Title: My Magic Sister

Characters: Petunia Dursley & Lily Evans Potter

Prompts: Violet- write about Petunia Dursley or Pansy Parkinson.

Word Count: 564

Petunia glared at the flower in front of her. She scrunched her face together in deep concentration and glared at the colourful plant but nothing happened. It remained beautiful, not yet fully grown, and unaware of what the young girl was trying to make it do. Petunia felt her heart beat quicker inside of her chest. She wanted it so badly. Lily had made her flower grow; why wouldn't Petunia do the same?

"Stupid flower!" Petunia said angrily and pushed the pot to the floor. It broke into what looked like a million pieces and dirt was spread across the otherwise perfect floor.

Petunia sat with her back against her bed, pulled her legs to her body and wrapped her arms around her legs. Her chest felt tight and her eyes were burning from tears yet to be shed. The scowl grew on her face as her vision became blurry and when the door opened she couldn't see her sister clearly.

"What did you do to the flower?" Lily asked as she sat down on her knees in front of the dirty.

Petunia shrugged as she watched Lily use her hands to move it from the floor and into the bin just under her desk. "I pushed it."

"Why did you do that for?" Lily asked with a frown on her face. "It just seems really unnecessary."

"Because I'm angry." Petunia replied as she looked down on the ground in front of her. "I'm angry because you're going away to some amazing school and I'm stuck here. I'm angry because you're just leaving me and you don't really seem to care at all about how that's making me feel."

Lily stopped cleaning the dirt from the floor. She stayed on seated on the floor but now with her hands hanging by her sides as she looked at her sister. Petunia looked shrunken. Lily tilted her head to the side, it looked as if someone had taken her sister and made her smaller both in length and in width. It was an unusual sight to see Petunia like that. Lily didn't like it.

"Of course, I'm thinking about you." Lily said with a slight smile on her face. "You're my sister and I am going to miss you so much when I go. I wish you could come with me so I wouldn't have to be alone."

Petunia felt the anger inside of her lessening as she watched her sister. She wanted to be angry at Lily for leaving her behind but it was really hard when she looked at Petunia with those green eyes and that smile; it was the same smile she gave Petunia when they had gotten away with something they shouldn't have done. It was the smile that showed nothing but sisterly love. And that kind of love couldn't be faked.

"I wish I could go with you." Petunia admitted with a broken voice as the tears ran down her cheeks.

Lily moved across the room to sit down next to her and she wrapped her arms around Petunias shoulders. "I wish you could come with me too." She whispered. "I'm sorry that you're not a witch. But please don't be mad at me, please don't hate me?"

Petunia laughed through her tears. Hate Lily? What an idea. Petunia shook her head. "I could never hate you. You're my magic sister."

The end