Fi . A Servant of the Goddess Hylia.

"Hylia, your Grace. Tell me what I must do for you, so that this world can be saved from the wrath of Demise."

"You must wait within my sword and travel skyward along with my people."

"Your Grace. I calculate that your command to me has no chance of success in defeating Demise."

"There is no chance now. However, I have already set a plan in motion. It may be a selfish plan, but it is the only plan I could start immediately. Fi, you must follow my command exactly. Once you are dwelling in my sword and above the clouds, await for the spirit of my hero. Once his spirit is ready to be awakened, you will feel his presence and lead him to you. You have important knowledge that he will need to grow both his spirit and yours. My faith is in both of you. That is all I can say to you. There is no more time I can spare. Trust in the spirit of the hero. Be both his guide and his companion. May we meet again in another life."

"As you wish, your Grace."

Going into "SLEEP MODE"...

Going into "SLEEP MODE"...


