Chapter 2: The Fentons

He was gone.

That was what Freddy woke up to, Chica screaming. She had gotten up early to check on Danny, when she noticed he wasn't in the office. She had looked at every possible place in the building.

Now, they were having another meeting. Chica was too devastated to speak, and was crying into Freddy's arm.

"I... I... I really don't know what to say. This is truly a shock for us..." Freddy spoke slowly.

"The lad had no reason to escape. He loved us like we was his own family." Foxy spoke.

"Unless... he heard us talking. He must of heard about us transforming him into one of our own, and took off behind our backs." Freddy sighed.

"Well, couldn't we just get another child? I mean that would be easier." Bonnie suggested.

"Bonnie. Who knows when another baby might randomly get dropped off here, and even then, I doubt we have another 10 years to take care of him. So, we're going to have to find Danny." Freddy explained.

"But, how are we going to find him?" Chica managed to ask through her sobs.

"Golden Freddy can be invisible and look for him. In the meantime, I guess we'll stay here." Freddy replied.

"Sure. I can do that." Golden Freddy said, appearing on out of nowhere.

"Just try to find him and report back to us, please. You know how important this is." Freddy stated.

The ghostly, golden bear nodded. In an instant, he vanished.


That was all he saw.

The world looked to be in chaos. Buildings collapsing. Fumes in the air. Panic amongst the crowds.

Then, he heard a voice. It was calling out to him. He found himself walking toward it. He seemed to be walking in the sky. Then, he saw a silhouette.

He felt as if that was someone he knew. He took one step, and then he started to fall.

He looked at the incoming ground. There was something else on the ground.

The suit. The greenish-yellow suit. The head looked to be torn off, leaving an opening for him to fall into.

He couldn't move out of the way. He fell straight into the opening.





Danny woke up with a start. He looked around. He was in an adoption center.

An adult walked up to him. "Oh good, you are awake."

"How did I get here?" Danny asked.

"A girl that was about the same age as you dropped you off here. She said she could not find any trace of your family, so she thought this was the best place to take you." The adult explained.

A few days since he has been dropped off here, and he hated it.

Except for the food. It wasn't pizza. Although it didn't taste too good, he was sure glad to eat something other than pizza.

The place here wasn't that big. It only consisted of two floors, and the rooms were pretty small.

However, the thing he hated most were the other children. They, for some reason, hated him.

Maybe it was because he never told anybody where he previously came from. Apparently at this adoption center, all of the kids to each other every single secret that they knew ever.

Danny had sworn to never tell anybody about his time at Freddy's unless his life depended on it.

Danny sighed as he lay on his bed, which was old. He looked up at the ceiling, which the paint was chipped in several places. Due to being friends with no one, he had just gone back to bed.

A group of three walked into the adoption center.

The first one was a man, named Jack Fenton. He was a tall and big man, who was in his mid-thirties. He wore an orange jumpsuit. His gloves and shoes were black, and so was his hair. He had blue eyes

His wife, Maddie, was a lot shorter than him. She was in her late-20s. She had purple eyes, along with brown hair. Her jumpsuit was blue, and her gloves and shoes were black.

The last one was their daughter, Jazz. She was 12 years old. Her hair was orange, and long. She had blueish-green eyes. She wore a black shirt, and light-blue jeans, and black shoes.

The three walked up to the receptionist desk. The worker looked up from the newspaper he was reading. "Hello, may I help you?"

"Uh, yes, we're here to adopt a child." Jack explained.

The worker sighed. " The policy is, you have to call us beforehand, and get the adoption papers for the child you wish to adopt." The worker said that in a deadpan tone.

"Well, we've got em' right here. And we did call you beforehand." Maddie said, holding up a stack of important-looking papers.

"Oh, I see. Must've not been here that day. If I could have those papers, please…" The worker asked.

Maddie handed the papers to the worker. The worker took the stack of papers and began to examine them one by one, occasionally nodding or making a 'hmm' sound.

After a few minutes, the worker finally said, "Okay, I can confirm that all of these papers are legit. Another person will be here shortly to take you to your adopted son."

After that, the worker had to take another call.

Danny was laying down in his bed. He had grown to get used to the bed, as it was old. And the food… after the excitement of it not being pizza died down, he realized just how horrible it tasted.

Maybe if on that day where he escaped from the pizza place, if had just ran in a different direction, maybe he could've lived in a better home. Speaking of the pizzeria, how did the bots react to him escaping?

Would they try to look for him and then…

But they couldn't because they were robots and that would freak people out. Unless… they went at night, where most people were asleep. Or… if Golden Freddy, the ghost bear simply teleported to him and took him back.

Screw it, he was going to Europe somehow until they forgot about him.

He hastily threw the covers off of himself. The other kids were playing outside in the backyard right now, so no one would bother him while he made his escape. It was funny, he was escaping from two buildings within such a short timespan.

However, before he could make such an escape (or even think of a plan, he realized) the door to the room opened with a creak, and that same female worker that he had been introduced to when he had first been here walked in.

"Danny, we have an adoption appointment for you." She said.

Adoption appointment? Was he going to live with another family? The thought of living in a normal family gave him excitement. He would be able to do normal family activities, eat normal food, and go to normal school.

From what he had heard, most kids went to school in a large building, and students would get to interact with each other.

Still trying to adjust to a normal human schedule, due to living nocturnal his whole life, he yawned, and walked over to the female worker.

"Okay, follow me." She stated.

Danny thought that she was one of the nicest people that worked there. The others either he hated or didn't really care about.

"I never got your name." Danny said, as they walked down the hallway.

"I'm sorry, you can call me Ms. Jones." Ms. Jones said.

Ms. Jones… he would remember that name. Danny got reminded of when that girl, Sam, was it? When Sam had saved him from that guy. Just what had he been planning to do with him? He was glad he didn't get to find out.

And the fact that he had said 'I remember you... 10 years ago, I tried to get you. But you disappeared. And now you're back.'

Just what did he mean, back? He couldn't remember anything before he was five. One of his first memories he had recalled was Foxy telling him a pirate story. He had started to act it out, and slipped on a fake coin, accidentally causing him to make a mess of Pirate's Cove, and Danny laughing hysterically.

"We're here."

Danny focused back on what was in front of him and saw that they were standing in front of a door. The lady opened it, and they went into a room.

The room had a big, round, table, with at least 10 chairs. In three of the chairs were a hefty man, and much skinnier woman, and a girl who looked a little older than him.

Ms. Jones motioned for him to sit in a chair next to her, and he did.

"So, you want to adopt Danny…"

Golden Freddy had looked all over town for Danny, while being invisible so no one would freak out at seeing a ghost bear.

Golden Freddy started to get worried. Did Danny leave the town? If so, that would make finding much more difficult. And then… No. He didn't want to think about it.

But he looked everywhere in town! Except… for the adoption center a few blocks away from the restaurant.

Wow, he felt like an idiot. He teleported to the center, and then phased through it. He had to be here. It was the last place he checked.

He checked every room, except for one. He teleported into the last room, and his eyes widened. Danny was there.

He was sitting at a table, with a woman next to him. On the other side of the table were a group of three. Just what was going on?

"And we're a family of ghost hunters." The man said, presumably finishing an explanation.

"Ghost hunters? Cool! I love ghosts!" Danny beamed. Golden Freddy almost forgot that he had taught Danny about ghosts.

"Now look at that! He'll be a real great Fenton!" The man said to the woman next to him, presumably his wife.

Hang on… they were going to adopt him. Oh yeah. He had to get him, NOW! So he was just go to teleport to him real quick and-

"And I always carry my Fenton Bazooka with me, so that if I see a ghost even for one second, they'll be blasted out of existence!" The man yelled, pushing him out of his thoughts.

On second thought, maybe he could wait a little while.

Golden Freddy tuned out of the conversation, and thought about what everyone else's reaction would be, that Danny got a new family. He looked back in on the group and saw that everyone was getting up. Well, he didn't know what to do now.

He sighed, and teleported outside.

After a few minutes, he saw Danny and his new family walk out the doors of the adoption center. His mind swirled with thoughts as he saw him get in the huge RV (or as that man called it, the Fenton Family Assault Vehicle.)

He hoped Danny would enjoy his new family while it lasts.

Danny's smile could not get any bigger. He was going to live in a family of ghost hunters.

Ghost hunters.

He loved ghosts. He couldn't wait to see what kinds of cool ghost hunting equipment they had. He sat in the back seat of the huge RV, next to his new sister, Jazz.

"Now, please don't press any buttons." Jazz said. "I don't want you to accidentally activate any of the weapons."

This RV had weapons? Danny didn't resist looking at all of the different buttons. Who knows what they did.

He was really excited about what cool things he would get to see, and-


For a brief moment that felt like an eternity, Danny swore he saw Goldie through the glass window of the RV.

Then, the RV drove off.

Chica was still upset, Foxy was still counting his gold, and Bonnie was still being overly loud with his guitar.

Freddy managed to get them to all stop for a few moments after Goldie came back, for ANOTHER meeting.

"…and that is what basically happened." Goldie finished his explanation.

"So, our little Danny… IS WITH ANOTHER FAMILY?!" Chica cried out.

"Well, Goldie, why don't yeh swoop in there and take back Danny?" Foxy questioned.

"Because a ghost swooping into a family of ghost hunters is a great idea." Bonnie replied with sarcasm. Foxy rolled his eyes.

"Besides, I'd like to see what it's like to live in a family of ghost hunters." Bonnie added. "It would be cool to try to use some of those weapons to zap some ghosts and-"

"Okay Bonnie." Freddy interrupted. "I know what my final verdict is. I think that we should let Danny stay in that family for some time."

"What? But-" Chica questioned, very confused now.

"I have good reasons for this, Chica." Freddy said, interrupting again. "Danny would need to see what it's like to live in a relatively normal environment. But when the time is right, we will get him back."

Matt: You won't find out until much later ;)

FariyFlare: Thanks

AN: I actually got the inspiration to do this from Jayjar100's DP/FNaF crossover, which it looks like he's updating again!