Narrator's perspective

The helicopters flew across the dusty outback with the ground trucks following in formation around an armoured van. Scott sat inside with his head in against the wall and arms strapped into a leather straight jacket. The inside of the van had been carefully controlled to only allow him enough oxygen to survive, but not enough to ignite a flame. They'd caught him soon after Viggo was killed. Hiccup fired blast after blast and eventually sent him falling. Valka and Eret caught him, flying back to base camp where the trucks hand been waiting.

Hiccup flew low overhead the convoy, his glowing form lighting the surrounding dust as the Sun set below the ocean. Astrid lay atop him, humming softly with eyes closed. Her wings ached and tail swished side to side. Hiccup kept surveying their surroundings, careful to not let Astrid fall.

Hiccup's bright shine a few hours ago had faded into a soft glow, but he felt something different in him. He knew that, if needed, he could reignite that power and go on full force. And it scared him. He had so much power, so much strength that he was scared of what he might do. He'd already killed a man, and no matter how much that man deserved it, he couldn't get it out of his head.

He picked up speed to catch up with one of the helicopters. Stoick and Valka sat side by side, Valka's rested on Stoick's shoulder and Stoick's arm around her waist. Hiccup smiled and let out a purr. Stoick turned his head to face him and smiled back. They were a family again. After all the years they were finally back together.

The vehicles had returned to the makeshift depot in Berk. The Helicopters were hailed down, engines switched off and passengers and cargo unloaded. The trucks continued on through the town. They were headed to Perth after a brief refuelling. Scott, Ryker and the others working for Viggo were to be put on trial for numerous charges and would likely spend the rest of their days in prison.

Then there was the problem Astrid faced. The last time she was in town only the doctors of the hospital had seen her wings and they hadn't been allowed to tell the public. Now the whole town would know.

Hiccup stood by her side as they watched the troops unpack the vehicles. He slip his hand into hers and squeezed gently.

"If it makes you feel any better, I could walk down the streets a Night Fury. Might make it easier for you." He said.

"Mmm, but then there'd be two weird people in the town, and we both know this place is only big enough for one."

Hiccup chuckled.


Astrid turned too slow. She was barrelled over by her mother, who pulled her onto her feet then into a hug.

"You're safe." Her mother pulled back, "Don't you ever go scaring me like that again young lady. You could've been killed."

Astrid chuckled, "I'm fine mum. Hiccup kept me safe." She gestured over he shoulder to Hiccup, who waved sheepishly.

"Oh, bless you for keeping my daughter safe." She ran over and hugged him.

"Ermh, thanks?" He replied.

"Yo Hiccup, Astrid!" The duo turned to the sound of the voice. Ruffnut and Tuffnut walked down the path towards them.

"Woah, so it is true. You really do have wings." Ruffnut cried, running over.

"I see them same thing then sister. But the question is, can she shoot fire?" Tuffnut folded his arms.

Astrid set her hand ablaze and waved it around in the growing darkness.

"Cool!" The twins squealed.

"Now we know this, I'd like to propose something." Tuffnut announced.

"I'm thinking the same thing brother."

"We'd like you to come blow shit up!" They said in unison.

Astrid giggled.

"Hey, hey. I can't be left out can I?" Hiccup transformed.

"Even cooler. Let's go explode stuff!" Ruffnut squealed.

"Not right now guys. I want to go to bed." Astrid said. Hiccup transformed back and nodded as well.

"Aww, party pooper." Tuffnut sulked, walking away with his sister. They muttered to each other.

"What are those two planning?" Hiccup chuffed.

"Dunno, probably nothing good."

"Mmm, I would like to take them up on their offer though. Blowing shit up as they said does sound fun." He said.

"I'm gonna head home for the night." She reached up and gave him a peck on the cheek, "Night."

"Night Astrid. See you tomorrow." Hiccup called to her, her form disappearing into the inky blackness.

Gods, what he wouldn't do for her.


Author's note: Holly shit we've done it. After over two years this story is finished. I must say its been an adventure and a half. I've learnt just how hard it can be to write, but also how enjoyable it can be. Creating your own little worlds is just an indescribable feeling.

But I couldn't have done it without you, the readers. If you've been here from the beginning, thanks for sticking 'round through the untimely updates and horrible writing. If you've joined since then I thank you for giving me a chance.

Well I don't really have much more to say. Thanks everyone for reading, its been incredible and I can't thank you all enough. I really hope you enjoyed, and until we meet again.

Odddollar out