A/N: I didn't bother checking for errors. Sorry…

Chapter summaries for Zero:

Chapter N (New Breeds): 4 years after the Lono Project, HERD has dissolved and has abandoned every plans and future projects after the 'extinction' of the Hunters. Little did the island know, that there were survivors and HERD begins a new team of Flock, known as Neo Flock, to exterminate the remaining Hunters. The business was running as usual. Maria Jelavic became a new member and is the new heir to the Sabre Blades that Aoi once wield. Daniel Rodriguez is also a part of the new team. One day in a new mission, the target was an odd one because this time it was a deer. To the team's shock to find a prey eating its own kind, they had no idea what to do. Maria didn't hesitate and fought back but did not kill it. While Neo Flock was lost as what to do, a fox appeared with a bike and to Maria's surprise, Max has returned. Max was victorious and with the help of a new kind of arsenal along with the Sabre Blades. A leg gauntlet with fin-like blades across both his calves.

Chapter O (Omen): After escaping the scene before Neo Flock could attack, Max sets off to find his father, Ezekiel. The scene is cut to Maria looking at a picture of Aoi as a hob. Neo Flock received another mission while HERD is trying to find out the cause of what turned the prey to devour meat. Because of the new species of Hunters, Neo Flock was powerless. Max arrived again and helped out Neo Flock, tossing the Hunter into the grinder. While taking a break, a mysterious vixen appeared before Max and to the fox's surprise, it was his sister, Angel, who was covered by blades on every open part of her body. She wore a metal muzzle and unfamiliar eyes, as if she was someone else.

Chapter P (Personal Affairs): To Max's disbelief upon meeting his sister after a few months later, she attacked him by surprise. Without uttering a single word, all she did was fight him to the point where he had to fight back. He didn't kill her but injured her instead until he knee were bent the wrong way. But she felt no pain and pushed her knee back into position. Max was shocked and was thinking something else when he saw her reaction. She stood up firmly and then walked away from him. He was about to chase her but was stopped by Neo Flock for apprehension. Max obeyed and followed them willingly to the new facility of HERD. They began questioning him about the preys turning into Hunters. Max told them that there was a new kind of virus spreading through a water source. The location and the originator was unknown. HERD then asked for his cooperation as he did so in the past. Max agrees if they were willing to accept his condition. That is, to not kill his sister as he made a promise to kill her himself. They accepted in hesitantly and put him in a room where he was properly fed. Maria meets him once the interrogation was over. She commented about how taller he was when she last saw him. She asked him where Aoi was and Max doesn't know. However, he plans on finding him too. They began discussing of what happened during his absence in Vulper Island. But as they were about to engage an important topic, an alarm went off, signalling another Hunter. The Hunter this time is an elephant, sucking the brains out from its victim by using its trunk. Max and Maria fight off the elephant. But because of the size difference, they were no match. As Max was about to continue fighting, he stopped halfway, smelling blood from the victim and begans to get hungry. Maria noticed this and attacks Max to get his senses back but instead fainted from a lethal blow to the head by accident.

Chapter Q (Quite the Reunion): After bringing Max back to HERD, Maria continued on asking him questions of what he has been doing all this time. He said he was busy being a husband which did not answer much. He then asked her about the unanswered question from earlier. She said that things have changed a lot. She has been training to take Aoi's place and his whereabouts are still unknown. What she was surprise was to see his sister who is now a Hunter but no records of her hunting lately. Max began to think that Ezekiel might know about it. But there was no lead for the past 4 years. After a few questions from HERD, Max was free and has offered to help them but decided to go on his own. Because of his relationship with them long ago, they trust him. Few hours later, another report of the escaped elephant was sighted and Neo Flock was once again on the move. Maria who was hesitant about killing the prey has given up all thoughts and decided to finish it. Max joined in along and worked side-by-side with her. After managing to cause some damage on the target, Max cut off the trunk and mashed its brain from the nostrils with his bare paw. Neo Flock who finally saw his savagery for the first time, stepped back but Maria didn't move as she trust him. Though the rest was afraid of him, Maria assured he was on their side. As the team were heading back to base, Max went his separate ways from them. And while going back to his safehouse with his bike, he stopped when he saw a huge mammal standing by the streets. They looked at him and the fox was surprised to see him reuniting with Ezekiel.

Chapter R (Rebirth of the Lost Bond): Surprised to see his father again, he got off his bike. He was about to ask him a question but he stopped him and asked him to follow him. He got in a car and Max followed the vehicle by bike. They arrived at a forest near a beach where a water tank was there. Beside the tank was a severed arm. Ezekiel told Max that the cause of the preys turning into Hunters was the cause of an infection by Hunters that contains lysogenic cells. Who did this was unknown and Ezekiel was trying to track the culprit down. He was furious because Hunters were only fit for predators. He then talked to Max about what happened. That Max almost ate the elephant's prey. Max denied it and said that he was glad he was knocked unconscious and claimed that he will NEVER eat anyone. Ezekiel smirked when he heard 'anyone'. And asked if he already knew everything. Max nodded and said it was thanks to his mother which surprised the tiger. Max explained that he has met his mother already and she told him everything. When Ezekiel asked where she was, Max answered that she was gone. For good. To Ezekiel's dismay, he accepted her death and thanked Max for taking care of it. He walks away, telling Max he will keep in touch. Max stopped him, asking Ezekiel where Aoi was. Ezekiel said no but Max insisted since he knew that it was Ezekiel who he saw was with Aoi before he left the island. But Ezekiel was strong with his answer, claiming he has no idea where Aoi was now. While Neo Flock was taking a break, Maria was staring at a picture of her childhood days with Aoi. As she was daydreaming, the alarm went off, signalling a new target. Their mission was to follow a deer that works in a barber as the target was seen carrying a bag every day. When the target arrived at home, the deer unveiled the whatever it was in the bag which were body parts of a mammal. Seeing this, Neo Flock shot her, killing her in an instant. To their shock, they realize she was unable to get up. And then in comes a timber wolf who noticed the deer on the floor. He roared and went berserk, attacking Neo Flock. Maria fought back but because of the numbers, Neo Flock had the advantage. As the wolf was in no condition to fight, a familiar ferret arrives at the scene, protecting the wolf. He told the wolf to run and that he was an ally. Maria was frozen to see him again now with multiple scars on his body. Neo Flock was about to shoot Aoi down but another mammal appeared and this time it was Angel who was still wearing her metal muzzle. She stood by Aoi's side, preparing to fend off the enemy.

Chapter S (Siblings): With their fight one-sided, the team kept calling for Maria but she just stood there watching them being attacked. When all hope seems lost, Max arrived and was surprise to see not just his sister but Aoi who was also there. He tried to shake Maria to get her to realize but was useless. He gave up and defended Neo Flock but was powerless as he had no intention to hurt Aoi and Angel. But the fight became more of a shocker when Ezekiel appeared and help Max and Neo Flock. Everyone was cautious of him and pointed their guns at him. Max raised a paw, telling them to let him. Ezekiel then began to explain and found something during his investigation. He claimed that it was Aoi who poisoned the water supply and was the one responsible for turning all mammals into Hunters. When asking what his reason was, Aoi said it was for the sake of all predators. He wanted to make his own family and decide to turn every mammal the same as him so there won't be any fighting anymore. Ezekiel then tells him that there is no way predators will ever get along with prey that way and has finally realized that taking him in was a mistake. When asking about Angel's situation she just remained quiet. Ezekiel and Max worked together to fight the two current opponents but they escaped after they were done with their duty. Ezekiel then made his own escape after realizing Neo Flock was aftering his head. Max didn't give chase and went to Maria's aid instead. She was still frozen in shock after seeing Aoi and was supported back at base. After getting Maria to rest, Max sets off to find Aoi or Angel to get some answers. During his investigation, he stumbled upon the timberwolf that Aoi and Angel protected. The wolf begged Max to kill him, reminding him of the situation 4 years ago of the hyena begging the same thing. He explained what happened. That the wolf has been doing this for months now. And that the deer was his fiancè and that she was helping him get meat every day. But he was sick of living like this because who he really wanted to eat was her. And he was resisting for so long to the point where he was not angry that she was killed but was also angry that he didn't get to eat her fresh. Seeing him like this, Max put him out of his misery by pulling out his intestines and liver, leaving the body there. As he was about to leave, Angel appears. She removed her muzzle and said that it was time for him to keep his promise. He asked what happened to her and she said she will tell him everything once it was all over. A long battle went on and he finally won, making her death as quick as possible. She then whispered something in his ear before resting in peace. She thanked him for keeping his promise which left him in tears as he said goodbye to his sister for the final time.

Chapter T (The Third Family): After a heartbreaking seperation from his beloved sister, Max was met up with Ezekiel at night at a tunnel. He told him of Angel's death and her burial which left the tiger speechless. He then mentioned something called Xenia Project. Ezekiel asked how Angel knew because she wasn't suppose to know. He told him that it was their mother that told her at that time without him knowing. And because of this she met with the mammals working on this Xenia Project. He then told his son to not get anymore involve as it is. But he persistantly decided to keep going until he finds out the truth. Meanwhile with Aoi, Aoi was seen with a group of predators talking about changing the rules of nature. A messenger appeared, reporting Angel's death which leads the group into sadness. When asked how she died, the messenger said it was Theodore's doing as he witness it with his own eyes. The group began discussing on what to do now. The leader, a bear, said to forget about him as they were looking for a mammal called Matthias. The scene then showed Maria who was in bed, sitting up and looking blankly at her paws. She was still remembering about Aoi and could not take her mind off him. But she was shook off from it when Max paid her a visit. He told her that he knew where Aoi is now but what he was about to do may break the promise he made to her. She asked what he was about to do which he didn't answer because it was obvious. She didn't know how to respond and told him to give her time to decide. Max pays her a visit and brought her some burgers as return for hers. While they were discussing on what Max found out, the alarm rang, signalling a new Hunter is found. Maria decides to follow this time. It was taken part in an abandoned playground. This time two Hunters. One prey and another predator. The victim this time is a female otter. Maria and Max fought them but didn't win as they weren't completely recovered. Max was about to get up on his feet until suddenly, an interruption began. A shirtless fox walking around aimlessly was clicking his tongue a lot while looking in the air blankly. He turned to the mammals and began sniffing claiming he smells blood. The two Hunters attack him but he fought back. He keeps looking around, dodging every strike and would pull their limbs off mercilessly with his bare paws and kills the predator by splitting his jaws too much. He then looked around and smiles at Max. Max notice his eyes were white, and there was a scar across them, proving that he was blind. The clicking of his tongue was his own form of echolocation. On the fox's head was the tip of an antler and deformed stripe pattern on his back. He asked Max if he knew who he was. Max answered yes hesitantly. He then says the new face's name: Matthias Samuel Fanger. His twin brother…

Chapter U (Uncovered Past): The story takes place 3 years ago in Zootopia after Max's reunion with his mother. She comes in and helps Sophie rest who was in pain. She then faints from exhaustion and was helped back to rest in the room. When Max asked his sister what has happened, she did not know anything. They then for the first time in 20 years met their mother who was an old vixen. She began telling what has happened and why she vanished all these years. She revealed that unlike Angel who was a full predator, Max was also half prey. She explains to him that he wasn't born naturally. Instead, he had four parents. The first two were Ezekiel and her. But the other two were dead and were eaten in their family. She explains that he was born as two zygotes and was the first chimera and has multiple animal genes inside him due to mixed species. Ezekiel's family has been a mixed of predators as well as Marilyn's only her parents were the first in her family tree to start. Because of this he was more than a normal mammal and his growth rate is faster. She also revealed that his lifespan is a lot shorter than normal mammal and will die in the another 20 years. Max at first didn't believe it but he eventually gave in when he realized how Sophie was now pregnant. But what she said next was more than he could take. His baby was not going to make it due to lack of necessary calories. Sophie who overheard this stepped in, struggling to walk and she said she was willing to do anything to give birth to her child and have it live. Marilyn then says she needs to eat meat as the baby has more predator blood. But it wasn't just any meat… It had to be red meat… Raw since it was filled with a lot of proteins. Max disagreed with this plan and decided to abort it. But Sophie insisted. He eventually had no choice but to go through with it. Days have past and he would bring fresh bodies back home, having Sophie eating them. Because of the meat, it has affected her as well and she got weaker and weaker but the baby was getting healthier. And in just 4 and a half months since she was pregnant, she gave birth to a doe with fox ears and tail and the couple named her Sabrina. Angel became and aunt and Marilyn became a grandmother. Max and Sophie then got officially married privately. 3 years later, while Angel was buying some groceries, she never returned. Few days after she went missing, Marilyn went to go find her as usual but met with a familiar face instead. While Max went for his own separate search, he found his mother laying on the ground covered in blood in a playground. He ran to her and saw someone standing in front of her. A fox with the tip of a deer antler sticking out of his head as he watch. He didn't say anything and tossed him a pair of Sabre Blades and the two engaged in a battle already. Max did all he can and eventually the match was put to a stop when he slashed the fox's eyes, blinding him. He was last seen running away aimlessly. But Max focused on his mother without knowing who the unknown fox was and what his intentions were. She was at the verge of dying and there was no way of saving her. She whispered something into his ear, saying to return back to the island. And put an end of Xenia, the name of his birth. She then died in a few hours after paramedics arrive. Max returned home, and told Sophie to stay at Nick and Judy's with Sabrina, who was now 3 years old, as a precaution for their sake. The last thing he advised was to not suffer anymore since she's had enough to give birth to Sabrina. The scene then returns to 3 years later on Vulper Island where Max and Matthias met face-to-face. Matthias then says he is going to kill Max and feast on him.

Chapter V (Voicing for Freedom): Matthias sat on the ground, all tired after savagely killing the two Hunters. He told him to not interrupt him and crawled his way to a body. He began eating it fresh and raw in front of everyone. Max who looked on in disgust was reminded of how he witnessed Sophie forcing herself to eat the meat Max brought every week 3 years ago. Matthias then looked at Max asking how his wife was which was left unanswered. Matthias just laughed it off and complimented on how strong she was. While eating, one of the members of Neo Flock decided to shoot to take advantage but Matthias was quick and kicked off the gun off before it was fired. He then sliced the mammal in half vertically from the bottom. He warned Neo Flock this time to not interrupt his meal time. Neo Flock then retreated with Max giving one last look to his twin brother. When on the way back to HERD, Max explained what his mother told him back at Zootopia. From the start, his zygote was monozygotic. While Max was given birth by Marilyn who was a predator, Matthias was given birth by their prey parents. The predator couple and the prey couple were having twins. And the mammal who created them fused one of the two with another and did the same to the other. But Max was the first to be given birth and was healthy while Matthias didn't grow properly because of the lack of protein he needed to be given birth healthily. But they still loved him regardless. However, one day, the couple was found dead when Marilyn decide to fetch Max that was being babysitted by them. She found Ezekiel who was feeding their children their own prey parents and was terrified. He then tells her why he killed them. Because it was their fault that Matthias was not growing well. But most of all, he blamed them for being preys where they can only eat certain food sources. And because of this, Marilyn chose to take Max who was still a baby and run away as far as possible to the point where he will never know where he came from. After hearing the story, HERD was giving him their full cooperation. As they make their way back to base, the transportation was halted by a group of Hunters, including those turned, with Aoi leading them. Aoi and the others ambushed them and began going on a killing spree. Maria froze seeing Aoi going berserk and Rodriguez however didn't hesitate to fight back but didn't manage to get himself to hurt his former comrade. Only Maria was hesitating. Until gunshots besides from them were fired. The old Flock team appeared. Wright and the Germain siblings returned by fighting back. However, they were using stun guns instead of dangerous arms. Eventually the Hunters pulled back, claiming they were doing this for the sake of their freedom. Aoi was the last to leave and he turned back to them to take one last glance before he escaped. With the old Flock team reunited, everyone was left speechless.

Chapter W (Where Lost Bonds Return): The scene is shown where the three retired Flock exterminators returned and met with their old teammate, Rodriguez. They asked if he was still doing this for money and he said yes. But they didn't believe him because he didn't kill Aoi. With a lot of the soldiers dead, everyone picked up their bodies and gave the old Flock a ride back to base for some explanation. They said they were doing their own investigation and have found what Aoi was planning few days ago. When Max asked where they got the info, they said it was thanks to a tiger called, Obadiah. Max was glad to hear that his uncle was still alive. Upon arriving, he borrowed a bike from HERD because he said he needed to do some things. When Neo Flock returned with the old members, HERD was surprise to see them healthy and well. Even though Stephen had lost an arm due to Aoi eating it. While the explanation began, Max returned to a nostalgic place, the unnamed motel that his uncle owned and where he use to stay during his time on the island. He successfully found him when he saw the old tiger on the bench outside. The two hugged each other after so long. Max told Obadiah that Angel has been put down and apologizes. Obadiah was confident it was sure to happen and said that it was okay. She needed him after all. The scene focuses on Aoi looking into the ocean on a cliff with the rest of Hunters. They began discussing about the further infection and how many more comrades they have gained. But as the conversation kept going, a scream was heard and Ezekiel is scene with a head of a deer with fangs in his paw. Ezekiel then says he will put an end to this forced conversion and began his hunt on the prey-turned-Hunters and those responsible. Everyone was killed by Ezekiel easily but Aoi managed to run away. As Rodriguez makes his way to the hospital to meet his mother, he received a call on the way. It was from the hospital reporting to him that his mother was missing. Surprised by this, he almost ran someone over. But as he looked closely, he saw his mother that was in front of him and exited the car. She was covered in blood all over and smiling at him with a piece of limb in her paw, asking if he wants some. Rodriguez froze in fear. Returning to Obadiah and Max, the two was seen walking around a beach until they found a hidden cavern. Inside, was supposed to be where the Xenia Project was held. Before they could progress any further, the lights went out and Max was ambushed in the dark. Realizing this scent, he knew it was Matthias. The chapter ends with Matthias taking a stand and saying, "Now you know what I'm seeing."

Chapter X (Xenia Ends): Even though it was in the dark, Max could see a bit with the help of his night vision. But it was pure darkness to the point where one has to be close to him in order to be seen. Because of that Max had to depend his other senses just like Matthias was doing now. The fight was evenly matched. Whenever one was down, the other was too. The clawed each other, bite each other like crazy. The fight was then stopped after the lights were turned on and a voice called out to stop. Everyone turned to the voice and realized Ezekiel was there covered in a bloody mess. Matthias realizing his father stepped back as he was ordered. Ezekiel and Obadiah met for the first time in a very long time. When Max and Obadiah asked where the lab to the Xenia Project was, Ezekiel told them to help themselves as Xenia was already changed to a new kind of project which he hates. Max then asked whether if it was turning every animals into Hunters and was right. But what Max was more worried was Aoi. Ezekiel assured him that he didn't kill the ferret. Yet. Matthias and Ezekiel left the caverns in peace and Max and Obadiah entered it next only to find multiple bodies laying around. Some were bite and chewed off and some were in pieces. Not a single one was in one piece. Realizing that Xenia has seen better days, the uncle and nephew decided to burn the whole place down to make sure nothing was left behind. While doing so, Max asked how Obadiah knew all this since he told him that he didn't know anything before. Obadiah then told Max it was Angel who met him for a short while and she gave him a note filled with the truth of Max's birth. But he never saw her again the next day. The two mentioned how much they missed her and that she will be remembered as a true family forever. Back to HERD, the old Flock were in the meeting room to discuss the situation that was currently spreading. The meeting was interrupted with Rodriguez entering without knocking. Everyone present there was shocked to find him covered in blood. When he was asked what happened, he answered truthfully. He had to kill his mother who turned into a Hunter. He then decided to kill Aoi but with his old team as their redemption for not killing him 4 years ago. The old Flock was then presented a special grenade called Scatter Shot. Maria who was just in the other side of the room heard this and hurried leave the room but was met by her mother, Natanya. She asked where she was going. She stayed quiet and just left her unanswered. But Natanya already knew and decided to keep it to herself to see what happens next. As Aoi escaped as far away from the massacre as possible, he rested in a field where he was confident no one would find. But coincidentally, Maria found him laying on the ground with an open wound. He asked how and she said it was because this was where the first time they met and was confident he would hide out here. As the two enjoyed their reunion, a fox makes his way towards them. Aoi realizing who it was tried to get up but couldn't. It was the blind fox, Matthias. Matthias smiled after finding the familiar scent. He began his attack without a moment's rest. Aoi fought hard and desperately and eventually won. But his celebration was cut short when Ezekiel attacked him from behind. Ezekiel, instead of killing him straight on, he began pummeling Aoi calling him 'traitor' repeatedly as his skull break. And as the tiger was about to do the finishing blow, Maria shoved her paw deep into the tiger's back and pulled out his spine with sheer force. Aoi was stunned but was too injured to show it. Maria carried Aoi up to his feet and the two ran as far as possible. The chapter ends with Matthias finding his father stop breathing and screamed in frustration.

Chapter Y (Young and Wanted): Maria and Aoi escaped to a church and hid there until his wounds heal. However, little did Maria know, her Sabre Blades had a tracker in them. Natanya, who was the only one that knew Maria was with Aoi, kept quiet to herself. Meanwhile, after returning from the destroying the caverns, Max and Obadiah began their search for Aoi but what they came across was something unbelievable. They found Matthias who was lying down on his father's carcass with his eyes swollen. Matthias realizing two presence woke up immediately but after confirming the scent and his echolocation through tongue-clickings, he calmed down. They asked how it happened. Matthias answered that it was someone else. He didn't know who it was but he remembered it sounded like a female. Realizing this, Max knew who it was immediately. But he stayed quiet when he saw his twin brother mourning over their father. No one said a single word but they knew what needed to be done. They helped buried the dead tiger. Meanwhile at HERD, while Natanya was doing her work, she was interrupted by the old Flock. They asked where her daughter was and wanted her to join on their side to finish one last job, that was to put down Aoi for good. Natanya stayed quiet but was later threatened by Rodriguez who was at his limit. Otto, the jackal, stepped in and pushed him back. However, Natanya asked them if they really could kill Aoi. But not a single one answer. Because of that, she showed them a map on exactly where they were with the computer. The next day, as the panther and ferret were sleeping, the door to the church opened and in comes the Flock. Maria noticed this and blocked their way. They however didn't attack. Instead, they said they wanted to talk. After waking Aoi up, Aoi smiled for a while but then stopped after remembering that they were now his enemies. But the Flock assured him they weren't. Rodriguez told him that he has gone through enough and that he even had to kill his own mother who turned into a Hunter because of the infected water supply. But he never once thought about forgetting the memories they had. Stephen then reminded Aoi of the arm that he ate but the goat said he didn't mind at all and that all this time, he was crying the moment he disappeared. Joanne then said that the kindergarteners missed Aoi and even showed him a necklace made from multiple animal-shaped origamis tied to them as a lucky charm for him. And Wright then showed him the quarter. It was the same quarter that Aoi paid to unite the Flock and Max together 4 years ago and it was unspent. Wright then says it was because it was not money to him but a sentimental value. Aoi then cried, realizing his mistake. But he knew he could not accept change anymore because he was no longer the Aoi they knew. But Flock and Maria didn't believe that. As the scene gets dramatic, the windows and doors burst opened and all guns were pointed at Aoi by Neo Flock. As they threatened him, Stephen dropped a smoke bomb, giving the two predators time to escape.

Chapter Z (Zero): After burying Ezekiel, the three predators was lost for words as they rest under a gazebo. Ezekiel will never be officially announced dead just like his daughter, Angel. With silence the only thing alive around them, Matthias has had enough and leaves, telling them that he was going to find and kill the one that murdered his father. Max leaves also but for another purpose. Obadiah told him to be careful as the situation may end soon. Days have passed. Aoi and Maria were nowhere to be seen and Matthias was still hunting them with his nose. Max was looking for them on his own after hearing what Maria did. As the search went on, the Flock found Matthias who was walking around. Recognizing their scent, he fought back but was no match to their experienced teamwork. To actually put him down, the used the special bullet on him, turning his body in ashes. More days went on with the panther and ferret still unknown. But Max found them coincidentally at an abandoned playground. Surprise to see them, Max was hesitant about talking to them. However, the two looked so exhausted. Max then asked whether or not if this was what they want and they answered no. But they knew that putting them down was for the best as they've already stirred up too much trouble. While interacting, the Flock met up with Max through a tracer they placed on his bike. But it was immediately turned off the moment they got the coordinates to avoid the Neo Flock's interruption. Max then gave Aoi a burger and reminds him of the first thing the ferret gave when they first met. Aoi began to cry and called them unfair, telling them that they should have killed him long ago. Maria could only watch and hugged him for comfort. But Aoi has finally decided to end it. Before the fight began, Max took out a small box with two rings and puts them on Aoi and Maria's finger, pronouncing them as husband and wife. Because of this, Max has promised Maria that he had protected Aoi until the end. Therefore, Aoi doesn't need to be protected anymore. Maria then accepted Aoi's decision and began to walk away after giving him one last kiss to seal the marriage. The Flock then gave their regards to Max and was happy he was the one putting their old comrade down. Aoi and Max began fighting the moment the area was clear and Max came out victorious with his right paw soaked in blood. The Flock and Maria said their thanks and helped picked Aoi's body back to base. With what has happened, the original Flock has officially retired but Maria stilled works for HERD to continue he late husband's legacy. A week has passed and it was time for Max to go home. The water has been purified from the lysogenic cells and the Hunters were regrouped but this time accepted. Max who gave his position as leader to Obadiah and said that he will one day return to retain his title and has hoped to see progress. He then returned to Zootopia with his wife, Sophie and daughter, Sabrina, who were happy to see him back safe and sound but with some new scars.

Epilogue: 2 years later, Max and his family moved to Vulper Island and it was more peaceful than before. After meeting his uncle, the tiger kept him up to date of the situation. The Hunters have been rehabilitated into normal predators and HERD has dissolved after a drastic change. The old Flock members can be seen working regular jobs now and Maria surprised Max with a baby in her arms. She then claimed it was Aoi's son as well. The baby was a feline with the fur pattern of a ferret. But the genes were mostly feline. Maria called him Sora, named after the meaning of his father's name. Obadiah helped Max and his family moved into the Fangers' estate and the first thing Max did was took out a book. He then wrote something on it. 'Fangers left: 0'.

A/N: And that's the end. To otaku shoujo and her friend, thank you so much for being a part of this story of mine. I hope to read your fanfiction. Please let me know. I would love to read it. I'm sorry if the ending it's sad also by the way.

I was inspired to make this story because of this news from my country that happened long ago before I was born. A woman was selling human meat and people said that ever since they ate it, they can't taste any other meat the same anymore. It was to the brink where they even begged for the authorities to put them out of their misery. It was a very tragic end and it got me the idea to write this. Sometimes even curious to know whether if there IS a way to actually cure this kind of addiction.

I'm so sorry the story ended like this. Even I was sad. But I'm human and I have my limit. Plus, I'm working on a book of my own which I hope gets published. Just hopefully that is. Anyway, bye-bye. I probably will come back to write. It might even be a Zootopia one. Who knows?