Aaaaand here it is ! The epilogue ! The final touch ! No sequel, no extra chapter will be written on this story, I prefer it that way. I have many other projects of stories I'm working on so follow me if you want to know more !

Chapter 14 - Epilogue

One year later, airport of King's Landing

Arya chuckled and waved back as she watched John – Johnny as he asked her to call him – wave goodbye to her, with his adorable smile in which one tooth was missing, and then hurry away to his mother. Johnny was the young boy of eight years old who was sat next to her on the plane that was taking them back to Westeros. Then she shook Gendry awake.

-Grrhmm ? he groaned as his eyes fluttered open.

-We've landed, hon', she told him. Come on, I want to get out of here.

-Eager already ? he chuckled as he stood up and stretched.

Arya had the decency to blush slightly but sent him a wink. He knew she wasn't blushing because it was embarrassing. No, she was blushing because he was true about her, as always.

-Can't blame me, she mumbled. I've been on my period for five days, and we couldn't do it this morning because this plane was insanely early. And besides, I'm hungry.

-I'll buy you something at the airport Cupcake, he promised as he kissed her. Now, hurry, we have to retrieve our suitcases first.

He gave her a playful smack on her bum to make her hurry and she turned to glare at him but her smirk told him otherwise. They walked out of the plane with their bags slung over their shoulders, Gendry's arm around Arya's shoulders as he held her close, as always. As they were walking in the airport's hallways, waiting for their suitcases to arrive, and then while she followed him as he pushed the cart with their six or seven bags on it, Arya thought of all that happened in the last four years.

She could see the memories of the road trip last summer before her eyes like she was back there. It had been an awesome trip, full of laughter, beautiful sceneries and great moments, and also surprises, for example, Daenerys and Daario getting in a serious relationship together at their second stop, Sunspear. Though she had noticed that Daario had liked the girl for some time, and they had been extremely close since Drogo's death. But she never suspected that Daenerys had fallen for Daario as well.

-Penny for your thought ? Gendry whispered in a husky voice in her ear.

She felt a warm feeling course through her whole body, like every time he used that voice. And she knew that he knew very well what effect he had on her.

-I've just been thinking about everything we've been through since we graduated.

-And ? he asked gently.

-And I don't regret any single thing. Not living in that freakingly small apartment, not this wild weekend where we nearly got abducted by Dothrakis until Drogo finally arrived, not even our bigger fight, the one about Daario, especially since you were soooo sorry you wanted to make it up to me by a whole weekend in bed… Well, we did got out of the bed, 'cause if I remember well, we did on the kitchen counter, on the floor, on the couch, and in the shower as well.

-That was not the only weekend we did that, Gendry laughed as he gave her a peck. I remember at least two dozens of weekends like that, maybe three…

-What can I say, Arya smirked. I just can't resist you, Hot Stuff.

They passed the gates and heard a loud scream.


Arya rolled her eyes but couldn't hide her smile as she hurried to hug her dear sister. She was well aware of her sister's progress in the fashion world, from her calls but also from all the buzz on the internet. All fashion websites, all fashion newspapers and especially the most famous one, Whisperer, were talking of the rising star of Blizzard, the youngest Stark child.

There had been troubles because of this too. Joffrey was desperately trying to get his modelling career take off – without any success despite his mother's funds and connections – so when he heard Sansa was heading to be one of the greatest designer of Westeros, he tried to get into her good graces. The trouble actually began because Joffrey insisted and harassed Sansa even though she told him NO clearly multiple times, so Jon physically explained it to him. Cersei Lannister did a scandal but she was nothing against Blizzard, Eddard Stark, and Robert Baratheon, Myrcella's father and major of King's Landing.

After a happy reunion at the airport, Sansa and Jon drove them to the Stark house so they could drop their things, and then they went to Blizzard's building.

-Sans', why are we going there ? I mean, I'd love to see your work and all but…

-I have a meeting with Renly in half an hour, Sansa interrupted her. And we have to grab something in my office before we go to a party with some of my friends. They're really nice people, you'll see.

-Well, okay.

Gendry chuckled when he saw her pout because he knew exactly her thoughts : "I have to wait some more time before I can jump on my insanely hot and sexy boyfriend". He sent her a wink that was a promise for later. They soon stepped into Blizzard's building, and Sansa led them to the waiting room for guests.

-Baby, can you show them around and handle this while I go see my boss ? He hates when I'm late, and even though I'm his protected and beloved new star, I'm still an intern there. And since we have Highgarden's Fashion Show at the end of July it's been crazy and…

Jon kissed her and smiled.

-I got this, you go see Renly. Don't worry, he told her.

She nodded and hurried away. Jon got them coffee and they stayed there, talking about anything and everything. Sansa came back about fifteen minutes later. The second she put a foot in the room, Jon and Arya jumped to their feet with a frown.

-Sans', what's wrong ? Why have you been crying ?

-I… I was not, she weakly protested.

-Baby, you're a make-up artist, but you can't hide the fact you've been crying from your boyfriend and your sister. Come on, what happened ? You can tell us. Come on, sit down and breathe.

She sat down, and looked to all of them.

-Guys, you got this wrong, this is good news actually, she said.

-Why did you cry then ? Gendry asked. And why do you look like you're about to cry again ?

-Renly just told me the news, and it's huge, she breathed out. He fired me from my internship… And wants to hire me as the new head of Blizzard's Northern department in Winterfell !

-HOLY FREAKING CEREAL BARS ! Arya shouted as she jumped in excitement.

-Cereal bars, really ? Gendry laughed. But Sans', congratulations, this is big. Nice job.

-Winterfell, baby ? Jon asked.

He looked like he was thinking.

-I know it's far up North… I won't go without you, Sansa said. But this is what I've been dreaming of. I finally have the opportunity of my life, and I'm not even twenty years old. But it means nothing without you by my side. Who else would come to the office in the middle of the night, bringing me my favourite coffee and a Caesar salad because he would know I haven't eaten, and then stay with me and help me out with my work ? Who will I cook lunch for on Sunday ? Who will I share my lemon and strawberry ice-cream with ?

-Babe, I'll follow you anywhere. And the North ? I love it there, you know it. Let's do this. I just can't move to Winterfell until September because of my internship here, and at the end of my internship I'll just have to ask for a job in Winterfell's army school or something.

Sansa smiled fondly and kissed him.

-Sure. Of course. You still have free time for the Fashion Week in Highgarden right ? And another week after that. I know we planned on doing a chilling trip in Dorne, but I'm afraid I can't go, since I have to move in our new apartment.

-Our apartment ? Jon repeated.

-Well, what would be the point in having two houses ? I want to keep you close to take care of your bruises, and you always say how you like to hold me when sleeping. What do you think ? Why don't we move in together ?

-I'd love to, sweetheart. Let's move in together in Winterfell.

Arya and Gendry smiled to each other.

-Well, there is this house in Winterfell that is about a fifteen minutes walk away from ours, Gendry announced. We visited it, but we bought the other one because one of my dreams was to do my own house when I was a kid. The walls are here, and we'll hire a crew for plumbing and electricity and such.

-Wait, wait, wait ! Sansa said. Your house ? Since when are you moving to Winterfell ?

-Since Gendry got a civilian job in the army base here, and since I've gotten a job as a sword-fighting teacher in the movie industry, and another job as a fencing teacher. I have my own gymnasium in fact.

-Wow, why didn't you tell us ? Sansa squealed.

-Because we were planning on telling you tonight. Now, can we go ? I'm hungry.

-Nope, we have to go to my office, Sansa stood up. Hurry or we'll be late.

-Late for what ? Arya groaned.

-Party. I told you.

They got into Sansa's own office room, and she pulled Arya with her in the changing room she had in there. Five minutes later, they walked out of it, Sansa wearing a short sparkly cocktail dress, and Arya wearing a red and white pantsuit. She only had a black bra under the jacket so it was showing, but Sansa was really persuasive. Then Sansa threw pants, shirts and jacket to the men and told them to hurry while she was doing Arya's make-up and hair. Arya never stopped complaining about it during the make-up session, and then in the car. Sansa drove them to some fancy bar in town, and thanks to her connections they didn't have to wait in the line, the bouncer let them in with a nod.

Once inside, Arya was shocked to see everyone was here. Her father, Myrcella with her father and Brandon, Gendry's whole family, even little Angelica, Jon's parents, Daenerys and Daario…

-Seven Hells ! What is this all about ? Arya stated, utterly surprised.

-A welcome home party initially, but also congratulations for your new job and house, and a good occasion to have a family gathering. Extended family, of course, Sansa smiled.

-Okay, can I have a mic' ? Arya said.

Someone brought one to her.

-Wow… she started. Thank you for coming here, I had no idea of this, so thank you Sansa. It's so great to see you all here. Sansa told me I'm the one supposed to be in the spotlight tonight, and I believe she has already told all of you about my new job and the house Gendry and I bought, all in Winterfell.

Everyone clapped and cheered.

-Thank you, she blushed. However, there is another person here who deserves to be in the spotlight. She's far better than me at this. I'm very proud to announce that my little sister just got a promotion… as the new head of Blizzard's Northern department !

They all gasped and erupted in claps and cheers for the youngest Stark. Sansa nodded gratefully at her sister for doing this. Then the party really got started, and they had a blast. Arya was dancing with her father to a slow song when Gendry came to them.

-May I, mister Stark ? he politely asked.

-Of course, Gendry. And please, call me Eddard.

Gendry smiled and nodded as he took Arya's hand. But just then the music stopped. Arya turned towards the DJ to see what was going on, and when she turned back to her boyfriend, he had one knee on the floor, a velvet box in one hand, looking up at her like he was seeing her for the first time.

-Arya, we promised each other long ago that our relationship would not be complicated. I surely don't want it to be, but I still want to scream to the whole world that I'm the luckiest man on Earth to have you by my side. So I'll just ask that simple question ? Arya Stark, will you do me the honour of marrying me ?

The ring was beautiful, silver and diamonds, shaped in a snowflake. Arya stood for three good seconds frozen, eyes wide. Then she tackled Gendry to the ground as she covered his face in kisses.

-YES ! Yes, a thousand times yes !

The end.

That's it. Thank you for reading and following me on this short story, I hope you liked it and enjoyed reading it. Leave a review if you want, I'd appreciate it. Follow me if you want to be informed when I'll post another story. Just so you know, I'm currently writing a Beauty and the Beast fanfiction, an Avengers one, a Warcraft one, and a crossover Warcraft/Game of Thrones. And a few others in French.