It was a sunny day out on the Going Merry. The Straw Hat Pirates had just left Drum Island's winter climate, and in all honesty they were getting bored. Usopp was in the crow's nest when all of a sudden, "LUFFY! I SEE LAND!" Luffy was no less of ecstatic. He immediately jumped on Merry's figurehead, grinning like an idiot and laughing like a madman. "Awesome!" He shouted. The island was coming into view and it was quite tiny. Luffy sighed in disappointment. "Don't worry Luffy maybe there's something underground?" Chopper tried to sound reassuring even though it came out more as a question. Luffy didn't notice Chopper's hesitation and brightened up. Like the idiot captain he was he jumped off of the ship without warning once it was close enough to the shore. "That idiot!" Zoro yelled obviously annoyed with his captain. "Let's go get him. I doubt that there's anyone here so there's no need to worry about anyone stealing the ship, and looking at it now there probably isn't any danger. Anchor the ship and we'll go out!" Nami ordered.

Everyone complied without any complains, because she was right. The island was surrounded by deep waters ,but there wasn't any sea life. No fish, No corals, no nothing. The sea almost seemed dead,but it was still a healthy see through blue that glistened under the sun. There were no signs of civilisation on the outside,and there wasn't any signs of any animals other than insects and the other minor organisms. Nothing dangerous,at all. Beyond the beach was a miniature forest,but you didn't need any maps or any navigation skills to get through it. Hell even Zoro could get through it without getting lost! The crew chased after their captain and found him right in front of a deep and dark cave. "Let's go in." Luffy said suddenly serious. Something didn't feel right to Luffy. Something was going on, something terrible and dangerous. The crew tried to resist,but Luffy just waltzed right in and they were forced to follow. The deeper they went the less light flowed through.

They must have been below sea level by now, because it was completely dark. Vivid and Nami were holding onto Sanji, something they normally wouldn't do. Sanji was surprisingly calm, well he had his guard up and didn't actually pay attention to the two girls clinging to his arms. Chopper was trembling barely clinging to Zoro's left leg. Usopp was walking right next to Luffy attempting to be brave, and navigate through the dark. They were walking in complete silence and darkness. It was a bit weird how the cave gave off the feeling of it being man made. The ceilings were high,and the floor was even. There wasn't any sharp edges, no nothing like that. It was as if you were walking in a long hallway, except there was no sunlight. They just walked straight waiting for the end of the cave, going down and down. Without knowing what lays ahead. The girls were to scared to talk, the boys were in inner turmoil. Well all except Luffy, he was dead set on getting to the end of the cave.

Then a light appeared at the end of the dark road they were walking. It was tiny ,but Luffy knew that was where they needed to go. It just...called out to him. Luffy started running picking up the pace, and the others ran after him. They all occasionally let out curses of complaints. "DAMN IT LUFFY SLOW DOWN!" "LUFFY YOU'RE GOING TO FAST!" "DON'T LEAVE US BEHIND!" Then all of a sudden Luffy stopped as still as the calm belt,yet as hard as a wall. The others crashed into him and Zoro was about to ask why he stopped until he looked up. They didn't notice when the light grew so close, but now it was right in front of them. And what they saw was absolutely terrifying. The light was not as bright as it was before and it was solid now. Within the now solid light was a human body.

They stared in shock of what was before them. The light had became solid and was now a giant crystal. And right before them inside the crystal was a human girl. She had long beautiful blonde hair that went down a little below her buttocks. Her face held a sad expression with closed eyes. She was holding her hands together in a praying form. On her right hand was a pink tattoo, what it was supposed to look like none of the straw hats knew. Although the most surprising about the girl was that the only form of clothing she had on her was a white scaled scarf. It was wrapped around her neck and went down to her nether regions covering it.

Sanji started blushing like a madman and was sent flying from his nose bleed. Usopp and Zoro both had a small blush on their faces. Chopper was staring at the crystal in confusion and amazement, if the woman was alive it would be a new medical subject to work on, not the woman but the crystal. Vivi and Nami was mostly shocked and stared at the woman. But Nami quickly snapped out of her shock and hit all the boys hard on the head.

"What do you four think you're looking at?! Have you no shame, she's in her nude!" Nami yelled as she made sure they didn't look at the woman. Even though she was curious about the woman. Making sure that the boys didn't look at her was also important. She wouldn't accept them being perverts, especially towards someone that was unconscious. The four idiots rubbed the bumps on their heads as they gave an apology to Nami.

"So what should we do with her?" Chopper asked as he walked closer to the crystal. Everything about this was so very strange. He had never seen or heard about anything like this. What exactly was that crystal, and why did it have a human in it? From the looks of it the crystal must have been there for quite some time. Because plants had already started to grow on the sides of the crystal. But even so the crystal looked like it was just polished. It was clean and shiny, and there was no problem seeing what was inside of it.

"Shesh you're really dumb sometimes. We are gonna get her out of there and then I'm gonna ask her to join my crew!" Luffy laughed like it was the most obvious thing in the world. To him making a person that was stuck in a crystal join his crew was an awesome idea. He was sure they must have some awesome stories to tell. Like the one about how they got into the crystal.

"WHAT!" The whole crew, including Vivi, except Luffy yelled staring at Luffy in shock. All of them stood there gaping at Luffy wonder how the hell they ended up with such an idiot for a captain, or savior in Vivi's case. He was just too much to handle sometimes, or rather pretty much always.

Lucy's POV

I heard voices I didn't recognise, in my quiet prison. I must be going insane hearing people talk. There isn't anyone left anymore except me. But even if I'm going insane it's nice to hear voices for once. Everything is always so cold and dark. Hearing these voices is a good change for once. I don't like this place, it's not nice in anyway. I miss the warmth that Natsu used to give me. The warmth of Fairy Tail's laughter and smiles. A warmth of family and friends, something that I haven't felt in so very long.

"It must be boring to be stuck in a crystal, I wonder if she eats or pops?" There the voice was once again. It was nice to hear it again. Even though it was quite a strange question. It sounds like something Natsu and Happy would have said. Oh how I miss having them around, to think that I once again would miss their stupidity. But I do wonder what the voice is talking about. Have I gone so insane from my loneliness that my brain is creating voices. To make me think think there would be a way for me to escape the lacrima? If so then I'm not sure if I should cry or laugh. Not that I can do either of those things, but I can always do it in my head.

"YOU MORON DON'T SAY SUCH THINGS ABOUT A LADY" A new voice yelled, from what I could tell it sounded like a man. The way he speaks remind me of Loke yelling at Natsu. In a way thinking about that makes me sad, yet also extremely happy.

Normal POV

"YOU MORON DON'T SAY SUCH THINGS ABOUT A LADY" Sanji yelled at Luffy while kicking him in the back. After being sent flying into a fall from his nosebleed Sanji realized something. She was a lady in her nudes in front of males, and the beautiful lady didn't seem to be able to do anything about it. Sanji was a gentleman after all so it was his duty to protect her honor until she woke up.

Sanji stomped up to the front of the group, attempting to cover the crystal with his arms. "None of you bastards are gonna get close to her!" He shouted while glaring at every male in the room. "Huh?!" Zoro exclaims "Why not?" Luffy asked innocently as if he didn't know why he wasn't allowed to be near his soon to be crew member. "Because she's naked!" Sanji explains. Nami just sighs. "Oh, who cares!" Zoro said with an annoyed tone. "What do you mean who cares?!" Sanji asked with anger filled eyes. "I mean who cares if she's naked!" Zoro exclaimed addressing Sanji as if he was an idiot. "Why you stupid moss head!" Sanji yelled while glaring at Zoro. That one insult resulted in a huge fight. Sanji and Zoro exchanged blows until Zoro was caught off guard. He only had enough time to block Sanji's kick with one of his swords, and ended up smashing into the crystal. Right upon impact the crystal shattered into specks of gold. Everyone's eyes were on the body that didn't fall to the ground. The female within the crystal wasn't injured, she wasn't even awake, and yet she did not fall to the ground. It was as if something invisible was keeping her up in place. Zoro was on the floor only a few feet away. Right when Luffy was about to speak one eye opened. Followed by the next. Her eyes were dull and lifeless, it looked as if there wasn't any life within them. As if she were nothing but a porcelain doll. However when she took in her surroundings and attire she only uttered one word, "Huh?"

A/N: This is my first One Piece fanfiction, so I apologise if some characters aren't acting like they should. If so please tell me so I can better myself. Also if you enjoy this please tell, I want to know if you want me to continue or not. The end ship for Lucy is not decided, so if you want a surtant ship please tell me so I can take it into consideration and so I will know what the readers want. Now I wish you a good day, or night, depending where you are and when you are reading this. I also hope you have enjoyed reading this story.