A/N: Good day everyone. It's been a while since I posted anything, hasn't it? Time sure flies when real life is kicking your butt around.

It's been nearly two years since the last episode of Oregairu Zoku aired, and yet there's not enough stories in the fandom for this pairing. I myself have always wanted to write even just one fic for these two...

...so I did.

I know there are others that are a collection of shorts like this, but I don't fare well with multi-chapter stories... As for other pairings I may write for them, and in case that happens either I edit the title and summary for this or create a new one for all the other ones. My mind is currently betting on the former.

Special thanks for Kaisaeren for being a great friend and the betareader for this story.

Disclaimer: I don't own Oregairu.

Edit: This was originally intended to be a collection of drabbles but ended up being a single story of its own at some point, hence this chapter is NOT related to the others. Thank you for a guest review that raised this concern. Props to OmegaEleven for his suggestion to rename this chapter.

At the Hikigaya household, inside his room and on his bed lied a certain girl with pink hair, a portion of it tied to a bun. Her glazed eyes were transfixed upon him, seemingly eager and yearning. The fair complexion of her cheeks were tinted with a bright red blush, while her lips appeared soft and moist, quivering ever so slightly in what could possibly be nervousness and anticipation.

The way she laid on the bed on her side was dangerous, he thought. Hachiman couldn't move a muscle, stunned at the breathtaking sight before him. His rotten dead fish eyes wouldn't stop tracing the curves of her body, taking their precious time to stop and ogle certain rounded areas...


Being called brought him back to reality, faced to Yui's expression of growing embarrassment. The way his name was spoken with her cracking, shaking voice brought about a strange sensation that made his heart race. Hachiman felt his face heat up in unison with hers, whom seemed to have grown restless at waiting for him.

"Y-yeah, I'm on it..."

With his tool in hand he approached the young girl and settled beside her, shutting her eyes at the close proximity. Carefully with his free hand, he reached for a portion of her hair and tucked it behind her ear.

"-!" The sensation of his touch caught her by surprise, but she was quick enough to cover her mouth to prevent the small yelp that nearly escaped her lips. Her body shuddered in response, with her ear growing hotter and redder than ever.

"D-d-don't do that! I'm t-ticklish there..."


Giving Yui some time to relax first, she nodded her head as a cue for him to continue. She used her hand to open up her entrance properly for him, and as Hachiman aimed himself towards her he gave her one last look for approval.

"Are you sure you want me to do this? I mean, you can still say no."

"It's okay, I want this and I'm sure of it. Also," she averted her gaze from him, the redness of her face returning. "I-if it's going to be you, then I'm fine. I trust you after all, Hikki."

There was a small smile on her lips as she said that last line, causing him to form one himself. He had mixed feelings about it though, a strange sort of bliss that she would place such trust on him, and fearful dread that he would one day ultimately break his own personal vow on nice girls.

'Good grief,' he thought, shaking his head. 'Her smile is like an infectious disease.'

"Alright then, I'm going in."

The heavy tension in the air returned as he positioned himself for his entry, and with great precision he slowly made his way inside her.

"Kya-!" A short squeal slipped out before she could cover her mouth. Only the tip had just dipped in and yet she appeared to be unable to bear any more of it. Hachiman once more paused as he waited for Yui to motion him to continue, paying heed to her situation since she had mentioned beforehand that this was her first time.

...well, it was his first time too.

"Are you alright? Did it hurt? And please, don't make those unnecessary noises. It's uncomfortable."

"I-I can't help it, okay!? I'm kind of s-sensitive there! S-so..." She didn't need to say anything else as her eyes blinked hard. Without further ado, Hachiman took a deep breath and proceeded with the task at hand.

Beads of sweat formed on his forehead as he fiddled around inside her, taking note of her reactions upon each movement and memorizing those that did not yield negative results. It was rather painstaking, but seeing as she had asked for him personally then who was he to decline?

"Right t-there..." Yui finally spoke up after a bout of nothing but muffled sounds, biting her lip as he once more hit the right spot. "Y-yes, that's the one."

"Okay, just relax and let me do the work." He reassured her, to which she buried her face upon his shirt in response. He could feel how tight her grip on him was, her shaking hands yanking on the fabric while she pressed herself against his chest.

He began to move again, letting his instrument graze upon her inner walls. This time Yui was no longer able to hold back and released a few moans that warranted him to be the one to feel embarrassed. Her breathing had grown ragged and labored, and he swore that he could somehow hear her mutter his name softly under her breath.

"I'm almost done, just hang on for a little more." He tilted her a bit, making her hole parallel to the bed. As he plunged himself deeper, it only took a few moments before it finally came out.

"And we're done." He sighed in relief, wiping his tool clean with the small piece of cloth he had set aside. As Yui sat up shakily, she glanced at the stain from their activities and blushed at the sight.

There was a decent amount of earwax, maybe a bit too much for a girl to have.

"You know, I still don't get why you didn't just ask Yukinoshita for help."

"It's not like I could ask her for a favor on something like this. She's all classy and rich, I doubt she'd be comfortable with it..."

"Oh? And what does that make me then? For being okay with this sort of stuff?"

"U-umm, sorry... I didn't mean it that way." She fidgeted with the hem of her skirt as per usual. "A-anyway, thank you again Hikki..."

"Don't mention it." He nonchalantly replied, putting away the ear pick and the cloth. "Though you could have at least toned down on the lewd moaning."

"W-w-w-what are you saying?! I-I wasn't moaning or anything!"

"Yeah, you were. Heck, with the way you were making noises people who would have heard us might think we're having se-"

"Ahhh!" Yui cut him off with a scream, quickly reaching for her bag and swinging it straight at his face repeatedly. "Meanie! Pervert! Hachiman!"

"Oi, knock it off."

She didn't mean to hurt him even if he had almost spouted some things she would rather not hear right now. Her blows weren't strong enough to cause harm, much like how she had chosen light things to throw at him during the time he and Yukino helped her in baking.

When Yui's assault had ceased, Hachiman harbored a displeased expression on his face. In return she flashed him one of her brightest, most genuine grin, one that definitely succeeded into infecting him to smile back. After sharing a laugh, her thoughts wandered back on the barrage of insults from the earlier conversation and single fact echoed in her mind...

'I got to say his name.'

Unbeknownst to the two, a certain imouto had been quietly eavesdropping on them all this time. After hearing the name-calling that had been thrown once again to her beloved Onii-chan, she pulled her ear away from the door and wiped the tears and nosebleed onto her sleeve.

"Stupid Gomi-chan," she shook her head, happy nonetheless for their interaction.