Began working on this one a little late. When work disrupts your life, it gets hard to be willing to write. But at any rate, here's the next chapter and I'm hoping it be a doozy. I decided to include some humor and drama in this chapter and hopefully I did a decent job with it.

Disclaimer: I don't own the Loud House

Some time around noon, there came a knock at the front door of the Loud House. Lincoln quickly ran downstairs to open it and was met by an african-american boy his own age. The boy wore glasses and at first glance could be viewed as the stereotypical nerd type. But if anyone got to know him, they'd know that he is nothing of the sort.

"Hey Lincoln. Ready to go to the arcade?" the boy asked.

Lincoln inhaled sharply, rubbed his arm and said, "Uh sorry Clyde. I tried to call you earlier, but you weren't there. I have to cancel our plans for the arcade."

Clyde's smile dropped and he asked, "What? What happened?"

Clyde was Lincoln's best friend and they always did stuff together. Be it either hanging out at the arcade, studying at school, or even getting involved in one of Lincoln's sneaky schemes. He was also the only one of Lincoln's friends who could actually tolerate all of Lincoln's sisters. Even all at once.

Lincoln looked around cautiously to make sure that none of his sisters were eavesdropping on their conversation. He couldn't see or hear any sign of them, so he stepped out onto the front porch with the hopes that they could have a little privacy. But knowing his sisters, they'd still have a way of listening in on him.

"Well Lori kind of has a date with Bobby tonight and she's kind of... dragging me along to double date with Ronnie Anne," Lincoln answered Clyde with a look of slight discomfort in his eyes.

Clyde listened to what Lincoln had to say and he began to frown which then turned into a snarl. Lincoln knew it was because of Clyde's obsessive crush on Lori and he always had resentment for Bobby because of it. Both Lincoln and Clyde knew it was a problem and Clyde knew it wasn't healthy for him. But even with all the therapy he received regularly, he could get over his obsession with Lori or his undying hatred for Bobby. All it really did was prevent him taking his anger out on Bobby and instead he kept in his imagination. Just seeing Lori wasn't the only thing that set Clyde's issues off. Even the mere mention of her name was enough to have Clyde have a little episode.

Clyde growled and said, "Bobby. Someday I will get you and Lori will be mine."

Lincoln grabbed Clyde's shoulders and said, "Wow! Calm down there big guy. Remember what Dr. Lopez told you. Think about something else. Think about your dads garden or something."

Clyde did just that and, even though it took a moment, his seething anger began to die down.

As it did, he took a few deep breaths and said, "I'm good. Sorry Lincoln, but you know how I am when it comes to L-l-l-l"

As Clyde stammered, Lincoln rolled his eyes, sighed and gave Clyde a light smack across the face.

Clyde rubbed his face and said, "Thanks. So what about you and Ronnie Anne? Why are you guys being dragged along?"

"You remember my Uncle Reese right?" Lincoln asked.

Clyde's smile returned as he nodded and said, "Of course I remember. You and him still have that legendary tag team score at the arcade and he even taught me how to be better at skeeball."

"Lori invited him to go with them during their date tonight so that he could meet Bobby and get to him. And then Bobby got the idea of the double which Ronnie Anne liked and Lori thought would be a good way to introduced Reese to her as well. So she's making me go with them," Lincoln answered.

Ronnie Anne was Bobby's little sister. Like Lincoln and many of his sisters, the two of them were extremely close and Bobby was protective of her. Even though they weren't officially a couple, Ronnie Anne and Lincoln did like each other a lot and constantly hung out with each other. Lincoln liked her, even if at times she felt and acted like the boy in their relationship.

"And he, Lori, Leni, Luan, Lola, and my mom went off to the mall and I have to be home when they return. Sorry Clyde, I was looking forward to hanging out," Lincoln said apologetically.

Clyde shook his head while smiling and said, "No need to need to apologize my man. You and your uncle still plan to hang at the arcade some time right?"

Lincoln nodded and said, "So the three of us can hang out together then."

Lincoln thought about it for a second and said, "I think that might be a good idea."

The two fist bumped each other and Clyde, "Sounds like a plan."

The two exchanged goodbyes and Licoln walked back into the house. But to his shock, but not at all surprise, the remaining sisters were already there with wide grins on their faces.

"Did we hear that you have a date with Ronnie Anne tonight?" Lynn asked.

Lincoln gulped before turning to the viewers.

"This is why you shouldn't expect a minute of privacy in this house," he said to the viewing audience.

In the meantime, Rita, Reese, and some of the girls were on the highway driving towards the Royal Woods Mall. Reese and Rita were sitting in the front with the girls behind them. The girls were busy chatting about what they planned to get at the mall. Rita was driving while Reese just stared out the window, looking bored. They had dragged him along against his will and he had wanted to make other plans that day.

"So how did I get roped into going shopping with you guys?" Reese asked.

Rita sighed a little and aid, "Because you need new clothes. Your civilian clothes haven't arrived at the house yet and I'm not going to let you run around in those same pants and shirt day after day. Besides it'll do you some good to get out of the house."

Reese let out a laugh and said, "What am I your brother or your son?"

The girls in the back ceased their chatter and turned their attention to the two adults in front of them.

"Reese, don't start. I know you don't like clothes shopping, but this is important. Especially for the kids," Rita reminded him.

Reese knew that and understood. He wanted to look his best and make a good first impression with Lori's boyfriend and Lincoln's love interest. But at the same time it made him a little uncomfortable. He wasn't very good at socialization, never had been. The very idea of meeting important people in the lives of his niece and nephew made him nervous and filled him with dread. Last thing he wanted to do was embaress himself or them. Guess it was just another good reason he bite the bullet and do as Rita says.

Reese let out an exhasperated sigh and said, "Yes mother."

Rita shook her head in annoyance and focused her attention back to the road. But another thought entered her head that she couldn't shake. She knew Reese wouldn't like and she knew what his answer would be once she asked it, but the thought wouldn't leave so she decided the best course of action would just be to ask.

"Have you thought about going to see dad?" she asked.

This time Reese let out a loud sarcastic laugh. This was just as Rita had expected. Reese and her father had not been on good terms for quite some time. When Reese had announced to their father that he was planning to join the military, Pop Pop had not taken it well. Reese couldn't understand why as Pop Pop had been an Army man as well. But then again, Pop Pop had regularly been a "Do as I say and as I do" kind of guy when it came to his family. He and Reese had barely spoken in the eight years of his service. Rita was hoping that now that Reese was no longer in the Army, they'd be willing to patch things up.

"That's the kind of response I'd expect from you," Rita exclaimed.

"What?" came Reese's reply.

"You know what I'm talking about."

"Well care to elaborate Rita?"

Luan leaned forward and was about to ask them if everything was okay. But Lori pulled her back and shook her head, telling her to not get involved. Just like whenever the girls had arguments, they figured it would be best if their mother and uncle worked it out for themselves.

Rita groaned and said, "Well you and him barely talk to each other. Now that you don't have to go back it'd be a good time for you and him to try to work things out."

"I know that Rita. But I just don't think I'm ready yet," Reese responded.

Rita glared in his direction and said, "You can't put it off forever. The longer you wait, the harder it will be."

Reese rolled his eyes and said, "Whatever. I'm done talking about this."

Rita opened her mouth to respond, but Reese beat her to it.

"End of discussion," Reese said bitterly and went back to looking out the window.

Rita shook her head and went back to focusing on the road.

"Reese you're twenty-six years old and spent eight years in the military. Yet you still act like your seven years old," Rita finished.

"Whatever," was Reese's only response.

Rita didn't say anything after that. The girls sat back in their seats as they had listened to the whole exchange. They had never seen this side of their uncle before and the memory of his moment at dinner gave them a sense of forboding.

Rita looked into the rearview mirror and said, "Sorry you girls had to hear all of that."

Rita's words did little to comfort them. All this did was give them more reason to try to figure out what was truly bothering Reese. But given the exchange about their grandfather, they now had an idea on where to start. They'd tell the rest of their siblings later.

Later on at the mall, the kids split up with Lori and Leni dragging Reese off to a nearby clothing store with Rita going to sign Lola up for another pagent and Luan going to a joke shop to get some new props for her comedy act. Reese stood idly by as Leni and Lori began going through shirts and holding them up to him to see how they'd look on him.

"You girls know that I hate this right?" Reese rhetorically asked.

The two laughed and Lori added, "Oh come on you big baby. It's only for one day."

Reese groaned and said, "Last time I had to go through this for your mother's wedding."

"Oh come on, how old were you then? Eight? Nine?" Lori asked.

Reese blushed and said, "Seven. I was a stubborn child back then."

"You mean you were little once?" Leni asked looking shocked.

Reese gave her a look, but Leni didn't notice as she tried another shirt on him. Lori groaned and shook her head at Leni's usual airheadedness. As Leni went off to another nearby rack, Reese had to turn to Lori.

"I love the girl as much as the rest of you. But how do you handle her on a regular basis?" Reese asked.

"It takes a lot of patience, but sometimes that's not even enough. Even I have my limits with her. Then again she is good at picking locks and making clothes, so she does have some activity going on up there," Lori answered.

Reese had to admit, that was some pretty admirable skills to know. Then again he'd have to instruct her to be very cautious with her lock picking skills. While those skills could be useful, there was also the possibility that they could be misinterpeted for something criminal.

"I hope she's careful with that," Reese responded.

A moment later, Leni returned with some clothes that were clearly for her as they were too small for him. But she seemed enthused to have found them, something Reese figured for a girl so obsessed with fashion.

"Hey guys. Look at these cute clothes I found," Leni said and held them up.

Lori was about to comment on them when she noticed a couple of employees gathering a maniquenn that was suspiciously missing the clothes that were supposed to be on it.

"Um Leni, where did you get those?" Lori asked.

Leni pointed back at the group of employees and said, "Oh it was on those statue things. You know, like the ones I practice my sewing on."

One of the employees turned in their direction, spotted the clothes Leni was holding and yelled out, "Hey you!"

Lori grabbed Leni's wrist and said, "Okay everyone it's time to drop the clothes and run."

"Agreed," Reese responded.

"But what about my-," Leni started, but was cut off as Lori started dragging her away and made her drop the clothes she had been holding.

The employee arrived at the spot and looked at the pile of clothes that had been left behind by the trio.

He went red in the face and said, "Rotten kids."

After that little debacle, the girls and Reese had gone off to another store and were able to purchase the clothes that they had been trying to find for their uncle. Afterwards, they had parted and agreed to meet up at the food court with the rest of the family later. Reese couldn't help but glance around him in the large shopping center. Just looking at all the people around him who were shopping, some enjoying themselves by hanging out with friends, families spending the day together, or simply people just trying to get out of the house.

Reese smiled at the familiar surroundings and couldn't help but think back to his experiences in the Army. Sites like this were not too common for him as he had not been allowed to go into most population centers, not even when he had to make deliveries. He always had to drive off-road or on back-roads and only drove into the cities if he had to. Oh how he had missed sights like this over the years.

He was so lost in thought that he didn't even notice someone walking right in front of him. He felt the bump and heard them fall over. He broke from his stupor and looked down to see what had happened. As he looked, he realized that he had accidently knocked over Luan.

"Oh my goodness. Luan are you okay. I'm sorry," he said as he began to help her up and helped her pick up some of her new comedy props.

Luan chuckled and said, "Oh it's okay. I was hoping to drop in anyway. Get it?"

Luan laughed at her joke and Reese had to admit that it was at least a little funny. He chuckled a little at her joke and patted her on the back.

"Still going with your comedy routine huh kiddo?" he asked.

She nodded and said, "You know it. But don't worry, I'll refrain from the pranks on you for right now. I know you're not feeling the best right now."

Reese gave a faux shocked look and said, "Nonsense. I like your pranks. They help take the edge off when I come home. Heck you should see what me and the other guys there do when we're not in the middle of stressful situations."

Luan looked perplexed at what Reese told her.

"Really? You pull pranks?" she asked.

Reese rubbed the beard stubble on his chin and said, "Well now that you mention it."

We see Reese and a couple of other guys quietly sneaking up on one of their fellow men while he slept. Very quietly, Reese took a can of shaving cream and sprayed a little onto the guy's hand. He pulled back away while another one of the guys took a feather and lightly brushed it against their victims nose. The guy murmured and continued snoring. They brushed his nose again and this time the guy slapped his own face.

I'm sure you can guess where it went from here.

Luan laughed as Reese told her the story.

"Oh man. Simple, but still a classic gag," Luan laughed and wiped a tear from her eye.

"Want to know a unique one that was pulled on me? Might give you some new material," he asked.

Luan's eyes brightened and she nodded her head eagerly.

Reese was standing in the communal shower of the base he was working at. As he rinsed the shampoo out of his head, one of the guys came up behind him and gently squeezed a small amount onto his head. Reese took no notice and continued washing the shampoo out. As he did, the guys squeezed a little more out and Reese started rinsing that out too.

Over and over again they did this and Reese began to realize that something was up.

"Okay where did they get this shampoo?" he asked himself.

He washed it out again and the guys behind him made their move again.

"Ugh it doesn't wash out," he said and then he heard the snickering behind him.

He turned around and saw a few of the guys there. As he looked at them, their snickers became full blown laughter.

Luan laughed a little harder and said, "Oh I've never heard that before. Don't think I'd have a safe place to do it though. The other's would kill me if I was in the bathroom while they showered."

Reese shrugged and said, "Just a thought."

They both laughed together as Reese shard a few more stories of the various pranks he and the guys pulled on together. They found a bench and sat together for a while as Luan talked about her performing business and some of the gags she pulls with them. The kids loved it and the parents did too. Reese listened intently until finally his watch went off.

"It's two o'clock kiddo. We got to meet everyone at the food court," he said as he rose from the bench.

Luan jumped up with him and they began making their way there. Reese did take a moment to mess up Luan's hair.

"Gotcha," Reese joked and smirked.

Luan just laughed with him.

Yeah I will admit that this chapter as well as the last one are simply filler. The reason is because I want Reese to spend time with his family and I do try to get him to have a connection with the rest of them before things start to get bad.

Note: Spoiler from the show down below, do not read past this if you have not watched The Loudest Mission yet.

I also want to note that I began writing this before the new special with Ronnie Anne and Bobby moving away, so that's why they still live in Royal Woods.