Chapter 1 Finding Out
Bella P.o.v.
I awoke with a start as I have done every morning for the past week since Edward left. Another nightmare the same one I've had for the past week of Edward leaving and me searching the woods trying to find him yet never seeing him. I sigh in frustration then suddenly my stomach starts to twist and I knew I was going to be sick. I ran to the bathroom with my hand clamped over my mouth. After throwing up in the toilet I flushed and wiped my mouth. I then looked in the mirror and was shocked I looked so pale I had bags under my eyes and my face looked skinny. Jumping in the shower in hopes it'll make me feel better I let the tears fall and sobs to rack my body uncontrollably. After about 15 minutes of crying I start washing my hair with my strawberry shampoo and conditioner then start washing my body with my strawberry body wash the smell relaxed me. I was almost done when my hands landed on my stomach and I felt a bump.
I can't be can I? I whispered to myself as tears threatened to fall
It's supposed to be impossibly for vampires to have babies although I'm human so I guess it could be possible. I start thinking back to that night before Edward left and he had dropped all his boundaries and we made love for the first time. It was magical and passionate and it was perfect.
When I awoke the next morning he was gone he left a note saying " see you after school, we need to talk " naturally I just thought he was scared that he hurt me but he didn't I was fine maybe a bruise here or there and he bit my pillow so feathers were everywhere I was a little sore but other than that I felt amazing. If I had known he was going to leave me I would of skipped school and gone to find him so I could try harder to convince him to say but then I remember he told me " I don't love you Bella I'm sorry but we're leaving " tears started falling down my face as I thought back to it.
I hurried to my room to get dressed I then ran down stairs grabbing my purse and jacket and went out the door to my truck. I decided to drive to Port Angeles so no one in forks would see what I'm buying.
On the drive to Port Angeles I started thinking about what it would be like to have a baby I know I am young I'm only 17 but I'd always have a piece of Edward that he couldn't take away.
Once I arrived I went straight to the aisle I needed and grabbed 3 boxes of tests and went to the register to pay for them. There was an old man behind the register giving me a disapproving look. I paid and then left going to my truck and getting in. I drove home in a hurry once I home I parked my truck grabbing my purse and going up to my bathroom.
Once in the bathroom I took all 3 tests and then sat them on the counter. I started tapping my fingers on my leg as I waited the 3 minutes for the test to be done. I started to think about what I would do if it was positive. I wouldn't be able to tell Charlie or Renee that was for sure I already had a bump which means this was no human pregnancy the baby must be part vampire so I doughted the pregnancy would last the whole 9 months.
I knew I'd have to leave and go into hiding until the baby came. The 3 minutes were finally up and I glanced down at the tests to see the pink plus sign on all the tests. I knew what I had to do so I went to my room after disposing and hiding the tests in the trash bin. I got my suitcase out and started to pack glad that Charlie was working late tonight.
Then I went to my closet to get some clothes out to pack them. I was almost finished packing when an envelope fell from my shelf in my closet. It had "Bella" written on it.
I opened the envelope and the first thing I seen was a letter. Curious I opened it and read it.
Bella, I'm so sorry we left Edward can be so stubborn but I have to tell you that he lied to you he does love you and he only left to protect you. He knew Victoria was still after you and would try and kill you so he figured if he left shed leave you alone. I'm sorry that I couldn't make him stay. I'll be in touch when the time is right I saw you would be needing a lot of money I'm not sure what it's for but I know you're doing the right thing there's 500,000 in the envelope along with another 1 million on the card only I know about this account so don't worry about anyone finding out. Stay safe please if not for Edward do it for me and Charlie. Love, Alice
I didn't want to accept the money but I knew I needed it but I wasn't going to let my baby suffer because of my stubbornness. I put the envelope and letter in my purse zipped up my suitcase. I then brought my suitcase and purse in the car and got in. I took one last look at my forks home and started driving off towards my future.
A/N I hope everyone liked this chapter this is my second frantic and will most likely be a trilogy reviews welcome I should have another couple chapters up by tonight or tomorrow