Feeding: Offering food is another common part of courtship for many species. A male bird may bring a morsel to the female, demonstrating that he is able not only to find food, but that he can share it and is able to provide for her while she incubates eggs or tends chicks.

After your encounter with the angels last night, you hadn't heard much from either of them. Your morning was quiet and you spent a good portion of it in your bed until around eleven-thirty when you got up only because you were hungry. You pulled on a pair of comfy pajama pants and a tank top before heading to the kitchen but on your way, there a delicious smell wafting down the hallway.

Your brow furrows, the boys shouldn't be home yet and even if they were, you knew for a fact that neither of them could make anything that smelled that good. You rounded the corner and peeked through the doorway, and you were met with large white wings folded behind someone at the stove. A smile spread across your face as you walked to the angel's side. You looked up at him, "Lucifer, right?"

He looked down at you, his blue eyes lighting up, "Good morning, Y/N. I was wondering when you'd make it out of bed."

Your attention moved to the food on the stove, "I didn't know angels could cook."

A short bark of laughter came from Lucifer as he flipped a piece of French toast in a pan, "That's the first time I've been called an angel in a very long time."

"Well you are, aren't you? An archangel, right?" You ask, snagging a piece of bacon from a plate and munching on it.

"I am, yes," He said, glancing at you, "But I'm usually called 'the Devil', 'Satan', 'Diablo', 'King of Hell' or something along those lines. It's…refreshing…being called an angel. Even if I am a fallen angel." You smiled warmly at him before looking back to the plates of food but before you could open your mouth, Lucifer cut you off, "But in any case, I learned to cook at some point within the eternity of free time I've had. I thought I could make you breakfast."

"Sometimes I forget you guys are so old," You shake your head as you sat on the counter beside the stove, "Castiel seems so innocent and Gabriel acts so childish…It's weird to think that you've all been around since everything began."

"Most of my siblings aren't as composed as I am," Lucifer says as he moves the French toast from the frying pan to a nearby plate.

"Says the guy who had a moody tantrum when he didn't get what he wanted and got kicked out of heaven by daddy."

You looked over to see Gabriel standing in the doorway holding a paper bag with what appeared to be French, "Hey, Gabe."

"That was a long time ago," Lucifer muttered, turning off the stove and moving the plates of breakfast foods onto the island. He looked to you a got your attention, "Feel free to eat whatever you'd like."

The island was covered in bacon, eggs, French toast, pancakes, waffles, orange juice, lemonade, milk, and toppings like syrups, jams, and whipped cream. You looked to Lucifer and smiled gratefully, "Lucy, this all looks so delicious! Thank you."

"It was no problem at all, Y/N," He smiled warmly at you before sending a smug look at Gabriel.

Before you could take anything, however, Gabriel got your attention, holding the bag he brought, out to you, "Y/N, I thought you may like these."

"Thanks, Gabe," You took the bag from him and looked inside.

"There's this small café in Paris that has the best cinnamon rolls. I thought you may like some for breakfast this morning," Gabriel said quickly, sitting at one of the stools at the island.

"That was really thoughtful of you," You beamed and set the bag down on the table, "I'll have them after I eat some healthier food first." You sat down at the end of the island and pulled an empty plate in front of you, gathering some breakfast foods onto your plate before taking a bite of the French toast, "This is amazing!" You beamed as you chewed before you looked at the angels around you, "Feel free to have some food as well. There's no way I can eat all of this by myself."

Lucifer took a seat beside you and got his own plate, grabbing some pancakes before he looked to Gabriel who looked irritated as he snatched the whipped cream can off the table and shook it before spraying it into his mouth irritably.

"Did you ever learn to cook, Gabe?" You asked before taking a sip of some of the lemonade.

"I never needed to," He stated as he snapped his fingers, making a chocolate bar appear in his hand, "Always had whatever I needed at my fingertips. No need to waste time cooking." He took a bite out of it, ignoring the food his brother made.

"I enjoy cooking," Lucifer says before aggressively ripping a piece off a strip of bacon with his teeth, "Plus I find food that has been conjured up has a weird aftertaste."

Gabriel narrowed his eyes at his brother. You felt the electricity in his gaze and got his attention by grabbing a cinnamon roll out of the bag and took a big bite out of it. You hummed at the sweet taste and placed the rest of the cinnamon roll on your plate, "That is delicious. Where did you say you got these again?"

"A small café in Paris," Gabriel says, a smile on his face.

"I've never been to Paris," You said, looking down at the bags design.

"I'll take you," both angels say simultaneously.

You laugh at their enthusiasm, "I would like that. We could all go together." Your attention is moved back to the food as you continue to eat, "I wonder if Sam and Dean would want to go too. It could be like a little vacation for all of us. Doesn't that sound like fun?"

The brothers were in a stare-down and Gabriel feigned a smile, not breaking eye contact with his brother, "Sounds like a blast, Cupcake."

Lucifer took a drink of his orange juice, eyes never leaving his brother as he placed the glass back onto the island, "Who doesn't love a family outing?"