Chapter 1

Another dinner. Another date. It just wasn't happening! It couldn't! All the other dates always ran away when his mother mentioned that she was a widowed mother with a teenage son. Although, as he watched his mother from her bedroom door, as she put on some delicate diamond earrings to match her necklace, Frigga looked flawless, just beautiful. Loki had to admit it, and he couldn't help the small smile on his lips when his mother jumped at the sound of the doorbell.

"Oh, goodness," Frigga breathed, as she stared at her suddenly white reflection. "He's here early."

Loki chuckled lightly as he walked closer. "Maybe it is good you got dressed three hours early, mother. He's not late." He shook his head gently, then pointed at the desk clock.

Frigga gasped. "Oh, Loki. What does he see in me?" She pulled the bun off her head and began to quickly brush her hair.

"What is there not to love, mother? You are smart, beautiful. Look at you this man would be crazy not to love you."

Frigga sighed and turned in her seat towards her son and gently cupped his face. "My beautiful, son. You move me with your sweet lies. Sweet, but still lies." She turned back towards her mirror as Loki continued.

"Mother, they are not lies. He will be crazy not to lose his pants for you." Loki's face froze at the sound of the words from his mouth. He could see his mothers reaction with the same expression on her own face. "You know what I mean." He blushed at the thought and quickly left the room as the doorbell rang a fourth time.

Frigga sighed as she brushed blush on her cheek, when she suddenly realized her son went to answer the door. She jumped from her seat and ran towards the stairs. " Loki, don't!"

Frigga didn't think it was possible but she skipped the first step running down the stairs. But it was all for nothing, Loki was already standing at the door starring at Frigga's date dead in the eye. The woman slowly walked down the last five steps and cleared her thought.

"Odin, darling, I like to introduce, my 16 year-old son, " Frigga gulped. "Loki Laufeyson."

The man at the door stared from Loki towards Frigga, who was suddenly rolling around a napkin in her fingers

Loki stared from Odin to his mother with a confused frown. His thoughts were correct when he heard Odin speak next.

"You have a son?"

Frigga sighed and sat on the bottom steps, not looking the two men in the eye. It was Loki who spoke next. "Maybe you should come sit." Offering Odin a seat. Instead, the man walked in and towards the woman on the steps.

"Frigga, why didn't you tell me?"

"It doesn't matter." Frigga and Odin looked up towards Loki, who shrugged his shoulders gently. "If anyone should be upset, it would be me. And I am not."

Frigga frowned. "Loki," She whispered.

The boy walked up to his mother and reached for her hand, then he pulled her to her feet. "I understand. There is no one out there who would want a widowed mother." Loki frowned. "Not that-"

Frigga smiled. "I know, son. It is just that, the moment I mention you to the all the others they hurried away."

"Well, I won't. My engagement still stands." Odin said forcefully.

Both, Loki and Frigga stared at the man. Frigga smiled, Loki looked like he was about to pass out.


Odin smiled. "Why don't we stay in tonight? These families need to meet. Loki," Odin walked to the boy and lay his hand on his shoulder. "You will love my son."

"Son?" Loki whimpered. "Engagement? Family? Son? Brother! Loki is going to have a brother!"

"I will call Thor." Odin pulled out a cell phone from his pocket.

Loki pushed his raven hair back with his fingers, which did no good because the hair just fell back into place in his eyes, and the front of his neck. So first this man Odin, proposes to Loki's mother. Loki! Who by the way has never been mentioned to Odin, who has a son, Thor. Loki frowned for like the 6th time.

"Did you know?" He turned to Frigga. "Did you know he has a son?"

Frigga glanced at Odin before standing and taking Loki's hand then pulled him towards the kitchen. When Frigga was sure they couldn't be heard she turned to look her son in his green eyes. "I have never formally met Thor." She opened the fridge and began taking drinks out.

"But you knew about him." Loki pointed out.

Frigga nodded. Loki inhaled a deep breath. "And, still I wasn't mentioned?"

"Loki, you must understand. . ."

"I do! I do understand, Mother. I just don't understand the world! I mean, why is it ok for a man to enter a relationship with who knows how many children, and woman know and they except it. But if a woman enters, and she has a child, she has to keep it a secret because some men are too big a coward to help out!" Loki sighed again. "Why didn't you tell me about the proposal?"

"I haven't answered yet." She sighed. "Loki," Frigga waited until her son stared back at her before continuing. "I wanted you to meet first. I am not going to marry a man ho will not except all of me. And you, my love, are all of me."

Loki nibbled his bottom lip as he walked up to his mother and gently kissed her forehead. "I love you, too, Mother."

"Is everything o.k. in here?"

Loki and Frigga looked at the archway that separated the kitchen from the dinning room.

"Everything is fine." Frigga spoke as she pulled out some vegetables from the fridge. "Loki, why don't you go change?"

Loki obeyed and walked towards the stairs to his bed room. He stopped at the bottom step as he heard his mother talking to Odin.

"Thor will be here within the next hour."

"Oh good, it'll give me time t- Oh! Odin stop that. My son is in the next room."

Loki's brows raised and his mouth dropped in a disgusted frown as he hurried along to his room.


Dinner went by unusually slow. Loki found himself with a full plate, by the time everyone else was done. Of course, with Thor there it was a wonder how there was enough for anyone. The teen ate like a horse! Loki tried to stifle his chuckle as he watch Thor reach for his third helping of baked potato, roast beef and gravy.

"Thor! Mind your manners!" Odin scolded.

"What?" The teen chewed with his mouth open.

"It is fine, Odin, really. Loki barely eats at all. It makes me happy to see someone enjoys my cooking skills." Frigga smiled when Thor gave her a goofy smile then stuffed yet another soon into his mouth.

"You know, Loki if you were to start working on your upper body muscles, just lifting weights," Thor chewed loudly. " You wouldn't be watching us from the sidelines at school."

"Shows how much you know." Loki bit his roast beef.

"What was that?"

"I don't go to school." Everyone's forks dropped and Odin looked towards Frigga.

"You son is uneducated?"

"Odin!" Frigga scolded. "Don't say that!"

"Say what?" The man shrugged. "What else would you call a 16 year old who doesn't go to class?"

"How about calling him scared."

"Mother . . ."

"Loki dropped out because he was being picked on, to the point they ran over him with a jeep." Frigga explained.

"Mother . . ."

"He had nightmares for months."

"And, so you baby him? How will he ever grow to be somebody?

"I home school him, Odin."

"Mother! It is not their bus-"

Thor interrupted. "Loki, i'm telling you, a bit of muscle, join the football team, and-"

Loki grabbed his hair in between his fingers then shot up from his seat. "Everyone just shut up!" Loki stood there breathing heavy for what felt like a long 2 minutes before he hurried away towards the front door.

"He's hyper." Thor brought another spoonful to his mouth.

Frigga set her fork down and sighed.

A/N: Well, hello again, readers. Let me get to the point. I deleted some stories because I came up with a new one. Why? Because I have college. And if I plan to one day write professionally I have to get my schooling done. Anyway, I am back with a Loki Whump! story.