Yep. This story is still alive.
I have no idea when the next chapter will be, updates are just going to be random at this point.
Chapter Seventeen – Allies
Good news– they were winning this battle.
Bad news? Tyranitar was completely out of control.
Alain muttered a curse under his breath as a he darted out of a way of a Dark Pulse, wishing that Tyranitar would just keep attacking the Scizor. But he knew that when the energy of mega evolution consumed a Pokemon it could overwhelm them– and he should have been prepared for this instead of just handing over the mega stone to Tyranitar.
He had scars from the first time Charizard mega evolved– he should have been more careful!
Tyranitar had handled the Haunter with ease though, knocking it out with a single Dark Pulse. And while the woman and her Meowstic had seemed to come and go, in the end Tyranitar had been able to land attack on them as well. Now their only current attacker was Jake and his Scizor, and it was clear that he was no beginner when it came to battle. And while Alain was sure Tyranitar did have the edge in power, Scizor's type advantage gave him an edge which made the match seem even so far.
Alain could barely see through the whirling sandstorm, but he did hear the echoes of a Stone Edge hitting the Scizor as the battle continued. He had his shirt pulled up over his mouth to help him breathe, eyes narrowed as he tried to navigate the cavern. He wished that he could give orders to his Pokemon, but Tyranitar wouldn't be hearing a word from him while he was consumed in the energy. He was sure he could win this fight if the rock type still had control over himself, but for now Alain would just have to hope that he would be able to land a defeating blow.
An X-Scissor was slashed down on Tyranitar's chest, and the rock type's fangs crunched into the Scizor, electricity dancing across his mouth as he bit down with a Thunder Fang. Tyranitar thrashed his prize in his jaws, before whipping around and sending the Pokemon flying away. The Pokemon huffed, looking exhausted, though his eyes still gleamed with an emotionless desire to attack.
Alain gritted his teeth– he needed to get Mairin farther away in case Tyranitar decided to change targets. But with the sandstorm still raging he had no idea what direction he had left her in. He touched his key stone, which was burning, wondering when the Sand Stream ability would die down– it wasn't something that lasted the whole battle!
As if in a reply to his thoughts, the whirling sand seemed to slow, the power behind the storm seemingly weakening.
He could see a faint glow coming from the Scizor through the fading sand, the mega Pokemon bracing itself as as Tyranitar launched a Stone Edge. The pillar of rock burst out of the ground, slamming against the Scizor with a raw force. Alain flinched, knowing just what attack the bug type had been preparing. The Pokemon opened its eyes, an orange glow surrounding it as it released the Counter right back at Tyranitar, the burst of fighting energy striking the titan. Tyranitar staggered back, letting out a pained roar as he was hit. He let out several huffs, dark energy churning in his mouth as he prepared a Dark Pulse.
He released the blast right towards Alain.
Alain leapt back, the burst of energy hitting right where he had been. Even though he had avoided the attack, the remaining energy surged out– and with his ankle already weakened he found himself collapsing to the ground. Alain swore, gritting his teeth through the pain as he looked up. Scizor was attacking Tyranitar with a Metal Claw– but still the dark type's eyes were locked on him.
Alain rolled away, leaping up to his feet and forcing himself to get away as another Dark Pulse was released towards him. He barely noticed how weak the sandstorm was getting– just trying to ignore the pain in his ankle as he half-limped away. He gave a swift glance around the cavern, able to make out the shapes of the ramps and crates, but still he wasn't sure where Mairin was.
"Zor!" Scizor snarled, draping his pincers in the green energy of an X-Scissor, charging at Tyranitar. He was wasting no moment with the Pokemon's focus being elsewhere, throwing himself into the attack.
Alain flinched as the attack slashed across Tyranitar's exposed back– causing the titan to let out a roar of pain.
Scizor leapt back, releasing an Air Slash at the rock type. The move itself didn't do much, but it did cause Tyranitar to cringe, giving the bug type a few more seconds to prepare a Metal Claw. The silver sheen flared to life around a pincer, Tyranitar too consumed in his rage to notice the attack as the bug type raced forward.
"Hyper Beam," A calm voice ordered somewhere off to Alain's right.
The Scizor was perhaps a foot away from Tyranitar when the attack hit him– the pulsing mass of raw energy engulfing the Pokemon with a flare of bright light. Even with a resistance to the attack, the powerful Hyper Beam still sent the bug type flying across the cavern. Alain was panting, staring at the very confused bug type as it stumbled to his feet, huffing.
A dark blue shape was diving forward through the fading remains of the sandstorm, a pair of giant jaws snapping open, lit in the dark energy of the Crunch. The Pokemon tore past Tyranitar, sinking her fangs into the Scizor moments after he stood. The dragon type whipped her whole body about, violently thrashing her prize.
Alain simply stared as the Garchomp dropped the Scizor to the ground, claws flaring up with the green energy of a Dual Chop as she towered above him. The mega Garchomp didn't hesitate, brutally arching her claws down onto the Pokemon– only pausing as Tyranitar let out a low snarl.
His eyes were still unfocused, a Dark Pulse forming in his maw. Garchomp glanced at the Scizor, before jumping back as the mass of energy was released towards her. The Dark Pulse slammed into the weakened Scizor, the Pokemon sliding back as he was hit. He held his breath, hoping that the bug type was finally defeated.
A light surrounded Scizor– his mega evolution fading away.
"Garchomp, use Earth Power," The voice called, and the dragon slammed her foot against the ground. Shivers raced up Alain's back– he knew that voice.
The Earth Power exploded below Tyranitar, sending him stumbling back several steps. The attack wasn't as brutal as her ones against the Scizor had been, as if she were simply trying to keep the Pokemon distracted. Alain hesitated, before whipping around towards the speaker. The sandstorm had now completely dispersed, leaving scattered sand spread out across the cave, rippling in the fading wind. Making his way towards Alain was a very familiar figure, one who looked a bit out of place without his lab coat.
"P-professor–?" Alain stuttered out in surprise, taking a step back.
His former mentor eyed him, "Would you please recall Tyranitar before he hurts someone?"
"Wh-what are you doing here–?"
"Alain. Recall Tyranitar," Professor Sycamore said firmly, in a tone that Alain never failed to listen to.
Alain was still stunned, and didn't move until an explosive Dark Pulse was released towards Garchomp. He flinched, before fumbling for the Pokeball buried in his pocket. He held the red sphere out towards the snarling rock type. A burst of red light snaked out of the Pokeball, pulling Tyranitar away into the sphere. Alain held it close for a moment, feeling as the burning in his key stone faded.
His eyes snapped open. "Mairin," He whispered, before spinning around. "Mairin–!"
"Is safe," Professor Sycamore said, walking a few steps towards Alain, who tensed. "She's over by the crates in the back and–"
Fueled by both his desire protect Mairin, and his wariness for the professor's sudden appearance– Alain spun around on a heel and headed straight towards the back of the cavern, leaving the professor in the middle of the path. He didn't see the look of hurt in the older man's eyes, who looked away as the energy of mega evolution faded around Garchomp.
"Mairin!" Alain cried as he spotted the red haired girl, and he wished he could move faster. His ankle throbbed with each step he took, slowing him down ever so slightly. She was standing over the unconscious body of a Simisear, trying to get something off of its neck. Mairin looked worn, sand stuck in her hair and clothes– but she was safe.
She pulled a chain with a key on the end off of the Simisear, a look of relief on her face, and she glanced towards Alain. "I have the key!" Mairin said, a small smile crossing her lips. "We can free the Pokemon here!"
Then without another word she turned the crates, shoving the key into the lock, the door swinging open. Several Lillipups leapt out of the cages, shivering– before bolting for the large exit of the cavern. Mairin moved onto the next one, not pausing as she opened each cage, not even as Alain pulled up next to her. He eyed each Pokemon that came out, some limping, others quivering– but all were running.
His heart twisted, seeing their thin and dirty forms. How long had these Pokemon been kept like this?
"It wouldn't be wise to linger here," Professor Sycamore said, right behind them. Alain flinched, having nearly forgotten that he was there, while Mairin didn't even seemed fazed. "These people have quite the investment here– for them to have backup of some kind wouldn't be surprising."
"I just need to get the rest of these Pokemon," Mairin said, reaching into a cage to pull out a shaking Vulpix. She set the fox on the ground, who looked fearfully up at the humans, before bolting. "Only a few more..."
She had quite more than a few– but no one said a word. None of them wanted to leave these Pokemon here, and so Mairin simply went onto the next cage. Alain was staring at Professor Sycamore warily, shifting towards Mairin as the professor stroked Garchomp softly.
"...How did you find us...?" Alain asked quietly– because it was no coincidence that they had run into each other here.
"I'm here to help you two," Professor Sycamore said, holding his hands out. "You know that you can trust me, Alain."
"How did you find us?" Alain repeated, voice becoming harder. Hurt flashed across the professor's eyes, and Garchomp looked at Alain in confusion.
"It took quite a bit of work," Professor Sycamore said softly. "It was thanks to Garchomp that we did, but I got the idea from the message you sent me," He looked away. "The one you send on your field device... I thought that meant you still trusted me, but I suppose that's not the case."
It took Alain a moment to remember what he was talking about– but then he recalled what the message. It had been a quick message he had sent right before he had gone into hiding, using an old field device he had found when packing to go on the run. His heart thumped– he had thought that the professor wouldn't have ever read it, that messaging system they hadn't used in years after all– but he seemed he had been wrong.
He had only sent it because it felt wrong to not say anything to the professor, but he honestly hadn't intended it to be read.
"How did you find us?" Alain asked for the third time, a slight quiver in his voice.
"Mairin's Pokedex," Professor Sycamore finally said. "We used the old tracking system– for now me and Sophie are the only ones that know about it, but who knows how long it'll be before the same idea crosses the International Police's mind," He took a step forward. "We need to destroy the Pokedex, get out of here, and then I have a way to get you out of the region."
"You have a–?" Alain began, blinking in surprise, but a gasp from Mairin cut him off. Both males looked towards the teen, who was kneeling by one of the lower cages. "Mairin?"
"Guys..." She whispered. "Come look at her..."
She pulled back, allowing them to approach the crate. Alain grunted as he knelt down, before peering into the cage with the professor. A pair pained green eyes looked back at them, a quivering brown shape huddling in the cage. Like the rest of the Pokemon, these Eevee looked thin and weak, and he wasn't sure why Mairin had singled it out compared to the others.
Then he noticed her paw.
Or rather, the lack of one.
The Eevee's front leg was tucked up against her shaking body, which ended in a bloody stump. Alain's stomach shifted at the sight– not that she was missing a paw– but at the horrid condition it was in. Untreated and scabbed, and judging by the deformed skin, most likely infected. The Eevee whimpered, scooting to the back of the cage.
Alain felt sick. "That's... that's disgusting."
"Probably how they caught it," Sycamore muttered. "Some sort of trap took its leg, so it couldn't get away..."
"Why would they do that?" Alain hissed. "I know they're horrible– but you'd think that they'd want their 'merchandise' to be in good shape."
Professor Sycamore pulled away, the poor Eevee clearly shaken by their lingering. "...Perhaps they planned to use it as breeding stock, and sell the Eevee kits... with the injured leg she wouldn't be able to get away, and well..."
Alain turned away, and Mairin knelt back in front of the open cage, reaching in.
"Careful–" Alain cautioned, afraid of the Pokemon lashing out in fear, but Mairin's hands had already wrapped around the little Eevee. She pulled the normal type out, pressing it against her chest.
"We got to do something," Mairin whispered. "We can't leave her like this."
"...Alain, open the rest of the cages," Professor Sycamore said in the same tone he often used with him around the lab. "I have some medical supplies with me, so let's at least wrap up that leg until we can get her proper help."
Alain's hands were shaking as he took the key– every part of him screaming for him to get out of there, that they were in danger here.
But instead he slipped the key into the lock, working on the last few cages that held Pokemon. He glanced over shoulder, watching as Mairin cradled the Eevee in her arms. The Pokemon hadn't made a noise, simply sitting there as the professor dug through is bag. The frightened side of him, the part of him that had been driving him forward these last few weeks, told him that the professor couldn't be trusted.
Alain felt utterly ashamed that a part of him even felt this way.
The professor had always trusted him, had never once done anything to harm him. This man had helped shape Alain into the person he was today– and clearly was here to help them now. He had fought off the Scizor, was trying to help this Eevee now. He had been searching for him, responding to one simple message. If he wanted him handed over to the police he could have brought them here.
Alain had made the mistake of shutting the professor out once– he couldn't do that again.
"Professor?" Alain said softly as he opened a cage with a Salandit in it, and the older man glanced at him. "...Thank you."
A smile crossed the man's face, and a warm feeling settled in Alain's heart at the sight. Sycamore turned back to tending to the Eevee's leg, and Alain limped over to the last few cages.
"Zar!" Charizard cried happily as they flew away from the cavern, her wings flaring to catch an updraft.
"You can see the professor once we land," Alain said as she drifted towards the Pidgeot that was carrying Professor Sycamore. "Just keep flying, girl."
"...Do you think that Eevee is going to be okay?" Mairin asked quietly, sitting in front of him as they flew. Alain's arm tightly around her, knowing that Mairin wasn't too fond of heights– but for once she wasn't tightly holding on to Charizard.
He glanced over at Professor Sycamore, who had the Eevee resting in the crook of his arm.
"...The professor will help her, don't worry," Alain said, but Mairin didn't seem reassured.
"...There are probably more Pokemon out there," Mairin whispered. "Taken from their homes, locked up... We saved these ones, but there are more out there. And what if no one ever finds them? They'll be living like that forever."
"...The world is a horrible place," Alain said slowly after a moment.
"It's scary," Mairin whispered. "To not know what's going to happen to you, wondering why that is happening," Her voice broke slightly. "I... I know that you w-were only trying to protect me, but you don't know how frightened I was... and those poor Pokemon, because the ones that do have them don't care about them and– and..."
She trailed off, and Alain's stomach twisted guiltily.
"...I'm sorry," He whispered. "I'm so sorry..."
"You were just trying to protect me," Mairin said, staring straight ahead.
"But I never tried to explain," Alain whispered. "Not fully, at least... you were scared, and I let you be scared. I knew you were safe with me... but you didn't know that. How was it any better of me to let you live in that fear?"
"...Alain, can we please put what happened behind us?" Mairin asked softly.
"But it still happened," Alain began, and she shook her head.
"It happened, and what happened was far from ideal," Mairin said. "I'm not going to try to sugarcoat it... you could have approached this in a better way. I don't think we can call it 'right'– but with what was– what is– happening to us, it wouldn't be fair to have excepted things to be better. Everything is... okay now. Not perfect, but we're okay... and I think that's what we should focus on."
"...Heh, I wish I could see things that way," Alain said softly. "I don't think I'm going to forgive myself for what I put you through... but I'm glad you're safe."
"And I'm glad the police don't have you," Mairin replied.
"...Me too."
Considering everything they had just gone through, the last thing he expected Mairin to do was laugh. So he couldn't help but pull back slightly when he heard a burst of laughter coming from her, carrying through the air as they flew. It was short, Mairin falling silent afterwards, but still it was a laugh.
And Alain couldn't help but smile.
Charizard smothered Professor Sycamore soon after they landed, the fire type pressing her head into his hands, letting out a happy rumble. The professor rubbed her long neck, softly speaking to her as he stroked the Pokemon. Garchomp, on the other hand, rushed up to Mairin and Alain, pressing up against the young trainers in excitement. Mairin stroked her on the snout, a happy glint in her eyes, while Alain lingered back.
It was so strange to be looking at someone new and not to be seeing them as a danger, for him not trying to get as far away from them as possible. A part of his mind was still on edge as he watched them, form tense as he took in the situation around them. They had landed in a small glade after what had probably been a half-hour flight, wanting to put as much distance between them and where the battle had been. He wasn't quite sure where they were, having just followed the professor south on his Pidgeot.
"Are either of you two hurt?" Professor Sycamore asked as he finally managed to pull away from Charizard, holding the three-pawed Eevee close to his chest. The little Pokemon had yet to move, simply stiff in his arms. The small bandage on her leg slowly becoming stained red. "Have you been getting enough to eat? To drink?"
"Alain twisted his ankle," Mairin said before Alain could even open his mouth, and he shot a glare at the younger girl.
"It's fine now," Alain said swiftly, even though it was aching now. However as the professor's pale blue eyes focused on him he knew that his words weren't believed. "I spent several days resting it, honestly sir, it's just fine now."
"Then how come you still flinch every couple of steps–"
"Mairin, do me a favor– shut up," Alain said, though Mairin merely flashed a smirk at him.
However it soon faded as her attention returned to the Eevee, amber eyes filling with worry. Professor Sycamore carefully set the wounded Pokemon into her hands. The Eevee was trembling as she was handed off, green eyes lined with fear. Mairin pressed her up to her chest, running her hands down its back in an attempt to calm it.
"Let's see the ankle," Professor Sycamore said, and Alain took a step back.
"No, it's fine," Alain said, but Sycamore merely had to narrow his eyes at him. Alain hesiated, and Charizard flashed a glare at him from over the shoulder of Professor Sycamore. He let out a long sigh, before at last sinking to the ground, reluctantly allowing him to kneel down at look at stupid ankle. He did his best not to flinch as Sycamore touched it, but he couldn't help but tense up as he gently touched the swollen red skin.
"...You've been walking on this?" Professor Sycamore asked.
"Choices really aren't something I've had access to recently," Alain muttered, cringing as Sycamore suddenly began to wrap up the ankle. He was being gentle, but the sudden pressure was nothing but painful. He took in a sharp breath, going still until the ankle was fully bound.
"This is just temporary," Sycamore said as he pushed himself to his feet, grabbing Alain's wrist to help him to his feet. "And if it were possible I'd tell you to stay off of it for several days, but I don't think we can do that right now," He closed his eyes, looking slightly hesitant. "First of all, I want a full explanation for what's going on– and why you and Mairin have been dragged into this."
"Team Rocket wants me locked up and they're willing to kill Mairin in order to do that?" Alain said weakly, honestly not sure of what else to say. It wasn't a simple topic– but there was really no point in dancing around it either. Mairin flinched at the mention of Team Rocket, hugging the Eevee closer.
"...Team Rocket?" Sycamore said slowly, clearly putting in an effort to keep his voice even. "Aren't they a Johtonese organization?"
"Kantonian, but yeah, not from here," Alain said, shuffling. "So, um– Malva. She's a good place to start– remember Malva? So... basically she joined Team Rocket, and found information on people they're targeting... people who've stood in their way before, and organizations like it. And because of what happened with Team Flare... I was on that list."
The professor took this in silence. "...Dexio. When he was doing research in Kanto he discovered one of their bases and helped shut it down," The professor looked up at him, pained. "It was them that killed him, wasn't it?"
"...Yes," Alain said, and while he had only met Dexio a few times, there was still a heaviness in his heart when he thought of the man's death. Especially since Professor Sycamore had been close to him as well. "They killed him, and then framed his death on me. They... they were going to do the same with Mairin, but Malva warned me before, and I was able to get her away..."
He glanced at Mairin, not wanting to bring back any unpleasant memories, but it seemed that she had tuned them out after knowing what Alain was going to talk about. She was seated aways from them, Eevee in her lap, talking to it softly. Charizard, Garchomp, and Pidgeot had all gathered around her, looking very intent on whatever she was saying.
"Did she know about Dexio?" Professor Sycamore asked quietly.
"...Malva did tell me someone else was going to be targeted to frame me, but she didn't tell me who. She also made it clear that she had no intentions of helping anyone else being targeted either. The only other person I know that's caught up in this mess is Ash, but I have no idea what's happened to him..." He looked at Professor Sycamore in hopes of an answer.
"On the run, like you," Professor Sycamore said. "His story hasn't been shown that much in Kalos, but I've been keeping tabs on him, but mostly you."
His voice was slightly stiffer, and clearly not taking what Alain had said about Malva well. Still, Alain relaxed slightly as the professor spoke, grateful that Ash was safe for the moment. Not killed or locked up– someone else had a chance.
"Professor, we were attacked by Team Rocket," Alain said quietly, capturing Sycamore's attention once more. "It wasn't that long ago, they had managed to get Mairin and they... and they..." He had to swallow as the memories rose in his mind. "They had a gun to her head, they were going to... oh, Arceus, they were going to..."
He felt a hand on his shoulder, trying to calm him down, but the look in the Professor's eyes looked just as startled. "Tell me everything that's happened, okay?"
Alain didn't want to think about it, but still he talked. He barely paid any attention to what he was saying, simply telling the professor everything that had taken place. It was both a struggle, but yet relieving. It felt like a weight was being taken off of his chest, but still he was ashamed of some of the things he had done. The professor listened silently, simply allowing Alain to tell his story.
"...Do you have any plans of where to go from here?" Professor Sycamore asked once he finished.
"Keep moving, I guess," Alain muttered quietly.
"It would probably be safer if you were to get out of the region," Professor Sycamore said. "And I can help you do that."
He paused as the professor said this, but remembered that he had said something similar earlier. He hesitated, the idea sounding too good to be true. In another region they wouldn't have police forces actively looking for him, and they would be less likely to be recognized. And perhaps best of all, he could get somewhere out of reach of Team Rocket's influence.
"How...?" Alain finally asked.
The professor was looking at him, his gaze expressionless. Alain stared back, shifting uncertainly, but he recognized that Sycamore was simply lost in thought. He had worked for the man for over eight years, so there should be no surprise for how familiar he had become with him. He simply cleared his throat, and Sycamore blinked a few times. He smiled apologetically, before clearing his own throat.
"Sorry," He looked over at Mairin for a moment. "We would be smuggling you out, not much else we could do except for having you hike over the border, but most regions have some form of border patrol. You would be going with Steven–"
"Yes. Steven Stone. He was in Kalos, and he agreed to help you."
"Wait, you got someone else involved in this mess?" Alain asked, taking a step back. "That's– that's not safe! What if they were targeted because they were helping me! Or what if you tried to involve someone that could turn you into the police for trying to help me?!"
"Alain, believe it or not, but I am well aware of what I'm doing," The professor crossed his arms. "It's only me, Sophie, and Steven that are aware of this, and I can promise you that neither of them would turn anyone in. We want to help you," He swallowed. "We really do..."
"...So you can really get me and Mairin out of the region...?" Alain asked.
"We can get you to Hoenn," Sycamore replied. "But Mairin will be staying in Kalos, she doesn't need to be involved with this any longer."
Alain stiffened up. "Professor, Team Rocket is–"
"I wouldn't just be placing her without protection, but she does not need to be–"
"They tried to kill her!"
"She won't be safe!" Alain snarled, causing Sycamore to fall silent. "If Team Rocket was able to use their influence to get Malva out of jail who knows what else they could do! Who they have connections with! I don't trust the police or any officials to keep her safe! Not because they're after me, but because I don't know who they're truly trying to help! Mairin is staying with me!"
"Alain, how safe is she going to be with you if they're after you as well?"
"How about we stop talking like I'm not here?" Mairin snapped, cutting both of them off. The two males glanced towards her, only to find the redhead was glaring at them. "I... I'm fourteen, and perfectly able to make my own decisions. If anyone is going to decide where I'm going, that's going to be me."
"Actually," Professor Sycamore began. "You're fifteen now, your birthday was a few days ago."
Mairin blinked, her frustration melting away instantly, looking slightly surprised. "It... it was?"
"Not surprised that wasn't on your mind considering everything you guys have been through... but yes," The professor shifted, and he let out a sigh. "But... but I suppose you are correct. Neither of us are your legal guardians, it is not our place to be making this choices for you."
"Alain," Sycamore's eyes shifted towards him. "Whether she chooses to go with you or back to civilization with me is her choice, and both have their risks, but it is not our place to make that choice. I would not just send her back home without protection though, especially if she is being targeted as well."
Alain wanted to fight it, knowing that anywhere with Team Rocket's influence wouldn't be safe for Mairin. His gaze shifted back towards the girl, who wasn't looking at any of them. She was rocking the small Eevee in her arms, looking conflicted. The Eevee had seemed to have decided that Mairin wasn't a threat, and buried her head into her shirt.
"Mairin," Alain began, and her amber eyes flickered up towards him. His gut twisted when he saw the expression on her face, and she probably was expecting him to demand that she choose to come with him. That wasn't surprising, considering how he had been treating her... He took in a deep breath. "I... I have a birthday present for you."
She blinked in surprise. "...What?"
"I got it for you before all... all of this started to happen," Alain said, sliding off his backpack, searching through one of the pockets.
His hands wrapped around a glossy stone as he pulled it out of the bag, uncertainly holding it out towards her. Shifting the Eevee in her arms, Mairin reached out to take her. Her eyes widened when she saw the small rainbow stone placed in her palm, looking up at Alain. He touched the key stone on his wrist, before looking away.
"Sorry it's not wrapped up or anything. As you know I've had my hands full," He gave her a weak smile, knowing that the joke was just going to hang there.
"A key stone," Mairin said softly, sounding like she didn't know quite what to say. "It's a... key stone."
Had they been in any other situation, Alain knew that Mairin would have been ecstatic. That was what he had been expecting when he had first found the key stone with the Mawilite, and had immediately planned on giving it to her, even if it had been some time since they had spoken. That had been of course before everything had happened, and when he had been packing to leave it was just something he hadn't planned on leaving behind. He hadn't been planning on giving it to her either due to literally preparing to go on the run, but here they were now.
"...Thank you," Mairin said softly, fingers wrapping around it, and Alain didn't expect any other reaction. These last few weeks had been such a struggle, and he knew that things would never be the same as they once were.
"How about we prepare some food?" Professor Sycamore suggested, breaking the silence. "I think rest is something we all need right now."
After sleeping in fields and caves and in ditches, a tent felt like a castle.
Professor Sycamore had one tent with him, and Mairin had been reluctant to be the only one in it, logically it'd make more sense for the two of them to use it... but she was glad that she wasn't going to be spending the night outside alone. She sat on her sleeping bag, staring at the small Eevee that had curled up next to her. The poor thing looked far from rested, simply having collapsed out of exhaustion.
Mairin hoped the other Pokemon they had released were okay.
She had finished her dinner a long time ago, her dishes sitting near the tent door. She had asked to be alone and so far her request had been accepted, the two males simply talking outside. Not much was said between them, which surprised Mairin, the two had always seemed so close. But of course Alain just seemed wary of people in general now, and for some reason Professor Sycamore seemed so hesitant around him.
But Mairin had a choice to make– go with Alain to Hoenn, or return home to her family.
It should have been so simple, every part of her wanted to go home. To sleep in a real bed and to shower and to have hot food. To not be moving day after day, and not to be fearing that someone was after her. She didn't want this stress and fear to be hanging over her head, she just wanted to go home and for all of this to be over.
But of course it wasn't that simple. Home wouldn't solve a thing– Team Rocket would still be after her and Alain would be wanted and all this fear would still be here.
And Alain would be alone.
No, he wouldn't. He'd have his Pokemon, and he'd be going with Steven who would definitely help them– him. As far as they knew there would be no Team Rocket influence in Hoenn, and so Alain would be safe in that regard... but she'd still be in Kalos. Where Team Rocket was. She'd be at home with her family but still be in danger. And of course the professor said there would be protection but what if that protection was really someone that was helping Rocket? She remembered the horrible sensation of the gun to her head and the poison rushing through her body– she never wanted to feel that again.
She could go home to her family, but yet her family had never seemed to care. She was just... there to her parents. They never regarded her, only spared a few words for her. They took care of her, but never had they provided comfort. And her sister... she shivered at the thought of her sister. The only family that ever seemed to care about her was her brother, but he was in Sinnoh doing contests.
...But she had been kidnapped. Taken against her will... even if she was willingly here now. But they didn't know that, and they must certainly be worried. They knew that she had been taken by a 'murderer', and considering that her face was apparently plastered all over the news enough for her to be recognized...
Mairin's heart was pounding, could have this spurred something in them? A worry that they had never really shown before? She had never been in a situation anything like this before, and perhaps that was the change she had been waiting so long for... and if that were so she knew that it would be wrong to just flee to Hoenn.
Taking in a deep breath, Mairin pushed herself to her feet, heading out of the tent.
Professor Sycamore was sitting in front of the ruins of her Pokedex, having asked for it so he could destroy it. After having learned she could be tracked that way, she had been more than willing to hand it over. Alain was engrossed in his Holo Caster, eyes flickering across the screen, but he looked her way as she came out of the tent.
"Professor?" Mairin asked quietly.
"Yes?" He asked, pale blue eyes looking up at her.
"While we've been on the run, several people have recognized me. I'm guessing that means that a lot of people know I'm missing?"
"You and your picture have been on the news quite often," He replied. "There's a reward for any information that leads to your, er, rescue... and Alain's capture."
"Who's offering the reward?"
"The Kalos League," The professor replied. "Things like this don't normally happen often, and a child being in the hands of who they assume to be a murderer... people are really worried about you."
Mairin closed her eyes, taking in a deep breath. "My parents... have they said anything?"
"The news reports say that they've simply asked to be left alone in this difficult time, and as far as I am able to tell the reporters have respected that," Sycamore replied.
Tears stung Mairin's eyes as she heard this. To most people, they probably wouldn't think twice to this reply, it would make sense that parents would want to be left alone when their child had been taken. But Mairin knew her parents, and she knew that those words weren't true. If it was her sister that was missing, she knew that they wouldn't be asked to be 'left alone'. They would be reaching out to the media, begging the public to help them find their daughter. They would be out there searching themselves, offering a reward.
Mairin was used to being overlooked and her siblings favored, but to hear that they were doing nothing hurt so much. Because she knew if they cared they would be doing something. The only they lingered back was when they were indifferent, something they had always shown towards Mairin– something they were showing now.
She had been taken, and they didn't even care.
"Mairin?" Professor Sycamore asked, sounding startled, and that's when Mairin realized that tears were running down her cheeks.
"I... I w-want to go with Alain," Mairin struggled to speak, but she managed to croak out a few words. "I don't w-want to go home, I w-want... I w-want..."
She didn't trust herself to speak, and instead she bolted back towards the tent. She heard hear someone rising to their feet, but no one said anything to do as she zipped the tent door shut, breathing heavily as she knelt down on the floor. She tried to tell herself that she was just jumping to conclusions, that she was just overreacting... But she knew her family, she knew that her parents had always overlooked her, that they never really loved her.
But she never realized that they never cared.
The tears came fast, the hot tears pouring down her face as she drew her knees up. She didn't bother to wipe them away, just closing her eyes as she cried. In their eyes she had been kidnapped by a murderer, but nothing had changed. They were doing the same thing they had always done, brushing her aside as if she wasn't there. They didn't care she was gone, they didn't care that she had been taken, they probably wouldn't care that a gun had been pressed to her head...
They probably wouldn't even care if she was dead.
It was a horrible realization, and she just simply hunched over and cried. She didn't know what else she could do, and she tried to comfort herself with the fact that she wasn't going back. That she would be going with Alain, which would always been better. Sure he could be cold and demanding... but he cared. He cared about her and everything he had done as of late proved that.
Her hand reached into her pocket, pulling out the key stone he had given her. She turned it over in her hands a few times, hardly believing that she now truly had a key stone. It was something she had been wanting for a long time, though some of that eagerness had been lost due to everything that happened. But still, he had given her something of great value, something he had been wanting to give to her even though they had drifted apart in the last few years.
This gift meant everything to her, and not just because of how valuable it was, but because of what it meant by it being given to her.
Tomorrow she'd be continuing to live this life on the run, but she'd be with someone that truly cared. Someone who was like a brother, and someone she knew would always be there.