Warning: This chapter contains hints of molestation.

Chapter 8 - Anymore Questions?

Bloo was up on the roof of the caboose, watching the railroad disappear behind the train and the bright full moon as she tried to shine through the cloudy night sky.

And as the soft chuffing of the engine and the wind filled his ears, he failed to notice Bella climb up onto the caboose. "You sure like to disappear a lot."

"And you like ta stalk me a lot."

"It's not stalking…I just…" Bella lost her voice when Bloo turned and looked at her blankly, so she ultimately just shut her mouth and sat on her haunches next to the blob.

"What're you doing up here?" Bloo spoke and went back to looking at the moon.

"I was about to ask you the same thing," Bella informed and looked up as well, "Wow, it's so beautiful…I can't remember the last time I saw the real moon. World's is always the same phase: a thin crescent."

"Yeah, you've all missed a lot down there…so, what's the big deal with Berry anyway? Why'd she run away?"

"I have no idea. No one would've thought she would do something like this because she lived such an awesome life in the toy chest; she was a beautiful singer and actress, and she was practically friends with everyone—she was really the only nice thing down there."

"Well, if Frankie said she lived with her creator in Maine, maybe that's why she left: Ta find her creator." Bella turned to Bloo, as she could sense the regret in his voice but she didn't get why he sounded this way.

"B-but that's impossible. The majority of the population who was still on the surface died during the nuclear war." Bella gasped when realization hit her in the face. "What's Berry gonna think when she finds her creator's been long gone?"

"She'll get over it," Bloo replied grimly and averted his attention down to the tracks again, "Everyone else had to."

"And you?" Bella asked softly, "What happened to your creator?"

It only took a split second before Bella realized what she just said, and her ears folded against her neck in fear when Bloo finally looked at her, and he certainly didn't look amused.

"Killed, just like everyone else," he simply replied, "Got anymore damn questions, Fox?"


"Thought so. Now, get back inside and go ta bed. We've still gotta track down yer friend when we get ta our stop."

It took a while, but Bloo was eventually able to convince Bella to get back inside, and she found a comfortable box full of old blankets inside a cargo car. But she didn't know that Bloo had joined her in the cargo box, but he never slept; he just sat upon a crate, holding his rifle close and keeping a close watch on the fox/peacock.

"Somethin' wrong, Blooey?"

"Go away, Meth Head." Bendy only chuckled at Bloo's warning, but the drug addict wasn't intimidated in the slightest.

"Aw, c'mon, Blooregard. Lighten up a bit—who wouldn't be happy with a catch like her?" Bendy cooed suggestively and pointed at Bella.

"Step off!" Bloo hissed, "I'm just bringin' her ta Maine ta look for her friend, who's probably already dead anyway."

"Oh, but I've seen this before. Many times, actually—the brave and forever scarred old man just somehow meets a pretty little damsel during the apocalypse. Now, as the two try to survive together, they don't even realize they're forming such a tight bond. Eventually, they grow so close that the old man tells the girl what really happened to him—why he's so cold, cruel—and why he doesn't tell sad tale of his best friend's demise."

In the blink of an eye, the razor sharp blade of a machete was pointed right in between Bendy's eyes, immediately making him close his lips. And Bloo continued to glare daggers at the drug addict, just barely poking his forehead with the blade.

"You've just crossed the line, Bendy," Bloo whispered, his voice rolling off his tongue like poison.

"Oh, please. You don't got it in you ta kill someone who wasn't responsible for His death," Bendy scoffed.

"Neither were the Looters, but they deserve it."

"Really? Well, than what about you, Blooregard? I thought you would've taken care of the real problem by now." Bloo's hold on the machete began to weaken, as the blade started to tremble. "So, tell me, why are you still here? Did ya promise your goody two-shoes creator somethin'?"

"Bendy, I'm only gonna warn you one last time," Bloo quickly interrupted, finally pulling the machete back from Bendy's face, "Keep yer drug-induced mind outta my past."

"Ok. Fine. But a time is gonna come when you're gonna have ta tell her the truth. Mark my words, Bloo."

When Bella awoke, it was because of another soft beep on her PipBud. She quickly opened her eyes when she recognized the warning beeps of her E.A.R. And once, the radar flashed with a single red dot, and even though the beeping was soft, the dot was rather close.

"What's that ya got there?" Bella nearly jumped out of her skin, but she sighed when she saw that it was only Bendy, as he smiled a toothy grin at her.

"O-oh…it's just my PipBud…but I think something's wrong with it," Bella replied while trying to shut the radar off again.

"Oh, so you're a computer geek, too? Sexy~" Bendy admitted with a seductive sigh, making Bella blush once more from his charm. He then took her by surprise again when he wrapped a strong arm around her, pulling her against his chest.

"W-what are you doing?!"

"I'm just gettin' a better look at cha. I didn't mean ta scar ya or anything…you're just so pretty, ya know?" Bella trembled and shook within his grasp, trying to pull herself free but to no avail. And when she finally looked into Bendy's eyes, she gasped when she saw the deep red veins and his dilated pupils. Something was wrong with him.

"Are you ok?"

"Me? Oh yeah, I'm fine—why wouldn't I be when I have you?"


"Oh, you're so cute when you're flustered. I tell ya, Bella, out of all my travels and passengers I've let on my train, I've never seen anything as beautiful as you." Bella's spine chilled when Bendy leaned closer and breathed against her face, and then he suddenly pulled her into a passionate kiss. She screamed and tried to get away, but her voice was muffled by Bendy's chuckles and his dominating tongue.

When he finally pulled away for air, he licked his lips and grabbed Bella's muzzle tightly to keep her quiet. As much as she struggled to get away, Bendy proved to be too strong for her.

"You taste good, doll," Bendy breathed against her ear and slammed her against a crate, pushing his body against her to render her immobilized, "Just let it happen, baby~"

But Bella continued to thrash and cry, as Bendy used his other hand to grab her neck in a deathly grip. Her oxygen was quickly slipping, and Bella was beginning to turn purple while her vision became blurry.

And just when she felt something poke at her thighs, the yellow imaginary friend was suddenly impaled through the stomach. As Bendy held kept his grip on Bella's muzzle and neck, he looked down and rasped when he recognized the machete.

"I was wondering…when you'd…" was all Bendy managed to cough up before collapsing, dropping Bella in the process and the two were both choking messes. But when Bella finally caught her breath, she realized that Bloo had killed Bendy. The blob once again wore his emotionless expression, even as he ripped his machete from Bendy's twitching corpse.

"Knew I should've killed the bastard sooner," Bloo grumbled under his breath, and then he looked at Bella, "You ok?"

The fox/peacock couldn't speak at first. The shock of nearly getting molested was still heavy on her mind, as well as the fact that Bloo saved her…again.

"W-why…did you-?"

"I don't take too kindly ta those who pleasure themselves with helpless victims," Bloo quickly explained, and he then put his blade back in his backpack, "Lucky for us, I know how ta drive a locomotive."

And Bloo was true to his word. It took another whole day, but Bloo continued to keep the fire in the engine firebox fully ignited. And before long, Bella could hear and smell the waved of the coast.

"Maine's by the coast, right?" Bella asked as she sat by the engine's cab exit, watching the ocean go by since the railroad ran right by it.

"Yup. They're practically neighbors," Bloo replied and snuck a little glance at the waves, "Ever seen the ocean before?"

"No, I haven't."

"Well, at least you weren't down in that chest long enough ta forget what it is." Even though Bloo mumbled it under his breath, Bella was still able to hear it clearly. Her ears drooped from the guilt of living like coward like Bloo said.

"Damnit!" Bloo suddenly snapped.

"What's wrong?"

"Frankie didn't tell us where in Maine Berry was from."

"Oh, that won't be a problem." Bloo cocked an eyebrow in curiosity, and Bella then pulled another PipBud from her backpack. It was Berry's. "As long as I've got this, I can track her scent. And from the smell of things, we're getting really close."

"Good. I ain't searchin' an entire thirty five thousand-three hundred and eighty five square miles fer one damn dead body."

I don't know...I guess I thought it'd be sweet of Bloo to rescue Bella from nearly getting raped?

Until the next chapter, I'm TRikiD, bye-bye!