So this is my first Loud House fanfic and I'm kind of nervous about posting it. VERY nervous to be honest. Even though it'll focus a lot on an OC, I will make sure that the other characters are heavily focused on as well as they have important roles to play in the story as well. I've seen many stories focusing on serious matters so I kind of want to venture where few people have and that's into someone's fragile mind who now lives in a crazy house hold.

I didn't really get into the show until recently so I'm a little late to the party, but after watching it I can find myself connecting to it for various reasons. To date I have seen all of season 2 so far and most of the first. So if I miss key details, please let me know and I'll try to rectify it as best I can. I can talk more about why I like the show at a later time. But I've talked enough for now and really want to get to the story.

I always liked toying with the idea that the kids have relatives outside of them, their parents, and Pop Pop and I really wanted to create that and that's why I made this. So let's get started shall we?

Disclaimer: The Loud House is owned by Nickelodeon.

It was a typical day in the town of Royal Woods, Michigan. Sure it was a rainy day out today, but for the most part it was still pretty normal. Except that in one neighborhood something peculiar was going on. One house was unusually quiet, which was odd as this particular house was usually a source of a lot of noise. Many of the neighbors reffered to as the "Loud House" as the household was usually very noisy and the family that owned it was also named Loud.

The family itself consisted of the parents and all eleven of their kids, the kids consisting of ten daughters and one son. Many people would call the parents nuts for having so many kids, but the family itself took these words with a grain of salt. They loved all of their kids equally and didn't care what anyone else said. Sure the kids could be a hassle and sometimes a bit destructive, but that's something that very well could have happened regardless of how many kids they had. With such a big family, a lot of noise was to be expected. Especially when the kids had some very noisy hobbies.

On most days one would see the third eldest child, fifteen year old Luna, in the garage blasting away on her guitar at full volume and shaking all of the houses in the neighborhood. You could also see one of the younger girls, six year old Lana, in the middle of one of her messy hobbies in the back or front yard. Or even thirteen year old Lynn in the middle of one her sports sessions that she obsessed with regularly. So it's rare to hear the house so quiet and still, especially on a Saturday.

The truth of the matter is that every one of the Loud kids were up and about and busy. Unlike most days however, they were busy cleaning up the house and even straightening things up. Lori, the eldest sister, was cleaning all of the windows. The second oldest, Leni had been helping her originally. That is until she looked in the bathroom mirror and thought that she was trapped inside. Now she was busy trying to use a vacuum to try to pull herself out. Lori was tempted to make her stop, but instead decided to leave her be as it kept her out of the way of her own task.

The other members of the family were busy with random activities which included Luna scrubbing the walls, six year old Lana unclogging the toilet, their father Lynn Sr. was busy getting the kitchen clean, and the many other kids were doing the tasks that had each been assigned.

The one son of the family, eleven year old Lincoln, walks back into the house after having taken out the trash and slipped out off his rain gear and set them on the ground. This earned him a scolding from his father.


This made Lincoln jump and he quickly picked them up and swaddled them into a ball.

"Sorry dad! I'll take care of them right now," he called back and rushed them up the stairs to dry in the bathroom.

After hanging his raincoat over the tub, he quickly avoided his sister Lynn who was sweeping the hall and whacking large clumps of dust bunnies like hockey pucks into a trash can she had placed at the end of the hall. This was followed quickly by gothic eight year old Lucy, bursting out of the vents as she had been dusting them. And fourteen year old Luan who was carrying bed sheets to make the beds in the house even though the bedrooms weren't top priority, but it kept her occupied and out of everyone else's hair with her usual puns. The only siblings absent were six year old Lana, four year old Lisa, and one year old Lily as they had left with their mother earlier.

Lincoln rushed for his room and quickly concealed himself within. He dusted his hands off before finally turning his attention to the audience.

"Oh hey there. Sorry to keep everyone waiting. As you can see me, dad, and my sisters are pretty busy today with cleaning the house. As I'm sure you know that this is not very common for us, even when our parents tell us to do it. But you see there's actually a big reason for it," Lincoln said as he addressed the audience.

He reached underneath his bed to pull out a photo album he had stored under there and opened it up for all to see. Inside were various pictures of him, the girls, and their parents. He flipped through the pages to show other members of the family as well.

"You see with my parents and sisters and me, we're already a large enough family."

He then flipped to some photos of other family members. Including Pop Pop, a few aunts, and maybe a few cousins too.

"But outside of them we still have other relatives like Pop Pop, Aunt Ruth, and-"

He trailed off as he landed on a most unflattering photo of an older lady. He practically gagged as he looked at it, shut his eyes, and looked away.

"Ugh... Aunt Shirley."

He quickly turned the page to get the horrid image out of his mind and landed on something nicer. The image was of his parents, all the Loud kids minus Lily as their mother was still pregnant with her, and a young man with short blonde hair kneeling in the middle of the group. He was dressed in a green shirt with green jacket along with metal tags hanging around his neck. The smile on all of their faces was enough to make Lincoln pause for a moment and absorb the feeling of the moment.

"And of course our Uncle Reese."

He then looked through other pictures, some of which involved a younger Reese as was engaged in other activities with the girls. Like head banging to some of Luna's jam sessions, playing ball with Lynn, even having a little tea party with Lola. Lincoln's favorite of course was the two of them posing in front an arcade after getting the high score on it. A high score that still stood to this day.

"Our Uncle Reese is the one family member who tries to make time for all of us. He doesn't share all of our interests, but will take part in them regardless just so he can spend time with us and make sure he has a good visit with us. It's one of the few times we can all get a fair amount of attention from family so it's kind of a big deal for us."

He then flipped to some pictures of his mother when she was much younger, including one when she was a teenager and holding a baby Reese in her arms. The age gap between sister and brother was pretty obvious. Lincoln knew his mother was a young mother, but to think that she had a brother who was less than a decade older than Lori was pretty crazy to him. Then again the age gap between Lori and Lily was pretty close to the age gap between his mother and Reese so he figured it would be best to accept it.

"Uncle Reese works as a driver in the Army and is constantly away from here and in another country. But once a year he does get to spend a week with us and it usually results in him being busy with each of us the entire time he's here so we try to plan our activities with him ahead of time. Right now Lori is planning to introduce him to Bobby and Lynn plans to play ball with him which she does every time with him. Knowing her though she'll want a parkour session with him as well."

He closed the photo album and set it back on the ground followed by sitting on his bed.

"So Uncle Reese is coming to visit and he arrives today. Mom wanted the house to be cleaned up before his arrival and she left to pick him up a while ago with Lola, Lisa, and Lily. Mom figured it'd keep them out of the way while we cleaned since Lola doesn't like to get dirty and Lisa doesn't really clean anything if she can help it. Plus it gives Reese a chance to meet Lily, something that he's been wanting to do since before she was born."

It was here that Lynn Sr.'s voice called from downstairs, "KIDS! YOUR MOTHER JUST CALLED! UNCLE REESE'S PLANE JUST ARRIVED! THEY'LL BE HERE IN AN HOUR!"

From the hall, Lincoln could hear the sounds of his sister's cheering at the news.

Lincoln laughed and said, "Well it looks like I need to get back to work. Need to make things perfect before they get here."

With that Lincoln left the room to help everyone else.

In the meantime in the city, a young man descended down an escalator, taking him down towards the parking garage where his sister promised to pick him. He was dressed in the same kind of attire as he normally wears consisting of his green shirt, jacket, and Army cap with an olive duffle bag slung over his shoulder. He took a breath and waited in anticipation, nervous about how the family would react to his big news. The only people who knew so far was his sis and her husband and she promised to not tell the family and to let him tell them instead. So here he was about to head home... for the final time.

He reached the bottom and stepped away from the escalators. The first thing that happened is that he heard a voice call out his name.

"Reese! We're over here," came the woman's voice.

The man, Reese, turned his head in the voice's direction and saw what he was looking for. He spotted his big sis, Rita, waving him over with three of her youngest daughters standing with her. He smiled and began making his way over to them. As he approached, one of the girls ran up and he scooped her off the ground.

"Uncle Reese you made it. We missed you," the child said gleefully.

Reese laughed as she hugged him and said, "Nice to see you Lola. I missed you too."

He kissed her on the cheek and approached his sister who was holding her youngest and wrapped his one free arm around her and she wrapped her one free arm around him as well.

"Nice to see you too sis," he said with his smile still plastered on his face.

Rita chuckled and shed a couple of tears as hugged him as tight as she could without either of the girls in their arms being crushed.

She pulled back and said, "Good to see you buddy. Looks like someone was excited to see you."

Reese laughed and kneeled down to set Lola back on the ground who took her spot beside her mother. He spotted Lisa standing on the other side of Rita with the usual lack of emotion on her face.

Reese ruffled her hair really quickly and said, "Well look at you Lisa. Last time I saw you, you were just half as tall as you are now. You're shooting up like a weed."

With a sigh, Lisa adjusted her glasses and said, "I find that highly unlikely seeing as the growth rate of homo sapiens is miniscule compared to that of the common taraxacum officinale or stellaria media."

Everyone there stared blankly at her as usual no one but her truly understood exactly what she was talking about.

With an aggravated sigh, she pinched the bridge of her nose and said, "Dandelions and chickweed grow much faster than human beings."

"Oh... I should have known that," Reese replied as he pondered in mock thought.

Even though the usual lack of high intelligence in her family annoyed her, Lisa still managed to let a smile out as she latched onto Reese's arm. It was a tight hug too that given how hard she grasped him she could easily cut off his circulation. But she knew better than to do that and let go of him once she sensed that he was becoming a little uncomfortable. Even though he still had the basic intelligence as the rest of her family, she had to admit that she was still happy to see him.

"I take it I'm forgiven then?" he asked her.

Lisa nodded and said, "Affirmative."

Reese let out a little chuckle and ruffled her hair once more to her annoyance. Reese stood back up to see baby Lily still sitting in her mother's arms. The child looked up at the strange man that she had never seen before, but still smiled regardless and chuckled at him.

"And who's this little cutie?" Reese asked already knowing the answer.

Rita held Lily up to him and said, "This is Lily. Who did you think it was?"

Reese shrugged and said, "Just thought I'd check. So this is the little poop machine? Mind if I hold her?"

Rita nodded and let Reese take the one year old into his arms. She laughed and tried to reach up to the metal tags hanging down from his neck. He had to move her little hand away from them to keep her from grabbing them.

"Ah ah ah little one. That's not a toy," he said which made her giggle once more.

"Poo poo," she giggled out loud.

Reese looked at Rita and asked, "Should I be alarmed about that?"

He got his answer when a foul odor filled his nostrils as Lily giggled some more.

Rita smirked and said, "Does that answer your question?"

She took Lily back and told Reese to wait with Lisa and Lola while she went to change Lily. Reese was just glad to get that kind of introduction out of the way. Despite the foul end to their introduction, it was still a good first meeting for Reese and Lily. He guided Lola and Lisa to a nearby bench for them to sit while they waited for Rita to return with Lily. Both girls sat on either side of him and he draped his arms around them. He had always spent a lot of time away from his family and he felt bad for it. So the few times he could actually spend time with them always hit him hard. Especially now with the news he was bringing home to them.

Some time later the group found themselves on the road leaving the city and headed back towards Royal Woods. Once the excitement of seeing their uncle had worn off, the girls quickly found themselves growing bored from the drive. Even Lisa had to admit that all the excitement had drained her and now she, Lola, and Lily were snoozing soundly behind Rita and Reese. Reese couldn't help but smile as he looked at them.

"You know I'm really surprised by Lola," Reese said quietly to keep the girls from waking up.

"Why's that?" Rita asked.

"Well usually when I come for a visit, she clings to me obsessively and lashes like a cat whenever someone tries to get her away. Love the girl but she can be a little... what's the word I'm looking for?"

Rita chuckled and said, "Wild is the best way to put it. She was just a little worried because of something that Lucy told her. But once she saw you, she must have forgotten it. I wouldn't dwell on it."

"Guess she had nothing to worry about then. I was just wondering because it wasn't like her."

Rita shrugged and said, "Think that's bad, just wait until you're around the house so much."

Reese started chuckling with her and then sat in silence for a bit. All he could do currently was watch the van's windshield wipers as it wiped the rain water off the window. They also had the radio off so that they wouldn't disturb the girls. The only sounds being that of the windshield wipers, the sound of the engine, and the girls soft snoozing. The silence was a little too much for Reese and he had to speak a little more.

"No one at home knows yet do they? Or the circumstances?" he asked Rita.

Rita shook her head and said, "No. Me and Lynn are the only ones who do. We figured you should be the one to tell the kids."

"Lynn Sr. or Lynn Jr?" Reese asked with some cheekiness in his voice.

Rita rolled her eyes with a laugh.

"He doesn't mind me staying with you guys until I can get things on track does he?" Reese asked.

"You kidding? It was entirely his idea. He was happy to hear the news," Rita answered.

The siblings shared a light laugh at Rita's response. They continued on and Reese couldn't help but yawn as boredom began to overtake him as well. Rita could see that he was having a hard time keeping his eyes open.

"You want to stop and get something to eat before we go back to the house? It's going to be a while before we get there," she asked.

Reese shook his head and said, "Ate on the flights. Just tired right now."

"When was the last time you slept?"

Reese took a moment to think and said, "I've only had a few hours of sleep in the past thirty hours. Had to stay awake to get on the flights."

"Why don't you go ahead and take a nap? You'll want to be wide awake when we get there," she said.

Reese wanted to argue, but fatigue was starting to get to him. Without another word, he leaned his head to the side and closed his eyes. It wasn't long before he too began to snore a bit. Rita observed him as best she could and turned her attention back to the road. Some time later they came to the exit that led back to Royal Woods. As she left the highway and slowed down for the off ramp, she hit a small bump and it jerked the van a little bit. She heard Reese groan a little bit and she couldn't tell, but she believed she could see his left hand twitching out of the corner of her eye. She figured that he must have been dreaming and decided to leave it be for now.

Well I think that'll do for the first chapter. I'm not used to writing for these characters yet so I may not have them all down properly. If anyone has any suggestions that can help, I would love to hear them. Anything that helps out would be greatly appreciated.

Even though this story is more on the serious side, I still plan for there to be plenty of humorous as well. And before anyone asks, no Reese is not some war hero or super soldier. I'll reveal more as the story progresses.