A/N: Hi guys! I am so so sorry that I didn't upload this! Life got in the way for a while and plus, other stories that weren't done got in the way. I apologize for taking this long for uploading.

I hope you guys enjoy this final chapter! Chloe is gonna get Marinette's piece of mind alright :3

For the first few classes, Chloe has been doing everything in her power to break Marinette's spirit back to where it was but unfortunately for Chloe, something always landed her in trouble.

The Gym

Marinette was changing into her Gym clothes while talking to Alya, Chloe saw this as an opportunity to make her first move.

"Hey Whale-nette! I see you've gained a couple pounds during the break! I'm not surprised since your parents own a bakery and we all know that sweets all are fattening" Chloe laughed.

Marinette rolled her eyes and shook her head at the pathetic blonde.

"So anyways Alya….." Marinette walked away into gym class with Alya, not wasting her breath on trying to respond to Chloe.

Chloe gritted her teeth and tightened her fists, "Do you see this Sabrina?! She ignored me again! Sabrina?"

Sabrina was still near her locker trying to get put her shoe on.

"UM SABRINA?!" Chloe shouted. Sabrina whipped her head around.

"Oh! Sorry, Chloe! I wasn't paying attention! It's just that these new shoes my dad brought for me-"

"Marinette just totally ignored me like a peasant and the last thing you worry about are your stupid shoes?!" Chloe scoffed and rolled her eyes, "Whatever, let's just go! I have a plan to teach that little burden a lesson!"

At gym, the students were playing dodgeball and They were having the time of their lives. Chloe was busy trying to get Marinette but missed her every time.

"Hey Fatty-nette! Here's a yummy ball for you!" Chloe called to her before throwing the ball. Marinette ducked and she accidentally hit Adrien on the head trying hit Marinette.

"OW!" exclaimed Adrien.

Chloe gasped, "Oh my god! Adri-kins! I'm so so sorry! I didn't meant to hit you!"

Adrien sighed, rubbing his head. "It's okay Chloe, it's not a big deal but don't throw so hard next time, please!" He then walked back over to the line of students who got hit with the ball.

Chloe then felt a ball hit her in the back of the head, she turned around and saw Alya smirking at her.

"Oops, sorry. My hand slipped" Alya snarked. Chloe snarled and stomped over to the line of students.

After Chloe failed to succeed in hitting Marinette with a dodgeball or break her self esteem by insulting her body, she tried other plans on how to get under her skin.

In History class, they were doing a test, which means it was a perfect opportunity to bother Marinette.

"Chloe" Sabrina whispered, "I'm telling you this as as friend, if I were you, I wouldn't throw paper airplanes at someone during a test"

Chloe rolled her eyes, "So what, Sabrina? It's worth it getting her into trouble. I hate that stupid peasant. And besides the teacher isn't looking. She's too busy reading a book"

She finished writing her message to Marinette in the piece of paper then folded it into a paper airplane.


"Shut up, Sabrina"

Chloe threw the paper airplane but it didn't aim at Marinette, it aimed at Alya instead.

"Hey! What the-

"Oh crap!" Chloe pretended that she was doing her test to act like she didn't throw it.

Alya opened the piece of paper and it read:

Hey Marinette! You look so ugly today! And that outfit is trash! Why do you wear that everyday? Oh that's right! You're too poor and ugly to afford such things like I do! Plus, you need makeup! Not that it'll make you less ugly anyways but it's way better than seeing you without it anyway!

Alya grit her teeth and looked up at Chloe. She got up and went to the teacher.

Chloe heavily gasped and grabbed onto Sabrina, "Oh no! Sabrina! She's gonna totally tell on me! What do I do? What do I do?!"

"Ms. Bourgeois?" the teacher called her.

Chloe gulped and forced a smile, "Yes?"

"May I have a word with you?"

"Um, y-yeah!" She stammered. She then glared over at Sabrina. "Thanks a lot, Sabrina" She whispered over to her.

"But…. I didn't do anything" said Sabrina, confused.

In the rest of the classes before lunch, Chloe has tried many times to get back at Marinette, but she always ended up in trouble instead or Marinette has continued to ignore her like she didn't exist.

Today was not Chloe's day but at the same time, it was Karma. Something that she didn't believe in but it came to her anyway.

It was lunch time and it was a perfect opportunity to destroy Marinette's spirit once and for all.

"Chloe, I understand you're angry but I don't think you should-"

"I don't care, Sabrina! That little peasant has been acting all day that she isn't affected by me anymore! First she makes me hit Adrien in the face, then she gets me in trouble! It's time to put her back in her place!"

"What do you mean, Chloe? What are you gonna do?"

"Watch me!"

While Marinette was talking to Alya, Chloe stomped up to them.

"Ugh! Don't you ever give up?!" remarked Alya.

"Listen Dupain-Chang! I don't know what your deal is or who do you think you are! But when I'm speaking to you, you better respond back! Don't act like I'm some homeless guy off the streets and ignore me like you!"

Marinette raised an eyebrow and blinked.

"And why should she respond to you?" Alya intervened, "She doesn't have to if she doesn't want to! Especially if it's people like you!"

"Shut up! I wasn't talking to you!" Chloe snapped. "And besides, can't Marinette fight her own battles?"

Alya just snarled. Chloe turned back to Marinette, who still had that annoyed look on her face.

"Now back to what I was saying! First, you get me in trouble! Then you made me hit Adri-kins in the face with that dodgeball! And third of all you COMPLETELY ignore me when I'm talking to you! Do you know who am I? I'm the mayor's daughter and NOBODY ignores me like that! Especially from a peasant like you! Because I'm WAY better than you in every way!"

"Blah Blah Blah! That's all I hear" Marinette thought.

"Who has the best clothes? Me! Who's rich? ME! Who is loved by everyone? Oh thats right! IT'S ME! So as the Mayor's daughter, I demand you say something to me when I am speaking to you so SAY SOMETHING!"

Everyone at recess was staring at the two, Ayla wanted to rip Chloe's head off and dunk it in a basketball net.

Marinette rolled her eyes and grunted, she stood up to Chloe and said, "Something!"

The kids burst out with laughter at Marinette's sarcastic remark at Chloe, including Ayla.

"What did you say, Dupain-Cheng?"

"You said say something and I said 'something'.Now are you happy? Good, now please leave me alone" Marinette, followed by Ayla, walked away from Chloe.

Chloe felt the pressure rise inside of her, she tightened her fists, gritted her teeth and snarled loudly like she was a angry dog getting ready to attack. How DARE Marinette speak to her like that! Who does she think she is?!

"Chloe?" Sabrina touched her shoulder to calm her down. "Let's just go, none of this isn't worth it-"

"YOU KNOW WHAT! YOU SHOULD JUST GO KILL YOURSELF, DUPAIN-CHENG!" Chloe blurted out from the top of her lungs.

Everyone heavily gasped with a shocked expressions on their faces, including Sabrina and Adrian.

"C-Chloe!" exclaimed Sabrina, who just couldn't believe what she heard out of Chloe's mouth. "D-Did you just-"

"You heard me Sabrina! I said Marinette should go kill herself! It's not like everyone will miss her anyway"

Everyone knew Chloe wasn't the nicest but they never knew she would go THAT far into telling someone to kill themselves.

"SERIOUSLY Chloe?!" Yelled Ayla. "Freaking SERIOUSLY?! What is WRONG with you?!"

Chloe crossed her arms and said, "I'm just speaking the truth! It's not like anyone would miss her anyway!"

Ayla was mega pissed right now, she wanted to knock her all the way to the outer space and into the sun. How DARE she tell her best friend to go kill herself like that? Could she get any more cold hearted?!

"That's it! I'm sick of your-"

"No, Ayla! I can handle this myself" She cut her best friend off.

Marinette furrowed her eyebrows and walked up to the cold hearted blonde, who was still smirking.

"What? Are you gonna cry now?" She mocked.

"You know what, Chloe? No! I'm gonna cry! You can call me ugly, insult my appearance or even say I'm poor! But for you to tell me I should go kill yourself is just…. Is just vile and crossing the line!"

"No! You speaking to me like this is crossing the line!" Chloe spat back. "You're being way too sensitive"

"Oh really? Because last time I checked, you're the one getting upset with me because I ignored you! And you wanna know WHY I ignored you? Because I'm a much stronger person than ever before and everything you say is pretty much useless to me and ineffective"

"Now, listen to me-"

"NO! YOU listen to ME, Chloe!" Marinette shouted at her, making Chloe step back a little with an intimidated expression. Everyone gasped at Marinette snapping at Chloe without fear, especially Adrian.

"I may not be the richest! I may not have the best clothes! Heck, I may not be the prettiest to some people but at least I'm kind, caring and care about other people's feelings unlike YOU Chloe Bourgeois! And let me tell YOU something! I'm not going to let you get to me anymore because you're just a bully, a cold hearted bully who has no type of empathy for anyone or anything! And you only say those things because you want to feel powerful!"

"You tell her, girl!" Alya praised, clapping. "Wooo! Let her have it!"

"You want to feel like you're above everyone else! Well, guess what Chloe! You're not! I have family abound friends who love me and I wouldn't DARE to think of leaving them behind because of pathetic miserable people like you! You can try to destroy me with your useless words all you want but at the end of the day, I'm not going anywhere! So get used to it! I know you dont like me and the feeling is mutual, but telling me to go kill myself because I ignored and didn't take any of your mess just shows how cold hearted and wicked you really are! I'm done with you! End of discussion!" She let out a breath relieving sigh.

Everyone's jaw dropped! They never saw Marinette like this! It was like she was a different person! They wondered what made her like this but they really loved to see Marinette letting Chloe have it.

"How dare you-"

"END OF DISCUSSION!" Marinette yelled at her.

"I…. Adrien! Did you see how this this peasant spoke to m-"

"Shut up, Chloe!" he snapped at her. Chloe gasped, covering her mouth her hands. Everyone gasped too.

"Adri-kins! I…."

"Just shut up! And don't call me Adri-kins! And her name isn't peasant, It's Marinette! I knew you were like this but I never knew you would go this far to telling someone to kill themselves like you did! Then had the nerve to say she's too sensitive! You disgust me so much right now that I can't even look at you! Do me a favor and never talk to me ever again! Don't even call or text me! I'm done with you!"

Chloe's eyes began to water, "But… but…".

She proceeded to grab his arm but he snatched it away from her, "Get off of me, Chloe! I never wanna speak to you ever again!"

Chloe turned to Sabrina, who had a look of disappointment.

"Sabrina? Tell me I'm right! You're still on my side, right?"

"Sorry Chloe but as a friend, I have to be honest, I can't side with you on this. That was a horrible thing you that you said, even for you that was low! Lower than low!"

Chloe growled, "After all I've done for you, this is how you repay me, Sabrina?!"

Alya smirked and crossed her arms, "Aww what's the matter, Bourgeois? Feeling outnumbered?"

Chloe looked around at all students in the yard who were glaring at her. She felt like she was shrinking, her power was. She knew there was no one on her side but what was going to do?

She smirked and flipped her ponytail in the air, "Hmph! Whatever! I'm still gonna be richer and better than all of you at the end of the day! Now if you'll excuse me, I got better things to do!"

"Like what? Taking a huge dump or something?" mocked Ivan.

Chloe scowled, "No! None of your business!" She ran off away from the schoolyard with her arms covering her eyes so nobody would see her tears that were uncontrollably shedding from her eyes.

Everyone turned to Marinette, she smiled nervously and waved. "Hehe! Hi? I'm sorry guys but I got sick of her! I had to say something!"

They then cheered and applauded the bluebell haired girl.

"Girl, don't you dare think of apologizing! I don't know what made you stand up to that brat but I really loved what I saw right now! I'm so proud of you girl!" Ayla praised, hugging her. "It made my day!"

"Yeah! You sure show her who's boss!" Ivan also praised her.

"That was amazing the way you stood up to Chloe like that, Marinette!" Sabrina praised her.

Marinette couldn't believe what she just did right now! She finally stood up to her bully and not just any bully. Chloe Bourgeois! The meanest girl in school! Something she always dreamed of doing!

It was one of the most amazing and greatest moments of her life and she didn't regret every single bit of it!

She felt free, relieved, and felt a million times stronger than ever! Now, she can finally have confidence in herself and love herself in peace without someone trying to destroy her.

She was Marinette Dupain-Cheng and she is unstoppable!