"Everything must be absolutely perfect, Miss. Evers. I will not tolerate anything less than pure excellence for the future lady of the Cortez." The voice of James March boomed through the hall of the Hotel Cortez.

"My My, Mr. March. I haven't seen you be this worried about a dinner since your first meal with the Countess." Miss. Evers chuckled to herself as she straightened out the white tablecloth. James' face seemed to instantly turn cold at the mention of the Countess.

"Ah, well, this is different."

"I would hope so," The red haired woman tsked as she moved back over to the cart where the food was ready to be served. "That women treated you so terribly. I pray this Zoe is more loving."

"I can assure you, Zoe is very different. She has already had her great love, but she is still capable of learning to love me. There is a darkness behind her eyes. A darkness even she has not realized. When she allows herself to give into that darkness, she will soon give herself up to me."

"And how will you get her to stay then? She seems very headstrong that one." Miss Evers let out a small huff. Before James could answer her, there was a knock on the door.

James immediately sat up, wiping his temples as if he was silently psyching himself up. Then he moved over to the door, nerves filling him. It reminded him of the first dinner had with the Countess. He went into that evening knowing completely well that she would never grow to love him. He knew she was only there for his money, and he didn't seem to mind. Love was always something that had lacked from his life.

The door swung open and there stood Zoe, wearing a black dress he had sent her. Her hat was no longer on her head, and her light brunette hair fell down at her shoulders.

"My dear you look lovely," James smiled and moved out of the doorway to lead her inside of the hotel room. He was met with silence as Zoe walked further inside of the room. As she approached the table, James practically ran forward to pull the chair out for her.

"Now," He said as he took a seat in his own place at the head of the table. "Let us continue our discussion from earlier."

"You mean the crap from before about me being your soulmate?" She raised her glass of wine to her lips as she spoke.

"Yes, well, that isn't the word I was use," James frowned a bit, but didn't let it get to him. He had a plan after all. "Tell me, Zoe… have you ever killed before?"

There was a slight hesitation in Zoe before she answered, as if she were remembering something. "I've done what I've needed to do."

That answer only made James smirk. "So you have then." He scooted his chair closer, clearly intrigued. Zoe seemed to just get more and more appealing to him. "Tell me about it."

"He was just the butler," Zoe began, already speaking as if she was trying to justify himself. "The old supreme killed another witch in my coven and he covered it up."

"How did you do it?"

"I stabbed him in the chest."

"In cold blood?" He smirked at her once more.

The comment took Zoe by surprise. "No, it wasn't in cold blood. He lied about killing Madison and helped Fiona cover it up."

"You've killed another time, I know it."

"This asshole in the hospital…" Zoe admitted. "It was one of the dickhead frat boys. I-I went to a party and I lost track of my friend and him and all his asshole friends were…" She looked down, not wanting to continue. "There was another boy, Kyle, who tried to stop them. They all got into a car crash at the end of the night. Kyle died. And that asshole fucking lived."

"What did you do?" He leaned forward again.

"I saw him in the hospital bed and I… I just felt so angry. It wasn't fair. Kyle didn't deserve to die."

"How did you kill him?"

Zoe glanced down for a moment, staring at her own reflection in the silver tray for a moment. "Witches are all born with a certain gift. My friend Nan was clairvoyant. Queenie was a human voodoo doll. I have a killer vagina." She said quite bluntly. James raised an eyebrow, clearly not expecting her to say that. "I screwed him to death."

"I see," He moved up from his seat, slowly beginning to stroll over to her. "So… it was a revenge killing then? Those are always good. It must have been absolutely exhilarating for you."

"What?" Zoe looked at him in confusion.

"Did you close your eyes? Or did you watch the life fade from his eyes as you did it?"

"Stop it."

"What about the body? How did you dispose of it? Or did you let him rot?"

"I said stop."

"Perhaps you'll answer another day," He chuckled lowly, leaning in closer to her. "But right now there's something you and I both know..." He leaned in closer to her, his lips nearly pressed against her ear. "You loved it."

Zoe leaned back in her seat, moving her head away from him. "No. That's not true."

"Ah, but it is. I can see it in your eyes." He chuckled lowly. "You want to do it again." A pale hand reached into his coat pocket and placed a pistol down on the table in front of Zoe. "Ms. Evers!" He shouted. "Bring in our guest."

The wheels of the cart squeaked as Ms. Ever's walked back inside of the room. On top of the cart was a man in his mid thirties. Rope bound his wrists and ankles together, and a cloth covered his mouth to keep him from calling out.

"Ah, wonderful." James smiled, pleased with the scene before. His gaze returned to Zoe as he gestured to the gun before her. "Kill him."

"What? Are you crazy?" Zoe shook her head and stood up from her seat, leaving the gun on the table.

"Gregory Hudson. 37. Checked into the hotel several days ago. He's been visiting the bar nightly, and slipping powder into women's drinks." James continued to explain as he pushed the gun towards her again. "I don't believe I need to fill in the blanks any further."

Zoe looked at the gun for a moment before looking back at James. "You want me to kill me?"

"I'd like you to, but it is your decision after all. If you let him free, he'll go off and continue his vile acts." He picked the gun up himself and took a step towards Zoe, who didn't move away. "Unless you take the law into your own hands." He placed the gun in her hands.

She'd be lying if she said she didn't feel the need to fire the gun. The metal was cool against her skin as she gripped the weapon, staring at it for a few moments. James watched her intensely, eager to see what she would do with the weapon.

Silently, she moved towards the tied up man. Her hands shook slightly as she gripped the gun, staring at the man before her. After a few more moments, she set the gun down on the table again, but she didn't take her eyes off the man. Instead, she walked forward, pulling him off the cart.

The man grunted in a panic, trying to squirm away from her, but Zoe used her powers to her advantage. She mentally held him place, making his pants move down. She slowly moved forward, an evil look on her face as she moved herself onto the man's lap, only needing to grind her hips a few times to get him aroused.

James said nothing as he watched the scene unfold, though he'd be lying if he said it didn't arouse him as well. He watched intently as she used her curse to her advantage. Her head turned towards him at some point, almost smirking at him as blood began to drip down the man's cheeks from his eyes. A few moments later, he was dead.

Zoe stood up when she was finished, pushing her dress back down. "Was that what you wanted?" She turned around to look at James again.

James could hardly control himself. In one quick movement, he moved towards Zoe and wrapped an arm around his waist, his lips crashing onto hers. In the heat of the moment, Zoe kissed him back. Perhaps it was because she was horny, or because he looked like Kyle, or because maybe all that soulmate crap was true. She didn't care. All she knew was that she needed him right now.

"You, my darling, are astonishing." James said breathlessly as he broke the kiss, his dark eyes staring into Zoe's.

"We're gonna have to stop now unless you wanna end up like that guy," She gestured to the dead body of the man she killed only a few minutes earlier.

"I'm already dead, my love." He smirked at her. "We won't have to worry about that."

And with that, Zoe smirked at him and crashed her lips onto his once again.