?" Jaune's eyes widened at the accusation. "I'm not lying, I honestly didn't. Ask anyone, they'll tell you the same thing."

"With respect, Jaune, I'm having trouble believing that." He put his drink on the small table in front of them. "My daughter is an international celebrity, whether she likes it or not. She's also widely considered to be one of the strongest people alive, and an inspiration to most hunters-in-training."

He leaned in a little closer. He didn't look angry, but there was a sense of distrust in his eyes. "You mean to tell that you, an aspiring huntsman, never once heard of her?" He shook his head. "That seems very unlikely, Jaune."

"I-I honestly don't know what else to tell you. She was a total stranger to me when I first met her."

Baldrick's eyes leered into his. "How is that possible? I've seen my daughter's name practically everywhere; on posters, beauty products, even that crappy cereal. All of those just past by you, did they?"

Jaune scratched the back of his head sheepishly. "Well, I admit, I did recognise her when I got told about the cereal part." Baldrick scoffed at that. "But I didn't know anything about her until being told. Hell, I didn't even know her name!"

Baldrick studied him for a moment, sending chills running through his body. He didn't know how he could make himself anymore honest. It was hard meeting the man's eyes, but he forced himself to do so. If he wanted to earn his respect, he couldn't back down now.

Eventually, Baldrick leaned back in his chair, but his leering gaze never left him. "You don't sound like you're lying," he murmured. "Don't even look it, either. You really had no idea…"

Jaune suddenly felt himself getting annoyed at Baldrick. He was getting sick of the man's constant doubting. "Even if I did know of her beforehand, so what?" he snapped. "My feelings for her haven't changed. A little bit of fame isn't going to make a difference in our relationship."

"So you say," Baldrick hummed, leaning again. "Tell me, Jaune - and I need you to be completely honest with me - what was your reaction upon first meeting my daughter?"

He was about to give another annoyed retort, but then he caught the look in Baldrick's expression. The older man looked concerned and, dare he say it, even a little hopeful. As if the answer he gave would put his mind at rest.

Taking a deep breath to calm his temper, Jaune considered the question before giving an answer. "I dunno, I guess I just saw a girl," he shrugged. "I thought she was pretty when first seeing her, but that was about it. It was no different from seeing any other stranger, really."

Baldrick nodded, closing his eyes as he did so, whilst Jaune awaited his response. He wished he could see what was going through the man's head.

When he opened them again, he had a small smile on his face. "You seem decent, Jaune," he said. "I had my doubts, but you seem like a good kid."

Jaune blinked in surprise. He hadn't been expecting to hear something like that. "Erm, thanks?"

"I'm serious, you are," he said. "There aren't many people out there who see my daughter for who she is, rather than what. Pyrrha needs more of the former in her life."

"I promise you, everything I've said it true."

"I believe you," he nodded seriously. As the words left his leaps, his body relaxed and he practically slouched in his chair. "I'm sorry for questioning you like that," he said. "I've just gotta be careful, you know? There are plenty of men out there who would wish to take advantage of my daughter, whether it be for her fame or her looks."

Now the interrogation made sense. He hadn't been to thrilled to be subjugated to it, but he couldn't blame Baldrick for his caution. "No, no, I get it," he said, waving off his apology. "Pyrrha told me something similar to this once. I understand where you're coming from. You're just looking out for her."

Baldrick hummed again. "I know Pyrrha can take care of herself, but she's still a teenager. A teenager with no experience with these kind of relationships - well, until now, anyway. We all need someone watching our backs, Jaune."

"Believe me I know," he said, almost matching Baldrick's tone. "Pyrrha's saved me from trouble more times than I can count. I can always rely on her." He smiled fondly at the memories before turning serious again. "Your daughter is more than just my girlfriend, Baldrick. She's my best friend and partner. That makes her one of the most important people in my life. I will never do anything to betray her trust."

And it was true. He and Pyrrha would always be there for each other.


Baldrick stared back at him with pride in his eyes. "I'm starting to see why Pyrrha's been gushing about you. You're a good kid, Jaune, you know that?"

A sigh of relief left Jaune's lips. "I'm glad you think so." Oh wow, he was feeling a little drained after that talk. He went for another sip of his drink, only to find he had finished it long ago.

Damn, when did he do that? His body must have gone on autopilot or something.

"If it makes you feel any better," Baldrick said. "That talk we just had? You're not the first person I've had to give it to." He chuckled darkly. "Pyrrha's had many wannabe-suitors before, most of them being celebrities trying to work their way up the social ladder. Let's just say those chats don't end as pleasantly as this one did."

His grin sent shivers down Jaune's spine. "W-Well, it's nice to know I have your approval then," he laughed nervously. He wished he had more of his drink right now.

"Don't feel too safe, though," he chuckled. "My wife's still upstairs. If anyone's gonna have the final say, it's her." He then stood up and helped Jaune onto his feet. "Speaking of her, we better head up now. The match is probably about to start and I've left her up there for too long."

Baldrick led him through the hallway to a fancy-looking elevator by the stairs. He pressed a button named 'priority seats' and the two travelled upwards.

"You've never been to something like this before, have you?" Baldrick suddenly said.

"VIP? No, this is too rich for my blood," Jaune laughed. He could barely afford the nosebleed seats.

Baldrick grinned at his response. "You're in for a treat."


The elevator opened to a large room overlooking the arena. The walls were covered with a thick glass so spotless that it was easy to believe there weren't any walls at all.

A bar was at the back of the room. It was a little smaller compared to the one in the lobby, but that was because it didn't have to serve as many people. The floor was carpeted and even with their shoes on, it felt incredibly comfy to stand on.

Three massage chairs were placed in the centre of the room, giving them a perfect view of the arena. One of them was already occupied by a red-haired woman who looked up at the arriving pair, then quickly rose out of her seat to greet them.

"Oh, there you are," she said. "I was wondering what was taking so long. Any longer and you could've missed the opening."

"Like I'd ever let that happen," Baldrick laughed. "Anyway, you two haven't been introduced. Jaune, this is my wife, Andrea."

"Nice to finally meet you, Mrs Nikos," Jaune said, holding out his hand. Looking at her, it was easy to see where Pyrrha got her looks form. Andrea was a tall woman, perhaps only a few inches shorter than her daughter, with dark red hair that stopped just above her shoulders. Her green eyes were a little duller than her daughter's, but still looked very pretty.

As for Baldrick, it seemed the only thing Pyrrha inherited from him was his last name.

"Just call me Andra, dear," she said, shaking his hand. Her eyes widened slightly as she got a good look at him. "Oh my. You look different than what I imagined you to be."

"Is that so?" Jaune chuckled. "Hopefully that's a good thing."

"Oh it is, don't worry. From the way Pyrrha describes you, I expected someone flashy and extravagant. You're one of the most normal looking people I've ever met."

Jaune blinked. Did he hear that right, or was he being commended for looking average? You know, the thing he had spent his entire life trying to avoid?

"I, uh, I'm glad you think so," he said, unsure how to reply to that. It was one of the weirdest compliments he had ever got.

"Let me explain myself," she laughed. "You see, I'm just so used to seeing hunters and huntresses wearing ridiculous clothes and and carrying weapons the size of cars. Even their hair can look odd at times. I'm just saying it's refreshing to see one who looks like a normal person. It's a good thing, I promise."

Ah, that made sense. Especially since he had snuck his way into Beacon to become a hunter. Maybe another reason he got rejected was because he didn't look weird enough? Maybe he should've considered dying his hair. Or even just dressing differently, like pulling up one sock higher than the other.

Seriously, why did Yang do that?

"Oh, well, thank you very much," he said. "I promise, I'm one of the most normal people you'll ever meet."

"Lovely to hear," she smiled. "Hunters need that little bit of humanity to them. It reminds us simple civilians that even though they have an incredible duty, they're still people at the end of the day."

"You degrading our daughter for being special?" Baldrick teased his wife.

"Pyrrha will always be the exception and you know it," she said with an eye-roll. "And hundreds of people will be reminded of that today."

Oh yeah, the match. He had been so nervous about meeting Pyrrha's parents, he had almost forgotten that. And boy oh boy, did they have the best seats in the house to view it. The box they were seated in was just far enough to be a safe distance from the arena, yet the view they had made sure that they didn't miss a bit of the action.

There was truly no better way to watch the match than how they were now.

"Now come on, sit down." Andrea shooed them to their seats. "They must be getting ready to announce the fighters now."

Jaune quickly sat down in his chair, seating in the seat on the far left. His body instantly appreciated the warm, comfy seat that the room provided. It was so relaxing to sit back in even without the massage function turned on. It probably cost a fortune, but he'd have to get one for his dorm room one day.

"You know, I was surprised when Pyrrha told me about this," he said, leaning back into his oh so comfortable chair. "I wasn't aware there were anymore tournament matches happening. I thought everyone was getting ready for Vytal?"

"This is no tournament match, dear," Andrea said. "In fact, there's not even a winning prize for the victor. Pyrrha wasn't even contracted to compete in this. She volunteered to fight in this one."

"Volunteered? And for no prize? What for?" Weren't athletes supposed to compete for some kind of reward? Why would she take part in this if there was nothing to be gained? Pyrrha didn't usually do things without a purpose to them.

"Two reasons. This first one being that this match is the winning prize for a previous tournament winner."

Say what? How was having to fight against Pyrrha Nikos considered a prize? Whoever organised this must have been a sadist or something.

"A while ago there was a tournament being held in Vacuo," Andrea continued. "The winner of the tournament was offered hundreds of lien if they won. But when it came to collecting his prize, the winner rejected it. Instead, he wanted something else for winning the tournament."

"The chance to fight the Champion of Mistral," Baldrick grinned. "If he had any sense, he'd have taken the money and scrammed."

"Vacuo held onto the money to pay for this match, in case Pyrrha accepted the offer." Andrea chuckled at the sound of her daughter's name. "Don't let her demeanour fool you, Jaune. Pyrrha has one of the fiercest competitive streaks you'll ever see. She agreed to it almost instantly."

Actually he did know about her competitive nature. She did a good job of hiding it, but he could definitely see her fierceness when she was in the Ms Goodwitch's sparring arena. It was subtle, but it was definitely there, especially when you caught the look in her eyes as she fought. Pyrrha Nikos was a warrior through and through.

"So, she's doing this because it's what that Vacuo guys always wanted?" Jaune asked. It was certainly in her nature to be charitable and do nice things for people.

"Well, yes, there is that," Andrea smirked. "But that was only half of the reason. Our Pyrrha is a very humble person, but as much as she likes deny it, she loves to show off her skills whenever she can." She nudged his shoulder with a cheeky smirk. "Especially to the right people~"

Oh… oh wow.

"You mean to say… she's fighting because she wants to impress me?"

"I told you, she's head over heels for you," Baldrick said. "So let's hope she doesn't trip up or anything, otherwise she probably won't be able to look you in the eye for the rest of the day."

Lose? Pyrrha? Those two words didn't go together at all.

"Baldrick! Don't jinx it now!" Andrea hissed, slapping her husband's arm. "You should be supporting her!"

"Bah, she knows I'm always with her," he scoffed. "If anything, I feel sorry for her opponent. His winning prize is to get his ass kicked by the finest fighter around? Poor guy must be a glutton for punishment."

"Should make for one hell of a fight, though," Jaune said, eyes glued to the arena in front of him. His heart was racing in anticipation.

Pyrrha was fighting to impress him! Him! The idea of having someone fight in his name blew his mind. In the most masculine way he could think this, he felt like a princess watching her knight in shining armour head off to battle.

Okay, that didn't sound masculine at all, but goddammit, he could've swooned right now.

"At least someone knows how to show support," Andrea nodded to him. "You could learn a thing or two from this one, Baldrick."

"Fair point, maybe he can teach me how to get a new red-haired lover," he chided. "My one's getting old."

Before a fight could break out between the two, the actual fight of the day was beginning to get started. The monitors surrounding the arena turned on and an announcer walked into the centre of the arena. Dramatic music started playing, setting the mood for what was soon to come. Jaune's hands gripped the armrests tightly in excitement.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the fight of the season!" The announcer cheered into his mic, his voice spreading throughout the whole stadium. "In the red corner, hailing all the way from Mistral. She goes by many names; the Invincible Girl, the Champion of Mistral, the Goddess of Victory. But there is one name we all know her by. Put your hands together for Pyrrha Nikos!"

The crowd burst into cheers, as did Jaune. At the sight of his girlfriend walking into the arena looking larger than life, he started clapping at the speed of a demented seal. Even Baldrick and Andrea were giving him surprised looks at his enthusiasm.

Jaune was surprised to see Pyrrha basking in the cheers and applause being sent her way. For someone who hated being put on a pedestal, she looked to be appreciating the praise aimed at her. She gave the audience a wave and a smile, before looking up at the box he was in. She probably couldn't see him from that distance, but her smile grew bigger than ever when she looked at it.

"Good luck, Pyrrha!" he called out. Not that she would need it, of course, but he needed to voice his support.

"And in the blue corner, the proud winner of the Vacuo Regional Tournament. After challenging Ms Nikos personally after his big win, this young man is the reason we're all here today. Here to dethrone Mistral's champion, let's hear it for Aero Steins!"

The crowd cheered and applauded again. Jaune clapped too, only with a little less enthusiasm as before. Out from the other entrance came a thin, tanned boy with a buzzcut, dressed in a mixture of brown and green. He wore light clothing that consisted of leather armour with a short cape on the back of it, metal gauntlets, casual trousers and running shoes.

He walked up to Pyrrha and Jaune was surprised to see how short he was. Pyrrha was already tall for a girl, but this guy looked like he was only about Weiss' height. He looked a bit silly standing next to someone of her height, especially because he was a boy.

He didn't seem to mind this though, as he immediately walked up to her and shook her hand. Pyrrha was surprised at the gesture, but happily returned it. A little sportsmanship before a match was always a good thing.

"A bit puny that one, isn't he?" Baldrick grunted.

"Careful, he's Vacuo's champion for a reason," Andrea said. "There's no doubt he's stronger than he looks."

"It doesn't matter," Jaune smiled. "He doesn't have anything on Pyrrha." His girlfriend was gonna wipe the floor with him.

The two agreed with him and looked back at the arena. The two fighters got into their positions, weapons at the ready. Pyrrha readied her spear and shield, whilst Aero twirled his dagger in his hand ominously. The two were staring down, gazes locked as they waiting for their cue to fight.

Jaune's breathing got a little heavier. He knew Pyrrha was going to win this, but tensions were high. This certainly wouldn't be an easy fight, and Pyrrha would have to give it her all if she was going to win. He was already planning his victory cheer in his head when she won.


Pyrrha threw her shield at him the moment she heard the announcer. The shield span through the air at the speed of a bullet, ready to send Aero flying.

But Aero dodged it with impressive reflexes, bending his body backwards so that it sailed over his face. Recovering into backwards handstand, Aero stood up and aimed one of his gauntlets at Pyrrha. Pyrrha got ready to counter by using her semblance to send her shield flying back at him.

Clenching his fist, Aero's gauntlets made a clicking noise and a gun barrel appeared out of it. For a second it looked like he was about to shoot bullets at her, but a small cannister fired out of it and landed on the ground next to her.


A bright light appeared for a moment. The audience members were same from the brief flash thanks to the forcefield, but Pyrrha was another story. Her once perfect posture was a stumbling mess as she rubbed her eyes and held her hands out in front of her. She was completely disoriented.

"Flashbangs!?" Jaune cried out. "Are those even legal!?" Sure, hunters used some pretty overpowered weapons - Nora fighting with grenades came to mind - but this still felt like cheating!

"Must be if he's allowed to use them," Andrea muttered.

Jaune grumbled. It still didn't feel right. Sending someone sky-high was one thing, but taking away their vision was just plain rude. At least, he thought so.

Despite Pyrrha's stumble, her shield was still flying back at him from behind. Aero seemed to know this however, and jumped in the air just before the shield hit him. To everyone's surprise, he then landed on the shield and rode whilst it was flying back towards Pyrrha.

Pyrrha, being unable to do anything due to her blind state, had no way of protecting herself from the shield. It slammed into her, knocking her off her feet from the impact. As soon as the shield made contact with her, Aero jumped off it and planted his feet on her face, using it as a launchpad to propel himself to safety.

Pyrrha crashed to the ground from the weight of it all. Her aura bar shown on the monitor began to deplete by a noticeable amount.

"Damn it," Jaune hissed, gripping his armrest in frustration. He had never seen Pyrrha get knocked down like that before. He hated it.

"Calm down," Baldrick said. "This is Pyrrha we're talking about. It's gonna take more than a few cheap tricks to knock her out."

"But what if he keeps using those flashbangs? How do you fight what you can't see."

"She'll find a way, trust me. You just gotta believe in her."

Everything about this fight was worrying, but Jaune forced himself to calm down. Maybe it was just him being protective of his girlfriend, but this fight was already off to a rocky start. If Aero kept pulling stunts like that, she would be in serious trouble.

But he forced himself to breath. As Baldrick said, she would find a way. He didn't know how, but she would. All he could do now was show his support. She was going to win this fight.

He saw Pyrrha struggle back onto her feet, blinking away her disorientation. It looked like she had gained her sight back, as she turned around to meet her opponent, who was standing safely at a distance. The fight could begin again.

Transforming Milo into its rifle form, Pyrrha fired several shots at Aero. The arena was a flat, coverless landscape, meaning there was nowhere to hide from the bullets. Aero's reflexes were excellent, but if he wanted to stop her shooting at him, he would have to make her stop.

So he closed in, dodging more bullets as he got closer. He raised his gauntlets to shoot more flashbangs at her, but Pyrrha was ready for him this time and charged at him with her shield. Before he could get hit though, Aero ran up the front of the shield and jumped over her, flipping through the air and firing two more flashbangs.

Pyrrha instantly reacted by raising her shield over her head, covering her eyes from the incoming explosion.


Even though they didn't blind her this time, the noise must have had her ears ringing. Aero landed beside her, and she smacked him in the face with the front of her shield to punish him. Aero stumbled from the attack, very nearly falling on the floor. He quickly found his footing though, and blocked her incoming attack with Milo with his dagger.

Pyrrha pressed down on him, using her height and strength to her advantage. Aero's dagger was a small weapon that was just barely blocking Milo. Her strength was bringing him to his knees.

But then, Aero's foot shot out and caught her in the jaw. She cried out in shock and stumbled back, giving Aero the chance to jump back on his feet and start quickly jabbing at her with his dagger. She blocked each incoming strike with her shield, but his speed was forcing her back. The boy may not have been as strong as her, but he moved as swift as the wind.

After several more quick jabs and strikes, Aero made a sweep for her legs with the dagger. For a second it looked like the blade wouldn't even reach her shins, until he pulled the trigger on the handle. With a click, the blade extended itself, turning the dagger into shortsword.

The blade swept Pyrrha's legs out from underneath her and she fell to the ground with a yelp. She barely had time to lean up as Aero aimed a gauntlet at her.


Another flashbang, right in her face. She didn't even have the chance to cover her eyes.

Pyrrha was scrambling on the floor, desperately trying to hear her opponent as her eyes were failing her. When she finally picked herself up again, she saw she only had her shield in her hand. She looked around the arena to find her spear, when she heard a whistle behind her.

Aero was standing at the far end of the arena, twirling his dagger in one hand and Milo in the other.

"Son of a bitch," Jaune growled under his breath. This guy was a slippery little prick.

Pyrrha looked about annoyed as his was when she saw Aero with her weapon. "Give that back," she snarled, reaching out with her hand and activating her Semblance. Milo glowed black and started to shake in Aero's hand. Soon it would fly out of his hand and back into hers.

But when Milo flew back to her, Aero held on tightly and travelled with it. When he was close enough, he kicked her in the face and flew past her. Pyrrha gasped in pain and stumbled back, whilst Aero landed saftely on the ground with a spin.

"So he knows about her Semblance?" Andrea hummed. "He's done his homework, I'll give him that."

"The only thing he's doing is cheating," Jaune snarled. "You can't just take someone's weapon like that. It's not fair."

"There's nothing against it in the rules, Jaune," Andrea said. "I hate to admit it, but he's playing fair."

"But how is she supposed to fight back!?" Her shield could only protect her for so long. If he kept fighting like this, she would be a goner.

"Boy, didn't I already tell you?" Baldrick looked at him with a calm smile. "This is Pyrrha we're talking about. She'll pull through. She always does."

Groaning, Jaune sat back in his chair and tried to control himself. Yeah, Pyrrha was incredible, but this fight was too nerve wracking to stay calm for.

Aero charged in and swung at her, dual-wielding both his dagger and Milo. Pyrrha could only block with her shield, and whilst she was doing a good job at defending herself from his attacks, she couldn't stop everything. Aero was fast, and a lot of his strikes were chipping away at her aura.

But Pyrrha held strong, even trying to repel him back with some shield bashes and kicks. Unfortunately, they were all only blind strikes, last-ditch efforts to ward him off. Some of her attacks hit him, but he didn't stop his assault.

Getting tired and frustrated, she hurled her shield at him before he could make another strike. It hit him in the chest and sent him off his feet, hurtling towards the forcefield in the arena. Things looked hopeful, until he controlled his momentum and planted his feet on the forcefield the moment he touched it.

He then launched himself off of it, hurtling towards Pyrrha with blades aiming at her. She just about blocked the attack with her shield when it returned to her, but the force of the attack had her spinning slightly. Aero landed smoothly enough from his attack, and took advantage of her confusion by running up to kick her in the back.

Pyrrha cried out and landed face first on the arena floor. Her aura was still yellow, but the bar seemed to be getting shorter every time.

"No!" Jaune shouted, getting up out of his chair and banging his fist against the glass. Aero was destroying her and she didn't even have a proper way to fight back. This wasn't fair at all!

"Careful, Jaune," Andrea called out to him. "You'll only hurt yourself if you hit that too hard."

Jaune barely heard her. His vision was locked on the spot Pyrrha was lying in. She was struggling to her knees and sweat was running down her body. She was not looking well at all. Aero was draining her of everything she had thanks to how quick he moved.

Come on, Pyr, get up! He pressed his hand on the glass and leaned in closer, trying to give her any kind of sign that he was here and that he believed in her. You can do it!

As if on cue, Pyrrha's head leaned up towards the glass box that he was housed in. Whether she could see him or not was anyone's guess, but Jaune felt a warm surge of hope course through him. It almost felt like his thoughts were finally getting through to her.

His girlfriend was the strongest person alive. There was nothing she couldn't handle.

And that's why she was going to win!

Aero came up behind her, twirling both blades in his hand and raised them above his head. With enough force, it could've potentially been the finishing blow.

But Pyrrha kicked him hard in the kneecap before he could strike. His body buckled from the pain and his attack was lost. Back on her feet, she uppercutted him square in the jaw, and his little body went flying until it crashed back onto the ground.

Jaune's cheer echoed with the rest of the crowd. Pyrrha was finally making a comeback. Now all that was left was to school this guy.

But whilst Aero was struggling back on his feet, Jaune took a second to notice Aero's aura. Looking at it, it was already dipping heavily into the yellow zone, even though Pyrrha hadn't even hit him that much during the fight. In fact, that uppercut she delivered had knocked a huge chunk of it away.

Maybe… maybe the reason for that was because he had only a small amount of aura?

Jaune wasn't the strongest fighter, he would be the first to admit it. But he always did have a brain for strategy.

That would've explained Aero's need to be quicker than his opponents. His aura and physical defense was really weak. If Pyrrha could exploit that, she would win this!

"Pyrrha, you've gotta grab him!" he shouted, banging on the glass. It wouldn't break, so there was no danger on how hard he hit. She needed to hear this. "Grab him and you can destroy his aura!"

Of course she didn't hear him, for he was too far away and inside a glass box. His advice went unheard as she charged back at Aero. At least she was starting to get back into the swing of things.

Jaune didn't once go back to his seat. He stayed pressed against the glass almost like he was glued to it. This was too intense for him to sit down for. He stayed rooted to the spot as he prayed for his girlfriend to be victorious.

Thankfully, Pyrrha was fighting more offensively this time, though that was likely due to anger than her listening to his advice. She bashed her shield against the face of the dazed Aero, knocking him back further into the arena. Aero tried countering by bringing the blades down on her, but she blocked them with her shield and swiped them away, leading her to punch him in the nose.

Aero hissed in pain and stumbled back, dropping Milo onto the floor. Pyrrha instantly used her polarity to snatch it back in her hand, using it to stab at him as revenge for his thievery. Aero had good swordplay, but his movements were sloppy due to that punch. He was slipping up.

Their blades clashed, bringing the two to a standstill as they locked against each other. Knowing he couldn't match Pyrrha's strength, Aero pulled the trigger on his weapon, turning the shortsword into a dagger again. The blade slid away from Milo and Aero jumped to the side to jab at Pyrrha.

The dagger sliced against her skin, getting a yelp of pain out of her. But Pyrrha anticipated the next jab and blocked it with her shield. The dagger bounced off the surface and Aero's arm wobbled from the impact, causing him to stumble slightly.

Pyrrha punished his mistake by kicking him in the stomach pushing him away from her.

Aero staggered back, his breathing becoming haggard. He was running out of breath. All that speed from earlier had nearly left him spent. Pyrrha just had to keep pushing on the offense.

But Aero wasn't out yet. He raised his gauntlets at her and fired two flashbangs. They went straight for her face and very nearly hit her-

-except, just at the last minute, Pyrrha deflected them with her shield and sent them hurtling back at him. His eyes went wide at what was soon to come.


Jaune grinned as he watched Aero get a taste of his own medicine. The swift-footed hunter was staggering around as he tried to find his bearings.

Pyrrha responded to this by throwing her shield at him one last time. This time, Aero made no fancy maneuvers to dodge it, as the shield slammed into him and carried him across the arena, until his back crashed into the forcefield. The barrier flickered violently from the impact, sending pulsewaves all around it.

Aero's body twitched in pain and was left suspended in the air, until Pyrrha called her shield back and he landed on the ground with his face buried in the floor.

"Ow…" he weakly muttered as he was left lying on the ground. His aura finally gave way as soon as he said the word.

All that was left standing was Pyrrha.

"Aero's aura has been depleted. The winner is Pyrrha Nikos!"

Jaune roared alongside the crowd, clapping and cheering for his girlfriend who was beaming under the praise. The buzzer that went off signified the end of the match, making Pyrrha's win confirmed.

She had won! Of course she had won!

Winning and Pyrrha always went hand in hand, but it was still incredible to watch her pull through. The pride he had for his girlfriend was overwhelming him!

He couldn't wait any longer. He rushed out of the box to meet her. He didn't know where he would find her in the stadium, but he was VIP. He likely had access to everywhere in the place. And he had enough energy to search all over.

"What did I tell you?" Baldrick chuckled. "We had nothing to worry about." Jaune didn't give him an answer, for he was already out the door. He just managed to hear her parents laughing at his enthusiasm.

He nearly tripped over his own feet from how fast he was running. Several onlookers looked at him as if he was mad. He sprinted past them without a care in the world. Nothing else mattered right now.

He had a girlfriend to congratulate.


He found Pyrrha getting some water in a room reserved for fighters only. He almost wasn't allowed entrance, until Pyrrha shooed the guards away the moment she saw him.

He picked her up and spun her around the moment he stepped inside the room.

"And here she is - the greatest huntress who ever lived!" Jaune laughed as he spun her in his arms.

"Jaune!" she laughed with the same enthusiasm. "Put me down, I probably stink after all that running around."

She absolutely did not, but he gently lowered her to the ground anyway. He still held her close to him, his arms wrapped around her waist whilst hers came around his neck.

"Oh my God, Pyrrha, you were incredible!"

"You really think so?" she giggled, slightly blushing underneath the praise. "I admit, that was a tough one for me. That Aero guy really gave it his all. I'm still dizzy from all those flashbangs."

"Yeah, he looked tough," he said, kissing her forehead. "But you were better. You'll always be number one."

"Okay, now you're just teasing me~"

"I'm serious, you were awesome back there!" Had he been in her situation, he probably would've panicked under the pressure. "I don't know how you do it, but you always find a way through every situation."

"Well, I guess it helped that I had a certain someone watching me," she cheekily said. "It would've been pretty bad of me to fail in front of him, wouldn't it?"

He had almost forgot that she fought to impress him. He didn't think it was possible to feel anymore proud than how he was right now. He felt his face rapidly warming, earning a merry laugh from his girlfriend.

"I was calling out to you, you know," Jaune said. "I noticed that Aero had a low amount of aura, so I tried telling you to grab onto him so that you could break his poor defense. I don't suppose you heard that?"

"I did not," she admitted. "You were too far away from me to hear you. I'll be honest, I only fought more aggressively in the last moments because I got frustrated."

He laughed. Yeah, that was fair enough. Besides, it worked, didn't it?

"I did see you, though," she said softly. "When I was knocked down, I got a look at you in the box. You were pressed up against the glass. You looked worried about me."

Yeah, he remembered that. For a moment it felt like she might've actually lost the fight. If Aero had landed his attack, her aura would've been destroyed. It was painful to watch for him.

"That's when I knew I couldn't let you down. This might sound funny, but I wanted to prove myself to you. If I lost in front of you… well, it simply wouldn't do."

Jaune's grip on her tightened. The idea of anyone having to prove anything to him was laughable. Flattering, but laughable.

"Pyrrha, I already know what you're capable of. You're always gonna have my support, win or no win." He grinned at the last bit. "Not that the latter is ever gonna happen, though."

"I know, I know," she said. "But this was probably your first time seeing me compete like this. I just wanted to make you proud of me."

He rested his forehead against hers. "I'm always gonna be. I think you already know this."

"Maybe," she hummed. "I just wanted to hear you say it~"

"Cheeky," he grinned, looking deep into those beautiful green eyes of hers. He then leaned in closer until their lips met, getting a muffled giggle of satisfaction from her. Her hands played with his hair as they deepened the kiss, unaware of the two visitors entering the room.

"Are we interrupting anything?" came a male voice behind him.

The two quickly pulled away, blushing like crazy as they released themselves from each others grip. Pyrrha quickly dusted herself off and stood up straighter to greet her parents, who were standing in the doorway looking way to smug.

"Um, Mother, Father, this is Jaune." She awkwardly waved at him. "He's the one I've been talking about. He's a very nice guy, an excellent leader and I think you'll-"

"Yes, we know, dear," Andrea chuckled. "We've had more than enough time to get to know each other."

"Yes, of course," she sighed. "But still, he is such a wonderful person and I have no doubt you'll all get along-"

"Yeah, yeah, your boyfriend's the Messiah," Baldrick said with an eye-roll. "We'll praise him after we're done with you. This is your moment, after all."

"You were fantastic as always, sweetheart," Andrea smiled. "That boy didn't know what he was getting himself into by facing you."

"Mother," Pyrrha giggled. "We actually spoke to each other briefly after the battle. He's a really nice guy and was just happy about getting the chance to fight me."

"Well, if getting beaten up by a superstar is what he wants, good luck to him." Baldrick checked his watch and headed back to the door. "Now then, if we're all done here, what say we head home for a victory meal. If we're lucky, we can just catch the next airship."

"I'm ready when you are," Pyrrha said, taking Jaune's hand in hers. She blushed when she saw her parents notice the action, but didn't release her grip.

"Likewise," Jaune agreed. "I'm looking forward to seeing your home."

"Hopefully, it should be a little more quieter than this place," Andrea joked, walking through the door that Baldrick was holding open. The young couple followed after her, and they headed to the nearest airship station.


Toyako was a very quiet village in Mistral. It rested in a woodland area, yet was close enough to the main city so that it had some protection. It sorta reminded Jaune of where he grew up, before he left that life behind to become a huntsman.

Pyrrha's house was built slightly away from the village, resting in the woods outside of it. It was built close enough to walk to the village, but still far enough to give them their own space. Still, the villagers of Toyako didn't seem like the type to intrude on their privacy.

Andrea had cooked them all a delicious meal for Pyrrha's victory. She had actually made it beforehand, knowing that her daughter would win the fight. Her belief in Pyrrha was absolute.

The atmosphere was relaxed as they enjoyed their dinner. When it was over, Pyrrha invited Jaune up to her room. Before Baldrick could give some elementary school warning about safe sex, the two quickly excused themselves and headed upstairs.

"-this one I got when I was still at Sanctum. It was one of the happiest days of my life."

Jaune was currently sat on her bed, listening to her talk about the awards she had on display in her room. She spoke so quickly due to her excitement, that he was having a hard time keeping up with her.

"And this one I got during my second tournament win. God, I still can't believe I won that one."

Yeah, she had a lot of awards…

"And this one… okay, it's just from winning a spelling bee competition, but it means something to me-"


"Huh? Oh, I'm sorry," she nervously laughed, putting the dainty plaque back on the shelf. "I tend to get excited when thinking about these."

"I'll say," he half-joked. It felt like he had been sitting on that bed for hours. "You know, for someone who claims to hate the spotlight, you seem pretty proud of all these achievements."

She looked back at her award shelf with a fond smile. "Why wouldn't I be proud of them? Sure, some are more valuable than others, but I worked hard earning them all. They're all important to me."

Well, she certainly had a lot to be proud of. Her shelf was cluttered with so many trophies that he could barely see the surface on which they stood on.

"I'm sure they are, I'm just saying I don't think I've ever seen you this lively before. At least, when it comes to talking about your achievements." Usually when someone brought up her reputation, she'd try to dismiss it as much as possible.

If that person persisted, she'd do everything in her power to try and avoid that person.

"It's different with you," she sighed. "I could never talk about these things with some random person, especially if they were a fan of mine. It'd only support this untouchable image they have of me. With you, I know nothing changes. You still see me as a normal person."

"A normal person with more trophies than she knows what to do with." Seriously, if she melted them all down, she could probably make a brand new weapon out of them.

"You know what I mean," she groaned. "You'll never treat me differently because of my achievements."

"Nah, but I'll probably feel plenty jealous about them," he joked. He could only dream of winning as many as what she had.

"Well, that's your problem then, not mine," she grinned, coming over to sit by his side. She leaned her head on his shoulder and took his hand in hers. He gladly accepted the gesture, and rested his head atop hers.

For a moment they just sat in silence, enjoying each other's company.

"You know," she eventually said. "I haven't actually showed these to anyone outside of my family. You're the first one to see them all."

"Guess that explains why you were so excited when talking about them."

"Can you blame me? It was my first time showing them off." She giggled slightly at the thought. "Maybe I did go a bit overboard explaining them, though."

"Not at all. In fact, your enthusiasm was refreshing." He kissed the top of her head lightly. "That back there was how anyone would react. You should be proud of your accomplishments, Pyrrha."

"I am," she said softly. "Believe me, I am. But they come at a price. All of these awards prove that I have talent, and whether I like it or not, that talent separates me from most people. Standing out from a crowd is fine for a little while, but it prevents me from forming any meaningful relationships."

She laughed weakly at the sound of her words. "I'll be honest, Jaune. Before Beacon, before Team JNPR, I was a very lonely person."

That hurt to hear coming from her. Pyrrha was such a lively, outgoing person, it was hard to imagine her ever having no friends. It sucked that even positive things had consequences.

He pulled her closer to him and wrapped his arm around her waist. "I promise you, Pyrrha, when you're with us, you'll never have to feel that way ever again. Especially when you're around me."

"I know," she said in a firm but happy tone. "People like Ren and Nora rare." She looked up at him with a smile and pecked him on the lips. "And guys like you are even rarer."

"You give me too much credit," he chuckled bashfully. She responded to that with another kiss.

"Didn't you just tell me to be proud of myself a few seconds ago?" she teased. "Take your own advice, Jaune."

"I will when I've got as many trophies as you," he laughed, returning her kiss with one of his own. The collapsed on the bed and held each other close. Their kissing became slightly more frantic, each speeding up the pace on how they were kissing each other.

They found themselves soon running out of breath, and ended their quick kisses with one last lingering one, before pulling away and gasping for air. They both stared at each other adoringly, with Pyrrha stroking his face with her hand.

"You know, if anyone told me that one day I'd be the boyfriend of a gorgeous celebrity, I would've told them to get their brain checked."

"You didn't even know I was a celebrity until much later," she laughed.

"That makes it even better," he smiled. He took a moment to reflect on everything the two had been through. "Three months… that's how long it's been since we got together, you know."

"I don't know where the time went."

Hah. He had been wondering the same thing earlier today. And even though it went quickly, he cherished every second of it.

It was probably no exaggeration that his life would've been completely different without her. He was a boy filled with self-doubt and uncertainty, sneaking his way into Beacon just to fulfill what many would consider to be a fool's dream.

And whilst his confidence still wasn't the best, Pyrrha stuck by him every step of the way. A few simple words of encouragement from her made him feel like he could take on the world.

Really, it was people like her who were rare in life, and not just because of her achievements.

"Pyrrha... can I tell you something?"

"What is it?"

"You were the first person to ever believe in me."

She rolled her eyes. "Jaune, I'm sure-"

"Let me finish," he said softly but firmly. Her eyes widened slightly, but she let him continue. "What I mean is, you were the first person who truly believed I could become a hunter. I love my family, but they really didn't want me becoming one as they thought I wasn't strong enough. My father, a huntsman himself, tried talking me out of it several times."

"Not you, though. Even after learning my secret, you still stuck by me. You believed in me, and so I started believing in myself. That means more to me than what you could ever imagine."

She smiled sweetly at him. "You deserved it, Jaune," she said. "You're one of the most motivated people I have ever met. You deserved that chance to follow your dream. All I did was give you a little push in the right direction."

"Maybe, but I still feel like this needs to be said."

He smiled back at her and captured her lips with his own. The kiss lasted longer than the previous one, and when he pulled away, he made sure he was looking directly in her eyes as he spoke.

"Thank you, Pyrrha. Thank you for believing in me."

La End.

So, looking at my stories, some people might assume that I don't like Arkos. It's a fair assumption, but one that's untrue. As of now, I will give you all my full, honest opinion on how I feel about Arkos.


That's literally it. I am neither for nor against it. I didn't really care for it in the show, but I can see why people like it. Before 'yall start raising pitchforks against me, I feel this way about pretty much every canon ship in the show. Black Sun? Meh. Iceberg? Meh. Renora? Slightly less meh considering their backstory.

I guess the reason for this is because I always felt these relationships were weirdly handled in the show. Pyrrha's attraction came seemingly out of nowhere - she had her reasons, I know, but in V1? Yeah, it was very sudden - Weiss' attraction for Neptune seemed way ooc for her, and Blake and Sun seem to be together simply because they're both faunus. I feel like they paired the characters first, and only wrote their reasons for it afterwards in later volumes, when it really should've been the other way round.

As such, the canon ships in the show don't interest me. Crack ships on the other hand? Oh, I've had a lot of fun reading those. The risks and the possibilities in those stories are more interesting to me than whatever canon can offer.

So yeah, that's my opinion on Arkos and the canon ships. Please don't feel offended, this is just my two cents on things.

Anyway, Ren's chapter will be next, and I'll reveal what the next theme will be at the end of his. It likely won't be as long as this one, as this was kinda me easing the pain of my readers xD

As always, thank you for reading.