
Okay so I'm heading to college this Saturday, so unfortunately I'm going to have to put this story on a temporary hiatus while I focus on school work. This means that the two week updates probably won't continue until I return home in late November for winter break. But, who know's, I may be able to balance school and my love for writing this story and produce a few more chapters before then.

In the meantime this will give me time to find a beta reader. If your interested in the role please PM me.

Enjoy the chapter!


Chapter 9

Third POV

"You went against a direct order!", a small boy screamed, his voice echoing off the plain dry walls of a run down apartment, a building that certainly did not match the majestic quality of the two individuals inside it. "Did I not tell you to go scout out the enemy Servant! Scout! Are you so idiotic that you do not even understand the concept of such a simple word". Pinching the bridge of his nose the youngman brought his head down in annoyance. His Servant on the other hand simply rolled his eyes unamused by the child's outburst, "Instead I had to save your arse and fight in the Godforsaken sewers. We didn't even learn anything of importance about Saber or her identity"

"Calm yourself Isaac-"

"MASTER", Isaac yelled, his voice cracking mid scream. Archer, taking a deep breath waited a couple seconds then continued.

"Alright, calm yourself Master! I simply saw an opening and took it. Did you forget this is war, every opportunity must be capitalized on", the Servant began walking around the unkempt room, and locked eyes with a growing area of mole on the wall, "The real reason to be upset is that I am forced to reside in such a degrading shack", Isaac gave off a low growl in response, but Archer didn't seem to notice, "You that your family is of great importance in this modern world. Surely you should live in a home reflecting that imagine, be it temporary or not", at the mention of the word family Isaac's hands clenched into fist and they began to tremble with rage. If the man before him wasn't a Heroic Spirit, the boy would not hesitate to overlook his scrawny frame and dignified upbringing, and hit the man before him square in the jaw. But unfortunately for him, and for the sake of his family, he was going to have to put up with this man's disrespectful attitude. That being said, it would diminish his status as a mage if Isaac aloud his Servant to continue speaking to him this way,

"Forgive me Archer it was rude of me to direct your decision to engage Saber", the Servant raised an eyebrow confused of the sudden change in attitude, "after all you became a hero for mastering the way of dishonorable combat", the olive skins man's eyes shot widen in frustration and rage as his Master walked into an adjacent room smirking.

"I killed the greatest warrior this planet has ever known, it be wise not to forget that Master".

"How could I, it's your greatest and only accomplishment", and with that last remark Isaac closed the door separating him from his Servant. Who was left staring angrily at the spot his Master once occupied.


Drake's POV

I'm so freaking useless, I thought for the billionth time as I continued walking through this damn forest. It has been a couple hours since the fight below the city, and once again I was being surrounded by darkness as the moon quickly rose in the sky. Ceinwyn had never left my side since we exited the sewer, and even when we were in a crowded area she was checking me for any external wounds. Truth be told I'm surprised nobody called the police on us, two teenagers covered in shit walking through London is not an everyday occurrence, especially when one of them is dressed as a maid, at least we got some real clothes out of this whole mess. Looking down at the bag containing our new attire, the familiar feeling of depression appears again, I guess that's all I've done to help so far. Be a freaking delivery boy who has to be continually rescued. Deep in thought I barely notice that Ceinwyn has raised my right arm and began feeling around for any bruises or cuts… again.

"Do you feel any pain when I press down here Sir Griffin"


"Perhaps the wounds are internal. Please remove your shirt so I can check", the maid voice is increasingly panicked. At this point it's like she wants to find something wrong,


"Do you feel any headache, or muscles soreness. Some magic wi-",

"CEINWYN", for the first time since she began her consecutive check ups the maid excited her trance, only for her to look even more worried and panicked.

"Do you feel ill Sir Griffin, you must tell me the area on the body that is causing pain"

"I'M FINE", usually my voice gentle when the maid gets this way, but now it comes out harsh, and it definitely shows by the maid shocked reaction, although it doesn't stop my rant, "You've checked my right arm five times now and asked about my health seven. If there was something wrong with MY body don't you think I would be the first to know", my breathing becomes hard when I finish, and the maid before me takes a step back and she looks down, pink hair covering her eyes,

"I am sorry for my annoyance Master Griffin, I will refrain some such behavior that displeases you", I should feel guilt for the way I must be making Ceinwyn feel, but I'm only faced with more annoyance and depression. Ever since the fight in the sewer I've just wanted to be alone,

"Whatever", and with that I began marching off leaving a good five feet between me and the only other person out here, who follows along obediently.


Third POV

Saber had been feeling her Master's uneasniess and and self pity ever since Ceinwyn demanded she take Astral form for their return trip. However, one would not need a mental connection with the young man to know how he felt, to say he was doing a poor job of hiding it would be a colossal understatement. His sudden outburst towards his maid, and his thoughts of uselessness were continued until they returned back towards the safe house. Being the first to enter, Drake quickly walked over to the farthest corner of the cabin and sat down in the lone chair avoiding eye contact with Ceinwyn the entire time. If Saber was in her physical form she would no doubt huff is displeasure. This type of childness behavior was never tolerated in her time especially among warriors in battle, but despite the urge to go over to her Master and scold him on his attitude, the swordswomen only felt her own form of pity towards the boy. His reason for all this self hatred were coming from the fact that he felt like a burden towards her and Ceinwyn. Drake was angry at his own limitation not to be able to to help fight off the enemy, and unfortunately this brought Saber painful memories of another man who behaved the same way. With a small burst of light Saber appeared once again in her true form, although she was wearing the civilian outfit rake had purchased earlier. Drake didn't bat an eye at the sudden entrance of his Servant, and choice to continue sharing dagger towards the floor. Ceinwyn, on the other hand, took her gaze off the wood and her eyes were filled with anger towards the swordswomen.

"It would be unwise for you to leave astral form unless their is a Servant nearby. Can't you see Sir Griffin needs rest after all you put him through", Saber knew the maids heart was in the right place when it came to her concern for Drake, but she was also well aware that the young women's dedication towards protecting him also clouded her judgment and left her anger misplaced.

"I assure you there are know Servants nearby Ceinwyn, I only came out do to the increased levels of unpleasant emotions I felt coming from Drake"

"Of course he would be feeling upset after all he's been through, you've endangered his life mere hours ago", there was an increase of venom in the maid's tone, but Drake's gaze did not move from the floor.

"I believe you are mistaken Ceinwyn, Drake is not upset because he fears for his life, rather he is wallowing in self sorrow for not being able to assist you or I in the most recent battle", The pinkette anger only seemed to increase at this statement,

"Sir Griffin has no place to be anywhere near the fight, he is not equipped to handle such opponents. Unlike you I actually care for his well being, and haven't been seeking ways to have him killed. You've wanted to cause harm to Sir Griffin ever since he had summoned", Saber was genuinely shocked by Ceinwyn outburst, even Drake eyes widen slightly in surprise. While the Servant wasn't expecting Ceinwyn to trust her words or advice completely, she certainly wasn't prepared for such harsh words directed at her. Especially ones that dishonored her very status as a Heroic Spirit and more importantly code of chivalry,

Cause harm towards Drake, The thought entered the knights mind as soon as the words escaped Ceinwyn mouth, and unfortunately more unpleasant thoughts filled her mind immediately afterwards. Memories of a nearly identical boy ran rampant through her head, and for a moment Saber felt the urge to strangle the young man who summoned her. With her rational mind soon quickly fading, Saber walked past the maid unable to control the rage building within her, slamming the door open with enough force to break the hinges

"You know nothing of your words maid, and you", she raised a finger towards her Master that trembled in untapped rage, "If you do not want to feel useless Drake, I would suggest you do something about it. Linda would be utterly disgusted to see the worm you've become"


Drake's POV

I was expecting a lecture from my Servant on how childish I was being, I was expecting an argument with her to leave me alone, I was expecting to have to exit the hut in my own fit of rage. What I wasn't expecting was for Saber to look towards me with murder in her eyes, and rush out the door into the night after her little feud with Ceinwyn, and despite still being frozen in place from the paralyzing gaze I just recieved I could only think one thing, Do something about it

"Sir Griffin", a calm yet concerned voice broke through the quietness of stretching quietness of the hut. To the maids credit she was not taken back by Saber's hatred fuel words and was quick to jump in front of Drake when Saber made her threat. But now that the Servant had left she had once again focused all her attention on Drake's well being, "Are you alright, I do not want to upset you again, but I must know if Saber's undignified actions caused you any discomfort", I looked down at the maid and shook my head back and forth. Only twenty minutes ago she had asked a similiar question and I had yelled at the maid for her concern, but now I just felt guilt for my behavior,

"I'm sorry for all this Ceinwyn", the maid looked up still concerned but with a gentle smile knowing that my previous personality was returning,

"It is not your fault for all this. It is that awful Servants behavior that is unacceptable", the maid finished her remark with a scowl but I once again shook my head in disagreement,

"I was the one who wanted to show her the city and asked her to take physical form Ceinwyn. It's my fault we got attack", the maid looked a little shocked by that remark,

"That was an incredibly nice gesture Sir Griffin, but Saber should have known better than to risk attracting enemy", there she went again blaming Saber, but I should know better then to expect Ceinwyn to blame me for anything, after all she believe I could do no wrong, and she already had a weird distrust of Saber already.

"... She's right though", the maid looked up still confused,

"Don't let her wo-"

"I'm sick and tired of you having to save me", I locked eyes with Ceinwyn and noticed how close she had gotten, and even though my words were spoken with slight frustration she didn't move back, "You've saved my life three times already Ceinwyn and I've done nothing but burden you with my presence. You and Saber are gonna spend so much time protecting me that you two aren't going to be able to properly use your abilities", the maid's eyes never left mine, and they were quickly growing wider, in shock or realization I did not know, "I want to be able to help fight these monsters. Despite barely knowing each other you've shown your willingness to fight for me, I want to do the same for you", there was a moment of silence and only my breath filled the room with noise. I started blush noticing just how close we were, but I did not even consider moving back. Ceinwyn lips trembled for a moment but she eventually did find the courage to speak,

"It is my duty to protect you Sir Griffin, just as Richard did for your father", my heart sank for a moment at the nearly identical response she had given me so many times before, but at the mention of Richard I remembered his final act of heroism.

"Richard attacked that horrible monster, while protecting us. He was not by my father side because he knew he could protect himself", Ceinwyn eyes started to water, and it was clear that she too was remembering the butler's last moments. My body went into a natural reaction and a quickly pulled the maid into a hug, despite the embarrassment I felt I stilled continued on, "Pease Ceinwyn, teach me how to protect myself, so you don't have to get hurt doing it for me"


Third POV

I am a fool, a woman thought as the large boulder before her was cut clean in half, the sword she used to accomplishes the task remained undamaged as it impeded itself into the ground after cutting through the stone like butter, 'Linda would think your a disgusting worm', why would I even bring that up. I know Drake looks similar to that bastard but I am letting my anger towards that Saxon intervene with my task. Another large rock was cut clean in half as the knight finished her thought. She knew it was a foolish idea to be using her prana in such a useless way, but at the moment it was the only way she could get her mind off things.

"Why must this happen to me again", Saber whispered, breathily deeply while raising her sword. She was in no way tired from her physical output, but her mental state had taken quite a toll, "It is bad enough Ceinwyn trust for me has all but diminished, if it was even there in the first place, but know Drake will probably stay wary of me. If we are to be a productive fighting force we must have faith and trust in each other", the swordswomen had never run into a problem like this before, she had always had great combat and personal relationship with her knights and foot soldier, even those she hadn't seen in years. But then again they were all trained warriors, while Ceinwyn is quite capable in a fight, the maid had made it quite clear that she and Saber were far from allies, and Drake… Drake doesn't appear to know the first thing about combat or self defenses, Just like Derf-, The swords women didn't even finish her thought before her sword had shattered a nearby tree, sending wood bark everywhere. Eyes wide open and taking in deep breaths, Saber remain frozen in place, her sword mere inches from the ground after her devastating slash

"Damn you Derfal", needless to say she would not be able to confront Drake or Ceinwyn anytime soon.


Drake's POV

"You will not be able to apply what I teach in a single night Sir Griffin, even the basic forms of magecraft takes years to use in battle effectively", Ceinwyn and I were both kneeling down in the center of the room, no more than one foot apart, "Do to my inexperience as a teacher, and my own subpar magical abilities I may not be the best suited to show you the ways of magic. That being said though, I have spent many days studying the use of magecraft in the Aelle's library and I am confident I can give adequate knowledge on basic defensive magecraft". Nodding I wait patiently for her lesson to begin, while I agree that I won't learn anything useful in one night, I want to start as soon as possible so I at least I'll be trying to help.

"The first step you need to take to use any form of magic is to activate your magical circuits. The amount of circuits you have determine the amount of prana you are able to force out. Do to your heritage, your number far exceeds mine and most normal mages", Ceinwyn gives off a small smile at the end of her sentence, but I can only frown. Afterall, if these circuits decide how powerful you can be then it would be a lot more useful for her to have more than me.

"So how do I activate them?"

"Since your father had already opened the pathways with the initial surge of prana he transferred to you, it should be relatively easy for you to power them up again. To put it simply you should be able to will your circuits on, just try to concentrate on them". Closing my eyes and taking a deep breath I do as my friend command. For a couple seconds I feel kind of stupid, I've only felt these so called circuits once, so I didn't know exactly what I was trying to concentrate on to activate them. All I knew about my first experience with them is that it felt like my spine was being replaced with a red hot pipe. As soon as my mind remembered that horrible experience, I felt a familiar, yet totally different tingly sensation in my spinal cord, it quickly then spread out across my nervous system and soon my entire body felt energized.

"I… I think I got them", I said opening my eyes. Ceinwyn smile remained on her face and she happily nodded at my simple accomplishment,

"Very good Sir Griffin, If I were a better mage, like your father, I would now be able to tell you such things like your elements and origin", the young women then frowns, "but, unfortunately I was not taught how to deduce such things, and given that we will likely go over reinforcement magic throughout this ordeal you will not need to know such things",

"Don't sell yourself short Ceinwyn", the maid frown immediately disappears into a neutral expression, "I'm sure whatever you teach me will surely blow my mind, and when we get through this war it'll be cool to learn all the other things about magecraft with you", the maid shoots her head down, for a moment, and I immediately think I said something wrong, but when she looks up again smiling I push that thought from my mind,

"I would very much like that Sir Griffin", the room is filled with silence for a couple seconds with her just smiling. It's almost likes she' in her own little world at the moment,

"... So you said something about reinforcement?", snapping from her trance, the maid looks towards me bashfully nodding her head.

"Yes, reinforcement is the most basic and easiest form of magic a mage can perform. It involves using your magic circuits to flow prana into an object increasing its natural level of durability. The more prana you force into an object the stronger it becomes. This way a simple piece of wood may become as unbreakable as a block of steel", as if to prove her point Ceinwyn places her hand onto the floorboard in front of us and in a flash green wire like objects began spreading onto it's surface. Watching in amazement, I see the maid before me reach into her hidden pouch and with incredible speed and force bring a dagger down onto the wood. A light ringing sound echoes through the room for a moment, and as I look down I expect to see the knife imbedded into the wood. To my surprise though, the weapon is laying on it's side completely ninety degrees, while the wood it struck remained unscratched.

"... I see what you mean", taking the knife in her hand, and much to my continuous surprises she bends it back into its straightened position,

"Now you try"

"... yeah", taking a deep breath I place my hand on the floorboard nearest to me. I don't expect to be able to pull of what Ceinwyn just did, especially on my first time, but I attempt nonetheless. Trying to force the prana in my circuits into the wood beneath, I feel the familiar sensation of an electric tingle enter my spine, I am shocked to see the same green growing line Ceinwyn produced also appear on my section of the floor. As I decide to stop the flow of energy leaving my arm the lines disappear into the surface and I look up towards Ceinwyn smiling like a kid on Christmas, "Okay that was pretty cool", only giving off a nod as a response, the maid, raising the knife she had just used before, struck my floorboard sending vibrations throughout the cabin. I expected the dagger to pierce or shatter the piece of wood I had reinforced, after all Ceinwyn has been using magic far longer than I. What I didn't expect though was for the top half of the steel to break off the knife and spin halfway across the hut floor. Looking on towards Ceinwyn in shock I was expecting her to have a similar reaction but her smiling face showed otherwise,

"More circuits means more prana being transported into the wood. Your output was quite large there Sir Griffin you should be very proud", looking down at my reinforced floor board I can't help to feel triumph,

"So what else can I do with this reinforcement stuff?", I ask eager to find out more about this new found ability. Tapping a finger to her chin for a few seconds Ceinwen ponders more about the subject,

"More advanced forms of reinforcement include using it to increase the strength on certain body parts like the legs and arms so they may become stronger and perform their original functions better",

"So I could make my entire body bullet proof? That's so epic",

"Theoretically yes, but as I said before it is a more advanced form of the craft so you should-", before the maid even has time to finish, I begin flowing prana into my skeleton. The prospect of my natural body being living armor overwhelming my common sense to wait for Ceinwyn instruction. At first I see the lines begin crossing all over my body, and I can feel the prana strengthen my muscles and skin. Looking up to see Ceinwyn reaction I smile, but that immediately disappears as I only see the maid eyes widen,

"SIR GRIFFIN WAIT!", her warning is too late however. My entire body was being filled by far to much prana, I felt myself become heavier, and my bones began to feel way more painful than strong. The familiar burning sensation of the first time I used my magic circuits return, and in a matter of moments I feel myself losing consciousness. As my eyelids close the last thing I feel is my head bang against the wooden floor as darkness engulfs my vision.


Third POV

Ceinwyn knew exactly what was going to happen the moment those green lines starting sprouting over Drake's body. Reinforcing one's biological mechanism was very different than doing it to a non animate objects. The amount of prana weather too small or to much would not affect the strain the wood of a floor board felt for it didn't feel anything at all. Drake, on the other hand, had flowed a large amount of prana all throughout his body without knowing the amount it could handle, in a matter of seconds he had passed out do to the strain and the maid was by his side. Since the flow of energy had stopped the moment Drake lost conscience the maid was not overly concerned with his physical health as she had been earlier, but as she lifted up her Master and brought him to the couch she had decided that it was time to call their lesson off for the night. Positioning Drake into a comfortable position on the futon, Ceinwyn look down feeling guilty,

I am so sorry Sir Griffin, I should have warned you about the effects of reinforcing one's body as soon as the topic came up. I promise I will make it up to you, the maid continued to stare at Drakes unconsciousness form, she knew she had many other things to address. Things such as Saber's rude departure earlier, new plan for Drake's lesson, and to find out information of the Servant he encounter. But at the moment all the maid could focus on was one sentence,

When we get through this war it'll be cool to learn all the other things about magecraft with you, and with that the young women began to blush and decided that she herself shall retire for the the night as well.


Wow, Drake's finally learning some magic. Took him long enough. Now I know I probably screwed up the section where I described how magic circuits worked, so if you have any suggestion please review or PM.

See you all next time! hopefully it will be sooner than later