Ash the Zoroark
Chapter 23
To answer some questions, the trainer of Ash's father is OC from the Galar region (This is a recent decision as it just became available); Brock would have no chance in getting away with that as Ash already is in a relationship and he would know if Brock was going to try something like that
Why haven't I updated in so long? Honestly a lot of things have gotten in the way, plus the flashdrive that has a lot of my work on it had the part that connects it to the computer snap off and that really set me back as I lost a lot of work on it, not all of it thankfully but enough to cause all projects at the time to come to a halt
After the Humunga Dunga Ash was hoping to be able to get right back to training, he wasn't entirely wrong. Ash got a call asking if he could help out at a pokemon center for a few days, Ash begrudgingly agreed to help as he had gotten the training for such a reason
"So what is it that you need me to do?" Ash asked Nurse Joy once he arrived at the pokemon center
"All I need you to do is help out where needed" answered Nurse Joy "One of my regular pokemon nurses got ill so she's currently resting"
"I see, and should I drop my illusion or no?" asked Ash
"I don't see why you would need to" answered Nurse Joy "Just if there are any problems come find me"
"Alright, just let me get changed first" replied Ash
For the few days Ash helped out at the pokemon center there wasn't any emergencies that needed taken care of, however on the last day
"Ash I need you to gather as many supplies as you can" ordered Nurse Joy in a hurried tone "There's been a major accident nearby and the pokemon center closest to it is understaffed at the moment. Since we're the closest to help we need to get moving as fast as possible"
Ash quickly jumped to his feet and began getting things ready for transport and closed down the pokemon center before they left as there wasn't anyone who could stay behind and keep an eye on things
"Ok Nurse Joy, just how bad is it?" asked Ash as they drove over to the other pokemon center in the ambulance
"Really bad, multiple pokemon are in critical condition and they're not sure how long they'll last" explained Nurse Joy
"To bad Double Team only makes illusionary copies of myself" said Ash "Otherwise I could take care of a lot of the work load"
"While that would be nice" said Nurse Joy "It's best that we don't worry about what we can't do and focus on what we can do"
As they arrived Ash saw that the pokemon center was a blur of activity and took deep breaths and steeled himself for the stressful situation he was about to go through
Hours latter and to many close calls to count all but one of the pokemon injured in the accident were safely recovering. Ash was silent for the fallen pokemon when he got the news. Once everyone involved was woke up after a long day and night of hard stressful work Ash was approached by a senior member of the Joy family
"Yes, can I help you?" asked Ash with a raised brow
"I would like to give you your special medical license" replied the elderly Joy "We were wondering if or when you would earn it, and considering how much you've done in such a sad situation proves that you more than deserve it"
"Oh, I was kinda wondering if I was going to get it" said Ash as he took his new license from the elderly Joy "I know I haven't really helped out all that much since I started my journey, but I was never asked to help out"
"Yes, well you weren't needed until recently" explained the elderly Joy "Plus you could have asked yourself to help when you visited a pokemon center"
"Well then that was on me" said Ash
"Well in any case I hope you take a more active role in helping out" said the elderly Joy "After the league of course"
This was just a quick filler chapter that officially made Ash certified to help out in pokemon centers and take care of minor medical issues himself. Sorry if you expected it to be longer I have other projects in works