A/N: This story takes place as if the attack on Beacon never happened.

They usually meet at a small coffee shop in the center of Vale, right across from a little park. On days that Ruby is able to meet up with her metallic friend, it has become a sort of custom for the young girl to arrive early enough to order a warm, sugary drink while she waits. Not coffee, of course. Ruby only drinks that stuff when the need to stay up late and study arises, or - more often than not - to finish forgotten homework assignments at the last moment. If there's a choice though, her pick would be a large cup of hot cocoa with as many marshmallows she could possibly get to fit.

Ruby tries to get an extra early start to make the most out of the day she has with Penny, and today is no exception. Wake up at 5:30, be showered and dressed by 5:45, and rushing out the door to make it to the first airship into the city by 6:00, making a short stop by the mess hall for a small breakfast to eat during the flight. By now, this was her routine Saturday. Getting up so early on a weekend does have its perks; the mess hall is never out of her favorite things.

Early-morning flights are usually empty for the most part, so being on a first-name basis with the pilot Sapphire makes for a nice little chat during the short trip as she eats her cream cheese bagel breakfast. This time, the two talked about the difficulties of maintaining an airship, a conversation lasting until their touch down in Vale. Before disembarking, Ruby cleans up her mess of crumbs and says goodbye to Sapphire before hopping out into morning sun. Waving as the ship continues on its route.

Practically skipping her way down the sidewalk, Ruby checks her reflection in the storefront windows as she passes, making sure everything is in order. The coffee shop is only a few blocks away from the air station, not a long walk, even for someone of Ruby's stature. Though the urge to use her semblance to shorten that distance in an instant is ever-present, she manages to contain most of her excitement, somehow.

Upon entering the whimsical shop, the man at the counter brightens, "Hey there, Ruby, good morning! I was just thinking it was about time you show up!" He is the shop's owner, Markus Sorrel. In his early 40's, perched upon his nose are thick black rimmed glasses with round lenses, he has short brown hair that he keeps nicely combed, and often wears a nice dress shirt with jeans, though he wears a navy blue apron while at work.

"You know I like to be punctual!"

It's a very inviting and warm shop, something one would imagine seeing in a fairy tale. An old, dark-wood shingle roof with a spiraling copper chimney, built on walls of stone. A large circular window takes up most of the storefront, just to the right of an arched entryway with a very heavy wooden door. An intricately carved wooden sign is hung just above the door displaying the words "Soul of the Seasons: Coffee and Cookies."

Over the months of coming here, Ruby had become well acquainted with the staff of the small shop. They've gotten to know her so well that by the time the girl walks in, they have her regular order waiting at the perfect temperature: two large chocolate chip cookies and a 20oz Hot Chocolate with a large scoop of mini marshmallows, a layer of whipped cream, milk chocolate candies use as sprinkles, then finally a squeeze each of strawberry and dark chocolate syrup on top to finish it off.

"Here's your regular, kid," he says, placing the cup and fresh-baked cookies on the counter. "Do you ever get sick of eating all this chocolate?" Markus quizzed.

"Of course not, I would die before giving up chocolate!" Ruby proudly affirms.

"You think maybe it could be stunting your growth a bit?" He says through a smile.

"What are you implying?" Ruby questions, putting her hands on her hips. "I'll have you know that my height is perfectly suited to my weapon and fighting style."

"If you eat fewer sweets, maybe a certain icy friend of yours would treat you less like a child, too?" He chuckles.

"…Touché old man."

She picks up her treats, finds a seat, and takes a big disgruntled bite out of a cookie.

"You're meeting that little redhead again today, right?"

"I am! We can only really hang out on Saturdays, so we try to make the most of it."

"That's nice to hear; you've certainly gotten yourself a really cute girlfriend. I'm kinda jealous…"

Her cheeks began to burn a little, a deep crimson red spreading like a fire across her face and out to the ears, "Gir-girlfriend!" Ruby spluttered, spraying cookie crumbs everywhere. "W-w-where did you get that idea?!"

"Well..." Markus tilts his head, moving a hand to his chin contemplatively. "You've been meeting her here for quite a while now. Like clockwork every Saturday, you show up around the same time to wait for her. And you always get a little fidgety when it gets close to the time she usually arrives…"

"Have you been spying on me?" Ruby asked suspiciously, the blush still persisting.

"It'd be weirder if I hadn't noticed seeing as you always come here to wait for her." Coming out from behind the counter with a cloth, Markus begins wiping down tables as they spoke. More out of habit than necessity.

"We aren't dating! This is the only day we get to actually see each other on a regular basis. In school, we aren't in any classes together, we don't even have the same lunch period! I love that she was allowed to transfer from Atlas, I just wish we had more time together. There's a lot we miss out on with each other, being apart all week…" Ruby paused, looking a little disheartened, "I feel lonely without her…"

"What was that last bit?" he said, through a toothy smile.

Ruby flails her arms. "Nothing, it was nothing!" she says, her cheeks returning to their rosier hue. She looks out the window trying to hide her blush as Markus laughs.

"In all seriousness though, I'm sure she feels the same way, wishing to spend more time together I mean. But anyway, to the main point. You do like her right? More than a friend I mean. If you like, I could give you some advice. I'm sure you have family and friends to confide in, but if you don't mind me, I'll help if I can."

Ruby pauses for a moment, thinking to herself. "I can't exactly ask any of them, I haven't even told anyone I like girls yet…"

"So I was right!" He chuckled, while Ruby slumped to the table in front of her, burying her face into her arms.

"I know my relationship experiences are different from yours, but I do have some advice you may find useful. First, have you said out loud how you feel? I've found that thoughts alone are quite a powerful thing when it comes to love, but expressing that love aloud, even if it's just to yourself, can help you to understand just how strong your feelings truly are."

Ruby lifts her head from the table. "N-no, I haven't actually said it out loud yet…"

"You have time, but I wouldn't wait too long to actually tell her, a girl that sweet is bound to get others interested in her. They may try and steal her away. Trust me, I know how it feels, that hurt is not something easily gotten over."

"NO!" Ruby shouts, jumping to her feet. "No, no, I don't want that," she said quietly, almost in a whisper, as she slowly takes her seat again.

Noticing her sudden drop in spirit, Markus comes over to her table and takes the seat across from Ruby. "I didn't intend to put a damper on your mood, but I feel some things shouldn't be left unsaid."

"No, you're right, I know you mean well. The thought of that just… It just struck me really hard…"

"Would you like some more advice?" Markus asks.

"But you have a shop to run, I can't take up all your ti—"

Markus interrupts, gesturing around the empty store, "Look around you, does it seem like we're swamped right now? There's nothing to worry about. You're basically the only one who shows up this early, but if someone does happen to show up, the others can handle it. Besides, this is much more important."

"Well if you're sure, more advice would be great," Ruby said, trying not to sound hesitant.

"Okay, have you given any thought to how you'll tell her? Having some kind of a plan can help keep the nerves down, at least a bit."

"Of course I have, but I'm not really sure if she'll understand what I'm trying to tell her…"

Markus gives a look of total disbelief. "Are we thinking of the same girl here? You know, redhead, big pink bow, thin, pretty pale, green eyes and lots of freckles?"

"Y-yeah, that's her…"

"Oh come on, are you kidding me? That girl is head-over-heels for you! She might not be able to explain the feelings she has for you, but when she realizes that you feel the same for her, she'll understand. Even if she doesn't entirely, you will be there to help her."

"How can you tell? You only see us together for a few minutes at a time."

"The moment she walks in here and sees you, her already happy face brightens even more. She practically radiates happiness. Not to mention the fact that she always, always hooks your arms together and squeezes as close to you as physically possible while you cross to the park over there." Markus points out the front window.

"That's just her being friendly! ...Isn't it?"

"Also, when you go sit on a bench over there to finish your chocolate stuff and chat, she lays her head on your shoulder, every time! I could name more, but those examples alone should be enough for you to realize she's in love with you! I don't know why you've convinced yourself otherwise, but I'm sure deep inside you know this."

Ruby's eyes widen in realization, "I... don't know… I must have blocked it out subconsciously. I was afraid of taking advantage of Penny's innocent nature and affection. As cliché as it sounds, I didn't want to mess up what we already have…"

"Being in love and wanting to start a romantic relationship with someone, it takes risking the current relationship you share to an extent. Worst case scenario it could destroy your friendship," Markus warns, and Ruby's heart drops. "But from what I've seen, you have very little to worry about in regards to that. And since she hasn't told you anything yet, I'm sure she's feeling these same doubts. I think when you tell her, be sure to also tell her what you just told me, I'm sure her doubts will all but disappear hearing that." He said, with a soft smile.

"I definitely will. I don't know if I can do it today, but if I feel the mood is right, I'll try my best!" she says, determination filling her voice.

"Good, that's the spirit! It's somehow very unnatural to see you so down… Now, since we still have a little time until she gets here, why don't you tell me some things you like about her?"

"Is this to help with my confession?"

"There is that, but I'm also really curious! As you said, I don't really see you two together that much, and I see even less of Miss Polendina. I want to know some of the reasons you fell in love with her."

Ruby flinches slightly at the word "love," again reminded that she hasn't let her feelings out into the world. "That's a little embarrassing. But you are trying to help me out, so I don't mind telling you some things."

"If you're worried about it, this conversation never happened! My lips are sealed." Markus mimes the motion of pulling a zipper across his mouth.

She shrugs. "I'm not really worried. I am gonna tell everyone eventually, so you don't need to keep it a secret or anything."

"I see. Well, even so, I'll keep it to myself. Anyway, you were about to tell me some things about Penny? I won't interrupt this time." Markus weaves his hands together and places them in his lap, leaning in to show interest.

"When we first met, I thought she was a real weirdo. Yet, the more time we spent together, the less I thought of her as odd. She was so endearing and kind, I couldn't help but want to be friends with her, despite my team's objections. Looking back, she was adorable, when she got in my face after I called her a friend," Ruby explained, her eyes sparkling as she recalls happy memories. "When we were looking for my teammate, Blake, I bumped into her again. Yang and Weiss bailed on me as soon as there was a chance. I didn't know what to do, so I reluctantly spent some more time with her," Ruby continued.

"Did you do that out of charity?" Markus inquired.

"I guess you could say that, I just didn't want her feelings to be hurt. After a while it just began to feel right, you know? The two of us just chatting about nothing in particular. Spending time with a new friend also helped ease my worry about Weiss and Blake's argument. It was thanks to Penny that we got Blake out of the docks in one piece, she kicked White Fang butt that night! She was so awesome, mowing them down with her swords! She split two Bullheads in half and actually pulled a third one out of the air!" Ruby shouted, pumping her fist excitedly while recounting that nights events, "I was baffled at how she was doing those incredible things, but I was in complete awe."

Markus looks shocked, "Penny was the one who did that? That's astounding! I remember reading about that incident in the paper. To think someone as dainty looking as Penny could do so much damage. She going to make one heck of a huntress," Markus remarks.

"She'll be a top class huntress for sure, I have no doubt about that!" chirped Ruby. "Well anyway, after the police arrived and everything was settled that evening, Penny had basically vanished without a trace. She didn't say anything and none of us even saw her get up to leave."

"Were you worried about her?" Markus questions.

"Of course I was!" Ruby affirms. "I thought she was kidnapped or something! In hindsight, thinking she was kidnapped was ridiculous after seeing how she handled the White Fang. It would be a few weeks or so until we would meet next. My mind was swirling that whole time, my worry about her made focusing in class difficult and sleeping nearly impossible!"

But then Weiss and I went to do some research at the CCT, there she was! Turns out she was asked not to talk to me or anyone; Something to do with the worry of an overprotective parent. Being a part of the Atlas military, her father asked for a few soldiers to keep an eye on her. We were spotted together so Penny ran, not wanting me to get in trouble. Two soldiers started towards us, so I followed after her. I was nearly hit by a truck catching up with her, but Penny saved me! She stopped a cargo truck bare handed!"

"A good use of her incredible strength," Markus comments.

"When we put enough distance between us and them, we stopped to rest a little. I think that moment, there in that alley, was when my feelings for her really started to bloom into what they are now." Ruby said bashfully.

"What happened?"

"Penny told me about her insecurities, the things she worries most about. She bared her heart to me, really made herself vulnerable. I reassured her the best I could, which seemed to make her feel a lot better. We've been very close ever since."

"You two went through a lot when you first met huh? But that's not exactly the info I was hoping for. I want to know some of the things you love about her! The things that made you fall for her!" Markus exclaims.

"Yeah… I know... I'm stalling okay! It's gonna be embarrassing for me, so if my face starts going red you gotta promise you won't acknowledge it, deal?" Ruby says, extending her hand for a handshake.

He grabs her hand, giving a firm shake, "Deal."

"Okay, well, first of all she is the nicest person you could ever hope to meet. Her sincerity is incredible, she's loyal to a fault, and her personality is so bright that even on your darkest days just seeing her could cheer you up. She's really strong in a fight and will not stand for her friends being hurt. She's got her quarks but one of my favorites is when she lies or tries to hide something, she hiccups! It is by far the cutest thing I've ever seen! I don't know if she's realized that trigger yet, but it kinda makes me want to test it out…"

As Markus listened, he noticed a redheaded girl with a crooked pink bow exiting a big black car on the other side of the street. Immediately recognizing who it is, he decided to let her get within earshot before letting Ruby know. His smile turning mischievous.

"She's also beautiful," Ruby continues, "Her freckles are super cute, and I love that curly hair of hers! There's just so much of her to fall for."

"Alright! Sorry to interrupt your gushing, but I think we're out of time today." Markus said as he gets up from his seat. "Someone's waiting for you!"

"What are you talking abou-OH! She's here isn't she!" Ruby spun around in her seat to find a cute freckled face peeking through the shop's front window. "Pennyyyy!"

This is the first story I decided to publish, so criticism is welcomed. I hope you enjoyed it! Look forward to the next part~

Edit: I wasn't very happy with the original version of this chapter, so I extended it and changed a few things. Thanks for reading, hopefully I'll get the next chapter out soon-ish!