Tom and Jerry were settling in Robyn's room to get some sleep after another fun filled day together, but it was now time for bed.

"You look more and more like your mother every day." Mr. Starling smiled to his daughter.

Robyn smiled back softly. "Tell me another thing about her, Daddy... Please?"

"Okay, okay, well, she was beautiful and kind and caring and a friend of the Quest family." Mr. Starling said.

"The Quest family?" Robyn smiled.

Tom and Jerry looked over curiously to that name.

"Oh, yes, Dr. Benton Quest and his son Jonny," Mr. Starling replied. "You probably don't remember Robyn, but we used to visit them all the time since Mrs. Quest and your mother were so close."

"Ooh, when can we visit them?" Robyn smiled.

"I'll have to see what I'm up to," Mr. Starling smiled back. "It would be nice to reconnect after all these years and it will be Spring Break soon."

"Yay!" Robyn cheered.

"But right now, it's time for bed." Mr. Starling chuckled.

"Okay, Daddy, good night." Robyn smiled.

The father and daughter shared a hug and Robyn went to get straight to bed and Tom and Jerry fell fast asleep after their daily chase with each other and where the jewel on the necklace Robyn was wearing began to glow a bit while she was asleep. Mr. Starling let his daughter sleep with her pet cat and mouse as he decided to check his schedule to see if they could maybe go to the beach for a family vacation adventure. Unknown to him, their beach adventure would really be an adventure.

Mr. Starling checked his schedule and smiled as it was open and he was free for the next week which meant that he could spend time with Robyn, Tom, and Jerry. Robyn continued to sleep until she began to have a dream of a boy. She seemed to smile in her sleep as she thought about this boy. This boy she was dreaming of had blonde hair and a black shirt and blue jean pants and white shoes.

"Robyn, it's been too long." The boy said.

"Jonny, is that you?" Robyn asked her old childhood friend.

"Yes, it's me." Jonny smiled.

"Wait, is this a dream?" Robyn asked.

"Seems like it, not sure if I've had a dream like this before." Jonny replied.

"Must be from my magic." Robyn assumed, remembering when she learned she was a wizard on her mother's side.

"Magic?" Jonny asked her out of suspicion.

"I'm a wizard like my mother and Uncle Chip." Robyn explained.

"And I suppose your dad is a wizard too?" Jonny asked in near disbelief almost like Sabrina when Hilda and Zelda told her on her twelfth birthday.

"You don't believe me?" Robyn frowned.

"I'd have to see it to believe it." Jonny replied.

Robyn then recited a spell and made a frog appear out of thin air.

"So, you're some magical freak?" Jonny asked uncharacteristically mean.

"Jonny, that's not like you." Robyn frowned to her old friend as a purple aura seemed to spread.

"Alright, Fear, leave her alone now before you start turning this dream into a nightmare." Princess Luna's voice said.

"Who said that?" Robyn looked around.

The Alicorn Princess of the Night appeared after Jonny vanished. "Child, you shouldn't let your new life interfere with your relationship with your old friend like when Starlight Glimmer came to her old village."

"Really?" Robyn asked.

"If Jonny is really your friend, he'll understand," Princess Luna soothed. "You two seem close."

"We've been friends since the beginning." Robyn smiled.

"And I sense that there is another feeling you have for him." Princess Luna smiled back.

"A-A-Another feeling?" Robyn blushed. "What do you mean?"

"Well, you are getting at that age where you're interested in boys, I think you know what I mean." Princess Luna gently patted her on the head with her frontal hoof.

"M-Maybe I do like him like him." Robyn blushed.

"He is quite a charming young man... When was the last time you saw him?" Princess Luna smiled as it seemed to be quite sometime since she last saw Jonny Quest.

"When I got lost that one time." Robyn said.

The scenery is soon changed into different area.

"What the...?" Robyn asked.

"I'd like to see your memory if you don't mind." Princess Luna smiled.

"Well... Okay..." Robyn replied as she seemed to be witnessing one of her memories in person with her old best friend.

They soon see a younger Robyn lost and scared.

"I accidentally ran off from Daddy..." Robyn frowned as she saw her younger self. "It was so scary back then, I didn't know where we were and I felt like my life was falling apart."

"Daddy? Daddy!" Younger Robyn cried out as she nearly looked like she was going to cry herself due to being separated from her only parent. She soon heard a hissing sound. "Daddy, is that you...?"

Robyn gasped as she knew what was coming and even though this was in the past, she had the same fear she right now as she did back then. A snake soon came out, looking ready to attack Young Robyn.

Young Robyn screamed at the snake as it seemed dangerous. "DADDY! HELP!"

The snake was about to bite her. Young Robyn yelped and screamed. There was then a young blonde boy coming with a white dog with dark spots around his eyes. They both gasped at the sight of the poor little girl in danger and where they both went off to rescue her.

"Bandit!" Young Jonny cried out to his dog.

The dog growled and attacked the snake that threatened Young Robyn and where the dog then bit on the end of the snake. The snake seemed to yelp from that and slithered away from pain. Bandit snarled at the snake and told it off by crude barking which was rather salty language from a dog.

"Graphic..." Princess Luna commented about the crude barking from the dog.

"What did he say?" Robyn asked.

"Some words I think you're too young to know." Princess Luna smiled nervously.

"Hey..." Young Jonny stood over Young Robyn and held out his hand to her with a small smile. "You okay?"

"Yes..." Young Robyn smiled back before taking his hand and standing up next to him.

"Are you lost?" Young Jonny asked.

"I was with my daddy, but, I don't know what happened..." Young Robyn frowned. "We just got separated."

"Come on, I'll help you find him," Young Jonny took her hand and walked with her to find her father. "Come on, Bandit!" he then called out to his dog.

Young Bandit soon came over to his boy.

Dr. Quest was at his computer and looked down to his son. "Oh, hello there, Jonny."

"Dad, this girl is lost." Young Jonny told his father.

"What's your name, dear?" Dr. Quest asked.

"Robyn Starling." Young Robyn replied.

"Can you help us find her father, Dad?" Young Jonny asked.

"Of course, I'd love nothing more than it." Dr. Quest nodded.

"Thank you, sir." Young Robyn smiled.

"After searching for an hour, we finally found him." Robyn smiled.

"Daddy!" Young Robyn beamed.

"Oh, Robyn, thank goodness." Mr. Starling smiled and hugged his daughter.

"So that's when you met Jonny." Princess Luna smiled.

"Jonny's dad and my dad were old friends since our mothers were close, almost like sisters, but yeah, that's how we met..." Robyn remembered. "Jonny was the bravest boy I knew back then, I wish he could've been there when I was with my Aunt Figg."

"You can always write a story of that day you were with Aunt Figg and with Jonny in it," Princess Luna told her. "And you'll be seeing him soon, I just can't tell you when or where."

Robyn sighed about that, but on the bright side, she would get to see Jonny again. "Will he accept my magical powers?" she then asked, remembering her nightmare about seeing him again and he called her a freak.

"He's your best friend," Princess Luna replied. "If he really is your friend, he won't mind or care, sure, it might take some getting used to, but he shan't judge you."

"That's what I was hoping for." Robyn smiled.

Princess Luna smiled back and gave her a small hug.

Robyn then opened her eyes and sat up in her bed as the sun was slowly coming up. "Jonny Quest, wherever you are, I'm ready to meet you again..." She then whispered to herself while Tom and Jerry were still sleeping.

Soon enough, Tom and Jerry woke up to the smell of breakfast.

"Oh, something smells good." Robyn smiled.

Tom and Jerry raced each other downstairs to get some breakfast. Robyn giggled to her pets and soon came to join them and where thy soon saw pancakes, ready to be eaten. Mr. Starling smiled to his family as they joined him for breakfast. After breakfast, Mr. Starling would tell Robyn, Tom, and Jerry the good news. After they ate, it was now time.

"Well, Robyn it seems that my schedule is clear for the week, and to celebrate, I thought we could go to Florida for Spring Break, and of course, with Tom and Jerry too." Mr. Starling told his daughter.

"That's great!" Robyn smiled.

"The beach!" Tom and Jerry beamed to each other.

"Well, there's packing to do, so let's get to it." Mr. Starling smiled back to his family.

And it was then set for them to get going.

Patch came to visit the Starling house as he always had been since they moved in to their new home. "So, guys, what's new?"

"We're going to Florida." Jerry told him.

"That's great." Patch smiled.

"Yeah, it's gonna be a blast." Tom was excited.

"The beach is always fun, especially for Atticus's mom." Patch nodded.

Tom soon lifted up the couch with one hand to find the beach ball. Jerry scurried under the couch to find the beach ball with Tom and with the couch lifted off the floor, it was easy. Jerry rolled out on the beach ball and Tom put the couch back down.

Patch giggled. "You look like a circus mouse, Jerry."

"Thanks, Patch." Jerry smiled.

Patch chuckled with a smile back to the brown mouse.

"I sure hope no dogs get too scared about me on the beach." Tom smirked as he flexed his new muscles.

"The only ones that would get too scared would have to be ones like Patch or Superdog or even Bat Hound or the Dog Stars," Peep told him as she came in. "Or maybe, someone who would be brave enough to try and bite you."

"Peep!" Jerry beamed and hugged his girlfriend who was really an alien from another planet. "There's My Favorite Martian."

"You say that every time." Peep giggled to him.

They soon continued to pack.

Tom noticed a book after Robyn left it when she went to the bathroom and picked it up and checked it out. "'Dear Diary, for the first time in forever, I had a dream about Jonny Quest, I hope I can tell him my secret, plus he's really cute and has gotten even cuter over the years'-"

Patch then closed the book with a glare. "That's private!"

"Aww! But it was just getting juicy!" Tom frowned.

Robyn came out of the bathroom. Patch came over and gave the girl her diary back.

"Oh, thanks, Patch," Robyn smiled before narrowing her eyes. "You didn't read it, did you?"

"Nope." Patch shook his head.

"Good boy." Robyn smiled.

Tom smiled nervously. "So, who's Jonny Quest...?" he then asked her nervously as she looked unhappy with him.

"Just a friend." Robyn said.

"A boyfriend?" Jerry asked.

"He's an old friend of mine," Robyn replied while blushing slightly. "I haven't seen him since I was a little kid."

"Ohh." Tom, Jerry, Peep, and Patch smiled.

Robyn smiled sheepishly and blushed even more.

"You seem to like him, dear." Peep commented.

"Well, I had a dream about him last night..." Robyn replied. "He seemed quite charming."

"Ooh." Tom, Jerry, and Peep smirked playfully.

"Does he have any pets?" Tom asked.

"Yeah, he has a dog named Bandit." Robyn remembered.

"A dog?" Tom narrowed his eyes.

"Don't worry, he's a good dog." Robyn assured them.

"Hmm..." Tom folded his arms with a firm pout about meeting a dog.

"Ah, ah, ah," Patch tutted him. "Remember what Frankie and Pugsy said!"

"Yeah, I remember." Tom sighed.

"Besides, Bandit wouldn't hurt a fly unless you were a threat." Robyn reassured Tom.

"Okay, I guess I'll give him a chance..." Tom sighed about the new dog.

"Thanks." Robyn smiled.

"Sure, anything for you, Robyn." Tom smiled back.

"Yeah, Robyn, we're here for ya." Jerry added.

Patch smiled especially since Tom and Jerry were happy to have a home with Robyn.

Soon enough, it was time for the Starling family to head to Florida.

"And away we go!" Tom smiled.

"Have fun, guys!" Patch called out on his way back home.

Tom and Jerry waved as they went off with Robyn and her father to Florida. They soon got to their plane to Florida.

"Hmm... What am I gonna do for Spring Break?" Patch asked himself.