Hi guys! It's been forever!!! So i have two exciting things to announce:

1.) Someone has decided to adopt this story!! Go check out @Skylerblue because they are going to write this story to their best abilities! I'm so excited!!! I will definitely be reading this new, better, story and commenting all the time!! I lowkey hope me and this person become friends, but I'm very awkward so there's a high possibility this won't happen!

2.) I'M PUBLISHING MY OWN BOOK ON WATTPAD!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHH! The introduction and first three chapters will be out late November! It's called "Named by the Dead" and this is the synopsis:

"Each and every time someone asked his name, it would change along with the life story behind it. George the accountant. Jose the pilot. Fred the plumber. Even though everyone knew it was a front, no one knew what his actual name was, where he got the names, how old he was, or where he even came from. Until Her. No one bothered to ask about him as a person. Until Her. No one bothered to stick around and unravel his secrets. Until Her. And she unraveled them all."

My account if you want to check it out is @cwrites_stories see you there ;) and go check the new and improved version of this story!!