She Wolf

He was gone, and had taken my life and soul with him. I felt empty and lost.
"You… Don't want me?"
"Well… that changes things"
The words played on a loop inside my head as I tried to make sense of them.
My world was falling apart around me, everything I had come too believed in and was thought was certain had crumbled.
To say it was heart breaking would be inaccurate, it was more like my heart had shattered into millions of shards and was cutting the inside of my chest, creating a raw aching cavity were my hart once was. Dry sobs wreaked my body, I had no more tears left to cry.
I just stumbled aimlessly around the wood till I tripping constantly till I couldn't get up any more, I had not the strength or the will so instead I curled in on myself in a futile attempt to dull the ache in my chest and just lay there while time seemed to stand still.
I Heard my name being called in the distance, but couldn't find the will to shout back. I lay there praying to wake from this nightmare, my body shaking so much it didn't seem due to the cold.
I could feel heat spreading from me… burning me. Was I in hell? My eyes refused to open, I felt like I was no longer in control over my body, as it torn its self apart.
"Bella..?" A deep hesitant voice near me asked. "It can't be…"
I didn't care what the voice words meant, in that moment I didn't care about anything.

The pain finally reached its peak, I screamed as my body fell apart. Then everything began to fade away as I fell in to unconsciousness.

The heavy fog slowly began to lift and slowly mumbled voices became clear.
"….we explains this?" said one voice
"How could this even happen?" said another.
"It doesn't matter how, its happened" said another, sounding vaguely familiar
The hushed argument grew quiet, as they realized I was awake. As I gathered my scenses I realize how heighted they where. I could smell the threes, the old timber wood, blueberry muffins. I wasn't at home. I could hear the breathing of 4 people nearby, if fact if I focused I could hear their heart beats.

"Bella? " Asked gental voice.

"Oh Fuck this shit. Wakey Wakey Pup. Time to get up" grumbled another deep voice.