AN: I don't even know where to begin. I've enjoyed writing this story so much, and I am so grateful to all of you for reading and especially those of you that left reviews. Your encouragement has helped me make this a better story, and I've learned a lot in the process of writing. So: thank you. I do have other story ideas set in this universe (buying a house! the spring break trip east! kids?!) and I'm quite fond of Cassie and Danny and their ohana, so it's entirely possible I'll write future stories set here.
Thanks again for reading and making this such a fun journey. Love you all.
Chapter 28
If anyone thought that Danny and Cassie and Grace were a bit too happy during Christmas Eve dinner, they chalked it up to Danny being happy that Cassie was moving there, Cassie being happy that Danny was healing well, and Grace being happy that it was Christmas.
No one even thought to tease Danny that he should have gotten Cassie a different piece of jewelry as a present.
Danny helped Steve carry some things out to his truck as Steve was leaving. While outside, Danny asked, "Hey, do you have anything planned Thursday afternoon? Need your help with something for an hour or so."
"Sure, Danny. What is it?"
"Ah, Cassie and I are going to take care of some legal stuff. I just need you to sign a few things."
Steve counted the days and frowned. "You found a lawyer to do paperwork on New Year's Eve?"
"Called in a favor." Danny grinned. "Oh, and wear something professional looking, would you? Maybe - possibly - even a suit? Or at least a tie?"
"Must be important legal stuff, partner."
Danny tilted his head. "Little bit, yeah."
"You need me to do anything else?" Steve asked.
"No, no. That'll do it." Danny waited a second. "Oh, well, maybe…" Steve sighed loudly. "Cass and I were thinking we might do dinner for everyone that evening. You know, it's her first New Year's Eve in Hawaii, so it might be fun to have everyone over, then maybe go watch the fireworks."
Steve immediately said, "Of course. That's a great idea." He thought for a minute. "Hey, you know, you can see the fireworks from the beach at the house. It's not as close, but it's still a pretty good view."
"Traffic would certainly be better if we didn't go downtown."
"Why don't you all just come over? We'll grill, sit on the beach, watch the fireworks."
Danny thought it over. It was a slight adjustment to their plan, but he was sure Cassie wouldn't mind. "Are you sure?"
"Yeah, it'll be great. Family dinner and fireworks for New Year's Eve."
Danny grinned. Steve didn't realize yet how much family would be there, if things worked out. "Okay, then. Thanks, babe."
Steve nodded. He got in the truck, started it, and backed out. Danny watched him pull out, then watched as the truck got a few feet down the road, screeched to a halt, and backed up far too quickly for Danny's liking.
Steve pulled back into the driveway and jumped out with the truck still running. He left the door open and walked back toward Danny.
He definitely had a look, Danny thought. Danny kept his expression mild and said evenly, "Forget something, Steven?"
"Did I forget something?" Steve looked at him incredulously. "I think you forgot something, Danno."
Danny pursed his lips, pretending to think. "No, I think I covered it all."
Steve's eyebrows went up. "Legal something that you need me to do on New Year's Eve? In a suit?"
Danny shrugged. 'Yes, please."
They stared at each other for a full five seconds before Steve broke. "You're getting married. On New Year's Eve." Steve said it almost accusingly.
Danny nodded slowly, giving into a little bit of a smug grin. "Which is why it would be nice if you wore a suit."
Steve stared at him for another three seconds then suddenly moved to embrace his partner. Danny hugged him back, laughing gleefully. Steve said as he stepped back, "Why the covert action?"
Danny tilted his head. "Ah, neither Cass or I want to wait, and we don't want anything big. So, we'll do the official part at the courthouse and then have a family dinner after."
"Are your folks going to come out?"
"We'll talk to everyone tomorrow." Steve looked a little surprised when Danny mentioned they hadn't talked to their parents yet. "I told you, babe, you'd be the fourth person to know." He stuck his hands in his pockets. "It's not a lot of time to plan a trip out here, so we'll see who can make it."
Steve clapped Danny on the shoulder. "Okay, family dinner. We're going to make it an extra special one."
Danny could see the wheels already turning. He decided not to argue right then, but he did ask, "Ah, do me a favor. Keep this quiet for now, okay? We'll surprise everyone when we get to your house."
Steve nodded. "If that's what Cassie wants, okay."
Danny threw his hands up. "If that's what Cassie wants? What about what I want?"
Steve smirked and shrugged. "I'm giving her veto authority over any plans."
Danny started to argue, then gave up. He agreed with that anyway. "Fine." He couldn't help but grin.
Steve shook his head and muttered, "Happy Danny is just weird."
They called Cassie's family by video as soon as they got up Christmas morning. Grace said hi and sat nearby as Cassie told her parents, Jen and Zach, and Olivia and Lucas their news.
Jen held her hand out to her husband. Zach sighed noisily, pulled out his wallet, and gave her a five-dollar bill. Cassie laughed as Jen explained, "I knew you wouldn't make it through the holidays without getting engaged."
As Cassie explained the rest of the news, specifically their plan, Caroline held out her hand to her daughter-in-law and Zach doubled over laughing. "Mom said once you were engaged, you wouldn't wait very long," he said. Jen gave up the bill, grinning.
Dean hushed them all. "We'll start looking for flights and get out there as soon as we can."
Cassie and Danny traded a look. "We'd love it if you could be here, but understand if you can't. When I come back in January to move…"
"Or in March when we're there for spring break…" Danny added.
Cassie nodded. "We'll do some kind of reception for everyone back East, both the DC/Virginia branch and the Jersey crew."
Caroline said, "Oh, we'll definitely do something then, too, but we can make it in time for this one."
They called Danny's family next, knowing that Nonna would already be there, as would Danny's sisters and their families. Clara teared up immediately and Nonna gave them an approving look. Clara and Eddie said they'd look for flights, but also agreed that a March reception was a wonderful idea.
After the family calls, they sat around the tree and opened presents. Danny was so used to it just being him and Grace, but it felt natural to have Cassie there with them. Every few minutes, it seemed, Danny felt it necessary to brush her hand or lean into her arm or kiss her, until even Grace rolled her eyes and said, "Danno," dragging out the word. Which only made Danny kiss Cassie again, to which Grace responded with a sigh and a muttered "Adults."
They headed over to Steve's for Christmas dinner, carrying in food and presents. They got there a little before everyone else, and after Steve greeted Grace with a big hug and a wink towards his Christmas tree where there were gifts for her, he embraced Cassie while Danny went back out to the car to get another package.
"Still moving fast, I see," Steve teased Cassie.
Cassie laughed. "When you've made up your mind, why wait?"
"Are you sure you want to keep your big news a surprise from everyone?" Steve asked, letting her go.
"It's not that we mind if the ohana finds out, we just don't want it to be a big deal. And I love you guys, but you will make a big deal out of it."
Steve studied her and then glanced into the other room. "You don't want a big deal ceremony, or Danny doesn't want to make a big deal of the fact he's getting married again?"
Cassie shrugged. "Does it have to be either or? We'd go to City Hall today if it were open, but it's not. We still want it to be special, and celebrating with our family on New Year's Eve will make it just that much more so."
Steve nodded once. "Okay. Family celebration it is."
Danny carried in the rather large box Cassie's dad had shipped to him and set it down on the table. He flourished a hand toward it as he looked at Steve. "Merry Christmas," he said.
Steve looked at Danny, then looked at the box. He looked back at Danny, who raised his eyebrows and waited impatiently. Steve gingerly opened the box, took a look inside, and then did a double take.
Danny said, "Cass wasn't kidding about her dad being into classic cars. He's rebuilding a Cougar right now and had these parts he thought you might be able to use for the Marquis."
Steve picked a few things out of the box and then looked at Danny. "There's stuff in here I haven't been able to find anywhere, Danny."
Danny grinned. "Just promise me that you two won't spend all the time he's here working on your car." He tilted his head towards Cassie. "Mostly because my bride will be in the garage with you."
Steve looked at up at that and Cassie shrugged in agreement. "Your parents will be here?"
Cassie nodded and Danny added, "And mine. Plus, my grandmother and Cassie's brother and sister-in-law and their two kids."
"For the record, pal, this is starting to sound like an actual thing."
Danny shook his head. "It's still a family dinner, it's just a bit more family."
Cassie peeked in the box. "You know, if you want some help, we could get started on a project before dinner…"
Danny grabbed her hand and pulled her away, laughing. Cassie said, "Okay, but when Dad's here…" And Danny laughed even more.
The rest of the time passed both quickly and excruciatingly slow. Danny went back to the office, on desk duty, and Cassie spent the days with Linda or working remotely. She arranged to be back in DC right after the holidays to officially leave her job and pack her apartment.
She and Danny decided that they'd share their news of their marriage after the fact with most of their long-distance friends, but a few of them figured it out. Cassie spent a fair amount of time on the phone with Susan on Monday going over work, and at some point, in the middle of a discussion on points of contact, Susan casually asked, "So, when are you two getting married?" And Cassie just as casually replied, "Thursday."
Susan shrieked in glee and Cassie laughed and promised both details and a party when she got back in January. But when they hung up the phone, Susan found the number for the Five-0 headquarters and called looking for the head of the task force.
Cassie's family arrived on Wednesday morning and Danny's that afternoon. Danny got his parents and grandmother a room at the Hilton and Cassie's family rented a big house on the beach. By Wednesday night, Danny's house was filled with family and a large variety of cooking projects.
Grace was thrilled to see her grandparents and great-grandmother, but Danny loved watching her with Cassie's parents and Zach and Jen. And once Grace realized she had new cousins, nothing could stop those three.
One thing Caroline and Jen insisted on was taking all the women in their families to get Cassie a dress. Jen worked the phones before flying out and found a dress shop that had an excellent selection and would stay open late for them Wednesday evening. Jen left strict instructions for her husband to ensure that all the men had what she considered proper attire for the next day.
Cassie surveyed her extended family as they walked into the shop and realized that as much as she wanted to keep things a surprise, she was missing people. So she and Grace made a few quick calls, and within thirty minutes, Kono, Linda, and Renee were there. She swore them to secrecy, but knew she'd made the right decision when Olivia's eyes got wide as she met Kono, and Linda hugged Caroline and Clara with enthusiasm, and Renee and Jen and Nonna were thick as thieves within minutes of meeting.
Danny had much the same experience. Steve invited Danny, Zach, Lucas, Dean, and Eddie over for dinner and beers while the girls were shopping. They were grilling outside when Danny shook his head and looked at Steve. Steve smirked and pulled out his phone. Lou, Chin, Adam, and Max were there within minutes. Lou and Zach discovered that they had friends in common from Chicago, and Lucas and Max bonded immediately over a love of science fiction. Steve found some time to show Dean the Marquis, and Danny found them elbow-deep under the hood.
Late that night, back at home, Danny and Cassie swapped stories and decided that having their families together was the only wedding present they needed.
New Year's Eve dawned bright and clear. Danny woke up to find his bride reading in bed, though as soon as he opened his eyes, she smiled without looking up. He spent the next hour or so doing his best to distract Cassie from her book.
They both had expected family to descend on the house by late morning, but the mothers called saying that they were working on a few things for dinner that night, and they'd meet them at the courthouse.
Danny insisted on not seeing Cassie while they both got ready, and he left to pick up Steve while Grace helped Cassie get dressed. Cassie and Grace headed over to Steve's to pick them up, but when Cassie stopped the car in front of Steve's house, she noticed Danny walking down the front steps. She raised an eyebrow at Grace, who just smiled at her, opened the car door and ran toward her father. Cassie followed a second later, waiting for Danny to give his daughter a hug before sending her inside.
Hands stuck in his pockets, he met her at the bottom step, whistling in appreciation. "You look amazing."
She grinned at him and gestured at his suit and tie. "You, too, Detective Williams. I need to find more occasions for you to dress up."
"Ah, well. It's a good thing we're both dressed for the occasion, because apparently, there's a surprise waiting out back for us."
She studied him for a moment. "Steve decided the courthouse wasn't enough?"
"Ah, he may have had some help with that. Grace thought we needed more than just a family dinner after and our parents are already in there." He brushed his fingers across her cheek. "You okay with that, babe? We can still go to the courthouse and do this like we planned."
"Are you okay with it?"
Danny nodded. "I am if you are."
"I'm good with it. It's sweet, really." She slid her hands up the lapels of his suit jacket and around the back of his neck. "I can think of worse things than getting married on the beach."
"They won't let me back there, so I'm assuming there are more surprises." He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close. "But Steve promised me it's just family."
"Family is good." He raised his eyebrows at her. "I'm happy, Danny. If Steve and Grace planned it, our families approved it, and you're good with it, I'm totally on board."
He dipped his chin. "Okay, then. We get married in Steve's backyard."
"Okay, then." She smiled up at him. "We don't have to go in yet, do we?"
"Ah, no. We're the guests of honor; I think they can wait a few more minutes," he said and lowered his head to kiss her.
A door closed and footsteps sounded. Danny unconsciously shifted a half step to the right to block the woman in his arms from whomever stood behind him. A throat cleared, and Steve said, "I'm pretty sure you're supposed to wait to do that until the end of the ceremony."
Danny slowly broke the kiss, but didn't look around. "Never pass up an opportunity to kiss a beautiful woman, partner. Especially if she's just agreed to marry you."
"I don't disagree, Danno, but if you'll come into the house you can actually get on with the marrying part."
Cassie silently laughed and leaned around Danny. "I hear there's been a slight change of plans?"
Steve smirked. "We may have made a few alterations." He glanced over his shoulder at someone and said respectfully, "Yes, ma'am." He grinned at Cassie. "To be fair, I turned the execution of this operation over to the experts."
Caroline moved around Steve and held out arms out to her daughter. "Dear heart, I hope you don't mind that we messed with your plans a little bit."
Cassie smiled and moved to hug her mother. "We're fine with it, Mom."
"Though I am afraid to ask what else you all have up your sleeves," Danny noted with a grin. As he and Cassie entered the house, he raised an eyebrow at Steve.
"You said keep it a surprise." Steve smirked. "I did; I just kept it a surprise from you."
Danny laughed.
Jen said from the doorway, "You didn't think we were going to miss the chance to throw a shindig, did you?"
Danny grinned and turned to look at her. "I should have known. We're not invading a small country or anything after dinner, are we?"
There were more hugs and finally Steve clapped his hands together and said, "Okay, ladies and gentlemen. There are a few more people outside and one of them is on a tight schedule. Given that he's the one performing the ceremony, let's move out and get this mission underway."
Danny shook his head. He and Cassie hung back while the rest of them moved outside and down to the beach. Danny said, "Mission?"
Steve nodded once. "Yeah, pal. A very important one."
Cassie kissed Steve on the cheek. "Thank you."
Steve said, "Today is going to be perfect. I promise, nothing's allowed to interfere."
"You promise we're not catching a case today?" Danny asked, dryly.
"I do, Danno. I have it from the highest authority that no bad guys will be allowed to interfere today. We are all free and clear until at least tomorrow morning."
Danny nodded sharply. "Right, Steven. And just how did you pull off this miracle?"
Steve opened the door leading to the beach, and beckoned the couple forward. Four steps out, Danny saw why Steve was able to promise the team wouldn't catch a case. He turned to the other man and shook his head. "You called in the big guns, huh?"
"Well, it was this or Admiral Rhodes. Given how he feels about us, I thought the governor was a better choice." Steve winked at Cassie and slung his arm around his best friend to turn him around for the walk down to the beach. He let go and stood straight when Grace took her father's hand, and they escorted Danny to where a little canopy decorated in flowers and ribbons stood by the water.
Cassie looked across the yard and saw Susan, Kate, and Ali, Linda and Tom, and Maggie and John among the extended Five-0 ohana and both her and Danny's families. Danny looked back at her, grinning, as he noticed the same thing.
Lucas and Olivia followed them, holding each of Nonna's hands. Eddie offered his arm to Jen, and Zachary kissed his sister's cheek then offered his arm to Clara.
When Danny reached the canopy, he shook Governor Denning's hand and hugged his team who were standing there waiting for him.
Cassie hooked one arm through her father's and the other through her mother's arm. "Walk me down?" she asked.
Cassie noticed family and friends, but she had eyes for only one person waiting for her. She grinned at him, since it had been all of a minute since she'd seen him, but somehow this was special.
Danny grinned back, knowing what she was thinking. He couldn't agree more. The courthouse would have been fine, but watching Cassie walk toward him being escorted by her parents was special. Surrounded by their family, this was everything they could have asked for.
Grace held up two leis, one for each of them. Cassie's mom gently placed the bright flowers over Cassie's head, while Grace put her garland of leaves and flowers around Danny's neck.
Governor Denning smiled at both of them and then addressed the small crowd gathered on the beach. "I can't think of a better way to close out a year and begin a new one than by celebrating a wedding, especially that of these two particular people."
"You all are here to celebrate Danny and Cassie joining their lives together, and from the crowd I see here, I know you all are just as thrilled to be as I am. I do want to note that this wedding honors two of Hawaii's heroes." Denning paused dramatically and Danny raised his eyebrows at Cassie. "Many of you are familiar with Detective Williams' work with Five-0 and of his recent actions that saved multiple lives. Ms. Wallace has already made an impact on many students here in Hawaii because of her work on the space program." He smiled benevolently and added, "However, she's also a hero to those of us gathered here, because, well, she's marrying Detective Williams."
Danny rolled his eyes as everyone laughed. "Great, thank you." But he grinned and nodded as Cassie winked at him.
Denning smiled and continued. "Actually, I've heard it's due to Cassie's influence that Danny considers Hawaii home, which is something I didn't think I'd ever see. And that's one of the best things about celebrations like this one. We're not just joining two people together in matrimony, we're honoring a commitment to home and family, to ohana. Anyone who knows Cassie and Danny knows that ohana is incredibly important to them. And anyone who's ever been in the same room as these two knows that they are so much in love. Our ohana is made stronger by the commitment they make here today." He looked at them. "Danny and Cassie, would you like to exchange your vows?"
Danny looked at the woman who had blown into his life a barely two months before. "Hey, farm girl, remember all that stuff I said a few days ago?" Cassie nodded. "Well, I meant it."
Cassie grinned and said, "Back at you, babe."
Their friends groaned and laughed; the governor mock-glared at Danny. "I know you wanted informal, Williams, but don't you think that's a bit much?"
Danny nodded. "Important words, right." He looked into Cassie's eyes. I thought getting here," he looked around at their friends and family, "would be difficult. Turns out it's one of the easiest things I've ever done. From the beginning, I knew you were special. Apparently, so did the rest of the island." Danny eyed the governor, Kono, and Chin, then turned to look pointedly at his daughter, Linda, and Susan while everyone laughed. Danny turned back to Cassie. "You ground me, remind me of the good things out there. I love you. I'm a better man with you in my life. And I promise that you will never be alone. You will always have family and love and home."
Cassie squeezed his hands. "I came to Hawaii thinking it would be a fun, productive work trip, and then I met this awesome kid who introduced me to her smart, funny, outspoken, overprotective father," Cassie grinned at Grace. "And within twenty-four hours, I was wondering what it would be like to just not leave. I fell in love with you, but also with your ohana and with this place. For the first time as an adult, I felt like I was coming home. You make me so, so happy. I love you, and I promise that you will never be alone. You will always have love and joy and hope."
Danny reached up and brushed a tear off Cassie's face. She laughed and put her hand over his.
"Do you have rings?" Governor Denning asked Danny.
"Do we have rings? Of course, we have rings." He turned to his daughter. "Right, Gracie?"
Grace held out her hand with the two silver rings. Danny took one, and held it out. The governor asked them to repeat the traditional words,
Cassie's smile lit up the beach as she spoke. She then took the other ring from Grace and placed in on Danny's left hand. He matched her smile as the ring settled on his hand, the weight of it feeling right and good.
Governor Denning beamed at both of them. "Danny and Cassie, it is truly my great honor, by the power vested in me by the great state of Hawaii, to pronounce you husband and wife." He looked at Danny. "Kiss your bride, man, and let's go have a party."
The whole crowd cheered as Danny did as he was told, pulling Cassie in with one arm and cupping her face with the other so he could kiss her deeply. When he let her go, she buried her face in his shoulder for a moment to regain her composure.
Steve nodded to Kamekona, who hit a button on the outdoor sound system Steve had set up, and Sinatra began singing Fly Me to the Moon. Danny looked at his best friend and Steve shrugged. "Little bit you, little bit her…"
Danny and Cassie exchanged a look and a smile, and instead of doing the traditional recession, they each reached out to the people closest to them. Danny surprised his partner with his hug and a whispered "thank you." Cassie hugged Grace and then Jen. And so it went from there, until the whole group was surrounded by laughter and hugs.
And it was a party. There was food and music and dancing, and lots of laughter. Kamekona swapped recipes with Nonna and Caroline, while Zach, Chin, and Lou swapped cop stories. Kono borrowed surfboards from Steve's garage and she held impromptu surf classes on the sand. Grace gave Danny and Cassie a book of recipes from both their families, with lots of space to write more.
Danny and Cassie stole a few minutes away from the crowd, but when Danny looked over Cassie's shoulder to where Steve was standing on the steps, his partner raised an eyebrow and nodded at her, asking silently if he could talk to Danny's new wife. Danny kissed her on the temple and stepped back a bit. "Steve has his serious face on. You up for a talk?"
She smiled at him. "Yeah."
"Go easy on him, okay?" He walked toward the house, nodding at Steve. When he reached his partner, Steve stopped him. "Listen, Danny. I just wanted to say how happy I am for you two." When Danny just stared at him, he continued, "I know what happened with you getting hurt was part of your decision to get married, and I promise it won't happen again."
Danny smiled slightly, and nodded. "You promise that some nut job won't try to blow up the city and take out a bunch of kids to do it? Or that I won't end up in the back of a bus again?" He shook his head. "Don't make promises you can't keep." He started walking again, saying over his shoulder, "Love you, brother."
Steve stared after him, finally saying, "Love you, too, Danno."
Cassie was smiling as Steve reached her. He bumped her shoulder gently, and said, "Good day?"
"The best. Thank you for surprising us, Steve. It means so much that you and Grace and our whole extended family did this."
Steve nodded. "I'm glad you were okay with us kicking things up a bit. You two deserve it."
Cassie looked at Steve. "So why do you have serious face?"
Steve raised an eyebrow. "You've been listening to Danny too much."
Cassie grinned. "I may not be a detective, but I know my husband's brother. What's on your mind, Steven?"
Steve shook his head, but grinned at her sounding like Danny. "I just wanted to let you know. What happened to Danny? I won't let that happen again. That's my promise to you: I will make sure Danny always comes home to you, safe."
Cassie turned to him and looked at him for a long moment. "I know. I worry less because he's got you." She gave him a little smirk. "Even though, babe, I hear that, sometimes, it is your fault."
Steve grinned back at her. "You know he loves it."
Cassie shook her head. "Safe, Steve. You promise to bring him home safe."
"Yes, ma'am," Steve said, and put his arm around the woman he considered a sister now.
Up on the deck, Kono stopped next to Danny, looking out onto the yard. "Everything okay out there?"
Danny laughed once. "Yeah. Steve's just realizing what it means to have Cassie as family."
"Ah," she said. "You know, he was really worried."
"As opposed to all the other times I've gotten shot, blown up, or had large concrete things dropped on me?"
She acknowledged his point with a small smile and a nod. "Yeah, well, you scared us all this time."
"Hey, Kono?" She turned to look at him. "Thanks for suggesting that Cassie take me with her on that walk."
Her mouth dropped open, and then she grinned and bumped his arm with hers. "About time, brother."
As they sat on the beach watching the fireworks light up the midnight sky, Danny held Cassie close. His new wife leaned back in his arms and then looked up at him, smiling. He shook his head once. "You know, the very first time you smiled at me, I didn't want to let you go. And the next time you smiled at me, from them on, I didn't want to be anywhere else but by your side," he said.
He could see tears sparkle in her eyes, and Cassie blinked a few times. "Thank you," she said softly.
Danny smiled, bemused. "For what, babe?"
"For listening to your daughter when we met. For vocally insisting that I not go out on my own, and for taking me for a walk on the beach. For being proactive." Cassie grinned at him and Danny lost his breath for a second. "For arguing with me about how many dates we'd been on and introducing me to your family and trusting me in my field of expertise. For being you."
Danny kissed her, an echo of their first kiss, full of promise and hope, and she kissed him back, sure in the knowledge that their life together was going to be wonderful and fun and, most of all, full of family and a joyful home.
The End (for now!)