Before Mattie knew it, her first semester at uni was officially halfway over and Mattie had passed all of her midterms. She finally found the right balance between her classes and the homework and even found herself hanging out more and more with the Elster's. Specifically Leo, but that was because of having to work on this program now. They would meet whenever they had any free time.

In fact, it seemed she was always with Leo now, even if she was with his family, she had originally been with him.

Now that she was finding herself constantly surrounded by the Elster's, Mattie found it harder to keep her daily updates to Hobb a secret. And it wasn't because they were living up to Fred's nickname of the Nosy Elster's. No, Mattie just felt a growing unease with every update she sent to Hobb. They only had one break through so far and it was passing one firewall to come up against another.

Hobb didn't seem to be impatient at all. In fact, he never respond to any of her emails and if it wasn't for the small nods he would give her after his class, Mattie would have doubted he was even reading the emails.

Her unease reached an all-time high hours before they left for mid-term break. The Elster's were going to spend the four days at Fred's cabin in the country and he extended the invitation to Flash and Mattie. Mattie was ready for a breath of fresh air, but of course, Leo wanted to work on the code while they still could. Internet was spotty at best at Fred's cabin.

She and Leo were two hours early in meeting everyone in the dorm lobby. But it was their own plan, in order to get some work done right before they left.

Mattie rubbed here eyes, feeling as if they were about to pop out of their sockets from how long she had been staring at the screen. But her attention was quickly pulled away from her physical discomfort as a particular code caught her eye. "Hey, have you noticed this before?"

Leo finished typing something out before looking at Mattie's screen. He furrowed his brow, grunted, then turned back to his computer. "Yeah, about two days ago. It's a dead end. I've already followed it through."

Mattie double clicked, scrolled through some options, and began typing. "Are you sure?"

Leo nodded though it was obvious he was half-listening to her.

But Mattie being who she was wanted to see the dead end for herself. She worked with this new code, trying to find a loophole or someway to manipulate it. Half an hour later, she was ready to agree on it being a dead-end, but there was one other thing she wanted to try.

She typed in her own code, waited a bit, then entered the old code combined with the new one. Once it was entered, a file window popped up. There was a single folder in it titled 'Leo.'

Mattie cleared her throat. "Um, Leo? I found something."

Leo snapped his head up and looked at her screen. She could see his jaw clench. "Where?" he asked.

"The code you thought was a dead-end."

His eyes flashed, but he didn't say anything. He double clicked on the folder and found a video file. His breathing grew heavy as the mouse hovered over the video.

Mattie was about to suggest he watch the video later, but he clicked on it before she could gather the words.

The video opened on a kitchen. In the background, you could hear the babbling of a toddler. There was some adjustment on the camera before it stilled and a woman appeared on screen. Leo's breath hitched, but he made no move to turn off the video.

The woman moved a little in her seat. Mattie noticed a twitch she seemed to have in her hands. She looked as if she hadn't slept for weeks. Mattie could already pick out features in the woman that Leo had. Even the bags under her eyes seemed to look exactly like Leo's. This had to be his mother. 'If you're watching this, I guess you really are just as brilliant as your father,' the woman started, giving a watery smile.

"Leo…" Mattie started, but Leo didn't seem to hear her at all. His attention was completely on the woman.

'You know, sometimes it's hard being brilliant. There's all these thoughts running around in your head and you just don't know which one you're supposed to listen to and then they start yelling and arguing with each and it just becomes so loud in your head.' the woman was becoming visibly distressed. The babbling in the background of the video turned into crying. The woman looked past the camera at something.

'Maybe one day you'll understand. You'll know how loud it is and understand that there's really only one thing that can make it peaceful again.' She looked down at her hands, then back up at the camera. A serene peace covered her face despite the crying in the background. 'I love you, Leo.' She got up and the video went black.

Mattie glanced over at Leo just in time to see him roughly wiping away a tear.

"What's the date on this video?" Leo demanded. He took the the computer and began clicking through the file properties, not giving Mattie a chance.

"Leo, wait-"

"She didn't kill herself. Not that day." Leo snapped, finally looking at Mattie.

Mattie pursed her lips. Leo always seemed to be subtly angry, but there was a fury in his eyes that she had never seen before.

Leo looked away again, fingers hovering over the keyboard. "She tried but…" He suddenly slammed the computer shut and shoved it back towards Mattie. He stuffed his own computer in his bag, mumbled a barely coherent sentence, and walked away, leaving Mattie with his bags and completely stunned.

Mattie didn't open her computer again. It was another hour before she was joined again, this time by Max though.

"Mattie, you're here early," he said with his trademark smile. He set his bag down and stared for a moment at Leo's bag, then back at Mattie. "Leo's here already?"

Mattie had learned Max could always sense when something was wrong. So she gave her best smile and made sure her voice had no kind of strain at all. "Oh yeah, he just dropped off his bag with me and then left to go take care of something really quick."

"Take care of what?" Max sat down and didn't break eye contact.

It was hard not to squirm under his gaze. "I don't know. He didn't really say. Just mumbled something and took off." Which wasn't a complete lie.

Max stared at her for a moment longer and Mattie knew he didn't believe her for one second. But he looked away, seeming to decide to drop the subject for the moment.

Flash came soon after Max settled himself and Niska and Mia came around too. Mia, being the mothering one, pestered Mattie for more details about where Leo was and why wasn't he answering his phone. Niska began her teasing, claiming if Mia ever had kids, Leo would still be her favorite. Mia stopped asking for Leo to defend herself against Niska and it soon turned into a sibling argument and Mattie found herself actually laughing along.

During the argument, Max's phone buzzed. It was Fred. He was waiting for them in the campus parking lot. Everyone grabbed their bags, Max picking up Leo's as well.

"Would you call Leo and tell him Fred's here already?" Mia asked.

Mattie didn't want to mention he probably wouldn't pick up her call either. But going from the obvious frustration on Mia's face, Mattie did as she asked. And just as Mattie suspected, Leo didn't answer.

"Don't worry, Mia. I'm sure he'll come around soon." Max reassured.

Mattie couldn't help glancing around as they walked through the courtyard towards the parking lot, hoping to see a mess of black hair.

It wasn't until they approached Fred's car did she finally see that familiar sight in the least expected place. Sitting in the front seat with Fred.

"Leo! Why haven't you answered any of my calls?" Mia demanded, setting her bag and leaning down to speak to him.

"Don't worry, Mia. He was just walking around. I happened to pass by him and picked him up." Fred answered when it became apparent Leo wasn't going to give Mia a satisfactory answer.

Flash began asking all kinds of questions about the cabin as she loaded up her bag and climbed to the back of the SUV. Her questions managed to once again diffuse an awkward Elster interaction. Mattie ended up in the seat just behind Leo. Mattie looked at the side mirror and caught him watching her. But for the rest of the ride, he refused to look at her again.

Mattie sighed as she leaned back and made herself comfortable for the rest of the four hour drive, until a thought struck her.

How was she supposed to put this new breakthrough in her report to Hobb?

Fred's cabin was incredible. He had chickens and a vegetable garden and everything else was bought from other local farmers. Mattie loved her mother's cooking, but when the food was this fresh, it was hard to remember a meal her mother made that was better than what she ate at Fred's.

And there was absolutely no internet the entire time and it was freeing. Surprisingly enough, Niska was the one to show the most internet withdrawals. Mattie was sure Leo was feeling them too, though he wasn't as vocal about it. The only thing that gave it away was his extra surliness. But Mattie knew it was more than just that.

Mattie tried approaching Leo more than once to talk about what happened, but he avoided her as best he could. And everyone noticed.

On the third day, someone finally brought it up. And Mattie thanked whatever God that was out there that it was Fred.

"What happened between you and Leo?" Fred asked. He was direct, much like Niska but not as harsh with his words.

Mattie shrugged, looking down at the remaining tea in her cup. " know, Leo being Leo, I guess."

Fred nodded and consider his next words carefully. He glanced around the room, making sure they were alone before speaking. "Are you working on a program with him?"

At that, Mattie shot her head up. That reaction was answer enough for him.

"It's from Hobb too, isn't it?"

The Elster's, living up to their reputation of being in each other's business at all times. Mattie looked down. "He said he didn't want any of you to know."

"Can't blame him. We can be a bit protective of him. Especially Mia."

Mattie smirked, recalling all the times Mia turned into Mother Mia when Leo was concerned.

"I can reassure you that only Niska and I know. But that's the only thing we know. We don't know what the program is supposed to do, how far he's come on it, or even why Hobb is so interested in it. All we know is that it has something to do with his parents."

"And you want me to spill the beans."

Fred smiled. "No, not if you don't want to. There's a lot that Leo hasn't dealt with concerning his parents. If this program will help him have closure, then by all means, keep helping him. Just watch out for him and don't let him shut you out."

Mattie scoffed a little. "Think it's too late for that last bit."

Fred laughed. "Trust me, he hasn't. Seems like he really want to, but he hasn't yet. If he did, he wouldn't have even bothered coming here."

Oh, Leo. The moody enigma.

"He cares for you too,"

Mattie blinked at that.

Fred's smile became a smirk. "You don't have to believe me, but he has become more tolerable since working with you and has even smiled more than once in the last couple of months."

It was tradition anytime they ended up at Fred's cabin to clear out Fred's fridge of all alcoholic items. They drew lots for who would be the designated driver for tomorrow with everyone hungover and Mattie was the unlucky one.

They built a huge bonfire and gathered stuff for s'mores. Mattie had a couple of beers, but filled her stomach with burnt marshmallows and chocolate. She laughed as Flash and Max began dancing and laughed even more when the teasing started. Max ignored them and even grabbed Niska and Mia up to dance with him as well.

Mattie looked at Leo and could see a drunk smile on his face. He cheered along with everyone else when Fred got up on his own to join the dancing circle. Mattie smiled, amazed to see Leo look so carefree. She never saw this side of him. It surprised her actually. She thought he would be a messy drunk. But instead, he was a happy one.

Leo turned and saw Mattie looking at him. And instead of looking away, his smile only grew and he stumbled towards her. "Mats! Why aren't ya dancin'?" Leo slurred.

Mattie scrunched up her nose at the smell of alcohol on his breath. "Because unlike everyone else, I still have my dignity to maintain." Mattie teased.

Leo laughed loudly at that. Mattie couldn't help laughing along. She didn't think she had ever heard him laugh before. "Do you know how funny you are?"

"Pretty funny if I managed to get a laugh out of you."

He laughed again then turned to face her. He raised a finger and pressed it gently against her nose. "Promise you won't leave me too?"

Mattie inhaled sharply. "Um, Leo…"

"Promise me, Mats?" He bopped her nose and let his finger waver in her face.

Mattie pursed her lips. "All right. I won't...I won't leave."

Leo grinned and leaned forward as if to give her a kiss. But then he lost his balance and fell over, barely missing landing in her lap. He burst into laughter as he rolled on to his back.

Mattie on the other hand, found it very hard to catch her breath and the comfortable warmth from the fire suddenly felt like too much.

Just as predicted, everyone except Mattie was too hungover to even consider driving. Mattie would've enjoyed having this over everyone, but after her conversation with Fred and then with Leo's words last night, her mind was reeling.

Leo was back to his surly mood and didn't seem to have any recollection of what he said. That was perfectly fine with Mattie. Just another interaction with Leo Elster that she could pretend never happened.

They loaded up in the SUV and Mattie was surprised when Leo climbed into the front seat with her. But nobody said anything, only to complain about a headache or the sun being too bright. Half an hour on the road and everyone was out.

Everyone but Leo.

Mattie didn't try making conversation with him. Why bother when he would probably just mumble an answer?

"I'm sorry about...the other day." Leo said softly.

It caught Mattie off guard. He wasn't referring to last night though. So which instance was it?

"It's just...I'd never seen that video before and…"

Ah, yes. The beginning of all this mess. "You were upset. It's fine to be upset." Mattie said, glancing in the mirror to make sure everyone else really were asleep.

Leo shook his head, then winced. "No, it's…" He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "It was the anniversary of her death that day. The others...they don't...I never told them when it happened. I was seven and I...I found her and…she left me..."

Mattie reached out and grabbed his hand. "But now you have a whole new family here that won't leave you," Mattie glanced at him. "Me included."

Something flickered in his eyes and Mattie wondered if maybe he did remember what happened last night. But he just smiled at her and squeezed her hand.