A/N: So due to some mental health issues I have been dealing with for the past few years I have been away from writing for a few months to years in the case of some fics. I am starting to deal with my issues now and going to be going through my fics and revamping them to try and get the creative ideas going again but I will be doing it one at a time starting with this one. Next will probably be Devil's Maelstrom. Any way I will be trying to get a chapter for this fic up at least once or twice a week. On another note, I have severely cut down on the pairing for Naruto from 32 (way too many people know that I think about it.) down to 10 so far its five humans and five monster girls.
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or Monster Musume Iru Nichijou (My daily life with monster girls)
Shinobu to kaijū no nichijō seikatsu
Prologue: Pilot
It was a dark and cloudy night in Konoha as a woman with long black hair approached the Hokage tower in the center of the village. She's wearing a tied black haori and white kimono-style blouse, black skirt, and high-heels.
It didn't take her long to reach her destination where upon entering the tower she headed straight up the stairs to the Hokage's office. Once in the reception area, the first thing she noticed was the distinct smell of smoke. This was odd since as far as she knew the Hokage didn't smoke as Kushina wouldn't allow it. The black-haired woman approached the Hokage's receptionist and cleared her throat getting the receptionist to look up at her.
"Good evening." the black-haired woman said "I'm here for a meeting with Hokage. Could you please inform him that Sumike Smith is here to see him."
The receptionist looked at the woman before informing the Hokage. Soon enough Smith was allowed to enter the Hokage's office and noticed that the man behind the desk was not who she was expecting. For one thing, he was much older than the Hokage and yet he was wearing the Hokage's robes and hat.
"Greetings young lady! Please come in and take a seat." The older man said "I must say I was quite surprised when my secretary said that I have an appointment that I don't remember creating. So could you please explain to me who you are and why you are here?"
While the older man didn't outright demand the reason for her presence the underlying message was still there. Smith looked at the older man and removed her sunglasses
"Unfortunately, what I have to say is only to be said directly to the Hokage-" before Smith could finish her comment she was interrupted by the older gentleman
"Well, that's odd seeing as I am the Hokage."
"As I was saying what I have to say is only to be said directly to the Hokage Minato Namikaze and his wife Kushina Uzumaki." Smith finished a satisfied smirk on her face.
It was then that the mood in the room darkened and the temperature dropped considerably
"I don't know who you are or how you know about Minato and Kushina being husband and wife. But I regret to inform you that both my Successor and his wife passed away six months ago after an unfortunate incident. I am the Third Hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi so if you would be so kind as to explain to me who you are and why you are present he-" before he could finish his sentence a high pitched wail interrupted him.
The Hokage sighed, but got up from his desk and went over to a corner of the room that seemed to be shrouded in shadow. As the Hokage approached the corner he brought his hands up and placed them together with both index and middle fingers together.
"Kai," he said as the shadows seemed to recede revealing a baby crib "There, there, Naruto I'm sorry if my KI woke you up."
The old Kage said as he reached into the crib and brought up a struggling blonde-haired baby with three whisker marks on each cheek and deep ocean blue eyes
"Ryū!" he said the tone in his voice commanded her attention especially when a woman wearing a white cloak and black trousers with bandages tied around her right leg, arm-guards, gloves, and black sandals appeared right next to the Hokage. She also has poker-straight midnight black hair and is wearing a mask with a dragon motif with detailed horns and three thick stripes on each cheek and a line down the forehead that splits in two running across the eye holes. While on her back was a sword and her left leg a kunai pouch. Smith looked at the woman and instantly knew she was an ANBU having met a dog masked ANBU back during her last visit with Minato.
"You called for me Hokage-sama!?" the ANBU asked as she kneeled in front of her Commander and Leader
"Yes, Ryū-san I need you to take young Naruto here to the Sarutobi clan compound I'm pretty sure my daughter could use the distraction and please ask Karasu to inform Lady Uchiha that young Naruto will be at Sarutobi compound should she wish to visit him. Am I understood Ryū?!" he stated
"Hai Hokage-sama!" The ANBU said as she took the babe and disappeared in a swirl of leaves
Once the Dragon Masked ANBU disappeared the Hokage went back to his seat and stared at Smith
"Now then as I was saying before we were interrupted by young Naruto. Who are you and why are you here?"
Smith looked at the Elder Hokage and sighed
"Hokage-sama, my name as you heard is Sumike Smith, and I represent an organization that deals with a group of people that the rest of the world thinks of as Myth and legend. We call them extra-species. Before his untimely demise, I was working out an exchange program with Minato where my organization would send one of these people to live with and work alongside some of your shinobi. Of course, we decided that this person would enter the shinobi academy, we also were hammering out some of the details in regards to living conditions and laws surrounding the student." Smith stated
Hiruzen Sarutobi and Sumike Smith sat in silence for what seemed like hours when the aged Kage finally spoke up
"What do you mean these Extra-species?" he asked and upon receiving a nod from Smith continued "Are people straight from mythology and legend? Could you please explain what and who it is that you are talking about Smith-san?"
Smith looked at the Kage
"The people I'm talking about are beings like Lamia, Centaurs, and Harpies to name but a few. Now before you tell me that these beings do not exist I would ask that you call for.." Smith started before reaching into her robe and pulled out a scroll a few seconds later she opened it, took one look then resealed the scroll and returned it to the inside of her robe. "Sorry as I was saying before you tell me that this can't be true I would ask that you call Kinako Setani(1), she will be able to vouch for me and confirm what I am saying."
The Hokage considered what was said to him for a few moments before he looked to his left
"Neko," He simply stated
It didn't take long before a young woman purple-haired woman in a Cat ANBU mask appeared standing right next to the Hokage
"Hai Hokage-sama," she said
"Would you kindly grab Kinako and bring her here please." He stated and the Cat masked ANBU simply nodded before disappearing in a swirl of falling leaves
Once the newest ANBU disappeared Hiruzen looked back to Smith.
"So Smith-san why is it you wish to see one of the best Kunoichi training to be in the T&I department and what was that scroll that you pulled out ?" Hiruzen asked
Smith looked at the Hokage
"The answers you seek are a lot more complicated than you could ever understand. First of all Ms. or is it Mrs. now? Whichever, Kinako is a person of interest to my organization. Especially since it has been a while since someone has last checked up on her. As for the scroll that I have with me… well, unfortunately, I can't tell you about it until after we hammer out the details as to whether or not there will be exchange students attending the Konoha shinobi/kunoichi Training Academy."
After hearing Smith's explanation Hiruzen nodded his and the two began waiting in comfortable silence. After a few minutes, the two heard a pair of voices coming from the hall
"Why does the old man want to see me again Yugao-Oneesan?" one voice asked well her response was a sigh and then
"Kinako-chan what have I told you about calling me by my name when I am on duty and we are not at home?" said the second voice
It was then that the door burst open and a purple blur shot in and landed on the Hokage's desk.
"You wanted to see me, Old Man?" Said a 12-year-old girl with short violet hair. She was wearing a light green dress with white and green laces and a green bow on the chest. She also has a light green ribbon on her head.
The Hokage sighed at the young girl
"Kinako if you don't get off of my desk I'll severely restrict your Naruto visiting hours am I understood?" he asked Kinako who quickly jumped off his desk. But before he could say anything else to her Smith decided to speak up.
"It has been a while Kinako-chan how are you doing here in Konoha?" She asked smirking when she watched Kinako whip her head around so fast it almost seemed like she was going to get whiplash
"Smith-san," She said as she hugged the older woman "When did you get here? How long are you staying? Are you ditching work again? How's Tio-chan? Oh, what about Zombina-san? Or Manako-chan and Doppel-Chan?" Kinako asked in rapid re questions making Smith smirk even more
"Excuse me Kinako-chan but are you saying that you know Smith-san?" Hiruzen asked in confusion having never heard Kinako mention the woman before.
Kinako suddenly looked around and realized where she was and who was around her. She was about to say something when she heard Smith speak.
"It's okay Kinako you can release the technique and show them."
Kinako nodded once and then brought her hands up and placed them together with both index and middle fingers together.
"Kai!" she said and then a bright light engulfed Kinako and as the light receded those in attendance started noticing things about Kinako.
For example, no longer were Kinako's blue eyes pupilless in each eye she had slitted snake pupils. Her ears were now large, pointy and purple. She also has small purple scales on her cheeks. The most noticeable change was the long, purple snake tail that replaced her legs.
"What… Who… " the Hokage stammered but was interrupted by the cat masked ANBU
"Hokage-sama," she started "If you look behind the Fourths picture you should be able to find the information you're looking for."
For the first time since regaining office Hiruzen Sarutobi Third Hokage of Konohagakure no Sato was speechless. He promptly turned around grabbed the photo of the fourth off the wall(nearly ripping it off the wall) and after inserting the combination for the safe behind it and opening it. Grabbed the stack of documents and sat back down at his desk starting to read.
"Yugao-Oneesan?" Kinako hesitantly started "Do you hate me for not telling you the truth about what I really am?"
Yugao looked at Kinako
"I've known since the beginning that you were a Lamia Kinako Minato-sama told me what you were. He said that for you to live with me I needed to fully understand who you were and how to help take care of you should you need any extra help. I was just waiting for you to be ready to tell me yourself. " Yugao said
Kinako looked at her adoptive older sister, tears beginning to well up in her eyes. She lunged at Yugao arms open wide to hug her older sister.
After the heartwarming scene between Kinako and Yugao, a comfortable silence descended over the room. A few minutes later Hiruzen broke the silence with a sigh while pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Kami… Minato even in death you don't make it easy on this old man." He said as he looked back up to his current company. "So let me get this straight Smith-san. You and Minato had contacted the other villages and we all were about to finalize an agreement allowing these "Extra-Species" people to attend our shinobi/kunoichi academy should they want to and have them stay with a family. Then the idea is that some of these people to work within the village alongside the police force, and that should the Extra-species person serve in the military as a shinobi/kunoichi they can-depending on the situation-claim diplomatic immunity as an Ambassador to their species and the only ones who can reprimand or punish these people are the kage of the village their staying at-should they join as a shinobi/kunoichi- or your cultural exchange security squad and this Monster Ops: Neutralization squad. Is this all correct Smith-san?"
When he received a nod from Smith, Hiruzen sighed as he removed his hand from the bridge of his nose raising it to massage his temples.
"I'm probably going to regret this but what do I have to do for Konoha to participate in this program?" He said while Smith was smiling
"It's easy enough all you to do is to sign here at the bottom of this document." Smith said as she pulled out another scroll from her robe "Now I believe it best if we keep Kinako-chan's uniqueness a secret until you announce their existence to the village. I'd say it should take about 9 years to get everyone on board with some of the ideas and to hammer out the finer details."
After the meeting with Smith, Hiruzen Sarutobi looked down at his desk and upon seeing the extra paperwork he had started to weep anime tears, especially when he thought about how much extra work these Extra-Species people were going to bring him.
A/N: So this was the revamped prologue of Shinobu to Kaiju no Nichijo Seikatsu please review, like and follow this fic and I sincerely hope you like the revamped version of this fic.
1- Kinako Setani is an OC that may appear in some other fics of mine...eventually. Anyway she is replacing Anko from the original version of this fic