
What to do now that the universe was at peace? That was the question.

Keith stared at the orange horizon, taking in everything months ago he wouldn't even dream of seeing ever again. Earth had one of the most beautiful sunsets. He didn't know why, if it was because the Sun in their solar system was just in the right position for the light to reflect in such a majestic manner into their sky; or, simply, because he felt at home.

The once lonely boy- who was turning into much of a young man rather than an old boy- was surprised with himself. Pleasantly surprised, for he thought he held no attachment to his home-planet, and coming back and feeling like he belonged, relaxed as he hadn't been for weeks, made him realize that, in fact, Earth was always going to be his- or, more precisely, theirs. Because, after living and fighting for so long yet so little with his team, he was still thinking in term of them as a whole rather than him as part of something.

So enchanted he was by the beauty of life and thoughts, that he never sensed Lance coming.

"Penny for your thoughts"

His new companion sat by his side, on the continuously warm sand, and handed over an icy can of beer. Keith took the offered drink with a thoughtful noise.

"You're gonna waste your money"- he answered with a small smile, Lance huffed- "I don't know, life? What are we going to do from now on?"

Lance got himself comfortable and opened his beer.

"First, being with family"- the Latin sipped some of the drink- "and then wait for some kind of epiphany or another evil-lord trying to get over the universe"

Keith shook his head, amused, and opened his can.

"That's my plan at least, dude"- Lance went on wisely- "you, on the other hand, can do whatever tha hell you want, I like to have lazy days, but I really don't think that's your style"

Keith wondered in what moment did the other get to know him so well, or when did they became so close- such a good friends- for that matter.

He had turned up on Lance's family doorstep in Cuba some nights before. It had been a totally instinct-driven act, a decision he took and decided not to think so much about after it had been made. When the team got separated, Shiro and he travelled some time together before each parted on different ways. He knew Shiro had some unfinished business somewhere while he, in reality, simply wanted to go back to the shrine he once thought of like home.

Keith "unfinished business" had more to do with letting go of some melancholic past rather than unresolved relationships- which, he was certain, were more likely to be found on Shiro's side of the story.

"I'm going to find my dad"- he stated after some minutes of silence.

He turned towards his friend, and Lance had both eyebrows higher than he'd ever seen them. It was understandable, as he'd never really spoken about his family before.

"We had something of a break-down some years ago, and I haven't seen him since"- he added after sipping some beer- "I want to get the whole story about my mom before either of us die"

Lance patted his shoulder supportively.

"I'm proud of you man"- he continued slyly- "who would've thought saving the world was just what you needed to control that damn temper of yours and get all forgiving on us humans"

"Look who's talking"- Keith smiled. He thought, even though he'd never had a brother, that was how having one would've felt like. He was glad he'd followed his guts, when they'd told him to go to Cuba.

Lance's family had received him in the same way he thought they would have received Hunk: in a "you are like a long-distance relative" manner. That is to say, they made him felt the most welcomed he'd ever felt. The Cuban house breathed of home, and Keith could perfectly understand why Lance had felt so homesick, and miserable, and alone sometimes- even though the team had become like a second family to him.

Lance's family was so human and full of love it was almost unbelievable. They had managed to melt some unknowingly icy part of Keith's heart reserved to family-related-feelings.

A comfortable silence was held until the first stars started to appear on the night sky.

"Well"- Lance stated, standing up and stretching- "let's go back home"

Keith pushed himself up, moving his numbed body.

"Yeah, let's go"

His future was as mysterious as always, but his worries could wait till the day after and, at least, he had a family and, more importantly, he'd found a real home.


So, I have to admit this scene was what had me writing this whole story to begin with :)
I love a sane brotherly relationship between Keith and Lance- it reminds me of the kind of relationship I have with my two best buddies. We are like water and oil, just like them, and I just can't see them like a couple...

Anyway, reviews are the best thing in the universe, and any grammar/spelling mistake you want to point out is gladly appreciated! :)