Titanium Squad Saga Book One:
Senate Abduction

Author's Note:
This is the first book in the Titanium Squad Saga and my first time using
Disclaimer : I do not own Star Wars the clone wars or any of it's characters. They are property of Lucasfilm. However, Titanium Squad belongs to me.

Chapter One
It was a fine morning aboard the Resolute Command. Most of the clones were either in the mess hall, or lounging in their barracks. This was no ordinary morning however. A new batch of clones were being flown in fresh from Kamino. Even with all the excitement about instigating new clones into the 501st, Anakin Skywalker had a troubled look on his face. He had just gotten word that the Chancellor requested him back on Coruscant immediately. Several members of the Senate had been found dead in their offices, and the Chancellor feared that Senator Amidala might be next.

" You alright there General Skywalker? you seem awfully distracted sir." Anakin turned and saw Captain Rex behind him, a worried look was etched on his normally stoic face. " I'm alright Rex. Just this whole senate serial killer thing has me rattled a bit. That's all." " You're worried that your wife might be next on this killer's list, aren't you." Rex said as he put his hand on Anakin's shoulder. Anakin was worried. He knew Padmé could hold her own in a fight, but with her not being force-sensitive, he was worried that the killer would get her from behind. That was what made him worry the most.

" Excuse me General, Captain? a gunship is arriving out of hyperspace from Kamino." a trooper said as he approached the two. " Cmon Rex, let's go greet the new batch shall we." Anakin said as he and Rex walked towards the gunship. as the ship landed, out came 3 regular clones and 1 ARC-Trooper. This caught Anakin and Rex by suprise. They were expecting 4 rookies, but instead they got 3 rookies and an ARC-Trooper in this batch. " Good morning gentlemen. I am General Anakin Skywalker and this is Captain Rex. Welcome to the 501st legion. please identify yourselves."

The first clone stepped forward. " CT 64-9807, but my brothers call me Drago sir." The next clone stepped up. " CT 22-5743, but I go by the name of Raptor sir." The third trooper stepped forward. " CT 36-2985, I prefer to be called Wildcard sir." The ARC-Trooper was next. ARC-27-0985, but you can call me Brick." Anakin smiled. he had good feeling about this batch of clones. "Alright gentlemen listen up, you are here to follow mine and General Skywalker's orders. Am I clear?!" " Sir yes sir" the clones shouted in unison. Rex smiled as the clones stood at attention, awaiting orders from the general.

And that is the end of Chapter one. Please Review, and I will get Chapter two going

-Jedi Master 325