What is it about AU's that I am drawn to? Alternate Universes are my favorite things to write and read! So I looked at the Jedi Apprentice Series story and just went, "Um... let's change this a tad," and suddenly I have a ten chapter story!
Welcome to my life!
Oceanera12 reporting. You can call me Era. I've been in a Star Wars mood for the past month and couldn't resist writing this down as fast as I could. My Padawan has proof-read it so if there are some grammatical or spelling errors we missed, SORRY!
Hope you enjoy and I am now proud to present: Trust the Force!
Qui-Gon was very annoyed. Anyone in the Temple could tell. He marched down the halls, arms crossed, and a small scowl on his face. Of course for a Jedi Master, a small scowl was equal to a bright red face and gritted teeth, trying to prevent waves of anger from surfacing.
So perhaps annoyed was a moderate word. A better one may be furious.
Most everyone knew the reason why. Rumors flew around the Jedi Temple like a wildfire and every Master, Knight, and Padawan knew exactly why Master Qui-Gon was angry.
It was the same reason every time he returned to the temple. The Jedi Council requested his presence at Initiate's Training in an attempt to convince the man to take another Padawan. And everyone knew how Qui-Gon felt about that.
Most Jedi steered clear of the Master after one of these sessions. He was quick tempered and a tad frightening when he was annoyed with the council.
The consequence of that was rather positive in Qui-Gon's opinion: no one interrupted his walk from the training room to the meditation gardens. He could sit with his own thoughts, his own problems, and his own opinions- a luxury not available when attending the training of Initiates.
The garden was quiet- for obvious reasons- and the Force was peaceful and calm. Qui-Gon always felt a small weight leave his shoulders every time he entered the garden- but there was a time when all of his worries seemed to vanish in this room. That time was something Master Jinn could not help but miss.
He shook his thoughts away and hurried across the cobblestone. Few Jedi were present, and that was the way he liked it. He glanced around to make sure no one was looking before ducking into some brush. Years ago, Qui-Gon had accidently discovered an empty clearing amid the trees and bushes in the south corner. A small stream of water ran by it causing a pleasant sound to mix with the slight breezes that blew through the area. It was quiet, and most importantly, private. No one knew about it.
Or so he thought.
When Qui-Gon entered the clearing, he bit back a cry of surprise at the small figure sitting by the quiet trickle of water.
The boy couldn't be more than eight years old, and seemed to be meditating, on his knees, hands placed on top. His breathing was even and very soft, the breeze slightly ruffling his copper hair and tunic.
Qui-Gon felt a rush of annoyance again. His hiding spot was not private any longer. He sighed and turned to leave when a sudden gasp stopped him.
A shuffle came from behind him and a small voice gasped out, "Sorry, Master. I didn't know you were here." Qui-Gon recognized a tint of a Coruscanti accent.
Qui-Gon sighed and turned back to the boy, who was now standing up and looking a tad frightened. "You are fine, youngling." He examined the boy a little closer and was startled by the bright blue eyes that shined at him. They seemed to pierce his very soul and Qui-Gon had to step back slightly from the gaze. He cursed his sudden fear and pushed it aside. "I was not aware anyone knew about his place."
The boy gave a shy smile. "I found it a year ago. It's very quiet and no one bugs me when I meditate."
The Jedi Master had to agree with that. He nodded slowly.
Silence fell upon the two and neither seemed to know what to do. The boy felt as if he was intruding on a Jedi Master and wished to flee, but the only way out without getting too scratched up was where the man was currently standing. Qui-Gon was in a similar predicament, but for different reasons. This boy was unnerving the man for no apparent reason. Perhaps it was simply because Qui-Gon no longer had a hiding spot.
"Would you like me to leave, Master? I do not wish to interrupt you." The boy fiddled with his ropes and looked at the ground, afraid that he was insulting the man somehow.
Qui-Gon opened his mouth to affirm the boy's actions, when a sudden sorrow overcame him. He did not want to boy to leave. Mentally, he scolded himself. 'Get the boy away.' But his heart said otherwise. What was wrong with him? Perhaps it was because the lad was here before him, and it was not fair for a selfish master to kick out a child. "No, I interrupted you. I shall leave." The words left his mouth, but he frowned at how wrong they felt.
The boy immediately shook his head. "No sir, I do not wish to steal your spot."
"The feeling is mutual, young one."
A determined frown appeared on the boy's face, which suddenly brightened. "Perhaps a compromise. I will sit on one side of the clearing, you will sit on the other. Neither will bother the other." He thought for a moment, before nodding slowly. The deal sounded fair in the boy's mind and he phrased it rather well, if he thought so himself.
Qui-Gon seemed to come to the same conclusion and easily agreed. "As you say, youngling." He allowed a small smile. "If we are sharing the clearing then I would like to know the boy I am sharing it with." The statement was a polite way of reminding the boy that the Master did not know his name, but nevertheless, the youngling turned bright red with embarrassment.
Qui-Gon smiled a little bigger. "I am Master Qui-Gon Jinn."
The boy was a tad startled at the name. He had heard stories about the 'cruel' Master Jinn from the older initiates who watched as he came and left the training with little or no attention to him. Yet, the boy did not see him as cruel. A bit withdrawn, yes, but he could understand that. Realizing that the Jedi was still waiting for him name, he gave a small bow. "Hello Master Jinn. I am Obi-Wan Kenobi."
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