Chika chews on an orange gummy candy as she walks out of the school grounds. In her hand is a notebook with the latest edition of the next song lyrics. She is going over them, trying to perfect the wording of the song. She glances up and sees her friends Riko and You walking side by side, heading to the bus station. She hadn't seen them together all day, so she simply watches curiously. You had just finished saying something and Riko nods with a smile before the two of them fall silent and simply walk side by side. Chika smiles, glad they seemed to have reconciled.

Then, Chika notices Riko's hand move towards You's. Riko timidly hooks her index finger around You's pinky and ring fingers. You then moves her hand out and confidently holds Riko's hand. Riko in turn responds by holding You's hand with equal conviction. They weren't trying to hide it, there was no uncertainty, in fact, there was a slight swing in their arms as they walked.

Chika's walk slows to a stop. Her heart swells. Chika knew full well of You's feelings for her, but never brought it up, afraid to be wrong and terrified at the idea of rejecting her best friend. When Riko's affections were also brought into the picture, Chika was torn between keeping a good, close friend and accidentally leading her on. Unable to reciprocate and unable to be cruel but kind, Chika felt like some kind of villain for keeping away from the subject for so long. She had often wondered why, even though she cared for both girls so much, she never felt romantically about either of them. I made her question her own character and often second guess her friendly gestures in case they were misconstrued. She carried the weight of this with her at all times.

Suddenly now she felt lighter - her burden of guilt dispersing with the autumn winds. As Riko and You disappeared around the corner, Chika closed her eyes and earnestly prayed for happiness for her friends.