Have you ever felt like you were missing something important, something so important that you stop whatever you're doing and dive into the deepest pits of your mind to try to uncover what you lost, but the more you try to remember what you are forgetting the farther away you get from discovering the missing memory. That's the feeling I woke up with almost everyday of my short seventeen years of life. Nearly every morning would be the same, I'd wake up in a panic do to a dream, I would try to recall the dream but the more I tried to remember it the faster I forgot it. All I ever remembered about the dream is that it featured somebody important. Somebody who appeared to be a complete stranger yet have of the impression that they were my closest friend. Somebody who I couldn't live my life without, but the second I tried to remember anything about them even basic details like gender or eye color, the mysterious person would rapidly fade away from my mind until I was only left with one thought, who are you?


I appeared in the middle of a field of knee high emerald green grass lying flat on my back. I didn't wake up, I didn't travel here, I wasn't drugged and thrown into some random location, I just simply appear in a vast field. My vision slowly began to clear as I began making out the individual blades of grass whipping against the wind above my head. I noticed the cloudless sky next as I hesitantly rose from the ground. As I took in the surrounding of the seemingly endless field I couldn't help but be stunned by the beauty of it all. Everything in this simple environment seemed flawless, every blade of glass, to the strength of the breeze just seemed to have been set up in such away that it illustrated perfection. I scanned the horizon in search of any other form of life only to be met with the mind boggling realization that I was alone.

"This place is a utopia" I whispered to myself as if a had just unveiled the secret of the universe.

I began walking around the infinite field searching for any signs of imperfection in this heavenly place. After what felt like an eternity of walking around for any defects I gave up. I lowered myself into a sitting position and was astonished as the grass seemed to part ways at the presence of me sitting down. My eyes widened in shock for a moment or two, before a small smile broke out on my face. It was funny really how I of all people, a person that could be the definition of imperfect could appear in a place so flawless. Where this field could be described as tranquil, graceful and surreal my best qualities were lazy, clumsy, and accident prone. I can't even begin to fathom how a person like myself could be allowed anywhere near a place like, let alone be its lone occupant. I let out a silent laugh as I slowly began to lean back intent of spending the rest of my life in this utopia until I spotted a blimp in the horizon. A lone silhouette against the otherwise flawless blue background.

I initially waved it off. I couldn't even make out the shape for all I know It could be anything and knowing my luck if I were to walk the whatever distance it would take just to find a freakin tree or something. I went to lay back down but just as my eyes closed and my head hit the cushioned ground the wind picked up and a voice was brought to my ears.

"She needs you", the voiced whispered.

My eyes immediately shot open and I turned my head to the origin of the sound, there was only grass. I sat up and spun my head to the silhouette that was barely visible against the horizon.

'That's probably not even a person', I reasoned with myself before my mind went back to the mysterious voice, ' and now I'm going insane so much for a peaceful paradise'

I began to lay back down when I was interrupted right before resting my head on the soft grass.

"She needs you", It whispered again, "Go to her"

Trying to ignore the small yet annoying voice I laid down and forcefully shut my eyes a small frown now being visible on my face. The whisper continue but I ignored every command. My action seemed to only anger the voice as the whisper soon turned into shouts,

"She needs you", It screamed, "Go to her"

My face scrunched as my frowned increased as my mind soon began to only be able to focus on the voice. All that was is my head now was my mind demanding me to go and run to that mysterious person as fast as possible. I tried to fight my thoughts, I started muttering to myself the word shut up but with each word said the voice only intensified and became louder. The voice grew painfully loud and my head thumped in agony each second time went on. I curled up in a ball as I surrendered to the pain, my hands shot up to cover my ears. A futile effort, with every act of rebellion against the voices command the louder it got and the worse the pain became.


I screamed in agony as the pain became too much, and just as I was convinced my ear drums were going to exploded I let out a response of my own.

"Why?", I whimpered, my voice barely loud enough to be considers audible.

The mysterious sound stopped all together the second the word escape my mouth. I still covered my head in fear of its return but I was relieved that for the moment it was gone. But just as suddenly as it disappeared, the voice returned. Instead of painfully loud it returned in the same way it arrived however, in a soothing almost pitiful tone.

"Please you've never failed her before", it pleaded, " She needs you now more than ever it's not too late. Now rise, rise and save her from the lie, save her from herself, save her from her pain, save her as she once save you". The voice then shifted back to a demanding tone, "Rise now servant to the king, rise now freed slave, RISE NOW DER-"


I woke up suddenly and in a panic. My entire body was drenched in sweat and my hands were gripping the sheets so hard that my knuckles began to matched its pure white color. My eyes scanned the room for any sort of threat, and my hands left the sheet to defend my ears fearing the mysterious voice might come back and attack. I stayed in this defensive position for countless minutes, fear overcoming reason as I just excited the realm of dreams. I eventually let go of my head and allowed my head to flop back on my bed prepared to think about what the fuck just happened, but my thoughts were interrupted once again by a voice. A voice that was much more recognizable and less frightening than the one I had encountered before.

"Drake are you up? It's time to rise and shine sweety", a female voice sang through the hall into my room, "Today's the day"

That was enough to shock me out of my sleepy state, and like every morning the dream faded away to a distant memory leaving me wondering what sort of imagines my mind conjured to leave me in such a vulnerable state. A door then slammed open and my eyes were penetrated with artificial light giving me a clear view of my unkempt room and the smiling chestnut haired woman in front of me.

"Come on Drake, I know it's early but you gotta get ready the planes not going to wait for some sleepy teenager", My mom teased as I lazily rose from my bed.

"If am lucky it already left", I muttered quietly under my breath, but like every mother on the planet mine was blessed with in human hearing whenever their offspring was being rude, but instead of getting angry with the rude response my mom's face only morphed into a small frown.

"You're going off to college next year Drake, and your father told me he really needed to see you before you go… I think he's finally trying to get to know his son"

I wanted to get mad, I could already feel my blood beginning to boil like it always did when my "Father" was mentioned, but a quick glance outside told me it was to early in the morning to get frustrated, and so my response was simple,

"First time in eighteen years", I replied behind gritted teeth before getting up to enter the bathroom.

With a sigh my mother left the room and just outside the door I heard here yell back, "Your travel bag is in the kitchen already packed, and Robert's already good to go… please be ready in twenty minutes"

I sighed in defeat before undressing and enetering my shower, as the luke warm water hit my skin a began thinking about the horrible meeting I was about to have with my biological father.

The story I guess for my non existent relationship with my father begins a little over eighteen years ago. My mother had just recently graduated college, and at the age of twenty four decided to backpack across Europe with a group of friends. The trip went great, for the beginning at least, she got to see France, Germany, Belgium, and all the other great European countries and landmarks that went along with them… and then she traveled to England. The trip to England was suppose to mark the end of her journey, but unfortunately fate had other plans. At a local pub, late at night my mother met… him. Mom always describes him as sticking out like a sore thumb, his looks were average about 5 foot 11, brown eyes and hair, the latter cut short and professional, however he stood out so much because of the way he acted, according to my mom he acted like, "A noble trying to fit in with peasants". He was constantly looking at the ground in embarrassment and would constantly apologies despite doing nothing wrong. The weirdest thing my mother described him doing was his strange habit of darting his head from the ground and looking at the door with fear, almost like he was expecting somebody to burst through the door and arrest him. My mom, out of what I assume was pity for the nervous bastard, decided to stand in front of the door and wait for him to gaze up, and when he did brown eyes met blue, and according to my mom his mouth went slightly agape. My mom then went up to him and started talking, "Falling in love with him", by the time the conversation finished. The last few days of my mom's European vacation were spent with him. They stayed in touch long after my Mom returned stateside, and after two years of online dating, the man decided to move into my mom's apartment in New York. It only took a week after that… for my mom to announce her pregnancy, and after that they were quickly married, only my mom's friends and family attended. My mom says that my father never talked about his family, and the closest thing to an answer of why was because they had a falling out and he just wanted to focus on his new life with her and their future child. My mom's life was going great for the next year, she had a husband, and her first child was born. My mom will swear to every God ever made that my father cried with joy on the day of my birth. When he held me in his arms he apparently declared to my mom, with tears staining his cheeks, that he loved us both more than life itself. That was a lie… one year into the marriage my dad received a phone call. My mom walked into the apartment one evening and my father was on the phone, his face pale, and one hand clamped to the desk in a death grip. He seemed to be frozen in that fear like state for over two minutes, locking eyes with my mom the second she entered the room, while water leaked from his eyes. When he finally hung up my mom quickly ran up and hugged him asking what was the matter but he only fell limp in her arms sobbing like a child. When he finally stopped, he looked at my mom and declared that he loved me and her more then anything and that he had to go for our own protection, my mom, not even able to process what the love her life just said, went into a state of shock while her husband ran out the door. The last message my mom got from my dad until sixth months ago, was a letter two weeks after he left begging her to move out of the city, and start I knew life forgetting about him. My mom always ends the story there, and pauses holding back tears before looking at me with a sad smile, "You look so much like him".

She never blamed him, saying whatever reason he had to leave must've been important and out of love… I don't believe that crap for a second. He left, the bastard vanaished from my mom's life. He left her with a infant that wasn't even a year old in less than a minute, never to be heard again in eighteen years. As soon as I was old enough to know what my father did I officially banned him from my life, I refuse to see any of the pictures my mom had of him, and made know effort to ask about who he was, despite my mom always insisting it was okay for me to ask. For three years my mom struggled through life trying to work a full job, and raise a four year old toddler who had already declared his hatred for his father, but just as spontaneously as my father vanished from my mother lives three years prior, a new man appeared, Robert Griffin, my real dad. Robert is the nicest person on the face of the Earth, he helped my mom get back on her feet and treated me like his own son even when they justed started dating. Once they got married when I was eight, he officially adopted me as his son and I took his last name. He's always treated me like his own son, even when his actual child, my younger sister, Courtney was born. For the next ten years after her birth I finally felt I was in a family, and my life was at last, perfect… Then he called.

The cold water from the shower almost turned to steam, when I remembered my mom almost dropping the phone two months ago when he called. For the first time in seventeen years, he decided to contact the women he left in a heartbeat for. For the next sixty days he called my mom almost daily, always starting by apologising to her. After a month of these frequent phone calls, he asked my mom if she could send me over to England for a few weeks in July. Confused, my mother asked him why on multiple occasion, but he always replied the same, saying that he needed to see his only son as soon as possible. My mom never got much more of an answer beyond on that, but said that when he talked about me he sounded on the verge of tears. After "begging" my mom some more, she finally caved in,telling me that, "It important that you see your real father at least once in your life". Needless to say this lead to countless arguments of me screaming my refusal to go, followed by her giving me a lecture on the importance of meeting my real father. Robert was the one that convinced me to go, telling me I could not judge a man before meeting him. But in the end I guess that's the real reason I'm going on this trip, in order to give myself justification to truly hate my father.

When I exits the shower I grab a two towels, wrapping one around my waist and using the other to dry my hair. I walk back into my room, and go directly to my cabinet and begin searching for a pair that all be okay sleeping in an uncomfortable seat for eight hour. After a few minutes I finally just put on a black t shirt and some cargo shorts and began my walk towards the kitchen, leaving behind my room and the dream I could not remember.

When I entered the kitchen my nostrils were immediately attacked by a sweet smelling material, and when I looked over to the table I saw a plates decorated with pancakes and bacon. Most people would be thrilled to be have this breakfast start the day, but not me. It wasn't that I disliked bacon and pancakes, on the contrary it was one of my favorite meals. Unfortunately I just knew the tactic my mom was trying to use. She was trying to cheer me up by preparing my favorite breakfast, but a frown remained on my face and once my mom saw her plan fail a frown appeared on her's as well. I heard a small laugh, and I looked over to see my dad sitting down drinking a cup of coffee.

"It was worth a shot Ellie", he told my mom before making eye contact with me, a slight smirk appearing on his face, "He may not be excited now, but trust me when he returns from England he's going to be smiling for weeks".

I just roll my eyes at his comment, sat down, and began munching on the bacon. Robert's smirk doesn't fade, but he goes back to sipping his coffee. Breakfast goes on in relative silence, mom tried making small talk telling me about all the sights I should see in the U.K., carefully tip toeing around the subject of my father, but I would just give a short non enthusiastic response.

Robert looked down at his watch and his eyes widen slightly, "Thank you for breakfast Ellie, but it looks like it's time for us to head out".

"Wait", my mom nearly shouted, "I promised Courtney that I'd let her say goodbye Drake".

Robert raised an eyebrow, "Is she even awake?"

"She will be", my mom said with a devilish grin, before raising her voice, "Courtney your brother's leaving for London".

At first there was nothing but silence, but after a few more second there was a loud crashing noise. The sound of a door crashing against the wall came next, along with a strange high pitched voice. The voice began to increase in volume and I began hearing the sound of somebody running along the floor.

"DRAAAAAAKE", My little sister appeared down the hall from the kitchen. Her medium length brown hair was messy, undoubtedly the result of just being woken up. She still had her bed cover in hand, dragging it along the floor as she ran.

When she arrived in the kitchen, she hit me with the force that made me think she might be a 4 foot freg train. My sister was actually almost as mad that I was going on this trip as I was. She was convinced that since I had another dad I must have more little brothers and sister, and she feared she was going to be replaced. I've already assured her that was not going to happen countless times, but I already knew I was going to have to one more time before I actually left.

"Hey Court", I say trying to loosen the hug she had me in so I could breathe properly, "How's my favorite little sister".

She unwrapped her arms and ended the hug while giving of a small huff, before placing her hands to her hip trying to imitate the body posture my mom used when she was trying to be serious.

"When you return from your trip, that has to be the first thing you say when you enter the house", While her posture was trying to display a serious expression, her voice betrayed her, as it was filled with nervousness and fear.

I bent down to be on eye level with my little sister, and for the first time all morning gave off a small smile, "Don't worry Court I promise that will be the first thing I say. I'm surprised you're up this early though, you're not exactly a morning person".

As if on cue she gave off a yawn, but tried to keep talking anyway. "Yes I am", she said before yawning again, " I'm wide awak-".

Her eyes closed before finishing her sentence, and before any of us knew it she was on the floor curling up in the blanket she had brought from her room. My mom gave of a small laugh before wrapping the blanket around Courtney, and lifting her up.

"I'll bring her back to her room", My mom said smiling, "You two get going"

Robert gave a short nod in response, he gave Courtney a kiss on the head, then headed out to the car. I picked up my bag and was about to follow his lead, but was stopped when my cleared her throat.

"Aren't you forgetting something Drake"

I sigh in annoyance, then head over and give my mom a hug, then rub the top of my sister's head, which causes her to cover herself with her blanket in defense.

"Try to get along with him Drake… you might actually enjoy it", She begins seriously, but the last part came out quietly, and didn't even seem directed at me.

I don't respond to the question, and instead just pick up my bag and head for the door. As I'm about to exit the house I turn around and give of a small wave, "Bye mom", I say simply.

I head towards the car, and when I enter I lean my head on my head and mindlessly look at the window as we drive towards the airport. As I watch the cars headlights pass on the highway, illuminating the darkness of the early morning, I keep thinking only one thing.

This trip is going to filled with awkwardness, regret, and hatred


A field appeared in a place that exist outside the realm of science, and far, far away from the blue dot known as Earth. It was filled with Emerald colored grass, and the only sound appeared to be the gentle whistle of the breeze, that swept over the green ocean. However, as the thoughts of a certain boy reached the field, a small voice appeared.

"You don't know how right you are Saxon"

Sorry about all the grammar mistakes I'm positive I missed. If you have any questions about the story do not hesitate to PM me, and reviews are very much welcomed. Thank you so much for reading my story.