Hello! It has been a while, hasn't it. I don't know if anyone remembers this story, or remembers me. I know that one of the last things I said was that I would return to my writing last summer. As you can see, that didn't really happen. What I thought would turn into a good and happy summer, turned into one of my worst summers ever. So my recovery kinda went to a halt, and instead of going up, everything just crashed and burned. Well, a couple months later, and I have finally talked to my parent about it, and I am now put in a mental health thingy that will help me get back on a normal level of stability.

Recently a lot of good things have been happening, I made more friends, I have opened up to those close to me. I have begun watching and reading stuff again. That includes One Piece and Fairy Tail. So I am here to happily inform you that I am working on a rewrite of this story. I know what some of you may think 'You will just leave the rewrite as well' and to you, I say, nope! I'm pretty sure my friend would book a flight to my country and hunt me down if I did, as I did promise to actually finish it this time around. And I have a shit ton of ideas for the story.

So that was all I wished to say. The first chapter should be done in February, depending on how many tests I have in school. Now that is all, I hope you have a great day/night, or what time it may be for you. If anyone of you has any ideas for the rewrite, feel free to tell me. I'm always happy to listen to peoples ideas or requests.