Back on business ! As promised, a crossover between Game of Thrones and 10 things i hate about you. All the information is below, then you have the first chapter.

Complete summary : 10 Things I Hate About You, Game of Thrones version. When new student Jon Snow wants to date the beautiful Sansa Stark, his friend Brandon Tully reveals to him that Sansa can't date unless her sister Arya is dating too. They set up a plan to get someone to date the wild, untamed and famous Arya Stark : fooling Joffrey Lannister into paying a guy to date Arya. The only one who could do this is the famous Gendry Waters, the school's bad boy. Will Arya let her guard down and begin to trust in boys and love again ?

List of the characters :

Arya Stark as Katarina

Sansa Stark as Bianca

Eddard Stark as Mr. Stratford

Gendry Waters as Patrick

Brandon Tully as Michael

Joffrey Lannister as Joey

Jon Snow as Cameron

Margaery Tyrell as Chastity

Myrcella Baratheon as Mandella

Ygritte Wild as Mrs. Perkins

Petyr Baelish as the English teacher

Jeor Mormont as the coach of the fencing team

Rating T for the non-explicit and not too hardcore violence, love scenes and swearing.

Disclaimer : The characters and plot are not mine, all rights go to G.R.R. Martin for the Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire parts, and to the owners of the 10 Things I Hate About You movie.

In this story, Jon is not related at all to the Starks, Brandon is not Sansa and Arya's brother, and Myrcella is not Joffrey's sister. Also, Arya is three years older than Sansa.

Chapter 1

The four teenage girls were listening to some commercial pop song in the car on the way to school, stopping at the traffic light, when their music was covered by a more aggressive one. Bad Reputation by Joan Jett and the Blackhearts was coming from a beautiful old Ford Mustang. They scowled as they turned but quickly looked away when their eyes met those of the person driving. Arya Stark, the famous rebellious girl that was a senior at King's Landing High School. No one wanted to mess with that girl.

The Starks arrived in King's Landing just when Arya became a freshman in high school. Lord Eddard Stark had decided that moving from Winterfell, North, to King's Landing, South, would be beneficial for him and his two daughters. His wife had died in a car wreck, and he didn't want to stay where they had live so for him moving to where he had studied in his youth was a good idea.

His eldest, Arya, was a short yet very strong girl, a lean body with strong muscles and not a pound of fat. She had a petite figure, pale skin, big grey eyes, and a dark brown wild mane that she had recently cut herself much to her father's dismay, leaving it floating around her shoulders. She was the only girl in the fencing team at school, and was taking classes from the best masters outside, even though Eddard didn't really approve. She never kept her mouth shut about anything, proved that she could punch like a man, and had her own opinion about things. Not many people dared provoke her, for they knew the Seven Hells would be a far better option than face her wrath. She liked wearing rock'n'roll clothes, or at least not-too-girly things.

Her younger sister by three years, Sansa, was her exact opposite. Even though she was three years younger than her sister, she was much taller. She was slim, quite fit thanks to her gymnastics classes, and the ballroom dancing classes she took outside school for her father's greatest pleasure. She had very long, slightly wavy fiery red hair, icy blue eyes and beautiful features. She was girly, knew how to behave in society, kept good grades and was one of the prettiest girl in town, if not the prettiest one. Her sister's exact opposite.

Arya had just pulled in the school's parking lot, and locked her father's old car before walking to the buildings, everyone avoiding her path on the way. She stopped in front of a poster, "K. L. High Prom". She grabbed it and ripped it from the wall before crumpling it and tossing it behind, not turning to see if it had effectively landed in the bin – because it did. She didn't care about the indignant "Hey" from Shae, one of the girl in the team for the organization for prom. Arya hated prom. She swore never to put a foot here, senior year or not. She calmly continued to walk to her class, she had English literature first with Mr. Petyr Baelish. She loved English literature, she couldn't stand the teacher.

A few hallways further stood the office of Miss Ygritte Wild, the guidance counsellor. The weird woman was currently typing furiously on her computer, writing her latest idea about the novel she had started writing – a novel for adults. Sitting awkwardly on the chair in front of the desk was a boy, tall and strong with a wide muscular torso. She took a glance at him, before resuming typing.

-I'll be right with you, she smiled.

He only nodded. He had jet black hair and a dark stubble was circling his jaw. His eyes were pitch black. He was wearing dark blue jeans, a light grey t-shirt with an open black denim shirt of which he had rolled the sleeves up to his elbows, and had his black cap with a military emblem on it in his left hand. He frowned as it was strange that the guidance counsellor still wasn't talking to him. He's been sitting there for ten minutes now, watching this lady typing away on her computer. She was a bit short, had a white skin and her red hair was braided loosely on her shoulder. She was wearing an elegant black jumpsuit and electric blue stilettos. How did he know ? His mother used to be a model and now was a designer so he knew everything about fashion, and his father was in the military so he had some training about assessing people. And that was why he just arrived in King's Landing, his father was the new Commander of the military base in King's Landing. They used to live up North, at The Wall. He already missed the constant cold and snow there.

Finally, Miss Wild closed her laptop and smiled at him.

-So, Jon. Here you go, she said as she handed him some papers – timetable, school map, he was used to it.

-Thank you, he politely answered as he grabbed them.

-Six schools in ten years. My, my. Army brat ?

-Yeah. My dad is a…

-That's enough, she interrupted. I'm sure you won't find King's Landing High any different from your old schools. Same little ass-wipe shit-for-brains everywhere.

Something dirty landed on the window at this exact moment and she showed the kids the middle finger as she chuckled.

-Excuse me ? he said, astonished. Did you just say… Am I in the right office ?

-Not anymore, you're not. I've got deviants to see and a novel to finish. Now scoot. Scoot !

-Okay, thanks. Thanks a lot, he quickly answered as he jumped from the chair.

He nearly ran into someone as tall and as muscular as him, only the guy had this scary poker face that made him move away quicker. Never get into trouble the first day, he knew that rule.

The guy was tall and muscular with a slightly tanned skin, and a very light stubble on his jaw. Dark brown messy hair, deep blue eyes, and his usual smirk on his face, he was very handsome. He was wearing light blue jeans, a white t-shirt and a camel shirt opened as a jacket.

-Gendry Waters, Miss Wild called. I see we're making our visits a weekly ritual.

-Only so we can have these moments together. Should I hit the lights ? Gendry cheekily answered.

-Oh, very clever, kangaroo boy. Says here you exposed yourself in the cafeteria ?

-I was joking with the lunch lady, he sighed. It was a bratwurst.

-Bratwurst ? she repeated as she looked at him up and down. Aren't we the optimist ?

Gendry scoffed as he looked away.

-Next time, keep it in your pouch. Okay ? Scoot !

Gendry rolled his eyes and walked away to his English literature class. He liked it, because Mr. Baelish left him in peace.

Jon had started walking in the hallway when a short, thin boy approached him with an unsure smile.

-H-hello ! he said shyly. Brandon Tully. I'm supposed to show you around.

Brandon had a slightly tanned skin, brown eyes and messy brown hair. He was wearing thick black rimmed glasses, a grey t-shirt and a red jacket.

-Oh, hi, Jon replied as he shook the guy's hand. Thank the Seven. You know, normally they send down one of those audio-visual geeks.

-No, I do. I know what you mean, Brandon awkwardly replied.

-Hey Brandon, where should I put those slides ? a guy asked as he came up with a video projector.

Brandon took Jon by the arm and led him away quickly without answering. Jon chuckled but said nothing.

-So, huh… Jonathan, right ?

-I prefer Jon, if you don't mind, Jon replied.

-Here's the breakdown, Brandon explained as they started their tour. Over there, we've got your basic beautiful people. Now listen. Unless they talk to you first, don't bother.

-Wait. Is that your rule or theirs ?

-Watch. Hey there, Brandon cheerfully said to the "beautiful gang".

-Eat me, a guy replied with a scowl.

-You see that ? Brandon sighed.

Jon frowned, but again he decided against saying anything. They arrived in the courtyard.

-To the left, we have the milk of the poppy kids.

One of them accidentally spilled another's drink.

-That was Dornish, butthead !

-Very edgy, Brandon commented. Don't make any sudden movements around them. These delusionals are your white Rastas. They're big Marley fans. They think they're black. Semi-political but mostly…

-Smoke a lot of weed ? Jon completed.

-Yeah. These guys…

-Wait, wait. Let me guess. Cowboys ?

-Yeah. But the closest they've come to a cow is McDonald's. And these are your future Red Keepers. We're all accepted in the finest university of Westeros. Hey guys, how you doin' ?

They all scowled at Brandon. The pair walked away.

-Yesterday, I was their god.

-What happened ?

-Samwell Tarly started a rumour that I… That I cheated on my exam.

-So they kicked you out ?

-Hostile takeover. But don't worry. He'll pay. Now, over here…

-By the Seven…

Jon had stopped walking, staring straight ahead with a stupid smile on his lips. A beautiful red-haired girl was coming their way. She walked by them as she did not see them – not that she was looking anyway. Jon kept his eyes on her, and started following her as Brandon hurried to keep up with him. The girl met with her friend, a beautiful blond girl. Tall, slim, trendy clothes, they looked like they belonged together. The blond was wearing white snickers, dark blue super-slim jeans with leather pieces on the side, a nice grey sweater and a black leather perfecto. A black beanie and Ray-Ban sunglasses completed the look as a designer's bag was hanging on her shoulder. The red-haired one had black stilettos, a beige jumper that nicely showed her curves and a beige not-too-tight skirt.

-What group is she in ? Jon asked, his eyes still on the red hair.

-The "don't even think about it" group. That's Sansa Stark. She's a freshman. Her friend's Margaery Tyrell.

-I burn, I pine, I perish.

-Of course, you do. You know, she's beautiful and deep. I'm sure.

They were close enough to hear the girl's conversation now.

-Yeah, but see, there's a difference between like and love. Because I like my Vuitton coat, but I love my Prada purse, Sansa was explaining.

-But I love my Vuitton coat, Margaery protested.

-That's because you don't have a Prada purse.

The other one nodded with a smile, like she suddenly understood.

-Listen, Brandon stopped Jon. Forget her. Incredibly uptight father. It's a widely-known fact that the Stark sisters aren't allowed to date.

-Yeah. Whatever, Jon vaguely nodded, still following the red-haired beauty.

Meanwhile, the English literature class that Arya had to go to started.

-Okay then, Mr. Baelish smiled. What did everyone think of the Sun Also Rises ?

-I love it, Shae smiled dreamily. He's so romantic…

-Romantic ? Hemingway ? Arya interrupted. He was an abusive, alcoholic misogynist who squandered half his life hanging around Picasso trying to nail his leftovers.

-As opposed to a bitter, self-righteous hag who has no friends ? an incredibly annoying male voice said behind her.

Some laughs erupted in the classroom as Arya zeroed her eyes on the blond asshole that was seated nearby. Joffrey Lannister. School's royalty. Insanely wealthy, spoiled brat, stupid guy. He was tall, had piercing blue eyes and a crown of golden hair with quite nice features – though she'd never admit it. Today he was wearing a shirt, tie, jumper and suit. Stupid posh boy, Arya thought. Anything to show his immense wealth, he would do it.

-Pipe down, Chachi, Mr. Baelish intervened.

-I guess in this society, being male and an asshole makes you worthy of our time, Arya sassed back to Joffrey before turning to her teacher. What about Sylvia Plath, or Charlotte Bronte or Simone de Beauvoir ?

The door opened and Gendry strolled in, panting like he'd just ran.

-What have I missed ? he casually asked.

-The oppressive patriarchal values that dictate our education, Arya answered without even looking up from her notes.


And Gendry ran out.

-Hey, hey ! the teacher called him back with no success.

-Mr. Baelish, Joffrey said. Is there any chance we could get Ari to take her Midol before she comes to class ?

-Someday you're gonna get bitch-slapped, and I'm not gonna do a thing to stop it, Mr. Baelish replied without missing a beat. And, Ari, I want to thank you for your point of view. I know how difficult it must be for you to overcome all those years of upper-middle class suburban oppression. Must be tough. But the next time you storm the P.T.A., crusading for better lunch meat, or whatever it is you girls complain about, ask them why they can't buy a book written by a not born-noble man !

-That's right, man ! the white Rastas shouted.

-Don't even get me started on you two, Baelish warned.

-No problem, man.

-Anything else ? Arya asked.

-Yeah, go to the office. You're pissing me off.

-What ? Mr. Baelish…

-Later !

Arya gathered her stuff and hit Joffrey with her book on the way. She walked to the office, entering to hear Miss Wild enumerating words.

-Swollen. Turgid.

-Tumescent ? she said as she made her presence known.

-Perfect ! Ygritte said as she typed it. So, I hear you were terrorizing Mr. Baelish's class again.

-Expressing my opinion is not a terrorist action, Arya answered as she sat down.

-The way you expressed your opinion to Theon Greyjoy ? By the way, his testicle retrieval operation went quite well, in case you're interested.

-I still maintain that he kicked himself in the balls.

-The point is, Ari, people perceive you as somewhat…

-Tempestuous ?

-"Heinous bitch" is the term used most often.

Arya chuckled.

-You might want to work on that.

She raised her eyebrow but didn't reply.

-Thank you, Ygritte said.

-As always, thank you for your excellent guidance. I'll let you get back to Tormund's quivering member.

-"Quivering member". I like that, Ygritte whispered as Arya walked away.

Thanks for reading ! Don't forget to leave a review please. Pictures of the characters in this chapter are available on my facebook page 'AnanasPower'. See you soon for the next chapter !