(A/N): Since this story will take place in the Noblesse universe some aspects from D. Gray Man will be changed somewhat.


It ha been a such a long, difficult battle for Cadis Etrama Di Raizel or Rai for short. With his life force running dangerously low due to using his power too much he has to now defeat his friend turned enemy.

Staring sadly at the man he once called a close friend it is up to him now because of his title as Noblesse to end his life. It is a choice that Rai is willing to take in order to save the human race even if it means him dying in the process.

The battle lasted for what felt like days but it was finally over and Rai was still standing. Tired and bloody but still very much alive, slowly walking away he wobble a bit unable to keep his straight posture due to exhaustion.

"I must sleep" Rai said to himself

"It looks like you've seen better days, Raizel" said a voice that was coming behind Rai

Rai slowly turned his head in suspicion to see who it was. His eyes slightly widen in surprise completely caught off guard when he notice who it was. The man who Rai expected to show up last since he didn't like to interfere with vampire affairs or any affairs in that matter.

"Millennium" Rai said

"Please call me Earl" He chuckle softly

The man now identify as Earl slowly walked over to Rai, his worn, brown trench coat fluttered behind him as he got closer to him. His top had shadowing his face along with a mask covering his face. Even if Rai didn't know how he really looked like his golden eyes told him everything. Sadness, that was the only emotion showing in the Earls eyes.

He was looking at him as if one was his own children was hurt and in a way Rai was considered as one. Since the Earl was alive longer than Rai or any of the current Lords or the previous ones at that.

"Surprise" Earl said snapping Rai out of his thoughts

"You stated that the Noah family was not going to get involved in this affair" Rai simply said

"Let's just say that I came in my own accord" chuckled Earl, "And besides I can't just stand by and watch as an old friend die on me now can I"

"You have such a bleeding heart"

"Speak for yourself Raizel"

Rai face remain neutral but the Earl knew that he was smiling to himself. Taking Rai's arm around his neck they both began to walk.

"You need to sleep Raizel you've pushed yourself too hard this time" Earl said worriedly

Rai face continued to remain neutral earning a unseen pout from the Earl.

"Luckily I already have everything set up" Earl said happily

Rai looked at him with a question looked while the Earl remained smiling behind his mask. Humming the familiar tune the ark gate open and they both step inside, Rai closed his eye because of the blinding light when they were walking in.

He didn't know what the expect since he has never been inside of the ark. The closes he's ever been to the ark is when the Earl comes the visit him and when he leaves. So when he finally opened his eyes he was surprise to see a single large white room with a coffin in the middle of it. The coffin itself was as white as the room but had a large gold cross on the lid of the coffin.

The Earl wasn't lying when he said that he had everything prepared.

"Don't worry Raizel" said Earl, "I'll make sure that you have a nice long nap"

Saying nothing Rain went ahead and lied down in the surprisingly comfy coffin. Before finally drifting off into sleep the last thing he saw was the coffin being closed and the Earls eyes saying that everything will be alright.

Once the Earl tightly sealed the coffin he noticed someone enter the room. Having a good guess of who it was he turned to greet the person.

"Road what a pleasant surprise" he said

"Are you going to take him back to Lukedonia" Road said as she skipped her way toward the Earl

"Nope" said Earl, "If I did then Raizel would be woken up sooner then necessary and we know full well that he needs to sleep way longer then that"

"So where are you going to hid him then"

Earl stopped to think for a moment before grinning, "I'll leave that up to you Road"

"Fine, but you'll have to give me tons of candy in return"


Calling the akumas she then left the ark with them following her.

Making his way to the heart of the ark he gently placed his finger over the keys and began to play a soft tone. 'I wonder where Road is going to hide Raizel'

(A/N): I have a general idea of where I'm going with this story. I've been a fan of D. Gray Man for years and I recently became a fan of Noblesse so I was like, why not. I'm just going to see how much attention this story get and if it gets a decent amount of reviews then I will continue it. So until next time ^^